
Mycorrhizal types associated with Mediterranean woody plant species across the Andalusian Red Natura 2000

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Bastida, Jesús M.
  • Prieto-Rubio, Jorge
  • Dejana, Laura
  • Lendínez Contreras, Sandra
  • Perea, Antonio J.
  • Ramírez Serrano, Beatriz
  • Alcántara, Julio M.
  • Verdú, Miguel
  • Montesinos-Navarro, Alicia
  • Garrido Sánchez, José Luis
[Description of methods used for collection/generation of data] We use available information from mycorrhizal databases to assign mycorrhizal type and status to our sampled plant species. Two databases were reviewed, Bueno et al. (2017) and FungalRoot (2020). Bueno et al. has info at the species level, while FungalRoot has multiple observations per species. For this reason, a species was assigned to a particular mycorrhizal type, whether the number of observations was equal or higher than 70 %, otherwise we assigned multiple associations. In the case of species that did not match with both databases, mycorrhizal type was assigned based on information at the genus, tribe or family level. Once each species was classified to a particular mycorrhizal type, we followed to assign their status. References: - Soudzilovskaia, N. A., Vaessen, S., Barcelo, M., He, J., Rahimlou, S., Abarenkov, K., ... & Tedersoo, L. (2020). FungalRoot: global online database of plant mycorrhizal associations. New Phytologist, 227(3), 955-966. - Bueno, C. G., Moora, M., Gerz, M., Davison, J., Öpik, M., Pärtel, M., ... & Zobel, M. (2017). Plant mycorrhizal status, but not type, shifts with latitude and elevation in Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 26(6), 690-699., Our aim was to register and characterize, throughout bibliographic review of published databases, the mycorrhizal type (AM, ECM, ERM, NM, AM+NM, ECM+NM,ERM+NM, ECM+AM+NM) and status (OM, FM, NM) of Mediterranean woody plant species sampled across the Andalusian Red Natura 2000. Here, we included a total of 243 plant species sampled across 38 plant communities from 19 protected areas distributed within the Andalusian RedNatura 2000., This work was funded (1) by Proyecto FEDER SUMHAL-Sustainability for Mediterraean Hospost in Andalusia integrating LifeWatch ERIC [Work Package 5. Task 5.1.2. Development of the data standard. Repository development.] (LifeWatch ERIC – FEDER, POPE 2014-2020; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain); (2) Proyecto COEXMED I: Coexistence of woody plants in Mediterranena forests: intransitive interactions and negative density dependence in recruitment dynamics (CGL2012-36776, FEDER y Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain); (3) Proyecto COEXMED II: Especificidad de las interacciones adulto-juvenil durante el reclutamiento de plantas leñosas: complementariedad de caracteres funcionales e interacciones plant-antagonista (CGL2015-69118-C2-1-P, FEDER y Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain); (4) Proyecto REPNETS-Redes de reemplazamiento en bosques: variación ecogeográfica e influencia de las comunidades de hongos de la filosfera y de las interacciones planta-suelo (PGC2018-100966-B-I00, FEDER - Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain); (5) CSIC is acknowledged for supporting Open Access publication., Mediterranean_woody_plants_mycorrhizal_type-status.csv [shows the list of woody plant species sampled across the Andalusian Red Natura 2000 with their respective assignment of mycorrhizal type and status based on 'Mycorrhizal_type_Bueno.csv' and 'Mycorrhizal_type_FungalRoot.csv'] Mycorrhizal_type_Bueno.csv [has proccessed information about plant species mycorrhizal type from Bueno et al. (2017)] Mycorrhizal_type_FungalRoot.csv [has proccessed information about plant species mycorrhizal type from FungalRoot (2020)] Plant_taxonomic_info.csv [shows the list of woody plant species with their taxonomic adscription Class/Order/Family/Genus] Plant_community_info.csv [has information about sampled plant communities] Metadata.csv [records information about the meaning of columns in 'Mediterranean_woody_plants_mycorrhizal_type-status.csv', 'Mycorrhizal_type_Bueno.csv', 'Mycorrhizal_type_FungalRoot.csv', 'Plant_taxonomic_info.csv', and 'Plant_community_info.csv ' files], Peer reviewed

