Dataset. 2022

Performance of low-cost monitors to assess household air pollution [dataset]

CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
  • Curto Tirado, Ariadna, 1987-
  • Donaire González, David
  • Barrera Gómez, Jose
  • Marshall, Julian D.
  • Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J.
  • Wellenius, Gregory A.
  • Tonne, Cathryn
Raw data of PM2.5 and CO from an indoor wood-combustion experiment. We evaluated the performance of two low-cost sensors measuring fine particulate matter (PM2.5) (HAPEX Nano, Climate Solutions Consulting, and TZOA-R Model RD02, MyTZOA) and one measuring carbon monoxide (CO) (EL-USB-CO, Lascar Electronics Ltd.) in a real-world wood-combustion experiment. PM2.5 devices were compared against a DustTrak (Model 8534, TSI Inc.) and a BGI pump (BGI4004, BGI Inc.) and the EL-USB-CO data-logger was compared against a Q-Trak (Model 7575, TSI Inc.). Sampling was conducted in a single-family house in Terrassa (Spain) during five non-consecutive days. All devices were co-located 1 meter away from an indoor fireplace and 0.6 meters above the ground. Fire was set once per day with hardwood logs and kept burning for 12 hours including a minimum of 2 hours with an opened window. The data provided is the raw output from all the devices tested for the 5 sampling days aiming interested researchers to play with the data and reproduce our findings.
CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca

CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
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CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca

Recercat. Dipósit de la Recerca de Catalunya
Artículo científico (article).


Recercat. Dipósit de la Recerca de Catalunya
  • Curto, Ariadna
  • Donaire González, David
  • Barrera Gómez, Jose
  • Marshall, Julian D.
  • Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J.
  • Wellenius, Gregory A.
  • Tonne, Cathryn
Exposure to household air pollution is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality globally. However, due to the lack of validated low-cost monitors with long-lasting batteries in indoor environments, most epidemiologic studies use self-reported data or short-term household air pollution assessments as proxies of long-term exposure. We evaluated the performance of three low-cost monitors measuring fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and carbon monoxide (CO) in a wood-combustion experiment conducted in one household of Spain for 5 days (including the co-location of 2 units of HAPEX and 3 units of TZOA-R for PM2.5 and 3 units of EL-USB-CO for CO; a total of 40 unit-days). We used Spearman correlation (ρ) and Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC) to assess accuracy of low-cost monitors versus equivalent research-grade devices. We also conducted a field study in India for 1 week (including HAPEX in 3 households and EL-USB-CO in 4 households; a total of 49 unit-days). Correlation and agreement at 5-min were moderate-high for one unit of HAPEX (ρ = 0.73 / CCC = 0.59), for one unit of TZOA-R (ρ = 0.89 / CCC = 0.62) and for three units of EL-USB-CO (ρ = 0.82–0.89 / CCC = 0.66–0.91) in Spain, although the failure or malfunction rate among low-cost units was high in both settings (60% of unit-days in Spain and 43% in India). Low-cost monitors tested here are not yet ready to replace more established exposure assessment methods in long-term household air pollution epidemiologic studies. More field validation is needed to assess evolving sensors and monitors with application to health studies., This work was supported by the Brown India Initiative of Brown University and the European Research Council under ERC Grant Agreement number 336167 for the CHAI Project. ISGlobal is a member of the CERCA Programme, Generalitat de Catalunya. CT was funded through a Ramón y Cajal fellowship (RYC-2015–17402) awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.

CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
Dataset. 2022


CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
  • Curto Tirado, Ariadna, 1987-
  • Donaire González, David
  • Barrera Gómez, Jose
  • Marshall, Julian D.
  • Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J.
  • Wellenius, Gregory A.
  • Tonne, Cathryn
Raw data of PM2.5 and CO from an indoor wood-combustion experiment. We evaluated the performance of two low-cost sensors measuring fine particulate matter (PM2.5) (HAPEX Nano, Climate Solutions Consulting, and TZOA-R Model RD02, MyTZOA) and one measuring carbon monoxide (CO) (EL-USB-CO, Lascar Electronics Ltd.) in a real-world wood-combustion experiment. PM2.5 devices were compared against a DustTrak (Model 8534, TSI Inc.) and a BGI pump (BGI4004, BGI Inc.) and the EL-USB-CO data-logger was compared against a Q-Trak (Model 7575, TSI Inc.). Sampling was conducted in a single-family house in Terrassa (Spain) during five non-consecutive days. All devices were co-located 1 meter away from an indoor fireplace and 0.6 meters above the ground. Fire was set once per day with hardwood logs and kept burning for 12 hours including a minimum of 2 hours with an opened window. The data provided is the raw output from all the devices tested for the 5 sampling days aiming interested researchers to play with the data and reproduce our findings.