Encontrados 3230203 resultado(s)
Encontradas 32303 página(s)

Presidente ejecutivo y gobierno corporativo de sociedades cotizadas en España: una aproximación al estado de la cuestión al hilo del reciente libro verde sobre gobierno corporativo de la Unión Europea

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Cazorla González-Serrano, Luis

En el presente trabajo se aborda una aproximación crítica al estado de la cuestión en relación con la figura del Presidente-Consejero delegado o primer ejecutivo en las sociedades cotizadas desde la perspectiva de la normativa española de Buen Gobierno Corporativo, al hilo del reciente Libro Verde sobre Gobierno Corporativo de la Unión Europea. ABSTRACT: The present Paper includes an state of the art approach to the Executive Chair role in Public Companies under spanish Good Corporate...

Electrical conductivity of a pion gas

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Fernández Fraile, Daniel, Gómez Nicola, Ángel|||0000-0002-2708-9303

The electrical conductivity of a pion gas at low temperatures is studied in the framework of linear response and chiral perturbation theory. The standard ChPT power counting has to be modified to include pion propagator lines with a nonzero thermal width in order to properly account for collision effects typical of kinetic theory. With this modification, we discuss the relevant chiral power counting to be used in the calculation of transport coefficients. The leading order contribution is found...

High resolution spectroscopic characterization of the FGK stars in the Solar neighborhood

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Martínez Arnáiz, R. M., Maldonado, J., Montes Gutiérrez, David|||0000-0002-7779-238X, Eiroa, C., Montesinos, B., Ribas, I., Solano, E.

We present the most recent results of our ongoing long-term high resolution spectroscopic study of nearby (d ≤ 25 pc) FGK stars which aim is to characterize the local properties of the Galaxy, in particular the star-formation history. A through analysis has been carried out for 253 cool stars in the solar neighborhood. This includes radial and rotational velocities determinations, chromospheric activity levels inference, kinematic analysis, and age estimates. This study does not only shed new...

El neoliberalismo como proyecto lingüístico

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Rivas Rivas, Ana María|||0000-0003-1675-6163

Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las estructuras discursivas, cognitivas y de representación de algunos de los sectores más desfavorecidos del mercado laboral español y su relación con los modelos interpretativos de la realidad generados y difundidos por el pensamiento economicista neoliberal. Se trata de estudiar los mecanismos por medio de los cuales estos modelos dominantes de la realidad son incorporados por los propios trabajadores y trabajadoras para definir y comprender su...

Impactos en Mauritania: nuevos datos mineralógicos, texturales y geoquímicos de las megabrechas de Richat y del cráter meteorítico de Aouelloul, Impacts in Mauritania: new mineralogical, textural and geochemical data about the Richat megabreccias and the Aouelloul meteorite crater

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Martínez Frías, Jesús, García Talavera, F., Rull Pérez, Fernando, López-Vera, F., Capote del Villar, Ramón, Navarro Latorre, J.M., Sánchez Pinto, L., López Rondón, J., Rodríguez Losada, José Antonio, Fernández Sampedro, M.T., Martín Redondo, M.P., Menor Salvan, C.

Se presentan los primeros resultados de la campaña científica Mauritania’ 2007, en relación con la investigación de cráteres y eventos de impacto. Los estudios se centraron en la caracterización, mediante microscopía de luz transmitida y reflejada, DRX, SEM-EDX, ICP-MS, FT-IR y espectroscopia Raman, de las megabrechas de la espectacular (aunque controvertida) estructura de Richat y en el cráter meteorítico de Aouelloul. Los minerales identificados en las brechas son cuarzo, analcima, goethita,...

Large-scale distributed deformation controlled topography along the western Africa-Eurasia limit: Tectonic constrains

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Vicente Muñoz, Gerardo de, Vegas, Ramón

In the interior of the Iberian Peninsula, the main geomorphic features, mountain ranges and basins, seems to be arranged in several directions whose origin can be related to the N-S plate convergence which occurred along the Cantabro-Pyrenean border during the Eocene-Lower Miocene time span. The Iberian Variscan basement accommodated part of this plate convergence in three E-W trending crustal folds as well as in the reactivation of two left-lateral NNE-SSW strike-slip belts. The rest of the...

“Una lección metodológica en el estudio de la Economía. “La profesora Robinson 40 años antes de Bolonia”

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Iglesia Villasol, Covadonga de la

Este es un momento decisivo para la Universidad Española, que tiene las puertas abiertas al proceso de convergencia europea con el horizonte temporal de 2010, y se encuentra inmersa en el diseño y puesta en marcha de los nuevos estudios de grado, la adaptación metodológica, el reconocimiento de créditos docentes o no, y la configuración del Suplemento Europeo al Título, etc. El trabajo plantea una reflexión sobre algunos aspectos metodológicos acerca de cómo abordar el proceso de enseñanza/...

Advanced concepts in waveguide spectrometers

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Martínez Matos, Óscar, Cheben, Pavel, Schmid, Jens H., Bogdanov, Alexei L., Calvo Padilla, María Luisa, Delâge, André, Densmore, Adam, Janz, Siegfried, Lamontagne, Boris, Lapointe, Jean, Post, Edith, Powell, Ian, Rodrigo Martín-Romo, José Augusto, Waldron, Phillip, Xu, Dan-Xia

We present several new concepts to extend the capabilities of arrayed waveguide grating spectrometers. Strong lateral mode confinement wavegaide structure in the focal plane is used to increase resolution, a Michelson-type AWG spectrometer can improve optical throughput or etendue, and we show that AWG dispersion can be magnified many times by modifying the waveguide group index.

Política regional de I+D e innovación en Alemania: Lecciones para el caso español

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Heijs, Joost, Baumert, Thomas

En este documento se ofrece una revisión de las políticas de investigación, desarrollo e innovación (I+D+i) en el caso de Alemania con especial atención a la perspectiva regional. Se ha elegido Alemania porque es el país pionero respecto al diseño, implementación y evaluación de políticas (regionales) de I+D+i y además se observa cierta igualdad de su sistema político con el español Ambos son países políticamente muy descentralizados con responsabilidades políticas para la I+D+i a nivel...

Almost holomorphic embeddings in Grassmannians with applications to singular symplectic submanifolds

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Muñoz, Vicente, Presas, Francisco, Sols, Ignacio

In this paper we use Donaldson's approximately holomorphic techniques to build embeddings of a closed symplectic manifold with symplectic form of integer class in the Grassmannians Gr(r, N). We assure that these embeddings are asymptotically holomorphic in a precise sense. We study first the particular case of CPN obtaining control on N and we improve in a sense a classical result about symplectic embeddings. The main reason of our Study is the construction of singular determinantal...

Descripción litoestratigráfica y aspectos sedimentológicas de las unidades

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Rodríguez, Sergio, Falces, Santiago, Arribas Mocoroa, María Eugenia|||0000-0003-1382-2559, Peña, José Andrés de la, Comas Rengifo, María José|||0000-0002-6593-3798, Moreno-Eiris, Elena

Fhe features of the eight lithostratígraphic Units at Los Santos de Maimona basin are as fóllow: Unit O: Greywackes aud interbedded volcanic beds. Some coal layers occur in the lower part of this unit near Los Santos de Maimona. The estimated thickness of this unit, which usually is not well exposed, is 700 m. It is regarded as shallow marine terrigenous sediments. Unit 1: The so—called Siphonodendron limestone, composed of biostremal mars and limestones containing abundant rugose corals and...

Conodontos telychienses (Silúrico inferior) del sinclinal del Guadarranque (Zona Centroibérica, Macizo Hespérico)

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Sarmiento, Graciela N., Rodríguez Núñez, Victor Manuel

Se refiere el hallazgo de los primeros conodontos silúricos id entificables taxonómicamente de la Zona Cenlroibérica del Macizo Hespérico. El material estudiado procede de las ampelitas de la Formación Guadarranquejo, en el Sinclinal del Guadarranque y es referido al Telychiense en base a los grapto litos asociados.

