Dataset for the paper "Palomar, T.; Martínez-Weinbaum, Marina; Aparicio, Mario; Maestro-Guijarro, Laura; Castillejo, Marta; Oujja, M. 2022. Spectroscopic and Microscopic Characterization of Flashed Glasses from Stained Glass Windows. Appl. Sci. 12(11): 5760"
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Palomar Sanz, Teresa
- Martínez-Weinbaum, Marina
- Aparicio, Mario
- Maestro-Guijarro, Laura
- Castillejo, Marta
- Oujja, Mohamed
The study was undertaken in eleven flashed glass samples, provided by LambertsGlas® consisting of a colorless base glass covered by layers of different colors and thicknesses.
This dataset consists of images of the samples; Laser-induced Breakdown Spectrocopy (LIBS) spectra; Laser-induced Fluorescence (LIF) spectra; Optical Microscopy (OM) images; UV-Vis-IR spectra and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) images and the assingment of the Energy-dispersive X-ray (EDS) analysis. This information allows characterizing the composition of both sides of the glasses and determining the chemilcal identification of chromophores responsible for the flashed glass coloration. Images are presented in JPG. All spectra are presented in cvs format, in a single page. Descriptions of the samples and the experimental conditions in which the spectra were taken and the name of the column values are included at the top of each page. For LIBS, 1 file per sample of elemental composition of the flashed glasses are included. Each file is composed of 2 columns (wavelength and intensity). For LIF, 1 file per sample of the analysis of fluorescent species of each flashed glass are included. Each file is composed of 2 columns (wavelength and intensity). For UV-Vis-IR spectroscopy, 1 file per sample of glass chromophores, just for the colored side. Each file is composed of 2 columns (wavelength and intensity). For FESEM-EDS, 2 files per sample. In the first one: "PHOTOS", 1 cross section image per sample is included. In the second group of files: "EDS", 1 file per sample of the assignment of the main elements. Each file is composed of 3 columns (the main elements, the results of the glass base and the colored layer in weight percentage, respectively). -- This dataset is subject to a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License., This is the experimental dataset used in the paper Appl. Sci., 12(11), 5760 (2022) ( Flashed glasses are composed of a base glass and a thin colored layer and have been used since medieval times in stained glass windows. Their study can be challenging because of their complex composition and multilayer structure. In the present work, a set of optical and spectroscopic techniques have been used for the characterization of a representative set of flashed glasses commonly used in the manufacture of stained glass windows. The structural and chemical composition of the pieces were investigated by optical microscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (FESEM-EDS), UV-Vis-IR spectroscopy, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF). Optical microscopy and FESEM-EDS allowed the determination of the thicknesses of the colored layers, while LIBS, EDS, UV-Vis-IR, and LIF spectroscopies served for elemental, molecular, and chromophores characterization of the base glasses and colored layers. Results obtained using the micro-invasive LIBS technique were compared with those retrieved by the cross-sectional technique FESEM-EDS, which requires sample taking, and showed significant consistency and agreement. In addition, LIBS results revealed the presence of additional elements in the composition of flashed glasses that could not be detected by FESEM-EDS. The combination of UV-Vis-IR and LIF results allowed precise chemical identification of chromophores responsible for the flashed glass coloration., This research has been funded by the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) through project PID2019-104124RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, the Fundación General CSIC (ComFuturo Programme), by project TOP Heritage-CM (S2018/NMT-4372) from Community of Madrid, and by the H2020 European project IPERION HS (Integrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science, GA 871034)., There are 5 files which correspond to each technic employed for the analysis of the eleven different samples. The file title "PHOTOS" contains: Fig. 1_Flashedglasses_Photo; Fig. 2_OM_Photo. The file title “LIBS” contains: LIBS_Black-Baseglass; LIBS_Black-Coloredlayer; LIBS_Blue1-Baseglass; LIBS_Blue1-Coloredlayer; LIBS_Blue2-Baseglass; LIBS_Blue2-Coloredlayer; LIBS_Blue3-Baseglass; LIBS_Blue3-Coloredlayer; LIBS_Brown1-Baseglass; LIBS_Brown1-Coloredlayer; LIBS_Brown2-Baseglass; LIBS_Brown2-Coloredlayer; LIBS_Green1-Baseglass; LIBS_Green1-Coloredlayer; LIBS_Green2-Baseglass; LIBS_Green2-Coloredlayer; LIBS_Green3-Baseglass; LIBS_Green3-Coloredlayer; LIBS_Pink1-Baseglass; LIBS_Pink1-Coloredlayer; LIBS_Pink2-Baseglass; LIBS_Pink2-Coloredlayer. The file for “LIF” contains: LIF_Black-Baseglass; LIF_Black-Coloredlayer; LIF_Blue1-Baseglass; LIF_Blue1-Coloredlayer; LIF_Blue2-Baseglass; LIF_Blue2-Coloredlayer; LIF_Blue3-Baseglass; LIF_Blue3-Coloredlayer; LIF_Brown1-Baseglass; LIF_Brown1-Coloredlayer; LIF_Brown2-Baseglass; LIF_Brown2-Coloredlayer; LIF_Green1-Baseglass; LIF_Green1-Coloredlayer; LIF_Green2-Baseglass; LIF_Green2-Coloredlayer; LIF_Green3-Baseglass; LIF_Green3-Coloredlayer; LIF_Pink1-Baseglass; LIF_Pink1-Coloredlayer; LIF_Pink2-Baseglass; LIF_Pink2-Coloredlayer. For the “FESEM-EDS” there are two files inside. One title "EDS" which contains the documents: EDS_Black; EDS_Blue1; EDS_Blue2; EDS_Blue3; EDS_Brown1; EDS_Brown2; EDS_Brown2; EDS_Green1; EDS_Green2; EDS_Green3; EDS_Pink1; EDS_Pink2. And the other called "PHOTOS" which contains: FESEM_Black; FESEM_Blue1; FESEM_Blue2; FESEM_Blue3; FESEM_Brown1; FESEM_Brown2; FESEM_Green1; FESEM_Green2; FESEM_Green3; FESEM_Pink1; FESEM_Pink2., Peer reviewed
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