
Analysis of the role of the Nα-MH2 domain of Exp/Reb [Dataset]

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Giorgio, Ettore de
  • Giannios, Panagiotis
  • Espinàs, Maria Lluïsa
  • Llimargas, Marta
All images show projections of confocal sections, except D, I, L, O, and Q, which show single confocal sections. (A, B) The overexpression of GFP-kkv in the trachea leads to the presence of intracellular chitin vesicles at early stages (pink arrowheads) (A, A’). At later stages, intracellular chitin vesicles are not present, and chitin is deposited extracellularly in the lumen (blue arrowheads and inset) (B, B’). (C, C’) In exp reb mutants, the overexpression of GFP-kkv in the trachea produces intracellular chitin punctae until late stages (pink arrowheads). (D) The overexpression of GFP-kkv in salivary glands produces intracellular chitin vesicles (pink arrowheads). (E) Schematic representation of Exp protein. (F, G) In exp reb mutants, the expression of a wild-type form of exp/reb rescues the lack of extracellular chitin deposition (F, white arrow and inset), while expΔMH2/rebΔMH2 do not (G, white arrow points to absence of CBP). (H, I) The co-overexpression of GFP-kkv and expΔMH2 in control embryo does not produce morphogenetic defects in trachea (H) or extracellular chitin deposition in salivary glands (white arrow) (I); however, intracellular chitin punctae are present (pink arrowheads in H, I, and inset in H). (J) The coexpression of GFP-kkv and expΔMH2 in exp reb mutants produces intracellular chitin particles (pink arrowheads) but does not rescue the lack of extracellular chitin deposition. (K, L) RebΔMH2 localises apically in trachea (K) and in salivary glands (L). (M) MH2-reb is not able to rescue the absence of extracellular chitin deposition in exp reb mutants. (N, O) The simultaneous expression of MH2-reb and GFP-kkv does not produce morphogenetic defects or ectopic chitin deposition in trachea (N) and in salivary glands (white arrow in O), but intracellular chitin vesicles are present (pink arrowhead in O). (P, Q) MH2-Exp protein does not localize apically in trachea (P) or in salivary gland (Q). Scale bars A-C, F-H, J, M, N: 25 μm; D, I, K, L, O-Q: 10 μm., Peer reviewed
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2023


Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Giorgio, Ettore de
  • Giannios, Panagiotis
  • Espinàs, Maria Lluïsa
  • Llimargas, Marta
(A) Alignment of amino acids (aa) sequences of the isoform B of Exp (aa 356–433) and homologs; the blue square indicates 8 aa highly conserved, the red square includes 9 aa less conserved. (B-D) Show projections of confocal sections and (E-F) show single confocal sections. (B) The overexpression of expΔCM2 in an exp reb mutant background rescues the lack of extracellular chitin deposition. (C, D) The simultaneous expression of expΔCM2 and GFP-kkv produces morphogenetic defects in the trachea (arrowheads in C) and ectopic chitin deposition in the lumen of salivary glands (D). (E, F) Overexpressed Exp localises mainly in the apical region (orange arrowheads) with respect the basal domain (yellow arrowheads), while the apical accumulation of overexpressed ExpΔCM2 is less conspicuous (F). (G) Quantifications of accumulation of Exp and ExpΔCM2 in apical versus basal region. n corresponds to the number of ratios analysed (apical/basal ratio per cell), and brackets indicate the number of embryos used. Ratios were obtained from the apical (orange line in E) and basal (yellow line in E) domains of single cells in trachea and salivary glands. The underlying data for quantifications can be found in the S1 Data. Scale bars B, C: 25 μm; D-F: 10 μm., Peer reviewed

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2023


Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Giorgio, Ettore de
  • Giannios, Panagiotis
  • Espinàs, Maria Lluïsa
  • Llimargas, Marta
All images show projections of confocal sections, except D, I, L, O, and Q, which show single confocal sections. (A, B) The overexpression of GFP-kkv in the trachea leads to the presence of intracellular chitin vesicles at early stages (pink arrowheads) (A, A’). At later stages, intracellular chitin vesicles are not present, and chitin is deposited extracellularly in the lumen (blue arrowheads and inset) (B, B’). (C, C’) In exp reb mutants, the overexpression of GFP-kkv in the trachea produces intracellular chitin punctae until late stages (pink arrowheads). (D) The overexpression of GFP-kkv in salivary glands produces intracellular chitin vesicles (pink arrowheads). (E) Schematic representation of Exp protein. (F, G) In exp reb mutants, the expression of a wild-type form of exp/reb rescues the lack of extracellular chitin deposition (F, white arrow and inset), while expΔMH2/rebΔMH2 do not (G, white arrow points to absence of CBP). (H, I) The co-overexpression of GFP-kkv and expΔMH2 in control embryo does not produce morphogenetic defects in trachea (H) or extracellular chitin deposition in salivary glands (white arrow) (I); however, intracellular chitin punctae are present (pink arrowheads in H, I, and inset in H). (J) The coexpression of GFP-kkv and expΔMH2 in exp reb mutants produces intracellular chitin particles (pink arrowheads) but does not rescue the lack of extracellular chitin deposition. (K, L) RebΔMH2 localises apically in trachea (K) and in salivary glands (L). (M) MH2-reb is not able to rescue the absence of extracellular chitin deposition in exp reb mutants. (N, O) The simultaneous expression of MH2-reb and GFP-kkv does not produce morphogenetic defects or ectopic chitin deposition in trachea (N) and in salivary glands (white arrow in O), but intracellular chitin vesicles are present (pink arrowhead in O). (P, Q) MH2-Exp protein does not localize apically in trachea (P) or in salivary gland (Q). Scale bars A-C, F-H, J, M, N: 25 μm; D, I, K, L, O-Q: 10 μm., Peer reviewed