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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2022


  • Bravo, Miguel A.
  • Román, Isidro
  • Andreu, Ana C.
  • Arribas, Rosa
  • Márquez-Ferrando, Rocío
  • Díaz-Delgado, Ricardo
  • Bustamante, Javier
Dataset are structured following well-established data formats. Three files are provided. The first file (Meta-data) contains the information of each event (time of occurrence, geographical coordinates, Ecosystem, Sampling mehtod, etc…); the second file (Fish) contains the information of the occurrences of fish species recorded in each station, taxonomic classification, etc…; and the third file (Macroinvertebrates) provide information of the occurrences of macroinvertebrates recorded in each station, taxonomic classification, abundance clases, etc…, The monitoring of the macroinvertebrates and fish community in Doñana wetlands was initiated in 2004 as part of the Monitoring Program of Natural Resources and Processes. The aim was to obtain a temporal and continuous series of data in the abundance and distribution of macroinvertebrates and fish species to analyze the evolution of their numbers and estimates biodiversity values. Data were recorded annually between 2004-2019 by more than 2 members of the monitoring team which performed samplings in different locations twice per year in winter-spring and summer seasons when the study sites are flooded. The macroinvertebrates and fishes were sampled at the 140 stations classified according to their location (on either aeolian sands or marshland). Funnel traps were used as a sampling method. Between 5-9 funnel traps were randomly distributed (until 50 cm of depth) in each location, depending of the flooded area and depth. The traps were left for 24 hours and emptied the content into white sorting pans. Individuals were counted and identified until the maximun taxonomic level in the field and realease. During samplings, it was identified 66 and 16 families, of macroinvertebrates and fishes respectively. The most abundances were Notonectidae and Corixidae in macroinvertebrates, and Poecilidae and Cyprinidae in fishes. Data recorded during the surveys included species identification, number of individuals, sex and life stage (pupa, larvae, inmature, adult) of the organisms when possible, as well as the time and georreferenced data of the observation. Between 2004-2007 data was registered in Excel file and since 2008 data was recorded in CyberTracker sequence). The protocol used has been supervised by researchers and the data have been validated by the members who performed the sampling., We acknowledge financial support from National Parks Autonomous Agency (OAPN) between 2002-2007; Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructures from the Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry (ICTS-MICINN); Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development from the Regional Government of Andalusia (CAGPDES-JA) since 2007; and Doñana Biological Station from the Spanish National Research Council (EBD-CSIC) since all the study period (2005)., 1. Metadata: Taxa group, Site ID, Site name, Country, y coordinate, x coordinate, Ecosystem River/lake name, Sampling method, Starting year, Ending year, 1st Name, 1st Mail, 2nd Name, 2nd Mail, 3rd Name, 3rd Mail.-- 2. Fish: Site ID, Sample ID, Sampling date, Taxon name, Taxon ID, Definition of abundance class, Abundance class.-- 3. Macroinvertebrates: Site ID, Sample ID, Sampling date, Taxon name, Taxon ID, 0+, 1+, Adult, All., Peer reviewed

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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2022


  • Escobedo, Susana
  • Pérez de Pipaon, Mikel
  • Rendueles Martínez, Claudia
  • Rodríguez González, Ana
  • Martínez Fernández, Beatriz
See linked publication for a full description of the methods., Lactococcus lactis and Lactococcus cremoris are widely used as starters in the food industry but its activity may be compromised by bacteriophages, viruses that exclusively infect bacteria. Thus, a huge effort has been put to develop lactococcal phage-resistant strains. This dataset describes the results of experiments designed to test the hypothesis if a thwarted endolysin activity influences the outcome of phage infection. To this end, turbidity reduction assays were performed with Lys1358 and LysC2, endolysins with CHAP and lysozyme catalytic domains, respectively. Lactococcus mutants either overexpressing or lacking genes involved in the cell envelope stress (CES) response or in modifying peptidoglycan (PG) composition were used as substrate cells. Reduced activity on cells with an induced CES response was detected for both endolysins, while LysC2 showed increased activity against cells depleted of the PG deacetylase PgdA and the O-acetyl transferase OatA. By measuring several growth parameters of phage c2 on these mutants (lytic score, efficiency of plaquing, plaque size and one-step curves), we could not stablish a direct link between a reduced or enhanced exolytic activity of endolysin and phage performance., Grants AYUD/2021/52120 (Program of Science, Technology and Innovation 2021-2023 and FEDER EU, Principado de Asturias, Spain), grant BIO2017-88147-R (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”) and grant PID2020-119697RB-I00 (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). C.R is a fellow of the program “Ayudas Severo Ochoa” of the Principality of Asturias (BP20 006), Peer reviewed

