
Data and code for analysis of spatiotemporal variation in traits and environmental variables in European hole-nesting passerines

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Vriend, Stefan J. G.
  • Grøtan, Vidar
  • Gamelon, Marlène
  • Adriaensen, Frank
  • Ahola, Markus P.
  • Álvarez, Elena
  • Bailey, Liam D.
  • Barba, Emilio
  • Bouvier, Jean-Charles
  • Burgess, Malcolm D.
  • Bushuev, Andrey
  • Camacho, Carlos
  • Canal, David
  • Charmantier, Anne
  • Cole, Ella F.
  • Cusimano, Camillo
  • Doligez, Blandine F.
  • Drobniak, Szymon M.
  • Dubiec, Anna
  • Eens, Marcel
  • Eeva, Tapio
  • Erikstad, Kjell Einar
  • Ferns, Peter N.
  • Goodenough, Anne E.
  • Hartley, Ian R.
  • Hinsley, Shelley A.
  • Ivankina, Elena
  • Juškaitis, Rimvydas
  • Kempenaers, Bart
  • Kerimov, Anvar B.
  • Kålås, John Atle
  • Lavigne, Claire
  • Leivits, Agu
  • Mainwaring, Mark C.
  • Martínez-Padilla, Jesús
  • Matthysen, Erik
  • Oers, Kees van
  • Orell, Markku
  • Pinxten, Rianne
  • Reiertsen, Tone Kristin
  • Rytkönen, Seppo
  • Senar, Juan Carlos
  • Sheldon, Ben C.
  • Sorace, Alberto
  • Török, János
  • Vatka, Emma
  • Visser, Marcel E.
  • Sæther, Bernt-Erik
Files: trait_data.csv – a comma-delimited file with population-specific annual fitness-related trait data. Traits included: laying date (LD, laying date of the first egg, where 1 = April 1st), clutch size (CS, number of eggs) and fledgling number (FN, number of nestlings 13-16 days after hatching). Annual values for these traits were based on data from individual broods that were not subjected to experimental manipulations (e.g. clutch size manipulation or cross-fostering). Fledgling numbers were based on broods with at least one fledgling.-- location_data.csv – a comma-delimited file with latitude and longitude (in decimal degrees) for all 44 locations.-- climate_data.csv – a comma-delimited file with location-specific annual climate data. Climate variables included: North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index, mean temperature (in degrees Celsius) and mean precipitation (in mm). For each climate variable, we give the average over daily values in February-May.-- data_information.csv – a comma-delimited file with a supplementary table on data owners and geographical information per location, study length per population, and sample sizes per trait, species, and location.-- analysis.R - an R file with code to run analyses of temporal variation in trait values, effects of climate variables on trait values, and spatial synchrony in trait values.-- Climate data sources: Daily NAO-indices were extracted from the Climate Prediction Center of the National Weather Service ( Daily mean temperature and mean precipitation were extracted from the E-OBS gridded dataset version 20.0e (Cornes et al. 2018, DOI: 10.1029/2017JD028200).-- Daily mean precipitation for Vlieland (Loc: VLI) was extracted from a Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute (KNMI) weather station (Oost-Vlieland; See README.docx for more detail., Annual trait data, location information, and climate data from 86 populations of blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus, n = 31), great tit (Parus major, n = 35) and pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca, n = 20) across Europe. R code for the analyses of temporal variation in trait values, effects of climate variables on trait values, and spatial synchrony in trait values., Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics (CBD): The Research Council of Norway, Multidimensional pen: quantitative genetics and phylogenetics comparative plumage of birds: National Science Center, The effect of steroid hormones on the parameters of genetic variation in wild bird populations: National Science Center, JCS was funded by project CGL-2020 PID2020-114907GB-C21., DC was supported by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA Premium Postdoctoral Research Program; ID: 2019-353)., JM-P was funded by ARAID and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (PID2019-104835GB-I00)., The Pirio and Rouvière field work was funded by the OSU-OREME., The Zvenigorod field work was supported by RSF-FWO (#20-44-01005)., MDB was supported by Natural England., ME and RP were funded by University of Antwerp and FWO Flanders., The Norwegian data is collected as part of a Terrestrial monitoring program financed by the Norwegian Environment Agency and the Ministry of Climate and Environment., BK was funded by the Max Planck Society., The Gotland field work was supported by the Swedish Research Council, the CNRS, and the Polish National Science Centre (UMO-2015/18/E/NZ8/00505, UMO-2012/07/D/NZ8/01317)., EB was funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (project PID2021-122171NB-I00)., SMD was funded by the DECRA fellowship (DE180100202)., Peer reviewed

