Numerical models for the simulation of bleed-off control on post-injection seismicity in enhanced geothermal systems
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Kivi, Iman Rahimzadeh
- Vilarrasa, Víctor
[Description of methods used for collection/generation of data] The models are 2D plane strain including a homogeneous and isotropic granitic reservoir rock intersected by an interconnected fracture network and a distant fault to the wellbore. Generic hydromechanical properties are assumed for the reservoir rock and the intersecting fractures and fault. The fault in the models is either hydraulically isolated from the fracture network, i.e., our "basecase" scenario, or intersected by them, a scenario referred to as "connected".
Post-injection protocols to control seismicity include well shut-in or bleed-off. During bleed-off, the wellhead is opened to impose hydrostatic pressure conditions along the well over a period of either 24 h or 1 h. The hydrostatic pressure profile is maintained afterwards. Different injection periods are considered to inspect the effect of this parameter on the effectiveness of bleed-off in controlling post-injection seismicity. , [Methods for processing the data] The Code_Bright executables "Cb_v9_3.exe" or "Cb_v9_1_3par4", i.e., the parallel version of the code running on 4 CPU cores, can be used to run the numerical models. Upon running the executables, the code generates several outputs, including "" and "". These two outputs include the mesh structure and the simulation results, respectively. Any postprocessing software supporting the output file formats can be used to visualize the data., The Global physics-based database of injection-induced seismicity is licensed under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 International License. Users are free to copy and redistribute the database material in any medium or format, and remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially., This dataset comprises the input files for numerical simulation of stimulating an enhanced geothermal system and the associated risk of induced seismicity. Numerical models explore the hydromechanical mechanisms of post-injection induced seismicity and the potential impact of bleed-off to control seismicity. The models are 2D plane strain including a homogeneous and isotropic granitic reservoir rock intersected by an interconnected fracture network and a distant fault to the wellbore. The fault in our numerical models is either hydraulically isolated from the fracture network, i.e., our “basecase” scenario, or intersected by them, a scenario referred to as “connected”. Post-injection protocols to control seismicity include well shut-in or bleed-off. During bleed-off, the wellhead is opened to impose hydrostatic pressure conditions along the well over a period of either 24 h or 1 h. The hydrostatic pressure profile is maintained afterwards. Different injection periods are considered to inspect the effect of this parameter on the effectiveness of bleed-off in controlling post-injection seismicity. Following this brief explanation, the dataset includes seven models provided in seven distinct folders:
“Basecase_Inj250h_shutin”, basecase scenario of 250 h injection followed by well shut-in,
“Basecase_Inj250h_bleedoff_1h”, basecase scenario of 250 h injection followed by well bleed-off over 1 h,
“Basecase_Inj250h_bleedoff_24h”, basecase scenario of 250 h injection followed by well bleed-off over 24 h,
“Connected_Inj84h_shutin”, connected scenario of 84 h injection followed by well shut-in,
“Connected_Inj84h_bleedoff_1h”, connected scenario of 84 h injection followed by well bleed-off over 1 h,
“Connected_Inj200h_shutin”, connected scenario of 200 h injection followed by well shut-in,
“Connected_Inj200h_bleedoff_1h”, connected scenario of 200 h injection followed by well bleed-off over 1 h.
In each folder, there is a file with the name of the folder ending as “_gen.dat” which contains the input data of the model, including material properties, initial and boundary conditions and the time intervals. There is also a file ending as “_gri.dat” that includes the information on the mesh. The file “root.dat” includes the name of the model. To run the simulation, execute the Code_Bright executables “Cb_v9_3.exe” or “Cb_v9_1_3par4”, i.e., the parallel version of the code running on 4 CPU cores, in each folder., - Project EASY GEO-CARBON ( funded by MCIN/AEI through grant number PCI2021-122077-2B.
- The UKRI Postdoc Guarantee Award THMC4CCS funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council through grant number EP/X026019/1.