Duality for logarithmic interpolation spaces and applications to Besov spaces

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Cobos, Fernando, Fernández-Cabrera, Luz M.

We review several results on duality of logarithmic interpolation spaces and applications to Besov spaces. We also establish some new results on Besov spaces with smoothness close to zero defined by differences.

¿Es Gaia una teoría adelantada a su tiempo o una broma vitalista? Reflexiones para C.T.M.A.1, Is Gaia a theory before its time, or a vitalist joke? A curricular discussion

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Anguita, Francisco, Arsuaga, Juan Luis

El concepto de Gaia se ha difundido muy rápidamente en el sistema educativo preuniversitario, en ocasiones de forma acritica. Para hacer posible una discusión fundamentada de los méritos y lagunas de esta teoría se exponen sus puntos fuertes y débiles. Tras localizar alguna de las raíces históricas de esta idea, la discusión se centra en (a) la tradición vitalista, (b) la Paradoja de] Sol Primordial Débil, (e) la evolución M clima, con una hidrosfera liquida permanente, también en épocas de...

φ →π⁺π⁻ decay within a chiral unitary approach

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Oller, J. A., Oset, E., Peláez Sagredo, José Ramón|||0000-0003-0737-4681

Starting from the chiral perturbation theory Lagrangian, but keeping different masses for the charged and neutral mesons (m_u ≠ m_d), and using a previously developed nonperturbative unitary scheme that generates the lightest meson-meson resonances, we construct KK̅→KK̅ and KK̅→π⁺π⁻ in the vector channel. This allows us to obtain the kaon-loop contribution to φ-ρ mixing and study the φ→π⁺π⁻ decay. The dominant contribution to this decay comes from the φ→ϒ→π⁺π⁻ process. However, there can be...

Firms’ growth, size and age: a nonparametric approach

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Fariñas, José C., Moreno Martín, Lourdes

This paper offers empirical evidence of firm failure rates as well as the mean of the distribution of realized growth rates, distinguishing between the sample of non-failing firms and the sample of all firms, failing and non-failing. Attention is directed at identifying a set of characteristics, in particular the size and age of firms, systematically related to the patterns of firm growth and exit, using a panel of Spanish manufacturing firms. The two main contributions of the paper are the use...

Amnesia disociativa más allá de las evidencias sobre el funcionamiento de la memoria, Dissociative amnesia beyond the evidence about the functioning of memory

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Manzanero Puebla, Antonio Lucas|||0000-0003-2619-4571, Palomo Seldas, Rubén

Se ha debatido largamente sobre la realidad de las memorias disociativas. Desde perspectivas clínicas se ha apoyado la existencia de este fenómeno que se ha intentado extrapolar a contextos legales. Sin embargo, existe poca evidencia para poder confirmarlo, al tiempo que las memorias disociativas o reprimidas irían en contra del funcionamiento normal de la memoria. La confusión entre psicología clínica y psicología forense, una inadecuada definición de amnesia, la carencia de un completo...

Seguridad Social (Un análisis de la investigación económica actual)

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Valiño Castro, Aurelia

Uno de los problemas que más atrae la atención de los investigadores económicos es el de los efectos económicos que originan los programas de Seguridad Social. Entre estos programas, uno de los de mayor volumen es el correspondiente a las pensiones. Y, por tanto, es también uno de los más estudiados. Por ello, nos centraremos principalmente en las aportaciones más recientes que se han efectuado en torno al mismo, al estudio de sus consecuencias sobre el ahorro y la oferta de trabajo, y la...

Cloudy bag model: convergent perturbation expansion for the nucleon

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Dood, L. R., Thomas, A. W., Fernández Álvarez-Estrada, Ramón|||0000-0003-0884-1157

A previously published bound on the probability of finding n pions in the dressed nucleon in Chew-Low theory is improved. The proof is then extended to the recently derived cloudy-bag-model Hamiltonian. Together with a bound on the average number of pions (0.9±1.0), our result strongly suggests a rapid convergence of the perturbation expansion in the cloudy bag model.

Relaciones entre ortogénesis y series volcano-sedimentarias en el Macizo de El Caloco (Guadarrama central)

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Fúster Casas, José María, Navidad Fernández de la Cruz, Marina, Villaseca González, Carlos|||0000-0003-3827-5643

El macizo de El Caloco está constituido por dos formaciones metamórficas de caracteres distintos. Una es fundamentalmente paraderivada (metapelitas con niveles carbonatados asociados), con tramos de origen volcano-sedimentarios o subvolcánico (gneises glandulares fémicos) y que se ha denominado «serie fémica heterogénea». Aparecen también metabasitas con clinopiroxeno, granate y plagioclasa, en parte anfibolitizadas. La otra formación es de naturaleza cuarzo-feldespática y está compuesta por...

El análisis de clase marxista en la era de la precariedad y la flexibilidad, Marxist class analysis in the era of precarity and flexibility

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Sánchez Iglesias, Demetrio Eduardo, Aja Valle, Jaime

Las transformaciones del trabajo de las últimas décadas, caracterizadas por la precariedad y la flexibilización, suponen un desafío para el análisis de clase y para el análisis de raíz marxista. El objetivo de este artículo es construir, en debate con Marx, una propuesta de análisis que permita abordar estos cambios sociales. Para ello se revisan el concepto de clase de Marx, complicándolo, y aproximaciones contemporáneas que hacen uso de esa concepción en el análisis de la sociedad actual....

Hybrid sol-gel coatings doped with non-toxic corrosion inhibitors for corrosion protection on AZ61 magnesium alloy

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Rodríguez Alonso, Luis, López Sánchez, Jesús, Serrano, Aída, Rodríguez de la Fuente, Oscar, Galván, Juan Carlos, Carmona Tejero, Noemí|||0000-0003-4765-2367

Physiological human fluid is a natural corrosive environment and can lead to serious corrosion and mechanical damages to light Mg-Al alloys used in prosthetics for biomedical applications. In this work, organic-inorganic hybrid coatings doped with various environmentally friendly and non-toxic corrosion inhibitors have been prepared by the sol-gel process for the corrosion protection of AZ61 magnesium alloys. Effectiveness has been evaluated by pH measurements, optical microscopy, and SEM...

Regulation of cardiac ion channels by transcription factors: Looking for new opportunities of druggable targets for the treatment of arrhythmias

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Crespo García, Teresa, Cámara Checa, Anabel, Dago Requena, María, Rubio Alarcón, M., Rapún Jiménez, Josu, Tamargo Menéndez, Juán, Delpón Mosquera, Eva, Caballero, Rafael

Cardiac electrical activity is governed by different ion channels that generate action potentials. Acquired or inherited abnormalities in the expression and/or function of ion channels usually result in electrophysiological changes that can cause cardiac arrhythmias. Transcription factors (TFs) control gene transcription by binding to specific DNA sequences adjacent to target genes. Linkage analysis, candidate-gene screening within families, and genome-wide association studies have linked rare...

Constant roll inflation in multifield models

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Guerrero Roman, Merce, Rubiera García, Diego|||0000-0003-3984-9864, Saez-Chillon Gomez, Diego

Constant roll inflation is analyzed in the presence of multiscalar fields which are assumed to be described by a constant roll rate each. The different cases are studied and the corresponding potentials are reconstructed. The exact solutions are obtained, which show a similar behavior to the single scalar field model. For one of the cases analyzed in the paper, the so-called adiabatic field also constantly roll(s) while entropy perturbations become null, while the second case may lead to...