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2022


Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Vriend, Stefan J. G.
  • Grøtan, Vidar
  • Gamelon, Marlène
  • Adriaensen, Frank
  • Ahola, Markus P.
  • Álvarez, Elena
  • Bailey, Liam D.
  • Barba, Emilio
  • Bouvier, Jean-Charles
  • Burgess, Malcolm D.
  • Bushuev, Andrey
  • Camacho, Carlos
  • Canal, David
  • Charmantier, Anne
  • Cole, Ella F.
  • Cusimano, Camillo
  • Doligez, Blandine F.
  • Drobniak, Szymon M.
  • Dubiec, Anna
  • Eens, Marcel
  • Eeva, Tapio
  • Erikstad, Kjell Einar
  • Ferns, Peter N.
  • Goodenough, Anne E.
  • Hartley, Ian R.
  • Hinsley, Shelley A.
  • Ivankina, Elena
  • Juškaitis, Rimvydas
  • Kempenaers, Bart
  • Kerimov, Anvar B.
  • Kålås, John Atle
  • Lavigne, Claire
  • Leivits, Agu
  • Mainwaring, Mark C.
  • Martínez-Padilla, Jesús
  • Matthysen, Erik
  • Oers, Kees van
  • Orell, Markku
  • Pinxten, Rianne
  • Reiertsen, Tone Kristin
  • Rytkönen, Seppo
  • Senar, Juan Carlos
  • Sheldon, Ben C.
  • Sorace, Alberto
  • Török, János
  • Vatka, Emma
  • Visser, Marcel E.
  • Sæther, Bernt-Erik
Files: trait_data.csv – a comma-delimited file with population-specific annual fitness-related trait data. Traits included: laying date (LD, laying date of the first egg, where 1 = April 1st), clutch size (CS, number of eggs) and fledgling number (FN, number of nestlings 13-16 days after hatching). Annual values for these traits were based on data from individual broods that were not subjected to experimental manipulations (e.g. clutch size manipulation or cross-fostering). Fledgling numbers were based on broods with at least one fledgling.-- location_data.csv – a comma-delimited file with latitude and longitude (in decimal degrees) for all 44 locations.-- climate_data.csv – a comma-delimited file with location-specific annual climate data. Climate variables included: North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index, mean temperature (in degrees Celsius) and mean precipitation (in mm). For each climate variable, we give the average over daily values in February-May.-- data_information.csv – a comma-delimited file with a supplementary table on data owners and geographical information per location, study length per population, and sample sizes per trait, species, and location.-- analysis.R - an R file with code to run analyses of temporal variation in trait values, effects of climate variables on trait values, and spatial synchrony in trait values.-- Climate data sources: Daily NAO-indices were extracted from the Climate Prediction Center of the National Weather Service ( Daily mean temperature and mean precipitation were extracted from the E-OBS gridded dataset version 20.0e (Cornes et al. 2018, DOI: 10.1029/2017JD028200).-- Daily mean precipitation for Vlieland (Loc: VLI) was extracted from a Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute (KNMI) weather station (Oost-Vlieland; See README.docx for more detail., Annual trait data, location information, and climate data from 86 populations of blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus, n = 31), great tit (Parus major, n = 35) and pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca, n = 20) across Europe. R code for the analyses of temporal variation in trait values, effects of climate variables on trait values, and spatial synchrony in trait values., Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics (CBD): The Research Council of Norway, Multidimensional pen: quantitative genetics and phylogenetics comparative plumage of birds: National Science Center, The effect of steroid hormones on the parameters of genetic variation in wild bird populations: National Science Center, JCS was funded by project CGL-2020 PID2020-114907GB-C21., DC was supported by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA Premium Postdoctoral Research Program; ID: 2019-353)., JM-P was funded by ARAID and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (PID2019-104835GB-I00)., The Pirio and Rouvière field work was funded by the OSU-OREME., The Zvenigorod field work was supported by RSF-FWO (#20-44-01005)., MDB was supported by Natural England., ME and RP were funded by University of Antwerp and FWO Flanders., The Norwegian data is collected as part of a Terrestrial monitoring program financed by the Norwegian Environment Agency and the Ministry of Climate and Environment., BK was funded by the Max Planck Society., The Gotland field work was supported by the Swedish Research Council, the CNRS, and the Polish National Science Centre (UMO-2015/18/E/NZ8/00505, UMO-2012/07/D/NZ8/01317)., EB was funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (project PID2021-122171NB-I00)., SMD was funded by the DECRA fellowship (DE180100202)., Peer reviewed