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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2022


  • Palomar Sanz, Teresa
  • Martínez-Weinbaum, Marina
  • Aparicio, Mario
  • Maestro-Guijarro, Laura
  • Castillejo, Marta
  • Oujja, Mohamed
The study was undertaken in eleven flashed glass samples, provided by LambertsGlas® consisting of a colorless base glass covered by layers of different colors and thicknesses. This dataset consists of images of the samples; Laser-induced Breakdown Spectrocopy (LIBS) spectra; Laser-induced Fluorescence (LIF) spectra; Optical Microscopy (OM) images; UV-Vis-IR spectra and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) images and the assingment of the Energy-dispersive X-ray (EDS) analysis. This information allows characterizing the composition of both sides of the glasses and determining the chemilcal identification of chromophores responsible for the flashed glass coloration. Images are presented in JPG. All spectra are presented in cvs format, in a single page. Descriptions of the samples and the experimental conditions in which the spectra were taken and the name of the column values are included at the top of each page. For LIBS, 1 file per sample of elemental composition of the flashed glasses are included. Each file is composed of 2 columns (wavelength and intensity). For LIF, 1 file per sample of the analysis of fluorescent species of each flashed glass are included. Each file is composed of 2 columns (wavelength and intensity). For UV-Vis-IR spectroscopy, 1 file per sample of glass chromophores, just for the colored side. Each file is composed of 2 columns (wavelength and intensity). For FESEM-EDS, 2 files per sample. In the first one: "PHOTOS", 1 cross section image per sample is included. In the second group of files: "EDS", 1 file per sample of the assignment of the main elements. Each file is composed of 3 columns (the main elements, the results of the glass base and the colored layer in weight percentage, respectively). -- This dataset is subject to a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License., This is the experimental dataset used in the paper Appl. Sci., 12(11), 5760 (2022) ( Flashed glasses are composed of a base glass and a thin colored layer and have been used since medieval times in stained glass windows. Their study can be challenging because of their complex composition and multilayer structure. In the present work, a set of optical and spectroscopic techniques have been used for the characterization of a representative set of flashed glasses commonly used in the manufacture of stained glass windows. The structural and chemical composition of the pieces were investigated by optical microscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (FESEM-EDS), UV-Vis-IR spectroscopy, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF). Optical microscopy and FESEM-EDS allowed the determination of the thicknesses of the colored layers, while LIBS, EDS, UV-Vis-IR, and LIF spectroscopies served for elemental, molecular, and chromophores characterization of the base glasses and colored layers. Results obtained using the micro-invasive LIBS technique were compared with those retrieved by the cross-sectional technique FESEM-EDS, which requires sample taking, and showed significant consistency and agreement. In addition, LIBS results revealed the presence of additional elements in the composition of flashed glasses that could not be detected by FESEM-EDS. The combination of UV-Vis-IR and LIF results allowed precise chemical identification of chromophores responsible for the flashed glass coloration., This research has been funded by the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) through project PID2019-104124RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, the Fundación General CSIC (ComFuturo Programme), by project TOP Heritage-CM (S2018/NMT-4372) from Community of Madrid, and by the H2020 European project IPERION HS (Integrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science, GA 871034)., There are 5 files which correspond to each technic employed for the analysis of the eleven different samples. The file title "PHOTOS" contains: Fig. 1_Flashedglasses_Photo; Fig. 2_OM_Photo. The file title “LIBS” contains: LIBS_Black-Baseglass; LIBS_Black-Coloredlayer; LIBS_Blue1-Baseglass; LIBS_Blue1-Coloredlayer; LIBS_Blue2-Baseglass; LIBS_Blue2-Coloredlayer; LIBS_Blue3-Baseglass; LIBS_Blue3-Coloredlayer; LIBS_Brown1-Baseglass; LIBS_Brown1-Coloredlayer; LIBS_Brown2-Baseglass; LIBS_Brown2-Coloredlayer; LIBS_Green1-Baseglass; LIBS_Green1-Coloredlayer; LIBS_Green2-Baseglass; LIBS_Green2-Coloredlayer; LIBS_Green3-Baseglass; LIBS_Green3-Coloredlayer; LIBS_Pink1-Baseglass; LIBS_Pink1-Coloredlayer; LIBS_Pink2-Baseglass; LIBS_Pink2-Coloredlayer. The file for “LIF” contains: LIF_Black-Baseglass; LIF_Black-Coloredlayer; LIF_Blue1-Baseglass; LIF_Blue1-Coloredlayer; LIF_Blue2-Baseglass; LIF_Blue2-Coloredlayer; LIF_Blue3-Baseglass; LIF_Blue3-Coloredlayer; LIF_Brown1-Baseglass; LIF_Brown1-Coloredlayer; LIF_Brown2-Baseglass; LIF_Brown2-Coloredlayer; LIF_Green1-Baseglass; LIF_Green1-Coloredlayer; LIF_Green2-Baseglass; LIF_Green2-Coloredlayer; LIF_Green3-Baseglass; LIF_Green3-Coloredlayer; LIF_Pink1-Baseglass; LIF_Pink1-Coloredlayer; LIF_Pink2-Baseglass; LIF_Pink2-Coloredlayer. For the “FESEM-EDS” there are two files inside. One title "EDS" which contains the documents: EDS_Black; EDS_Blue1; EDS_Blue2; EDS_Blue3; EDS_Brown1; EDS_Brown2; EDS_Brown2; EDS_Green1; EDS_Green2; EDS_Green3; EDS_Pink1; EDS_Pink2. And the other called "PHOTOS" which contains: FESEM_Black; FESEM_Blue1; FESEM_Blue2; FESEM_Blue3; FESEM_Brown1; FESEM_Brown2; FESEM_Green1; FESEM_Green2; FESEM_Green3; FESEM_Pink1; FESEM_Pink2., Peer reviewed