Talk Is Silver, Code Is Gold? Beyond Traditional Notions of Contribution in Peer Production: The Case of Drupal

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Rozas, David, Gilbert, Nigel, Hodkinson, Paul, Hassan, Samer

Peer production communities are based on the collaboration of communities of people, mediated by the Internet, typically to create digital commons, as in Wikipedia or free software. The contribution activities around the creation of such commons (e.g., source code, articles, or documentation) have been widely explored. However, other types of contribution whose focus is directed toward the community have remained significantly less visible (e.g., the organization of events or mentoring). This...

Production of Oligosaccharides from Agrofood Wastes

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Cano, María Emilia, García Martin, Alberto, Comendador Morales, Pablo, Wojtusik, Mateusz, Santos Mazorra, Victoria Eugenia|||0000-0003-0600-8153, Kovensky, José, Ladero Galán, Miguel|||0000-0002-9146-3830

The development of biorefinery processes to platform chemicals for most lignocellulosic substrates, results in side processes to intermediates such as oligosaccharides. Agrofood wastes are most amenable to produce such intermediates, in particular, cellooligo-saccharides (COS), pectooligosaccharides (POS), xylooligosaccharides (XOS) and other less abundant oligomers containing mannose, arabinose, galactose and several sugar acids. These compounds show a remarkable bioactivity as prebiotics,...

Wide companions to M and L subdwarfs with Gaia and the Virtual Observatory

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
González Payo, J., Cortés Contreras, Miriam|||0000-0003-3734-9866, Lodieu, N., Solano, E., Zhang, Z.H., Gálvez-Ortiz, M.-C.

Aims: The aim of the project is to identify wide common proper motion companions to a sample of spectroscopically confirmed M and L metal-poor dwarfs (also known as subdwarfs) to investigate the impact of metallicity on the binary fraction of low-mass metal-poor binaries and to improve the determination of their metallicity from the higher-mass binary. Methods. We made use of Virtual Observatory tools and large-scale public surveys to look in Gaia for common proper motion companions to a well-...

Concurrent Validity and Reliability of Manual Versus Specific Device Transcostal Measurements for Breathing Diaphragm Thickness by Ultrasonography in Lumbopelvic Pain Athletes.

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Marugán Rubio, Daniel, Chicharro, Jose L, Becerro de Bengoa Vallejo, Ricardo, Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena, Rodríguez Sanz, David|||0000-0002-3629-6590, Vicente Campos, Davinia, Dávila Sánchez, Gabriel J, Calvo Lobo, César|||0000-0002-6569-1311

The use of rehabilitative ultrasound imaging (RUSI) to evaluate diaphragm thickness during breathing in athletes who suffer from non-specific lumbopelvic pain presents some measurement errors. The purpose of this study was to evaluate intra- and inter-sessions, intra- and inter-rater reliabilities, and concurrent validity of diaphragm thickness measurements during breathing using transcostal RUSI with a novel thoracic orthotic device that was used to fix the US probe versus those measurements...

Interrupcions Sedimentaries i paleoalteracions

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Virgili Rodón, Carmina

The record of geological time in stratigraphic successions is discontinuous because periods of norrdeposition are much longer than those of active sedimentation Weathering takes place during these breaks, deeply disturbing the sinsedimentary fabncs. These phenomena are mainly of pedogenetic origin, but also due to ground waters. The final result is a «continentalization» of the series, being that the cause of several erroneous interpretations of ancient sediments. The study of paleoweatherings...

Virtual Production y Performance Capture. Estudio de técnicas en tiempo real para la producción de efectos visuales en la industria audiovisual., Performance Capture & Virtual Production. A research for Real-Time techniques in VFX production within audiovisual industrie., Performance Capture e Virtual Production. Studio di tecniche real-time per la produzione di VFX nell'industria audiovisiva.

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Martínez Rodríguez, David Guillermo

Los efectos visuales forman parte de la esencia del cine ya desde los primeros años tras su creación por los hermanos Lumière. Recurrir a trucos de cámara y a ilusiones se convirtió rápidamente en un recurso no solo recurrente, sino necesario, para el desarrollo de todo tipo de películas a lo largo de la historia del cine; existía una relación simbiótica entre el espectador, que con el transcurso de las décadas demandaba artificios y efectos cada vez más elaborados, y los cineastas, quienes...

Las estrategias de programación de Canal+ en abierto (1993-2000)

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Vicent Ibáñez, Mireya|||0000-0002-8331-5387

Esta investigación analiza los índices de audiencia que Canal+ España consiguió entre 1993 y 2000 para valorar la importancia de las emisiones en abierto para este canal durante sus primeros diez años de vida aproximadamente. Se tienen en cuenta los contenidos más exitosos desde la perspectiva de los rankings de audiencia, analizando el género, si se trata de emisiones en abierto o en codificado y su duración. Se demostrará que las emisiones en abierto funcionaron como medio de exposición para...

Visión antropológica en el arte de entreguerras y sus publicaciones: un giro etnográfico, Anthropological Vision in Interwar Art and its Publications: An Ethnographic Turn

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Mañero Rodicio, Francisco Javier|||0000-0003-0224-743X

Durante el periodo de entreguerras se afianzó una nueva apreciación de las entonces llamadas artes “primitivas” determinada por la difusión de estudios antropológicos. Las publicaciones artísticas se abrieron a los científicos y a tratamientos de aquellas producciones netamente etnográficos, ajenos a las valoraciones estéticas. Esto ocurre con especial intensidad en el ámbito francés. Ciñéndose a él, esta investigación atiende sobre todo a las colaboraciones científicas en las revistas de arte...

Accumulation of partly folded states in the equilibrium unfolding of the pneumococcal choline-binding module C-LytA

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Maestro García-Donas, María Beatriz, Sanz, J.M.

Choline-binding modules are present in some virulence factors and many other proteins of Streptococcus pneumoniae (Pneumococcus). The most extensively studied choline-binding module is C-LytA, the C-terminal moiety of the pneumococcal cell-wall amidase LytA. The three-dimensional structure of C-LytA is built up from six loop-hairpin structures forming a left-handed β-solenoid with four choline-binding sites. The affinity of C-LytA for choline and other structural analogues allows its use as an...

Luis Gordillo y su serie “Autorretratos con ojos artificiales” (1974). Buceando entre el uso de las fotos, la fotografía y la autorrepresentación del artista, Luis Gordillo and his series "Self-portraits with artificial eyes" (1974). Diving between the use of photos, photography and the artist's self-representation.

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Carabias Álvaro, Mónica

El valor de la fotografía como objeto encontrado/apropiado/modificado y como práctica experimental resultan indiscutibles en la obra de Luis Gordillo (Sevilla, 1934). Pese a no tener referencias fotográficas y declarar que el Pop art fue su punto de conexión con el poder de la imagen, el contexto experimental y transgresor de los años setenta resultaría definitivo para convencerle del poder de la fotografía como objeto y lenguaje. Sea como fuere, empatizaría con el ideario experimental de la...

La mediación sanitaria en Chile, Medical mediation in the international context

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Munuera Gómez, María Del Pilar|||0000-0001-8998-6272

Mediation can approximate opposing positions and reach agreements that offer viable solutions for the problems posed by parties. The favorable results, the statements of the professionals and the welfare of the parties who participate in it are some of the reasons for its growth. Its fields of action are diverse, creating a space where the protagonists solve their problems and transform their relationships without having to resort to lengthy and costly legal processes to reach valid agreements...