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2023


Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Bastida, Jesús M.
  • Prieto-Rubio, Jorge
  • Dejana, Laura
  • Lendínez Contreras, Sandra
  • Perea, Antonio J.
  • Ramírez Serrano, Beatriz
  • Alcántara, Julio M.
  • Verdú, Miguel
  • Montesinos-Navarro, Alicia
  • Garrido Sánchez, José Luis
[Description of methods used for collection/generation of data] We use available information from mycorrhizal databases to assign mycorrhizal type and status to our sampled plant species. Two databases were reviewed, Bueno et al. (2017) and FungalRoot (2020). Bueno et al. has info at the species level, while FungalRoot has multiple observations per species. For this reason, a species was assigned to a particular mycorrhizal type, whether the number of observations was equal or higher than 70 %, otherwise we assigned multiple associations. In the case of species that did not match with both databases, mycorrhizal type was assigned based on information at the genus, tribe or family level. Once each species was classified to a particular mycorrhizal type, we followed to assign their status. References: - Soudzilovskaia, N. A., Vaessen, S., Barcelo, M., He, J., Rahimlou, S., Abarenkov, K., ... & Tedersoo, L. (2020). FungalRoot: global online database of plant mycorrhizal associations. New Phytologist, 227(3), 955-966. - Bueno, C. G., Moora, M., Gerz, M., Davison, J., Öpik, M., Pärtel, M., ... & Zobel, M. (2017). Plant mycorrhizal status, but not type, shifts with latitude and elevation in Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 26(6), 690-699., Our aim was to register and characterize, throughout bibliographic review of published databases, the mycorrhizal type (AM, ECM, ERM, NM, AM+NM, ECM+NM,ERM+NM, ECM+AM+NM) and status (OM, FM, NM) of Mediterranean woody plant species sampled across the Andalusian Red Natura 2000. Here, we included a total of 243 plant species sampled across 38 plant communities from 19 protected areas distributed within the Andalusian RedNatura 2000., This work was funded (1) by Proyecto FEDER SUMHAL-Sustainability for Mediterraean Hospost in Andalusia integrating LifeWatch ERIC [Work Package 5. Task 5.1.2. Development of the data standard. Repository development.] (LifeWatch ERIC – FEDER, POPE 2014-2020; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain); (2) Proyecto COEXMED I: Coexistence of woody plants in Mediterranena forests: intransitive interactions and negative density dependence in recruitment dynamics (CGL2012-36776, FEDER y Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain); (3) Proyecto COEXMED II: Especificidad de las interacciones adulto-juvenil durante el reclutamiento de plantas leñosas: complementariedad de caracteres funcionales e interacciones plant-antagonista (CGL2015-69118-C2-1-P, FEDER y Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain); (4) Proyecto REPNETS-Redes de reemplazamiento en bosques: variación ecogeográfica e influencia de las comunidades de hongos de la filosfera y de las interacciones planta-suelo (PGC2018-100966-B-I00, FEDER - Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain); (5) CSIC is acknowledged for supporting Open Access publication., Mediterranean_woody_plants_mycorrhizal_type-status.csv [shows the list of woody plant species sampled across the Andalusian Red Natura 2000 with their respective assignment of mycorrhizal type and status based on 'Mycorrhizal_type_Bueno.csv' and 'Mycorrhizal_type_FungalRoot.csv'] Mycorrhizal_type_Bueno.csv [has proccessed information about plant species mycorrhizal type from Bueno et al. (2017)] Mycorrhizal_type_FungalRoot.csv [has proccessed information about plant species mycorrhizal type from FungalRoot (2020)] Plant_taxonomic_info.csv [shows the list of woody plant species with their taxonomic adscription Class/Order/Family/Genus] Plant_community_info.csv [has information about sampled plant communities] Metadata.csv [records information about the meaning of columns in 'Mediterranean_woody_plants_mycorrhizal_type-status.csv', 'Mycorrhizal_type_Bueno.csv', 'Mycorrhizal_type_FungalRoot.csv', 'Plant_taxonomic_info.csv', and 'Plant_community_info.csv ' files], Peer reviewed