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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2018


  • Friedlander, Alan M.
  • Ballesteros, Enric
  • Bell, Tom W.
  • Giddens, Jonatha
  • Henning, Brad
  • Hüne, Mathias
  • Muñoz, Alex
  • Salinas-de-León, Pelayo
  • Sala, Enric
Cape_Horn_invertebrate_data Data collected in the field. Excel file format. Region: Fjords, Cape Horn, Diego Ramirez Island: Canel Barbara, Diego Ramirez, Isla Grevy, Isla Hermite, Isla Herschel, Isla Hornos, Isla Wollaston Station: 1-18 Sample: 1, 2 Date: dd-MMM-yr Lat: Latitude – decimal degrees WGS84 Long: Longitude - decimal degrees WGS84 Depth: M Species: Scientific name Count: number Num_m^2: Number per meter squared Cape_Horn_fish_data Data collected in the field. Excel file format. Region: Fjords, Cape Horn, Diego Ramirez Island: Canel Barbara, Diego Ramirez, Isla Grevy, Isla Hermite, Isla Herschel, Isla Hornos, Isla Wollaston Station: 1-18 Sample: 1, 2 Date: dd-MMM-yr Lat: Latitude – decimal degrees WGS84 Long: Longitude - decimal degrees WGS84 Depth: M Species: Scientific name Count: number Num_m^2: Number per meter squared, The vast and complex coast of the Magellan Region of extreme southern Chile possesses a diversity of habitats including fjords, deep channels, and extensive kelp forests, with a unique mix of temperate and sub-Antarctic species. The Cape Horn and Diego Ramírez archipelagos are the most southerly locations in the Americas, with the southernmost kelp forests, and some of the least explored places on earth. The giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera plays a key role in structuring the ecological communities of the entire region, with the large brown seaweed Lessonia spp. forming dense understories. Kelp densities were highest around Cape Horn, followed by Diego Ramírez, and lowest within the fjord region of Francisco Coloane Marine Park (mean canopy densities of 2.51 kg m-2, 2.29 kg m-2, and 2.14 kg m-2, respectively). There were clear differences in marine communities among these sub-regions, with the lowest diversity in the fjords. We observed 18 species of nearshore fishes, with average species richness nearly 50% higher at Diego Ramírez compared with Cape Horn and Francisco Coloane. The number of individual fishes was nearly 10 times higher at Diego Ramírez and 4 times higher at Cape Horn compared with the fjords. Dropcam surveys of mesophotic depths (53-105 m) identified 30 taxa from 25 families, 15 classes, and 7 phyla. While much of these deeper habitats consisted of soft sediment and cobble, in rocky habitats, echinoderms, mollusks, bryozoans, and sponges were common. The southern hagfish (Myxine australis) was the most frequently encountered of the deep-sea fishes (50% of deployments), and while the Fueguian sprat (Sprattus fuegensis) was the most abundant fish species, its distribution was patchy. The Cape Horn and Diego Ramírez archipelagos represent some of the last intact sub-Antarctic ecosystems remaining and a recently declared large protected area will help ensure the health of this unique region., Peer reviewed