Physical activity effects on the individual alpha peak frequency of older adults with and without genetic risk factors for Alzheimer’s Disease: A MEG study

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
De Frutos Lucas, Jaisalmer|||0000-0003-2970-4338, López Sanz, David|||0000-0001-5294-4407, Zuluaga Arias, María Del Pilar|||0000-0002-1267-3021, Rodríguez Rojo, Inmaculada Concepción|||0000-0002-6960-8781, Luna, Raúl, López García, María Eugenia|||0000-0002-3928-2629, Delgado Losada, María Luisa|||0000-0001-8808-4613, Marcos Dolado, Alberto, Barabash Bustelo, Ana, López Sánchez, Ramón|||0000-0002-3612-4190, Maestu Unturbe, Fernando|||0000-0002-3195-0071, Fernández Lucas, Alberto Amable|||0000-0001-9998-8343

Objective Since a cure for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is yet to be discovered, attention has shifted towards prevention. Physical activity (PA) emerged as a notorious lifestyle factor that could influence brain structure and function. The individual alpha peak frequency (IAPF) is a measure that summarizes the spectral content of brain signals and has been proven to be sensitive to both AD pathology and PA interventions. Therefore, our goal was to unravel whether chronic PA modulates IAPF and if...

El opio en Afganistán. ¿Erradicación o legalización?, Opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan. Eradication or legalisation?

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Calvillo Cisneros, José Miguel|||0000-0003-3340-184X, González Gómez, María Paloma|||0000-0002-9710-1750

Afganistán es un conflicto de larga duración debido a varios factores. En el amplio abanico de causas, el cultivo y producción de adormidera es uno de los elementos de desestabilización que incide directamente en la situación actual de seguridad y desarrollo del país. Desde 1992, Afganistán ha sido el principal productor ilegal de opio a nivel mundial. Desde la intervención de los Estados Unidos, se ha practicado una política de erradicación de estos cultivos que no ha obtenido los resultados...

El euskera en la novela Patria de Fernando Aramburu, The Basque Language in the Novel Patria by Fernando Aramburu

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Carlos Cid Abasolo, Cid Abásolo, Carlos|||0000-0002-0080-0337

En este artículo se analiza la presencia de la lengua vasca en la novela Patria, de Fernando Aramburu, best seller del año 2016. Aramburu, como es sabido, escribe en español, pero en esta novela, al igual que en otras obras anteriores, introduce, por un lado, palabras o frases en euskera con una determinada intencionalidad, y, por otro, referencias y reflexiones (propias y, sobre todo, de los personajes) sobre la lengua vasca. Tanto las unas como las otras son el objeto de estudio de este...

Alfonso de Fonseca y Ulloa: la Casa de un arzobispo de Sevilla en el siglo XV, Alfonso de Fonseca y Ulloa: The Household of an Archbishop of Seville in the 15th Century

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
González Nieto, Diego|||0000-0003-4947-3987

A pesar del verdadero auge de las investigaciones dedicadas al análisis de los ámbitos curiales medievales, las Casas de los obispos, el conjunto humano de criados, oficiales y dependientes que servían, asistían y acompañaban a los mitrados en su ámbito doméstico-privado, son unos organismos curiales que resultan aún muy desconocidos para la baja Edad Media castellana. En este libro se analiza, a partir de un amplio volumen de fuentes inéditas y de un tratamiento prosopográfico, la que sin duda...

How e-collaboration and e-services ensure free market flows and consumer benefits. The case of Spanish transportation services

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Martín de Santos, Inés, Mattera, Marina, Gava, Luana, Pitarch, Joaquín

Free market is implemented across nations as it has been proven that competitiveness can contribute to better products and services being offered. In addition, it can provide more accurate pricing and overall enhanced wellbeing for society. In the particular case of Europe, the free market is promoted and there are some sectors where regulation is in place to ensure competitiveness. In this context, e-collaboration and eservices have proven to be a tool that enables free market competition,...

Long-Term Impacts of Orthokeratology Treatment on Sub-Basal Nerve Plexus and Corneal Sensitivity Responses and Their Reversibility

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Nombela Palomo, María, Felipe Márquez, Gema, Teus, Miguel Ángel, Hernández Verdejo, José Luis|||0000-0002-6418-4086, Nieto Bona, Amelia|||0000-0002-9503-8700

Purpose: To examine the effects of one year of overnight orthokeratology (OK) treatment on the sub-basal nerve plexus (SBNP) and corneal sensitivity and to assess the reversibility of these effects one month after treatment interruption. Methods: Thirty-two subjects with low-moderate myopia underwent OK treatment for one year. Fifteen non-contact lens wearers served as controls. At the time points baseline, one year of treatment, and one month after removing the OK lenses, two tests were...

Terminal-instar larval systematics and biology of west European species of Ormyridae associated with insect galls (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea)

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Gómez Sánchez, José Francisco, Hernández Nieves, María, Gayubo, Severiano F., Nieves-Aldrey, José Luis

A systematic study of the genus Ormyrus (Chalcidoidea, Ormyridae) was conducted based on the morphology and biology of the terminal-instar larvae of ten west European species that are parasitoids of gall wasps and gallflies of the families Cynipidae, Eurytomidae and Tephritidae. The first detailed descriptions are provided of the terminal-instar larvae of these ten species using SEMimages to illustrate diagnostic characters with systematic values. A key is provided for the identification of...

On the time-varying nature of the debt-growth nexus: evidence from the euro area

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Gómez-Puig, Marta, Sosvilla-Rivero, Simón

This article uses the DCC-generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity model to investigate the existence of time-varying correlations between public debt and economic growth. To that end, we use annual data from both central and peripheral countries of the euro area for the period 1961–2015. The results suggest that the relationships between these variables are time-varying and that in some countries and for some periods, there is a positive association between them.

1,3-Propanediol production from glycerol with a novel biocatalyst Shimwellia blattae ATCC 33430: Operational conditions and kinetics in batch cultivations

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Rodríguez, Alberto, Wojtusik, Mateusz, Ripoll, Vanessa, Santos, Victoria E., García-Ochoa, F.

Shimwellia blattae ATCC 33430 as biocatalyst in the conversion of 1,3-propanediol from glycerol is herein evaluated. Several operational conditions in batch cultivations, employing pure and raw glycerol as sole carbon source, were studied. Temperature was studied at shaken bottle scale, while pH control strategy, together with the influence of raw glycerol and its impurities during fermentation were studied employing a 2 L STBR. Thereafter, fluid dynamic conditions were considered by changing...

IntiGIS 2.0: Objetivos y propuesta metodológica. Análisis de competitividad tecnológica en Ghana.

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Page Arias, Alba

Este documento está dividido en dos partes. En la primera de ellas se presentan las características básicas tanto del proyecto actual en el cual se encuentra inmerso IntiGIS como los pasos necesarios para lograr los objetivos planteados. IntiGIS es una aplicación de análisis GIS, desarrollada por el Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT), enfocada a la electrificación de regiones rurales aisladas en países en desarrollo. Debido a exigencias técnicas y al...

Corpus de narrativa postdigital (2022), Postdigital Narrative Collection (2022)

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Llamas Ubieto, Miriam|||0000-0003-0749-8254, Calvo González, María José, Cañadas García, Teresa|||0000-0002-5388-9443, Ceballos Viro, Ignacio, Dotras Bravo, Alexia, García Carcedo, Pilar, Goicoechea de Jorge, María, Larragueta Arribas, Marta, Maeding, Linda|||0000-0003-0791-0747, Menéndez de la Cuesta González, Adrián, Pérez Fresno, Inés|||0000-0001-7229-5651, Sánchez Gómez, Laura, Robles Pérez, María, Regueiro Salgado, Begoña, Sanz Cabrerizo, Amelia, Vidal Sanz, Rafael, Vollmeyer, Johanna|||0000-0001-9928-5605, Yousri, Mohamed

Presentamos el corpus de narrativa actual en alemán, catalán, español, francés, inglés y neerlandés, que ha sido utilizado para el estudio de características postdigitales en el marco del Proyecto de Investigación "REC-LIT. Reciclajes culturales: transliteraturas en la era postdigital" (2018-2022). Es una compilación abierta a la incorporación de obras aún no localizadas o que emerjan en la actualidad. No pretende ser, por tanto, exhaustivo, pero sí incorporar ejemplos de lo que...

