
DataSheet_1_Precipitation predictability affects intra- and trans-generational plasticity and causes differential selection on root traits of Papaver rhoeas.docx

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • March Salas, Martí
  • Scheepens, J.F.
  • van Kleunen, Mark
  • Fitze, Patrick S.
Supplementary Figure 1 | Root diversity in example individuals of Papaver rhoeas from the experiment. From left to right: roots with decreasing numbers of secondary roots. The scale bar represents 50 mm., Supplementary Figure 2 | Temperature, potential evapotranspiration and precipitation at the study site. (A) Average daily temperature per month for each of the four experimental years. Colors and dot symbols correspond to the different experimental years and dotted lines to second order polynomial regressions. (B) Average potential evapotranspiration (PET) per month at the field site (Atlas Climático Digital de Aragón). The dotted line corresponds to a second order polynomial regression. (C) Difference between monthly precipitation (P) and potential evapotranspiration (PET) at the field site (red dots and red dotted line) and including the irrigated amount of water (yellow dots and yellow dotted line). Dotted lines correspond to second order polynomial regressions., Supplementary Figure 3 | Selection acting on root traits of ancestors. Model predictions of selection gradients are shown for number of secondary roots (A) and maximum rooting depth (B). Since no significant interactions with treatments existed (see ‘Results’), only significant linear (A) and quadratic (B) predictions are shown., Supplementary Figure 4 | Selection acting on root traits indicating root allocation strategies of ancestors. Selection gradients are shown for root weight ratio (RWR) (A), relative root branching (B), and relative rooting depth (C). Since no significant interactions with treatment existed (see ‘Results’), model predictions of significant quadratic (A, C) and linear (B) relationships are shown., Supplementary Table 1 | Means and coefficients of variation of measured root traits depending on maternal predictability treatments. The means of all root traits are shown for each of the descendant treatments depending maternal treatment, and also for each descendant treatment independent of the maternal treatment. The coefficient of variation (the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean, based on means, CVm) among treatments in descendants for each maternal treatment is also shown as well as the overall CV of ancestors (CVa) and the overall CV of descendants (CVd)., Supplementary Table 2 | Sample size per treatment, year and generation. The sample size per treatment and year is presented for the ancestral plants, and the sample size per treatment and generation is presented for the descendants that were subjected to the same treatment for four generations (referred to as ‘descendants – pure lines’) and for the descendants from all treatment combinations over generations used for the analysis on transgenerational plasticity. The hypothesis (H) tested for each group of data is shown., Climate forecasts show that in many regions the temporal distribution of precipitation events will become less predictable. Root traits may play key roles in dealing with changes in precipitation predictability, but their functional plastic responses, including transgenerational processes, are scarcely known. We investigated root trait plasticity of Papaver rhoeas with respect to higher versus lower intra-seasonal and inter-seasonal precipitation predictability (i.e., the degree of temporal autocorrelation among precipitation events) during a four-year outdoor multi-generation experiment. We first tested how the simulated predictability regimes affected intra-generational plasticity of root traits and allocation strategies of the ancestors, and investigated the selective forces acting on them. Second, we exposed three descendant generations to the same predictability regime experienced by their mothers or to a different one. We then investigated whether high inter-generational predictability causes root trait differentiation, whether transgenerational root plasticity existed and whether it was affected by the different predictability treatments. We found that the number of secondary roots, root biomass and root allocation strategies of ancestors were affected by changes in precipitation predictability, in line with intra-generational plasticity. Lower predictability induced a root response, possibly reflecting a fast-acquisitive strategy that increases water absorbance from shallow soil layers. Ancestors’ root traits were generally under selection, and the predictability treatments did neither affect the strength nor the direction of selection. Transgenerational effects were detected in root biomass and root weight ratio (RWR). In presence of lower predictability, descendants significantly reduced RWR compared to ancestors, leading to an increase in performance. This points to a change in root allocation in order to maintain or increase the descendants’ fitness. Moreover, transgenerational plasticity existed in maximum rooting depth and root biomass, and the less predictable treatment promoted the lowest coefficient of variation among descendants’ treatments in five out of six root traits. This shows that the level of maternal predictability determines the variation in the descendants’ responses, and suggests that lower phenotypic plasticity evolves in less predictable environments. Overall, our findings show that roots are functional plastic traits that rapidly respond to differences in precipitation predictability, and that the plasticity and adaptation of root traits may crucially determine how climate change will affect plants., Peer reviewed
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2022


Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • March Salas, Martí
  • Scheepens, J.F.