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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2018


  • Bird, Christopher Stephen
  • Veríssimo, Ana
  • Magozzi, Sarah
  • Abrantes, Kátya G.
  • Aguilar, Alex
  • Al-Reasi, Hassan
  • Barnett, Adam
  • Bethea, Dana M.
  • Biais, Gérard
  • Borrell, Asunción
  • Bouchoucha, Marc
  • Boyle, Mariah
  • Brooks, Edward J.
  • Brunnschweiler, Juerg
  • Bustamante, Paco
  • Carlisle, Aaron
  • Catarino, Diana
  • Caut, Stéphane
  • Cherel, Yves
  • Chouvelon, Tiphaine
  • Churchill, Diana
  • Ciancio, Javier
  • Claes, Julien
  • Colaço, Ana
  • Courtney, Dean L.
  • Cresson, Pierre
  • Daly, Ryan
  • De Necker, Leigh
  • Endo, Tetsuya
  • Figueiredo, Ivone
  • Frisch, Ashley J.
  • Hansen, Joan Holst
  • Heithaus, Michael
  • Hussey, Nigel E.
  • Iitembu, Johannes
  • Juanes, Francis
  • Kinney, Michael J.
  • Kiszka, Jeremy J.
  • Klarian, Sebastian A.
  • Kopp, Dorothée
  • Leaf, Robert
  • Li, Yunkai
  • Lorrain, Anne
  • Madigan, Daniel J.
  • Maljković, Aleksandra
  • Malpica-Cruz, Luis
  • Matich, Philip
  • Meekan, Mark G.
  • Ménard, Frédéric
  • Menezes, Gui M.
  • Munroe, Samantha E.M.
  • Newman, Michael C.
  • Papastamatiou, Yannis P.
  • Pethybridge, Heidi
  • Plumlee, Jeffrey D.
  • Polo-Silva, Carlos
  • Quaeck-Davies, Katie
  • Raoult, Vincent
  • Reum, Jonathan
  • Torres-Rojas, Yassir Eden
  • Shiffman, David S.
  • Shipley, Oliver N.
  • Speed, Conrad W.
  • Staudinger, Michelle D.
  • Teffer, Amy K.
  • Tilley, Alexander
  • Valls, Maria
  • Vaudo, Jeremy J.
  • Wai, Tak-Cheung
  • Wells, R. J. David
  • Wyatt, Alex S. J.
  • Yool, Andrew
  • Trueman, Clive N.
Bird_etal_shark_trophic_geography Carbon isotope data compiled from muscle tissues of 5394 sharks from 114 species. Data provided include d13C values, latitude of capture, designation as shelf, slope or oceanic shark, length, depth of capture (where available), C/N ratios of muscle, and lipid extraction method if used. Also included are phytoplankton d13C data modelled from Magozzi et al 2016 (Ecosphere 8(5):e01763. 10.1002/ecs2.1763). Model data expressed as the median and standard deviation d13C value for the Longhurst Biogeographic province corresponding to the location of shark capture, Sharks are a diverse group of mobile predators that forage across varied spatial scales and have the potential to influence food web dynamics. The ecological consequences of recent declines in shark biomass may extend across broader geographic ranges if shark taxa display common behavioural traits. By tracking the original site of photosynthetic fixation of carbon atoms that were ultimately assimilated into muscle tissues of 5,394 sharks from 114 species, we identify globally consistent biogeographic traits in trophic interactions between sharks found in different habitats. We show that populations of shelf-dwelling sharks derive a substantial proportion of their carbon from regional pelagic sources, but contain individuals that forage within additional isotopically diverse local food webs, such as those supported by terrestrial plant sources, benthic production and macrophytes. In contrast, oceanic sharks seem to use carbon derived from between 30° and 50° of latitude. Global-scale compilations of stable isotope data combined with biogeochemical modelling generate hypotheses regarding animal behaviours that can be tested with other methodological approaches., Peer reviewed