Vídeo-I-KRAFT-4 reutilización_Fundir

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Hopson Safatli, Cynthia Elizabeth

Vídeo muestra I-KRAFT-4 reutilización. Adjunto de la Tesis Doctoral titulada: "Formulación de ionogeles e hidrogeles de celulosa procedente del fraccionamiento de la madera y su aplicación en la impresión 3D" de Cynthia Hopson.

Invertebrate Palaeontology and Sequence Stratigraphy: complementary methods and evidence to explain the geological record

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Fernández López, Sixto Rafael|||0000-0002-4492-2985, Sha, Jingeng

The fossil record and the stratigraphic record are two components of the geological record different in nature, and they can be separately interpreted and tested in many cases of Invertebrate Palaeontology. Abundance, diversity and stratigraphic persistence are outstanding features of the fossil invertebrates. Therefore, the complementarity (as the capacity of two contrasted theories together to explain a body of phenomena, although each separately accounts for only some aspects) or the...

Bioestratigrafía de macrofósiles del Cenomaniense Superior-Turoniense Inferior en el área de Satamera y Riofrío del Llano (Guadalajara, España), Macrofossils biostratigraphy of the upper Cenomanian-lower Turonian in the Santamera and Riofrío del Llano area (Guadalajara, Spain)

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Berrocal-Casero, Mélani, Barroso Barcenilla, Fernando, Callapez, Pedro, García Joral, Fernando|||0000-0001-6594-4561, Segura, Manuel

Se ha realizado un estudio bioestratigráfíco y sistemático de los materiales y fósiles del Cenomaniense superior-Turoniense inferior (Formación Picofrentes) en el área de Santamera y Riofrío del Llano, al norte de Guadalajara, España. Se han identificado los siguientes fósiles:el braquiópodo Phaseolina phaseolina (Valenciennes in Lamarck, 1819); los bivalvos Chlamys cf. guerangeri (Farge in Couffon, 1936), Cerastostreon flabellatum (Goldfuss, 1833), Ilymatogyra pseudoafricana (Choffat, 1902),...

The influences of public law on private law and the correlations of the corporate social responsibility vs. the human rights

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Da Silva Veiga, Fabio

Historically, the debate about the existing confrontation between Public and Private Law dates back to the middle twentieth century, primarily to the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany (FCCG) on the Lüth case of 1958. Since then, the discussion has been gaining some space, even being considered the “full Constitutionalization of Law” (Vergrundrechtlichung des gesamten Rechts), on one hand, and celebrated as the full accomplishment of the fundamental rights (Alexy, 2009)[1...

La ficción del milagro económico español a la luz de la crisis financiera, The fiction of the Spanish economic miracle in the light of the financial crisis

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Ibáñez Rojo, Rafael, López Calle, Pablo|||0000-0002-7972-9376

El presente artículo se sitúa en el contexto del cambio de fase en el desarrollo del capitalismo, un cambio marcado por un modelo de crecimiento basado en el uso extensivo de la mano de obra y la extracción de plusvalías absolutas. El deforme crecimiento de la economía española será analizado como un síntoma de las nuevas formas de acumulación y rentabilización del capital dominante en los últimos años. Desde ese punto de partida, el objetivo es en primer lugar, analizar los efectos de la...

Exposición en la Biblioteca. A libro abierto. Mujeres artistas: Del arte feminista al arte femenino

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Biblioteca de la Facultad de Bellas Artes, UCM

manifestación en las calles de Londres que fue presenciada por más de 500.000 personas. A su recuerdo dedicamos esta exposición, que es también un homenaje a las mujeres artistas en nuestra Biblioteca. A LIBRO ABIERTO, es una propuesta de búsqueda e inmersión en la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Bellas Artes dentro del colectivo de libros de artistas mujeres que trabajan y realizan obra relacionada con el mundo femenino: desde las más políticas, feministas y denuncia social, hasta las que...

El tratamiento del Mal en el teatro de Moreto

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Sáez Raposo, Francisco José|||0000-0001-7584-1769

Partiendo de la reflexión sobre la concepción filosófica del Mal en la cultura occidental y su proyección en las creaciones artísticas, el presente trabajo se acerca a la obra de Agustín Moreto para analizarla desde un planteamiento inusitado. A partir de calas significativas en el corpus de sus comedias, se estudiará el rendimiento dramático que, desde diferentes perspectivas, supo obtener a la hora de planificar el desarrollo argumental de las mismas.

Signal representation on the angular Poincare sphere, based on second-order moments

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Bastiaans, Martin J., Alieva, Tatiana Krasheninnikova

Based on the analysis of second-order moments, a generalized canonical representation of a two-dimensional optical signal is proposed, which is associated with the angular Poincare sphere. Vortex-free ( or zero-twist) optical beams arise on the equator of this sphere, while beams with a maximum vorticity ( or maximum twist) are located at the poles. An easy way is shown how the latitude on the sphere, which is a measure for the degree of vorticity, can be derived from the second-order moments....

El Mouru y la presencia del ejército romano en La Mesa

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
González Álvarez, David, Menéndez Blanco, Andrés, Álvarez Martínez, Valentín, Jiménez Chaparro, Jesús Ignacio

Hasta los 1.088 metros de altitud se alza un cerro redondeado ligeramente desplazado hacia el este desde la línea principal del cordal de La Mesa. Esta elevación es conocida por los lugareños como El Mouru y hace de divisoria entre los concejos de Grado y Belmonte. Lo que le otorga un papel destacado en la narración histórica de la milenaria ruta de La Mesa es el reciente reconocimiento de evidencias constructivas que denotan la existencia de una fortificación pretérita1, relacionada sin duda...

Cuestiones en torno al derecho de reproducción en la era digital: reproducciones provisionales, copia privada y compensación equitativa

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Rodríguez Marín, Sara

El presente estudio se centra en el análisis de ciertas cuestiones que atañen, ahora más que nunca con la digitalización de contenidos, al derecho de reproducción dentro de la Propiedad Intelectual. Más concretamente, los temas que se verán tratados a lo largo de las siguientes líneas serán: las reproducciones provisionales, cuya problemática principal se centra en determinar cuándo estamos o no ante una reproducción provisional y, por lo tanto, ante un límite al derecho de reproducción copia...

A Decision Rule to Minimize Daily Capital Charges in Forecasting Value-at-Risk

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
McAleer, Michael, Jiménez-Martín, Juan-Ángel, Pérez-Amaral, Teodosio

Under the Basel II Accord, banks and other Authorized Deposit-taking Institutions (ADIs) have to communicate their daily risk estimates to the monetary authorities at the beginning of the trading day, using a variety of Value-at-Risk (VaR) models to measure risk. Sometimes the risk estimates communicated using these models are too high, thereby leading to large capital requirements and high capital costs. At other times, the risk estimates are too low, leading to excessive violations, so that...

The heat flow during the formation of ribbon terrains on Venus

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Ruiz Pérez, Javier|||0000-0002-3937-8380

Ribbons are regularly spaced, between 2 and 6 km, troughs that exist on venusian tesserae, which are mainly located in, and characterize to, venusian crustal plateaus. Independent of the geological or temporal relations with other features, regularly and similarly spaced ribbons on several tesserae strongly suggest a thermal control on the thickness of the deformed layer. This can be used to constraint the heat flow at the time of ribbon formation, which holds important implications for the...