  • van Kleunen, Mark
  • Fitze, Patrick S.
Supplementary Figure 1 | Root diversity in example individuals of Papaver rhoeas from the experiment. From left to right: roots with decreasing numbers of secondary roots. The scale bar represents 50 mm., Supplementary Figure 2 | Temperature, potential evapotranspiration and precipitation at the study site. (A) Average daily temperature per month for each of the four experimental years. Colors and dot symbols correspond to the different experimental years and dotted lines to second order polynomial regressions. (B) Average potential evapotranspiration (PET) per month at the field site (Atlas Climático Digital de Aragón). The dotted line corresponds to a second order polynomial regression. (C) Difference between monthly precipitation (P) and potential evapotranspiration (PET) at the field site (red dots and red dotted line) and including the irrigated amount of water (yellow dots and yellow dotted line). Dotted lines correspond to second order polynomial regressions., Supplementary Figure 3 | Selection acting on root traits of ancestors. Model predictions of selection gradients are shown for number of secondary roots (A) and maximum rooting depth (B). Since no significant interactions with treatments existed (see ‘Results’), only significant linear (A) and quadratic (B) predictions are shown., Supplementary Figure 4 | Selection acting on root traits indicating root allocation strategies of ancestors. Selection gradients are shown for root weight ratio (RWR) (A), relative root branching (B), and relative rooting depth (C). Since no significant interactions with treatment existed (see ‘Results’), model predictions of significant quadratic (A, C) and linear (B) relationships are shown., Supplementary Table 1 | Means and coefficients of variation of measured root traits depending on maternal predictability treatments. The means of all root traits are shown for each of the descendant treatments depending maternal treatment, and also for each descendant treatment independent of the maternal treatment. The coefficient of variation (the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean, based on means, CVm) among treatments in descendants for each maternal treatment is also shown as well as the overall CV of ancestors (CVa) and the overall CV of descendants (CVd)., Supplementary Table 2 | Sample size per treatment, year and generation. The sample size per treatment and year is presented for the ancestral plants, and the sample size per treatment and generation is presented for the descendants that were subjected to the same treatment for four generations (referred to as ‘descendants – pure lines’) and for the descendants from all treatment combinations over generations used for the analysis on transgenerational plasticity. The hypothesis (H) tested for each group of data is shown., Climate forecasts show that in many regions the temporal distribution of precipitation events will become less predictable. Root traits may play key roles in dealing with changes in precipitation predictability, but their functional plastic responses, including transgenerational processes, are scarcely known. We investigated root trait plasticity of Papaver rhoeas with respect to higher versus lower intra-seasonal and inter-seasonal precipitation predictability (i.e., the degree of temporal autocorrelation among precipitation events) during a four-year outdoor multi-generation experiment. We first tested how the simulated predictability regimes affected intra-generational plasticity of root traits and allocation strategies of the ancestors, and investigated the selective forces acting on them. Second, we exposed three descendant generations to the same predictability regime experienced by their mothers or to a different one. We then investigated whether high inter-generational predictability causes root trait differentiation, whether transgenerational root plasticity existed and whether it was affected by the different predictability treatments. We found that the number of secondary roots, root biomass and root allocation strategies of ancestors were affected by changes in precipitation predictability, in line with intra-generational plasticity. Lower predictability induced a root response, possibly reflecting a fast-acquisitive strategy that increases water absorbance from shallow soil layers. Ancestors’ root traits were generally under selection, and the predictability treatments did neither affect the strength nor the direction of selection. Transgenerational effects were detected in root biomass and root weight ratio (RWR). In presence of lower predictability, descendants significantly reduced RWR compared to ancestors, leading to an increase in performance. This points to a change in root allocation in order to maintain or increase the descendants’ fitness. Moreover, transgenerational plasticity existed in maximum rooting depth and root biomass, and the less predictable treatment promoted the lowest coefficient of variation among descendants’ treatments in five out of six root traits. This shows that the level of maternal predictability determines the variation in the descendants’ responses, and suggests that lower phenotypic plasticity evolves in less predictable environments. Overall, our findings show that roots are functional plastic traits that rapidly respond to differences in precipitation predictability, and that the plasticity and adaptation of root traits may crucially determine how climate change will affect plants., Peer reviewed