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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2018


  • Navarro-Cano, J. A.
  • Verdú, Miguel
  • Goberna, M.
Navarro-Cano_et_al_2018_JAPPL Nurse traits and soil data used in the paper, 1.Metal mining in drylands generates waste tailings with high toxicity, physical instability, as well as water and thermal stresses, that hamper their biological colonisation. This limits the restoration of ecosystem functions that are essential to re-integrate these artificial micro-deserts within the landscape matrix. 2.We assessed the functional role of local nurse plant species and their traits to restore ecosystem functions related to soil fertility, soil microbial productivity and the reduction of abiotic stress. We sampled 30 metalliferous tailings in a mining district from semiarid Spain to detect nurse plant species and quantify their ability to promote essential functions from their establishment on the barren substrate up to the adult stage. 3.We found 11 plant species acting as nurses out of 102 species able to colonise barren soils. Ten nurses further triggered a cascade of effects increasing soil fertility and microbial productivity and/or lowering soil abiotic stress. 4.Plant species with larger life forms and longer periods of establishment since tailing abandonment contributed the most to the promotion of ecosystem functions. C4 plant species developing root systems with lower intensivity and depth: laterality ratios, as well as leaves with lower carbon: nitrogen ratios (C:N) induced a faster recovery of ecosystem functions. 5.Synthesis and applications. We propose a protocol for selecting key species to be used in restoration programs based on their ability to restore ecosystem functions under extremely stressful conditions. We encourage combination of multiple target species with complementary traits in order to reinforce the rehabilitation of ecosystem functions., Peer reviewed

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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2018


  • Miguel, Maria Florencia
  • Jordano, Pedro
  • Tabeni, Solana
  • Campos, Claudia M.
Plant traits and plant-frugivore interactions data Data collected in the field to assess plant-frugivore interactions and plant traits. The methodologies used were: Camera traps to quantify the number of visits and the number of fruits removed by each frugivore species at each Prosopis flexuosa tree and, vegetation transects using the modified point quadrat method at the microhabitat and habitat scales. Plant traits include individual tree characteristics, neighborhood description, microhabitat and habitat variables. Miguel_etal_datafile.csv, Anthropogenic activities, such as grazing by domestic animals, are considered drivers of environmental changes that may influence the structure of interaction networks. The study of individual-based networks allows testing how species-level interaction patterns emerge from the pooled interaction modes of individuals within populations. Exponential random graph models (ERGMs) examine the global structure of networks by allowing the inclusion of specific node (i.e. interacting partners) properties as explanatory covariates. Here we assessed the structure of individual plant-frugivore interaction networks and the ecological variables that influence the mode of interactions under different land-use (grazed vs ungrazed protected areas). We quantified the number of visits, the number of fruits removed per visit and the interaction strength of mammal frugivore species at each individual tree. Additionally we quantified ecological variables at the individual, microhabitat, neighborhood and habitat scales that generated interaction network structure under the different land uses. Individual plant-frugivore networks were significantly modular in both land uses but the number of modules was higher in the grazed areas. We found interaction networks for grazed and ungrazed lands were structured by phenotypic traits of individual trees, by the microhabitat beneath the tree canopy and were affected by habitat modifications of anthropogenic origin. The neighborhood surrounding each individual plant influenced plant-frugivore interactions only at the grazed-land trees. We conclude that anthropogenic land uses influence the topological patterns of plant-frugivore networks and the frugivore visitation to trees through modification of both habitat complexity and the ecological traits underlying interactions between individual plants and frugivore species., Peer reviewed

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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2018