El futuro del derecho privado uniforme en la Unión Europea: nuevas tendencias y retos

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
De Miguel Asensio, Pedro Alberto

Este artículo analiza las carencias de la legislación comunitaria como fuente para la unificación del Derecho privado, destacando las deficiencias de los proyectos de una codificación de amplio alcance del Derecho privado en el seno de la UE. Una pretensión de ese tipo parece apropiada en el estado actual de la integración comunitaria si su alcance se limita a normas de Derecho contractual imperativo así como de Derecho internacional privado. Una mayor unificación del Derecho privado en Europa...

Location of crossings in the Floquet spectrum of a driven two-level system

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Creffield, Charles E.

The calculation of the Floquet quasi-energies of a system driven by a time-periodic field is an efficient way to understand its dynamics. In particular, the phenomenon of dynamical localization can be related to the presence of close approaches between quasienergies (either crossings or avoided crossings). Here we consider a driven two-level system and study how the locations of crossings in the quasienergy spectrum alter as the field parameters are changed. A perturbational scheme provides a...

The magnon kinematics of the AdS/CFT correspondence

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Gómez, César, Hernández Redondo, Rafael|||0000-0002-1558-1309

The planar dilatation operator of N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills is the hamiltonian of an integrable spin chain whose length is allowed to fluctuate. We will identify the dynamics of length fluctuations of planar N = 4 Yang-Mills with the existence of an abelian Hopf algebra Z symmetry with non-trivial co-multiplication and antipode. The intertwiner conditions for this Hopf algebra will restrict the allowed magnon irreps to those leading to the magnon dispersion relation. We will discuss...

Bioestratigrafía del Ladiniense Inferior en la región de Calasparra (Murcia, España)

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Pérez Valera, Juan Alberto, Pérez Valera, Fernando, Goy, Antonio

A bioestratigraphic study has been carried out with the aid of ammonoids from the Lower Ladinian of the SE Calasparra section (Eastern of the Betic Cordillera). The section is formed by 89 m of do- lostones and fossiliferous limestones from the Muschelkalk facies. From the study of 11 successive levels with ammonoids, three biozones have been distinguished: Brotzeni Zone (Upper Anisian), Curionii Zone (Lower Ladinian) and Epigonus Zone (Upper Ladinian). Moreover, the Curionii Zone could be...

Las figuras geométricas a los cinco años: exploraciones a través de la literatura infantil

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Escorial González, Beatriz, De Castro Hernández, Carlos

Descripción de una serie de actividades geométricas que surgen en el aula de 4 y 5 años de Educación Infantil, partiendo de la lectura de un cuento sobre formas geométricas, y de la discusión matemática que se produce entre los alumnos durante la lectura del cuento.

La secuencia litoestratigráfica del Neoproterozoico-Cámbrico Inferior

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Rodríguez Alonso, M. D., Díez Balda, M.A., Perejón, Antonio, Pieren Pidal, Agustín Pedro|||0000-0001-8783-2368, Liñán, Eladio, López Díaz, F., Moreno, F., Gámez Vintaned, J.A., González Lodeiro, F., Martínez Poyatos, D., Vegas, Ramón

Paleoearthquake evidence in Tenerife (Canary Islands) and possible seismotectonic sources

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
González de Vallejo, Luis I., Capote del Villar, Ramón, Cabrera Pérez, Luis, Insúa Arévalo, Juan Miguel, Acosta Yepes, Juan

A series of clastic dikes and tubular vents were identified in southern Tenerife (Canary Islands). These features are the result of seismic liquefaction of a Holocene sand deposit, as the consequence of a high intensity paleoearthquake. The peak ground acceleration (pga) and magnitude of the paleoearthquake generating these liquefaction features were estimated by back calculation analysis. A representative value of 0.30 ± 0.05 g was obtained for the pga. From this, an earthquake intensity of IX...

Bíoestratigrafía y cronoestratígrafía del Coniaciense-Maastriehtiense en el sector Prebético de Jumilla - Yecla (Murcia)

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Ramírez del Pozo, J., Martín Chivelet, Javier|||0000-0002-1878-5796

En este trabajo se establece la bioestratigrafía, basada fundamentalmente en foraminíferos bentónicos, de los materiales correspondientes a las plataformas mixtas carbonático-siliciclásticas desarrolladas en el intervalo Coníacíense-Maastrichtiense en el sector central del Prebético (Altiplano de Jumilla-Yecla). Con ello se precisa la cronoestratigrafía de las mismas y se establece una biozonación de carácter regional para el Senoniense que, gracias a la presencia de foraminíferos planetónicos...

Expression and characterization of the Trypanosoma cruzi dihydrofolate reductase domain

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Reche, Pedro A, Arrebola, R, Santi, D V, González-Pacanowska, D., Ruiz Pérez, Luis Miguel

We have cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli a 702-base pair gene coding for the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) domain of the bifunctional dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase (DHFR-TS) from Trypanosoma cruzi. The DHFR domain was purified to homogeneity by methotrexate-Sepharose chromatography followed by an anion-exchange chromatography step in a mono Q column, and displayed a single 27-kDa band on SDS-PAGE. Gel filtration showed that the catalytic domain was expressed as a monomer...

Un episodio volcánico pre-Cañadas en la Isla de Tenerife

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Huertas Coronel, María José|||0000-0002-0132-7668, Ancochea Soto, Eumenio|||0000-0001-7537-4726, Cantagrel, Jean Marie, Coello, Juan, Fúster Casas, José María, Ibarrola, E.

Based on new radiometric data, a Pre-Cañadas volcanic building of 3.5-3.0 Ma has been defined. This new building is mainly compared of basaltic rack cropping out in several gorges to the S of Cañadas Building, inside of the «Pared de Las Cañadas», «Boca de Tauce», and «La Grieta» and «La Angostura» valleys. Estimated minumum diameter and maximun high is 23 Km and 2300 m respectively. The destruction of this volcanic structure could contribute in the formation of the volcanic breccia ocurring...

Shift versus no-shift in local regularizations of Chern Simons theory

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Ruiz Ruiz, Fernando|||0000-0003-1571-2468, Martín, C.P., Giavarini, G.

We consider a family of local BRS-invariant higher covariant derivative regularizations of SU(N) Chem-Simons theory that do not shift the value of the Chem-Simons parameter k to k + sign(k) c(v) at one loop.

C-V, DLTS and conductance transient characterization of SiNx:H/InP interface improved by N-2 remote plasma cleaning of the InP surface

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Mártil de la Plaza, Ignacio, González Díaz, Germán|||0000-0003-1652-6966

Electrical characterization of Al/SiNx:H/InP structures shows that ECR nitrogen plasma cleaning of InP surfaces gives rise to a noticeable improvement in the interface quality, whereas insulator and semiconductor bulk properties are maintained at a level sufficient to be used as the gate dielectric in MIS devices. Nitrogen plasma exposure was carried out just before the SiNx plasma deposition without vacuum breaking. To obtain interface state density and to detect deep levels in the...

Correlative study of structural and optical properties of ZnSe under severe plastic deformation

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Sotillo Buzarra, Belén|||0000-0003-0241-6213, Escalante, G., Radoi, C., Muñoz San José, V., Piqueras de Noriega, Javier, Fernández Sánchez, Paloma|||0000-0003-0780-803X

The effect of plastic deformation on the optical and structural properties of ZnSe crystals has been investigated. The optical properties have been monitored by cathodoluminescence measurements as a function of the deformation degree. Remarkable differences in the defect-related emissions from the most severely deformed areas have been encountered. Deformation of the crystal lattice of ZnSe, associated with slip phenomena, has been studied by means of Electron Backscattered Diffraction and...

La inversión extranjera en el sector bancario español, Foreign investment in the Spanish banking sector

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Fernández Rozas, José Carlos|||0000-0001-8443-8488

Debido a su propia naturaleza, la vocación internacional es consustancial a la actividad bancaria desde sus orígenes y creciente a medida que se intensifican las relaciones comerciales entre los Estados, pudiendo afirmarse en la actualidad que no existe relación comercial de alguna importancia que no se realice en virtud de la intervención de uno o más establecimientos bancarios. Los factores apuntados propician, lógicamente, el establecimiento de la banca fuera de las fronteras de los Estados...