- The Starting Grant GEoREST ( funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program through under Grant agreement No. 801809. , This dataset comprises the input files for numerical simulation of stimulating an enhanced geothermal system and the associated risk of induced seismicity. Numerical models explore the hydromechanical mechanisms of post-injection induced seismicity and the potential impact of bleed-off to control seismicity. The dataset includes seven models provided in seven distinct folders: "Basecase_Inj250h_shutin", basecase scenario of 250 h injection followed by well shut-in, "Basecase_Inj250h_bleedoff_1h", basecase scenario of 250 h injection followed by well bleed-off over 1 h, "Basecase_Inj250h_bleedoff_24h", basecase scenario of 250 h injection followed by well bleed-off over 24 h, "Connected_Inj84h_shutin", connected scenario of 84 h injection followed by well shut-in, "Connected_Inj84h_bleedoff_1h", connected scenario of 84 h injection followed by well bleed-off over 1 h, "Connected_Inj200h_shutin", connected scenario of 200 h injection followed by well shut-in, "Connected_Inj200h_bleedoff_1h", connected scenario of 200 h injection followed by well bleed-off over 1 h., Peer reviewed
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2021
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Kivi, Iman Rahimzadeh
- Pujades, Estanislao
- Rutqvist, Jonny
- Vilarrasa, Víctor
This dataset comprises the input files for numerical simulation of 30-years cold water reinjection through a doublet for geothermal exploitation of a hot sedimentary aquifer (HSA) and the associated risk for reactivating distant faults. Numerical models explore the effect of fault permeability on the governing thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) processes and the geomechanical response of the system. The models are 2D plane strain including a homogeneous and isotropic HSA laterally bounded by two opposite dipping normal faults. Following this brief explanation, the dataset has two folders, each containing data for a distinct model: - “THM_k=1e-19.gid” for simulating the geothermal system with the embedded faults having low permeability k=1·10-19 m2 - and - “THM_k=1e-16.gid” for simulating the geothermal system featured with high fault permeability k=1·10-16 m2. In each folder, there is a file with the name of the folder ended as “_gen.dat” which contains the input data of the model, including material properties, initial and boundary conditions and the time intervals. There is also a file ended as “_gri.dat” that includes the information on the mesh. The file “root.dat” includes the name of the model. To run the simulation, execute the Code_Bright executable “Cb_v9_3.exe” in a folder that contains the three input files and the executable., This dataset comprises the input files for numerical simulation of 30-years cold water reinjection through a doublet for geothermal exploitation of a hot sedimentary aquifer (HSA) and the associated risk for reactivating distant faults. Numerical models explore the effect of fault permeability on the governing thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) processes and the geomechanical response of the system. The models are 2D plane strain including a homogeneous and isotropic HSA laterally bounded by two opposite dipping normal faults. Following this brief explanation, the dataset has two folders, each containing data for a distinct model: - “THM_k=1e-19.gid” for simulating the geothermal system with the embedded faults having low permeability k=1·10-19 m2 - and - “THM_k=1e-16.gid” for simulating the geothermal system featured with high fault permeability k=1·10-16 m2. In each folder, there is a file with the name of the folder ended as “_gen.dat” which contains the input data of the model, including material properties, initial and boundary conditions and the time intervals. There is also a file ended as “_gri.dat” that includes the information on the mesh. The file “root.dat” includes the name of the model. To run the simulation, execute the Code_Bright executable “Cb_v9_3.exe” in a folder that contains the three input files and the executable., Peer reviewed
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2024
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Kivi, Iman Rahimzadeh
- Vilarrasa, Víctor
[Description of methods used for collection/generation of data] The models are 2D plane strain including a homogeneous and isotropic granitic reservoir rock intersected by an interconnected fracture network and a distant fault to the wellbore. Generic hydromechanical properties are assumed for the reservoir rock and the intersecting fractures and fault. The fault in the models is either hydraulically isolated from the fracture network, i.e., our "basecase" scenario, or intersected by them, a scenario referred to as "connected".
