Publicación Artículo científico (article). 2010

The illusionist of words: Paul Auster and his creative universe

El ilusionista de las palabras: Paul Auster y su universo creativo

  • Álvarez López, Esther
Paul Auster is one of the greatest writers of our time. Since 1994, to his work as novelist, poet and essayist he has added scriptwriting and film directing. Both literature and cinema appear closely linked in his creative production, so that one feeds the other and vice versa, by means of themes, common characters as well as self-referential and metafictional allusions. In novels, short stories and films, Auster reveals himself, in essence, as a great storyteller. They are stories that overlap at different narrative levels following the technique of the Chinese boxes. His work is also part of a large net of internal and external references in dialogue with each other, posing and pondering on questions that have to do with identity, writing or the intersections between fiction and reality, which appear recurrently both in its literary as in its filmic form., Paul Auster es uno de los grandes escritores de nuestro tiempo. Desde 1994, a su labor de novelista, poeta, traductor y ensayista ha añadido la de guionista y director de cine. Ambos medios, literatura y cine, aparecen estrechamente ligados en su producción creativa, de manera que uno nutre al otro y viceversa, a través de temas y personajes comunes, de guiños autorreferenciales y metaficcionales. En novelas, relatos y películas Auster se revela, en esencia, como un gran contador de historias. Se trata de historias múltiples que se superponen a distintos niveles narrativos siguiendo la técnica de cajas chinas. Su obra forma parte de una amplia red de referencias internas y externas que dialogan entre sí, al tiempo que plantean cuestiones en torno a la identidad, la escritura o las intersecciones entre ficción y realidad, que aparecen de manera recurrente tanto en forma literaria como fílmica.

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