A strange non-local monotone operator arising in the homogenization of a diffusion equatio with dynamic nonlinear boundary conditions on particles of critical size and arbitrary shape

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Díaz Díaz, Jesús Ildefonso|||0000-0003-1730-9509, Shaposhnikova, Tatiana, Zubova, Maria N.

We characterize the homogenization limit of the solution of a Poisson equation in a bounded domain, either periodically perforated or containing a set of asymmetric periodical small particles and on the boundaries of these particles a nonlinear dynamic boundary condition holds involving a Hölder nonlinear [sigma](u). We consider the case in which the diameter of the perforations (or the diameter of particles) is critical in terms of the period of the structure. As in many other cases concerning...

Global existence of a nonlinear wave equation arising from Nordström’s theory of gravitation

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Brauer, Uwe, Karp, Lavi

We show global existence of classical solutions for the nonlinear Nordström theory with a source term and a cosmological constant under the assumption that the source term is small in an appropriate norm, while in some cases no smallness assumption on the initial data is required. In this theory, the gravitational field is described by a single scalar function that satisfies a certain semi-linear wave equation. We consider spatial periodic deviation from the background metric, that is why we...

Study of ionosphere irregularities over the Iberian Peninsula during two moderate geomagnetic storms using GNSS and ionosonde observations

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Campuzano, Saioa A., Delgado-Gómez, Fernando, Migoya-Orué, Yenca, Rodríguez-Caderot, Gracia, Herraiz Sarachaga, Miguel|||0000-0002-0793-7117, Radicella, Sandro M.

Studies on the irregularities of the ionosphere during disturbed geomagnetic conditions are fundamental to understanding the complex dynamics taking place in the upper atmosphere. In this work, different data sources are used to study the ionosphere effects of two moderate geomagnetic storms, 26-27 February 2014 and 17-18 September 2021, over the Iberian Peninsula. Data are obtained from digital ionosondes in Spain, Italy and Greece; the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) derived Total...

Influence of the CoViD-19 Pandemic on Mental Workload and Burnout of Fashion Retailing Workers in Spain

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Rodríguez López, Ana María, Rubio Valdehita, Susana|||0000-0003-2422-4458, Díaz Ramiro, Eva María|||0000-0002-7551-7915

This study analyzed the levels of mental workload and the presence of burnout on a sample of fashion retailing workers from Spain and its relationship with the current CoViD-19 (Coronavirus disease-19) pandemic. We established a cross-sectional design. Participants (n = 360) answered an online survey including questions about sociodemographic data, perception of CoViD-19, CarMen-Q questionnaire (workload), and MBI (burnout syndrome). The survey campaign took place in October and November 2020....

The Role of Interleukine-10 and Interferon-γ as Potential Markers of the Evolution of African Swine Fever Virus Infection in Wild Boar

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Barroso Arévalo, Sandra, Sánchez-Vizcaíno Rodríguez, José Manuel|||0000-0002-1502-8968, Cadenas Fernández, Estefanía, Barasona García-Arévalo, José Ángel|||0000-0003-4066-8454

African swine fever virus (ASFv) is one of the most challenging pathogens to affect both domestic and wild pigs. The disease has now spread to Europe and Asia, causing great damage to the pig industry. Although no commercial vaccine with which to control the disease is, as yet, available, some potential vaccine candidates have shown good results in terms of protection. However, little is known about the host immune mechanisms underlying that protection, especially in wild boar, which is the...

Pharmacokinetics of Sativex® in Dogs: Towards a Potential Cannabinoid-Based Therapy for Canine Disorders

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Fernández Trapero, María, Pérez Díaz, Carmen|||0000-0002-1481-6591, Espejo Porras, Francisco, Lago Femia, Eva de, Fernández Ruiz, Javier

The phytocannabinoid-based medicine Sativex® is currently marketed for the treatment of spasticity and pain in multiple sclerosis patients and is being investigated for other central and peripheral pathological conditions. It may also serve in Veterinary Medicine for the treatment of domestic animals, in particular for dogs affected by different pathologies, including human-like pathological conditions. With the purpose of assessing different dosing paradigms for using Sativex in Veterinary...

Optic nerve and macular optical coherence tomography in recovered COVID-19 patients

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Burgos Blasco, Bárbara, Güemes Villahoz, Noemi, Vidal Villegas, Beatriz, Martínez de la Casa, Jose Maria, Donate López, Juan, Martín Sánchez, Francisco Javier, González Armengol, Juan Jorge, Porta Etessam, Jesús, Rodríguez Martin, José Luis, García Feijoo, Julián|||0000-0002-7772-5718

Purpose: To investigate the peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFLT), macular RNFLT, ganglion cell layer (GCL), and inner plexiform layer (IPL) thickness in recovered COVID-19 patients compared to controls. Methods: Patients previously diagnosed with COVID-19 were included, while healthy patients formed the historic control group. All patients underwent an ophthalmological examination, including macular and optic nerve optical coherence tomography. In the case group, socio-...

Boosting the tunable microwave scattering signature of sensing array platforms consisting of amorphous ferromagnetic Fe_2.25Co_72.75Si_10B_15 microwires and its amplification by intercalating cu microwires

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Archilla Sanz, Diego, López Sánchez, Jesús, Hernando Grande, Antonio|||0000-0002-7307-8859, Navarro Palma, Elena|||0000-0002-2807-3805, Marín Palacios, María Pilar|||0000-0003-1068-6934

The following work addresses new configurations of sensing array platforms that are composed of Co-based amorphous ferromagnetic microwires (MWs) to obtain an enhanced modulation of the microwave scattering effects through the application of low strength DC or AC magnetic fields. An amorphous MW is an ultrasoft ferromagnetic material (coercivity similar to 0.2 Oe) with a circumferential magnetic anisotropy that provides a high surface sensitivity when it is subjected to an external magnetic...

Engineering of 3D printed personalized polypills for the treatment of the metabolic syndrome

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Anaya, Brayan J., Cerda, Jose R., D'Atri, Rita, Yuste, Iván, Luciano, Francis C., Kara, Aytug, Ruiz Saldaña, Helga Karina|||0000-0003-2575-1233, Ballesteros Papantonakis, María De La Paloma, Serrano López, Dolores Remedios|||0000-0002-0475-8420

Metabolic syndrome is a collection of abnormalities, including at least three of the following insulin resistance, hypertension, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, obesity, inflammation, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. 3D printed solid dosage forms have emerged as a promising tool enabling the fabrication of personalized medicines and offering solutions that cannot be achieved by industrial mass production. Most attempts found in the literature to manufacture polypills for this syndrome...

An average model approach to experience based premium rates discounts: an application to Spanish agricultural insurance

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
De Frutos, Estela, Vilar Zanón, José Luis|||0000-0003-4829-0249, Heras Martínez, Antonio José|||0000-0002-0506-2388

We address some issues in agricultural insurance, describing drawbacks of the bonus-malus system (BMS) methodology used in Spain and many other EU countries. We develop an alternative experience based premium rate discount system taking into account the adverse years when high losses caused by extreme weather events happen. Our contribution consists of a two-step methodology. Firstly, we use tobit or Tweedie regressions to calculate yearly correction rates. Secondly, we calculate the mean of...

