Dataset. 2022

Phorid Flies in Mushroom Growing Farms

CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
  • Navarro Lozano, María Jesús
  • Escudero-Colomer, Lucía-Adriana
  • Gea Alegría, Francisco J.
Dipteran species are some of the most serious arthropod pest affecting mushroom crops. The phorid fly Megaselia halterata Wood (Diptera: Phoridea) has traditionally been considered a minor pest throughout the world, althoguh they have repeatedly been a very important pest in Spanish mushroom farms. This datasheet summarizes the information regarding mushroom phorid populations in mushroom farms from Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Over a period of 18 months (six seasons), 18 mushroom crop cycles (three cycles per season) were monitored. There are two data files: “Adult_phorids_CIES_IRTA” and “Immature_phorids_CIES_IRTA”. “Adult_phorids_CIES_IRTA” file comprises data regarding adult phorids caught through the total growing period by means yellow sticky traps, weekly renewed, located in three points of the mushroom facilities: near the front door, in the middle of the farm, and in the back area, near the ventilation hole (“location” in the datasheet). Data value corresponding to number of phorid adults per day, per each location, per each mushroom growing stage, and per each of the studied seasons. “Immature_phorids_CIES_IRTA” file comprise data of phorid immature stages inside of the growing substrate samples. The survey of compost and casing materials was carried out, per duplicate, at different mushroom growing stages, and in the same locations previously explained. Data value corresponding to number of phorid immature stages per each replication of the sample, per each mushroom growing substrate, per each location, per each growing stage, and per each of the studied seasons
CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca

CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
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CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca

CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
Dataset. 2022


CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
  • Navarro Lozano, María Jesús
  • Escudero-Colomer, Lucía-Adriana
  • Gea Alegría, Francisco J.
Dipteran species are some of the most serious arthropod pest affecting mushroom crops. The phorid fly Megaselia halterata Wood (Diptera: Phoridea) has traditionally been considered a minor pest throughout the world, althoguh they have repeatedly been a very important pest in Spanish mushroom farms. This datasheet summarizes the information regarding mushroom phorid populations in mushroom farms from Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Over a period of 18 months (six seasons), 18 mushroom crop cycles (three cycles per season) were monitored. There are two data files: “Adult_phorids_CIES_IRTA” and “Immature_phorids_CIES_IRTA”. “Adult_phorids_CIES_IRTA” file comprises data regarding adult phorids caught through the total growing period by means yellow sticky traps, weekly renewed, located in three points of the mushroom facilities: near the front door, in the middle of the farm, and in the back area, near the ventilation hole (“location” in the datasheet). Data value corresponding to number of phorid adults per day, per each location, per each mushroom growing stage, and per each of the studied seasons. “Immature_phorids_CIES_IRTA” file comprise data of phorid immature stages inside of the growing substrate samples. The survey of compost and casing materials was carried out, per duplicate, at different mushroom growing stages, and in the same locations previously explained. Data value corresponding to number of phorid immature stages per each replication of the sample, per each mushroom growing substrate, per each location, per each growing stage, and per each of the studied seasons