Appendix 1. Supplementary material: Medicated livestock carcasses and landfill sites: Sources of highly toxic veterinary pharmaceuticals and caffeine for avian scavengers
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Herrero-Villar, Marta
- Taggart, Mark A.
- Mateo, Rafael
-Table A1. Compounds analysed by chemical group, including precursor ion, two main fragmented ions, collision energy (CE) and polarity.
-Table A2. Quality control of the analytical method including recovery of the different pharmaceuticals (n = 7 days) at different levels performed in pig liver (31, 63 and 125 ng/g) everyday samples of domestic animal carcasses were processed and analysed, including limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) of the analytical technique, and R2 of matrix-matched calibration curves of each compound made in pig liver.
-Table A3. Quality control of the analytical method including recovery of the different pharmaceuticals (n = 3 days) at different levels performed in chicken liver (31, 63 and 125 ng/g) everyday samples of avian scavenger tissues were processed and analysed, including limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) of the analytical technique, and R2 of matrix-matched calibration curves of each compound made in chicken liver.
-Table A4. Quality control of the analytical method including recovery of the different pharmaceuticals and caffeine (n = 1 days) at different levels performed in partridge plasma (18, 39 and 75 ng/mL) everyday samples of avian scavenger plasma samples were processed and analysed, including limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) of the analytical technique, and R2 of matrix-matched calibration curves of each compound made in partridge plasma.
-Table A5. Veterinary pharmaceutical concentrations detected in domestic animal carcasses by species and tissues supplied at supplementary feeding stations for vultures in Aragon, including average (± SD) and maximum levels (ng/g).
-Table A6. Veterinary pharmaceutical and caffeine concentrations detected in positive samples in plasma from avian scavengers captured in Aragon and nearby regions, including average (± SD), minimum and maximum levels (ng/mL).
-Fig. A1. Map showing the points where avian scavengers were captured, supplementary feeding stations are shown in black and landfills in orange., Peer reviewed
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2023
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Herrero-Villar, Marta
- Taggart, Mark A.
- Mateo, Rafael
-Table A1. Compounds analysed by chemical group, including precursor ion, two main fragmented ions, collision energy (CE) and polarity.
-Table A2. Quality control of the analytical method including recovery of the different pharmaceuticals (n = 7 days) at different levels performed in pig liver (31, 63 and 125 ng/g) everyday samples of domestic animal carcasses were processed and analysed, including limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) of the analytical technique, and R2 of matrix-matched calibration curves of each compound made in pig liver.
-Table A3. Quality control of the analytical method including recovery of the different pharmaceuticals (n = 3 days) at different levels performed in chicken liver (31, 63 and 125 ng/g) everyday samples of avian scavenger tissues were processed and analysed, including limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) of the analytical technique, and R2 of matrix-matched calibration curves of each compound made in chicken liver.
-Table A4. Quality control of the analytical method including recovery of the different pharmaceuticals and caffeine (n = 1 days) at different levels performed in partridge plasma (18, 39 and 75 ng/mL) everyday samples of avian scavenger plasma samples were processed and analysed, including limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) of the analytical technique, and R2 of matrix-matched calibration curves of each compound made in partridge plasma.
-Table A5. Veterinary pharmaceutical concentrations detected in domestic animal carcasses by species and tissues supplied at supplementary feeding stations for vultures in Aragon, including average (± SD) and maximum levels (ng/g).
-Table A6. Veterinary pharmaceutical and caffeine concentrations detected in positive samples in plasma from avian scavengers captured in Aragon and nearby regions, including average (± SD), minimum and maximum levels (ng/mL).
-Fig. A1. Map showing the points where avian scavengers were captured, supplementary feeding stations are shown in black and landfills in orange., Peer reviewed
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