A multi-taxa assessment of aquatic non-indigenous species introduced into Iberian freshwater and transitional waters

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Zamora-Marín, JM, Ruiz-Navarro, A, Oficialdegui, FJ, Anastácio, PM, Miranda, R, García-Murillo, P, Cobo, F, Ribeiro, F, Gallardo, B, García-Berthou, E, Boix, D, Oscoz, J, Guillén, A, Herrero-Reyes, AA, Aguiar, FC, Almeida, D, Arias, A, Ayres, C, Banha, F, Barca, S, Biurrun, I, Cabezas, MP, Calero, S, Campos, JA, Capdevila-Argüelles, L, Capinha, C, Carapeto, A, Casals, F, Chainho, P, Cirujano, S, Clavero, M, Cuesta, JA, Deltoro, V, Encarnação, J, Fernández-Delgado, C, Franco, J, García-Meseguer, AJ, Guareschi, S, Guerrero-Gómez, A, Hermoso ,V, López-Cañizares, C, López-Soriano, J, Machordom, A, Martelo, J, Mellado-Díaz, A, Moreno, JC, Olivo del Amo, R, Otero, JC, Perdices, A, Pou-Rovira, Q, Quiñonero-Salgado, S, Rodríguez-Merino ,A, Ros, M, Sánchez-Gullón, E, Sánchez, MI, Sánchez-Fernández, D, Sánchez-González, JR, Soriano, O, Teodósio, MA, Torralva, M, Vieira-Lanero, R, Zamora-López, A, Oliva-Paterna, FJ, Medina Domingo, Leopoldo|||0000-0002-1675-4363, Morcillo Alonso, Felipe|||0000-0003-1024-1898

Aquatic ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to the introduction of non-indigenous species (NIS), leading to multi-faceted ecological, economic and health impacts worldwide. The Iberian Peninsula comprises an exceptionally biodiverse Mediterranean region with a high number of threatened and endemic aquatic species, most of them strongly impacted by biological invasions. Following a structured approach that combines a systematic review of available information and expert opinion, we provide a...

La obra de una docta puella (Tibul. Carmina III 13-18)

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
González Saavedra, Berta|||0000-0002-8701-7491

El propósito de este artículo es resaltar que existió una generación de mujeres que escribieron poesía en la época tardo-republicana en Roma. Para conseguirlo, se examina la educación que recibían y los derechos que tenían en ese período, y para entender por qué no se conocen bien estas mujeres se analiza la transmisión textual.

Prognostic value of a combined estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, Ki-67, and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 immunohistochemical score and comparison with the Genomic Health recurrence score in early breast cancer

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Jack Cuzick, Dowsett, Mitch, Pineda Sanjuan, Silvia, Wale, Christopher, Salter, Janine, Quinn, Emma, Zabaglo, Lila, Mallon, Elizabeth, R Green, Andrew, Ellis, Ian O, Howell, Anthony, Buzdar, Aman U, Forbes, John F

Purpose We recently reported that the mRNA-based, 21-gene Genomic Health recurrence score (GHI-RS) provided additional prognostic information regarding distant recurrence beyond that obtained from classical clinicopathologic factors (age, nodal status, tumor size, grade, endocrine treatment) in women with early breast cancer, confirming earlier reports. The aim of this article is to determine how much of this information is contained in standard immunohistochemical (IHC) markers. Patients and...

Partial compensation for N-type Ca2+ channel loss by P/Q-type Ca2+ channels underlines the differential release properties supported by these channels at cerebrocortical nerve terminals

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Ladera, Carolina, Martín, Ricardo, Bartolomé-Martín, David, Torres Molina, Magdalena Isabel|||0000-0002-3893-8569, Sánchez-Prieto Borja, José|||0000-0002-8513-3501

N-type and P/Q-type Ca2+ channels support glutamate release at central synapses. To determine whether the glutamate release mediated by these channels exhibits distinct properties, we have isolated each release component in cerebrocortical nerve terminals from wild-type mice by specifically blocking N-type Ca2+ channels with ω-conotoxin-GVIA and P/Q-type Ca 2+ channels with ω-agatoxin-IVA. In addition, we have determined the release properties at terminals from mice lacking the α1B subunit of N...

Toxicokinetics of lambda-cyhalothrin in rats

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Anadón Navarro, Arturo Ramón, Martínez Caballero, Marta, Martínez Caballero, María Aranzazu|||0000-0003-4932-1967, Diaz, M.J., Martínez Larrañaga, María Rosa

The toxicokinetics of lambda-cyhalothrin after single 20 mg kg(-1) oral and 3 mg kg(-1) intravenous doses were studied in rats. Serial blood samples were obtained after oral and intravenous administration. Liver, brain, spinal cord, sciatic nerve, vas deferens, anococcygeus and myenteric plexus tissue samples were also collected. Plasma, liver, hypothalamus, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, frontal cortex, striatum, hippocampus, midbrain, spinal cord, vas deferens, anococcygeus, myenteric plexus...

Las tensiones entre técnica y proyecto de vida en la Meditación de la técnica de Ortega y Gasset

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Alonso Fernández, Marcos|||0000-0001-8638-0689

El presente artículo trata de exponer las relaciones que Ortega y Gasset establece entre proyecto de vida y técnica. La articulación entre estas dos instancias, decisiva para la comprensión de la metafísica de la vida humana del filósofo español, se revelará como un tema complicado y cambiante dentro de la producción orteguiana.

Creación, quiebra y remodelación del trust azucarero español: la Sociedad General Azucarera Española (1903-1916)

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
ana rosado cubero, angel martinez soto, Rosado Cubero, Ana Isabel|||0000-0002-4965-9928

Tras la pérdida de las últimas colonias españolas, la industria del azúcar nacional experimento un reajuste importante. Se mantuvo la pequeña producción basada en la caña, pero los grandes inversores apostaron por el desarrollo del cultivo de la remolacha y por la industria azucarera basada en esa materia prima. Un sector importante de los fabricantes españoles se agrupó en 1903 en la Sociedad General Azucarera (SGA), que se especializó fundamentalmente en la fabricación de azúcar de remolacha...

e-Parenting: Revisión de la literatura

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Vaquero Tió, Eduard, Suárez Perdomo, Arminda, Fernández Rodrigo, Laura|||0000-0001-6323-2982, Rodrigo López, M.José, Balsells Bailón, M.Àngels

La irrupción de internet en todas las áreas de la vida cotidiana también se ha puesto de manifiesto en la educación parental y familiar. Las familias usan la red para buscar ayuda en el desempeño de sus funciones parentales, así como para realizar acciones formativas de educación parental. La investigación comienza a mostrar evidencias del modo en que se deben desarrollar dichas prácticas de educación parental online de forma eficaz y eficiente, pero quedan por profundizar interrogantes como ¿...

De las comunidades potenciales : políticas de la autoficción en el cine argentino contemporáneo

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Prieto Martínez, Julio|||0000-0002-9300-8313

Este artículo examina cómo se redefine la imaginación política en la Argentina contemporánea en un momento histórico generalmente caracterizado como “postpolítico” (Žižek; Mouffe; Rancière). Mi análisis se centra en películas que exploran diferentes formas de autoficción, y en particular en dos películas: Los rubios y Estrellas, que pongo en diálogo con un amplio espectro de obras de la generación de los “hijos” –obras de autores nacidos durante o poco antes de la última dictadura militar (1976...

2D strain rate and ground deformation modelling from continuous and survey mode GNSS data in El Hierro, Canary Islands

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Arnoso Sampedro, José, Riccardi, Umberto, Tammaro, Umberto, Benavent Merchán, María Teresa|||0000-0002-4119-5583, González Montesinos, Fuensanta, Vélez, Emilio

We present a study of the deformation pattern in El Hierro Island through the analysis of GNSS data from surveys carried out between 2015 and 2019 as well as continuous data. The last eruption in El Hierro occurred under the sea on the south rift, lasted from October 2011 to March 2012, and it was preceded by intense seismic activity and nearly 5 cm ground inflation. After this eruptive cycle, further magmatic intrusions were detected, from June 2012 to March 2014, associated to intense seismic...