Artículo científico (article).
Observation and formation mechanism of 360° domain wall rings in synthetic anti-ferromagnets with interlayer chiral interactions
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Cascales Sandoval, Miguel A.
- Hierro-Rodríguez, Aurelio
- Ruiz-Gómez, Sandra
- Skoric, Luka
- Donnelly, Claire
- Niño Orti, Miguel A.
- Vedmedenko, E. Y.
- McGrouther, D.
- McVitie, Stephen
- Flewett, S.
- Jaouen, N.
- Foerster, Michael
- Fernández-Pacheco, Amalio
The data utilized to generate the figures shown in the text can be found at the Enlighten repository of the University of Glasgow:, The interlayer Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction (IL-DMI) chirally couples spins in different ferromagnetic layers of multilayer heterostructures. So far, samples with IL-DMI have been investigated utilizing magnetometry and magnetotransport techniques, where the interaction manifests as a tunable chiral exchange bias field. Here, we investigate the nanoscale configuration of the magnetization vector in a synthetic anti-ferromagnet (SAF) with IL-DMI, after applying demagnetizing field sequences. We add different global magnetic field offsets to the demagnetizing sequence in order to investigate the states that form when the IL-DMI exchange bias field is fully or partially compensated. For magnetic imaging and vector reconstruction of the remanent magnetic states, we utilize x-ray magnetic circular dichroism photoemission electron microscopy, evidencing the formation of 360° domain wall rings of typically 0.5–3.0 μm in diameter. These spin textures are only observed when the exchange bias field due to the IL-DMI is not perfectly compensated by the magnetic field offset. From a combination of micromagnetic simulations, magnetic charge distribution, and topology arguments, we conclude that a non-zero remanent effective field with components both parallel and perpendicular to the anisotropy axis of the SAF is necessary to observe the rings. This work shows how the exchange bias field due to IL-DMI can lead to complex metastable spin states during reversal, important for the development of future spintronic devices., This work was supported by UKRI through an EPSRC studentship, Nos. EP/N509668/1 and EP/R513222/1, the European Community under the Horizon 2020 Program, Contract No. 101001290 (3DNANOMAG), the MCIN with funding from European Union NextGenerationEU (No. PRTR-C17.I1), and the Aragon Government through the Project Q-MAD. A.H.-R. acknowledges the support by Spanish MICIN under Grant No. PID2019-104604RB/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by Asturias FICYT under Grant No. AYUD/2021/51185 with the support of FEDER funds. S.R.-G. acknowledges the financial support of the Alexander von Humboldt foundation. L.S. acknowledges support from the EPSRC Cambridge NanoDTC No. EP/L015978/1. C.D. acknowledges funding from the Max Planck Society Lise Meitner Excellence Program. The ALBA Synchrotron is funded by the Ministry of Research and Innovation of Spain, by the Generalitat de Catalunya and by European FEDER funds. We acknowledge Synchrotron SOLEIL for providing the
synchrotron radiation facilities (Proposal No. 20191674). S.M. acknowledges support from EPSRC Project No. EP/T006811/1. M.A.N. and M.F. acknowledge support from MICIN project PID2021-122980OB-C54., Peer reviewed
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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