Appendix A. Supplementary data for Analysis of different ventilation strategies and CO2 distribution in a naturally ventilated classroom
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Muelas, Álvaro
- Remacha, Pilar
- Pina, Antonio
- Tizné, Eduardo
- El-Kadmiri, Said
- Ruiz Garcés, Ana
- Aranda, Diego
- Ballester, Javier
Appendix A: videos showing the spatial and temporal evolution of CO2: Videos displaying the spatial and temporal evolution of CO2 levels within the classroom for continuous ventilation conditions: First campaign day: file '20201210_CO2evolution_H=150cm.avi': Second campaign day: file '20201211_CO2evolution_H=150cm.avi': Appendix B: CO2 evolution with time for different sensors within the classroom: This appendix provides additional information regarding the differences found between the 17 sensors located in the classroom. B1. Differences in height: In order to facilitate the readability of graphs, the 9 sensors used to ascertain differences in height (H1 to H9, see right side of Figure 2) have been grouped into 3 series representing the average of the 3 sensors at each measuring day. B2. Differences among zones: As for the 11 sensors used to assess differences among room zones (see left side of Figure 2), in this case only the three analyzers with clearer deviations (that is, P1, P2 and T9) will be plotted along with the plane average.-- Under a Creative Commons license cc-by-nc-nd 4.0., This work was conducted in the framework of the ‘Study of measures for prevention of airborne transmission of COVID-19 in schools and public transport in the city of Zaragoza’, in collaboration with the City Council of Zaragoza. The research group is a member of Aireamos, a group created in Spain to promote ventilation and CO2 monitoring as key measures to prevent airborne transmission of COVID-19. The authors would like to warmly thank the teaching staff and the students of CEIP Santo Domingo for their full availability and implication throughout the test campaign., The campaign described in this work consisted in 4 complete school days (10th, 11th, 15th and December 18, 2020). Ambient conditions during the first 3 days were typical of Continental-Mediterranean climate winters (Zaragoza has a Köppen-Geiger climate classification of BSk). Temperature records at the starting of these school days ranged between 6 and 8 °C, steadily increasing until reaching 10–15 °C at the end. By contrast, the fourth day (18th December) was foggy, with considerably lower and more stable temperatures (4–6 °C throughout all the school day). Wind velocities were typically below 10 km/h for all the cases, about half of the historic average in Zaragoza for December (Hernández, 1990). Therefore, velocities were sufficiently low and similar throughout the test period to discard any significant influence of wind on the differences found among the various strategies explored. 17 sensors were located in the classroom., Appendix A: videos showing the spatial and temporal evolution of CO2: First campaign day. Second campaign day. Appendix B: CO2 evolution with time for different sensors within the classroom: B1. Differences in height: Figure B1. Temporal evolution of CO2 recorded at the different heights for the first measuring day. Figure B2. Temporal evolution of CO2 recorded at the different heights for the third measuring day. Figure B3. Temporal evolution of CO2 recorded at the different heights for the fourth measuring day. B2. Differences among zones: Figure B4. Temporal evolution of CO2 for the first measuring day. Analysis in terms of differences among zones. Figure B5. Temporal evolution of CO2 for the second measuring day. Analysis in terms of differences among zones. Figure B6. Temporal evolution of CO2 for the third measuring day. Analysis in terms of differences among zones. Figure B7. Temporal evolution of CO2 for the fourth measuring day. Analysis in terms of differences among zones., Peer reviewed
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2022
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Muelas, Álvaro
- Remacha, Pilar
- Pina, Antonio
- Tizné, Eduardo
- El-Kadmiri, Said
- Ruiz Garcés, Ana
- Aranda, Diego
- Ballester, Javier
Appendix A: videos showing the spatial and temporal evolution of CO2: Videos displaying the spatial and temporal evolution of CO2 levels within the classroom for continuous ventilation conditions: First campaign day: file '20201210_CO2evolution_H=150cm.avi': Second campaign day: file '20201211_CO2evolution_H=150cm.avi': Appendix B: CO2 evolution with time for different sensors within the classroom: This appendix provides additional information regarding the differences found between the 17 sensors located in the classroom. B1. Differences in height: In order to facilitate the readability of graphs, the 9 sensors used to ascertain differences in height (H1 to H9, see right side of Figure 2) have been grouped into 3 series representing the average of the 3 sensors at each measuring day. B2. Differences among zones: As for the 11 sensors used to assess differences among room zones (see left side of Figure 2), in this case only the three analyzers with clearer deviations (that is, P1, P2 and T9) will be plotted along with the plane average.-- Under a Creative Commons license cc-by-nc-nd 4.0., This work was conducted in the framework of the ‘Study of measures for prevention of airborne transmission of COVID-19 in schools and public transport in the city of Zaragoza’, in collaboration with the City Council of Zaragoza. The research group is a member of Aireamos, a group created in Spain to promote ventilation and CO2 monitoring as key measures to prevent airborne transmission of COVID-19. The authors would like to warmly thank the teaching staff and the students of CEIP Santo Domingo for their full availability and implication throughout the test campaign., The campaign described in this work consisted in 4 complete school days (10th, 11th, 15th and December 18, 2020). Ambient conditions during the first 3 days were typical of Continental-Mediterranean climate winters (Zaragoza has a Köppen-Geiger climate classification of BSk). Temperature records at the starting of these school days ranged between 6 and 8 °C, steadily increasing until reaching 10–15 °C at the end. By contrast, the fourth day (18th December) was foggy, with considerably lower and more stable temperatures (4–6 °C throughout all the school day). Wind velocities were typically below 10 km/h for all the cases, about half of the historic average in Zaragoza for December (Hernández, 1990). Therefore, velocities were sufficiently low and similar throughout the test period to discard any significant influence of wind on the differences found among the various strategies explored. 17 sensors were located in the classroom., Appendix A: videos showing the spatial and temporal evolution of CO2: First campaign day. Second campaign day. Appendix B: CO2 evolution with time for different sensors within the classroom: B1. Differences in height: Figure B1. Temporal evolution of CO2 recorded at the different heights for the first measuring day. Figure B2. Temporal evolution of CO2 recorded at the different heights for the third measuring day. Figure B3. Temporal evolution of CO2 recorded at the different heights for the fourth measuring day. B2. Differences among zones: Figure B4. Temporal evolution of CO2 for the first measuring day. Analysis in terms of differences among zones. Figure B5. Temporal evolution of CO2 for the second measuring day. Analysis in terms of differences among zones. Figure B6. Temporal evolution of CO2 for the third measuring day. Analysis in terms of differences among zones. Figure B7. Temporal evolution of CO2 for the fourth measuring day. Analysis in terms of differences among zones., Peer reviewed
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