Supplementary files of the article "Age and primary vaccination background influence the plasma cell response to pertussis booster vaccination" [Dataset]
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Diks, Annieck M.
- Versteegen, Pauline
- Teodosio, Cristina
- Groenland, R. J.
- Mooij, Bas de
- Torres-Valle, Alba
- Pérez-Andrés, Martin
- Orfao, Alberto
- Berbers, Guy A. M.
- Dongen, J. J. M. van
- Berkowska, Magdalena A.
Supplemental Table S1. Complete overview of the inclusion and exclusion criteria for this study. Supplemental Table S2. Composition of the EuroFlow B-cell panel and technical information on the reagents for the IMI-2 PERISCOPE BERT study. Supplemental Table S3. Phenotypic descriptions used to define B-cell subsets stained with the EuroFlow B-cell panel by manual analysis. Supplemental Table S4. Baseline distribution of leukocytes, lymphocytes, T cells, and NK cells in donor groups. Supplemental Table S5. Spearman Ranking Correlation between IgG1+ plasma cell and memory B-cell kinetics and vaccine-component-specific serum IgG. Supplemental Table S6. Spearman Ranking Correlation between IgA1+ plasma cell and IgA memory B-cell kinetics and vaccine-component-specific serum IgA. Supplemental Figure S1. No clear over-time postvaccination changes in major populations in any of the donor groups. Supplemental Figure S2. Over-time maturation of total plasma cells. Supplemental Figure S3. No significant changes in IgG1+ memory B-cell subsets upon vaccination. Supplemental Figure S4. Correlation between cellular changes as measured by flow cytometry and ELISpot. Supplemental Figure S5. Correlation between cellular changes and the vaccine-specific serum IgG level postvaccination as determined by Spearman’s Ranking Correlation per age cohort. Supplemental Figure S6. Impact of sex on cellular responses after vaccination in the young adult cohort (all wP-primed). Supplemental Figure S7. IgG1+ and total plasma cell expansion is more prominent in non-age-matched donors after wP priming., Peer reviewed
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2022
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Diks, Annieck M.
- Versteegen, Pauline
- Teodosio, Cristina
- Groenland, R. J.
- Mooij, Bas de
- Torres-Valle, Alba
- Pérez-Andrés, Martin
- Orfao, Alberto
- Berbers, Guy A. M.
- Dongen, J. J. M. van
- Berkowska, Magdalena A.
Supplemental Table S1. Complete overview of the inclusion and exclusion criteria for this study. Supplemental Table S2. Composition of the EuroFlow B-cell panel and technical information on the reagents for the IMI-2 PERISCOPE BERT study. Supplemental Table S3. Phenotypic descriptions used to define B-cell subsets stained with the EuroFlow B-cell panel by manual analysis. Supplemental Table S4. Baseline distribution of leukocytes, lymphocytes, T cells, and NK cells in donor groups. Supplemental Table S5. Spearman Ranking Correlation between IgG1+ plasma cell and memory B-cell kinetics and vaccine-component-specific serum IgG. Supplemental Table S6. Spearman Ranking Correlation between IgA1+ plasma cell and IgA memory B-cell kinetics and vaccine-component-specific serum IgA. Supplemental Figure S1. No clear over-time postvaccination changes in major populations in any of the donor groups. Supplemental Figure S2. Over-time maturation of total plasma cells. Supplemental Figure S3. No significant changes in IgG1+ memory B-cell subsets upon vaccination. Supplemental Figure S4. Correlation between cellular changes as measured by flow cytometry and ELISpot. Supplemental Figure S5. Correlation between cellular changes and the vaccine-specific serum IgG level postvaccination as determined by Spearman’s Ranking Correlation per age cohort. Supplemental Figure S6. Impact of sex on cellular responses after vaccination in the young adult cohort (all wP-primed). Supplemental Figure S7. IgG1+ and total plasma cell expansion is more prominent in non-age-matched donors after wP priming., Peer reviewed
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