  • Boada, Jordi
  • Farina, Simone
  • Arthur, Rohan
  • Romero, Javier
  • Prado, Patricia
  • Alcoverro, Teresa
Densities OIKOS Sea urchin densities per size class in two different habitats (macroalgal communities on rocky substrates and Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows). Data were collected by SCUBA in the NW Mediterranean (Catalan Coast, NE Spain) in 8 different sites and 2 periods., Herbivore outbreaks often trigger catastrophic overgrazing events in marine macrophyte ecosystems. The sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, the dominant herbivore of shallow Mediterranean seascapes, is capable of precipitating shifts to barrens when its populations explode. P. lividus is found ubiquitously in rocky macroalgal communities and in sandy seagrass meadows of Posidonia oceanica, two of the most important subtidal habitats in the Mediterranean. We explored if habitat-specific regulation across the principal stages of the urchin life cycle could help explain the persistence of these populations in connected mosaics. We measured each of three relevant ecological process (i.e. settlement, post-settlement survival and predation) across a wide stretch of the Mediterranean coast (ca. 600km). Our results show that habitat-specific regulation is critical in determining urchin populations: each habitat limited urchin sub-populations at different life stages. Settlement was never limiting; urchins settled at similar rates in both habitats across the coast. Post-settlement survival was a clear bottleneck, particularly in seagrass meadows where no juvenile urchins were recorded. Despite this bottleneck in seagrasses, adult urchin populations were very similar in both seagrass and macroalgal habitats indicating that other processes (potentially migration) could be key in determining adult distributions across the mosaic. The fact that population regulation is clearly habitat-specific suggests that sea urchin populations may be significantly buffered from bottlenecks in mixed seascapes where both habitats co-occur. Sea urchin populations can therefore persist across the seascape despite strong habitat-specific regulation either by maintaining reproductive output in one habitat or by migrating between them. By affording these regulatory escapes to habitat-modifying species, patchy mosaics may be much more prone to herbivore outbreaks and a host of cascading effects that come in their wake., Peer reviewed

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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2018


  • Condamine, Fabien L.
  • Rolland, Jonathan
  • Höhna, Sebastian
  • Sperling, Felix A. H.
  • Sanmartín, Isabel
Appendix 1 - GenBank sequences All sequence data used for this study (a file is generated per gene). Appendix 2 - Gene alignments and trees The individual gene alignments as recovered by MAFFT. Results of the Bayesian phylogenetic analyses for each gene, and an explanation of the results. Appendix 3 - Parnassiinae_Fossils_MB The total-evidence matrix (including molecular and morphological data) used for the phylogenetic placement of fossils with MrBayes. Appendix 4 - BEAST files for the dating analyses The BEAST files for the Bayesian dating analyses (the tree prior can be a Yule process or a birth-death model, and the dataset can include or not the morphological data). Appendix 5 - Parnassiinae Distribution The current geographic species distribution data of all Parnassiinae as coded present (1) or absent (0) in all ten geographic areas (Western Palearctic, North Africa, Turkey, Central Asia, Himalaya, India, Mongolia, Siberia, China-Japan, and Western Nearctic). Appendix 6 - Adjacency matrices through time The time-stratified biogeographic model used for DEC analyses (time slices represent geological epochs or stages in the Cenozoic). Appendix 7 - Himalaya and Tibetan paleoaltimetry Paleo-elevation for the Himalayan and Tibetan compiled from the literature. Appendix 8 - Bayesian paleoenvironmental model Description of the Bayesian episodic environment-dependent birth-death model. Appendix 9 - PartitionFinder analyses and results Results of PartitionFinder performed on the concatenated molecular dataset. Appendix 10 - Time-calibrated trees of Parnassiinae Time-calibrated trees of Parnassiinae as estimated by BEAST following four different analyses. Appendix 11 - Bayes factors Dating Results of the model comparison for the dating analyses based on marginal likelihood estimates and Bayes factors. Appendix 12 - Parnassiinae DEC Biogeographic history of Parnassiinae as estimated by DEC. Appendix 13 - DDD Parnassiinae Results from the diversity-dependence diversification analyses in DDD. Appendix 14 - SSE models Results of the MuSSE and GeoSSE analyses performed on 200 trees randomly taken from the Bayesian dating analysis. Models are ranked by AICc. Appendix 15 - MuSSE MCMC difference on speciation rates Plot of the difference between speciation rates between all traits. When the difference overlaps zero (vertical red bar), the speciation rates are not significantly different. Appendix 16 - Robustness of SSE analyses Robustness of the SSE models with simulation tests, HiSSE analyses and an implementation in RevBayes. For the simulation, the difference of fit between the best model and the reference model is shown with the red vertical line for real data, and in black for simulated data. HiSSE and RevBayes agree with the MuSSE models on host plants. Appendix 17 - BAMM analyses Summary of diversification models in BAMM compared across a gradient of values for the Poison process governing the number of rate shifts. Appendix 18 - Credible set of speciation shifts in Parnassiinae Credible set of configuration shifts inferred with BAMM and five different values of the Poison prior. It shows the distinct shift configurations with the highest posterior probability. For each shift configuration, the locations of rate shifts are shown as black circles, with circle size proportional to the marginal probability of the shift. Appendix 19 - BAMM-like RevBayes analyses Rate-through-time plot as inferred with RevBayes for Parnassiinae. Net diversification rates significantly changed and increased along the stem of the genus Parnassius, in agreement with the rates as estimated with BAMM. Appendix 20 - CoMET analyses Rate-through-time plot as inferred with CoMET for Parnassiinae. The analyses detected one possible mass extinction around 15 Ma and one speciation rate shift around 3.5 Ma, in agreement with two TreePar analyses allowing or not the mass extinction. Appendix 21 - Correlation parameters for Bayesian models Credibility intervals of the correlation parameters for the Bayesian (RevBayes) environment-dependent diversification models. Appendix 22 - Relation butterfly diversification and host-plant diversity Correlation (linear regression) between speciation rates as inferred with MuSSE (a) and BAMM (b) and the species richness of host plants on which each parnassiine clade is feeding. In both cases, a strong and positive correlation is found. Scripts and R codes for diversification analyses Scripts for diversification, In macroevolution, the Red Queen (RQ) model posits that biodiversity dynamics depend mainly on species-intrinsic biotic factors such as interactions among species or life-history traits, while the Court Jester (CJ) model states that extrinsic environmental abiotic factors have a stronger role. Until recently, a lack of relevant methodological approaches has prevented the unraveling of contributions from these two types of factors to the evolutionary history of a lineage. Here we take advantage of the rapid development of new macroevolution models that tie diversification rates to changes in paleoenvironmental (extrinsic) and/or biotic (intrinsic) factors. We inferred a robust and fully-sampled species-level phylogeny, as well as divergence times and ancestral geographic ranges, and related these to the radiation of Apollo butterflies (Parnassiinae) using both extant (molecular) and extinct (fossil/morphological) evidence. We tested whether their diversification dynamics are better explained by a RQ or CJ hypothesis, by assessing whether speciation and extinction were mediated by diversity-dependence (niche filling) and clade-dependent host-plant association (RQ) or by large-scale continuous changes in extrinsic factors such as climate or geology (CJ). For the RQ hypothesis, we found significant differences in speciation rates associated with different host-plants but detected no sign of diversity-dependence. For CJ, the role of Himalayan-Tibetan building was substantial for biogeography but not a driver of high speciation, while positive dependence between warm climate and speciation/extinction was supported by continuously varying maximum-likelihood models. We find that rather than a single factor, the joint effect of multiple factors (biogeography, species traits, environmental drivers, and mass extinction) is responsible for current diversity patterns, and that the same factor might act differently across clades, emphasizing the notion of opportunity. This study confirms the importance of the confluence of several factors rather than single explanations in modeling diversification within lineages., Peer reviewed