Post-injection protocols to control seismicity include well shut-in or bleed-off. During bleed-off, the wellhead is opened to impose hydrostatic pressure conditions along the well over a period of either 24 h or 1 h. The hydrostatic pressure profile is maintained afterwards. Different injection periods are considered to inspect the effect of this parameter on the effectiveness of bleed-off in controlling post-injection seismicity. , [Methods for processing the data] The Code_Bright executables "Cb_v9_3.exe" or "Cb_v9_1_3par4", i.e., the parallel version of the code running on 4 CPU cores, can be used to run the numerical models. Upon running the executables, the code generates several outputs, including "" and "". These two outputs include the mesh structure and the simulation results, respectively. Any postprocessing software supporting the output file formats can be used to visualize the data., The Global physics-based database of injection-induced seismicity is licensed under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 International License. Users are free to copy and redistribute the database material in any medium or format, and remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially., This dataset comprises the input files for numerical simulation of stimulating an enhanced geothermal system and the associated risk of induced seismicity. Numerical models explore the hydromechanical mechanisms of post-injection induced seismicity and the potential impact of bleed-off to control seismicity. The models are 2D plane strain including a homogeneous and isotropic granitic reservoir rock intersected by an interconnected fracture network and a distant fault to the wellbore. The fault in our numerical models is either hydraulically isolated from the fracture network, i.e., our “basecase” scenario, or intersected by them, a scenario referred to as “connected”. Post-injection protocols to control seismicity include well shut-in or bleed-off. During bleed-off, the wellhead is opened to impose hydrostatic pressure conditions along the well over a period of either 24 h or 1 h. The hydrostatic pressure profile is maintained afterwards. Different injection periods are considered to inspect the effect of this parameter on the effectiveness of bleed-off in controlling post-injection seismicity. Following this brief explanation, the dataset includes seven models provided in seven distinct folders:
“Basecase_Inj250h_shutin”, basecase scenario of 250 h injection followed by well shut-in,
“Basecase_Inj250h_bleedoff_1h”, basecase scenario of 250 h injection followed by well bleed-off over 1 h,
“Basecase_Inj250h_bleedoff_24h”, basecase scenario of 250 h injection followed by well bleed-off over 24 h,
“Connected_Inj84h_shutin”, connected scenario of 84 h injection followed by well shut-in,
“Connected_Inj84h_bleedoff_1h”, connected scenario of 84 h injection followed by well bleed-off over 1 h,
“Connected_Inj200h_shutin”, connected scenario of 200 h injection followed by well shut-in,
“Connected_Inj200h_bleedoff_1h”, connected scenario of 200 h injection followed by well bleed-off over 1 h.
In each folder, there is a file with the name of the folder ending as “_gen.dat” which contains the input data of the model, including material properties, initial and boundary conditions and the time intervals. There is also a file ending as “_gri.dat” that includes the information on the mesh. The file “root.dat” includes the name of the model. To run the simulation, execute the Code_Bright executables “Cb_v9_3.exe” or “Cb_v9_1_3par4”, i.e., the parallel version of the code running on 4 CPU cores, in each folder., - Project EASY GEO-CARBON ( funded by MCIN/AEI through grant number PCI2021-122077-2B.
- The UKRI Postdoc Guarantee Award THMC4CCS funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council through grant number EP/X026019/1.
- The Starting Grant GEoREST ( funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program through under Grant agreement No. 801809. , This dataset comprises the input files for numerical simulation of stimulating an enhanced geothermal system and the associated risk of induced seismicity. Numerical models explore the hydromechanical mechanisms of post-injection induced seismicity and the potential impact of bleed-off to control seismicity. The dataset includes seven models provided in seven distinct folders: "Basecase_Inj250h_shutin", basecase scenario of 250 h injection followed by well shut-in, "Basecase_Inj250h_bleedoff_1h", basecase scenario of 250 h injection followed by well bleed-off over 1 h, "Basecase_Inj250h_bleedoff_24h", basecase scenario of 250 h injection followed by well bleed-off over 24 h, "Connected_Inj84h_shutin", connected scenario of 84 h injection followed by well shut-in, "Connected_Inj84h_bleedoff_1h", connected scenario of 84 h injection followed by well bleed-off over 1 h, "Connected_Inj200h_shutin", connected scenario of 200 h injection followed by well shut-in, "Connected_Inj200h_bleedoff_1h", connected scenario of 200 h injection followed by well bleed-off over 1 h., Peer reviewed
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