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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2018


  • Iglesias-Carrasco, Maider
  • Jennions, Michael D.
  • Zajitschek, Susanne
  • Head, Megan L.
Beetle Condition: behaviour and fitness data This is the data for the manuscript Are females in good condition better able to cope with costly males? Data was collected by MIC. All methods are described in the associated manuscript. Column headings are described in the excel spreadsheet. BeetleCondition.xlsx, The costs of mating for a female might depend on both her phenotype and that of her mate. Sexually antagonistic male traits that negatively affect females are often condition-dependent, so a male’s rearing environment can affect the costs he imposes on his mate. Likewise, a female’s ability to resist male-imposed costs might be condition-dependent. We experimentally manipulated female and male body condition in the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus by rearing larvae on a good or poor quality diet. We then tested whether the cost of mating for a female (measured as copulation behaviors associated with sexual conflict as well as her fecundity and survival) depended on her and/or her mate’s body condition. As expected, females in better condition laid more eggs and lived longer, indicating higher fitness. More interestingly, females that mated with males in better condition had shorter copulations and started to kick sooner. Both results are potentially indicative of greater sexual conflict. We suggest that these changes in mating behavior might be driven by the higher toxicity of ejaculates of males that are in better condition. Crucially, however, the lack of any interaction between male and female condition for the variables measured suggests that any increase in the costs of mating with a male in better condition is not ameliorated by the female’s own condition., Peer reviewed

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