
Coastal flooding and mean sea-level rise allowances in atoll island: Supplementary Material

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Amores, Ángel
  • Marcos, Marta
  • Le Cozannet, Gonéri
  • Hinkel, Jochen
7 pages. -- The file includes 7 figures. -- Figure S1. Selection of the combination of Hs and Tp values used in the 1D SWASH numerical simulations. The density plot represents the frequency that a combination of Hs and Tp is given in the intertropical areas ( 25 latitude, region where most of the coral reef islands are found) of the CFSR hindcast CAWCR Global wind-wave data set[1]. The black contour represents the area containing the maximum frequency and enclosing 90% of the Hs and Tp combinations. Taking advantage of previous experience, the 60 different combinations used for the simulations (black dots) has been chosen to include the most frequent combination as well as the extremes following lines of constant Hs Tp (dotted contour lines). -- Figure S2. Dependence of the wave setup with: a) significant wave height multiplied by peak period; b) sea level; c) reef length; d) island height; and e) Manning’s roughness coefficient. The central value of each box plot represents the median value, the lower (upper) limit of the box is the 25% (75%) quantile and the whiskers show the range of values between the 5% and 95% quantiles. -- Figure S3. Sensitivity tests for adjusted wave setup parameters in equation 3. Each parameter is randomly changed by up to 5% of its value and the rest are adjusted. Histograms represent the results of the process repeated 10000 times. -- Figure S4. Dependence of the flooding with sea level and island height for incoming waves with Hs = 4m and Tp = 20s, a reef length of 500 m and a Manning friction coefficient of 0.1. The colorplot is a bi-linear interpolation from the 36 values (black dots) obtained from the numerical simulations. The horizontal thick black line indicates the flooding that an island with 1.65 m would suffer with sea-level rise is no action is taken. The dashed black line indicates the evolution of the island height with sea-level rise if present-day flooding is required to remain constant. Thin black line indicate the isoline of a useddefine flooding threshold (in this case 0.1m3/s). The intersection between this line and the horizontal line (that shows the island height) indicates the sea level at which the user defined flooding threshold is over-passed. -- Figure S5. Same as Fig. 4 but with a Manning friction coefficient of 0.05. -- Figure S6. Number of island wave-induced flooded by more than 0.1m3/s with 0.5 m of mean sea level under different return periods and for different Manning friction coefficient. The total number of flooded islands for each return period is highly dependent on the Manning coefficient. -- Figure S7. Comparison between the flooding results from our simulations (Manning friction coefficient fixes to 0.1) with the flooding threshold derived by [2] (black dashed line in each panel). Note that we used different mean sea levels while keeping constant to 1 m the reef depth, whereas [2] changed their reef depth (Dree f ) and kept mean sea level as a constant value. Thus, to perform the comparison we computed the different reef depths as 1 m plus the corresponding mean sea level value. Consequently, our island height is transformed as the original island height minus the sea level to be consistent. Colours (in logarithmic colour scale) indicate the volume of flooding (in m3/s per linear meter of coastline). Our flooding values above the threshold are always below 0.01 m2/s., Peer reviewed
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Artículo científico (article). 2022


Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Amores, Ángel
  • Marcos, Marta
  • Le Cozannet, Gonéri
  • Hinkel, Jochen
Amores, Angel; Marcos, Marta; Le Cozannet, Gonéri; Hinkel, Jochen. Author Correction: Coastal flooding and mean sea-level rise allowances in atoll island. Scientific Reports 12: 2523 (2022). ., Atoll islands are among the places most vulnerable to climate change due to their low elevation above mean sea level. Even today, some of these islands suffer from severe flooding generated by wind-waves, that will be exacerbated with mean sea-level rise. Wave-induced flooding is a complex physical process that requires computationally-expensive numerical models to be reliably estimated, thus limiting its application to single island case studies. Here we present a new model-based parameterisation for wave setup and a set of numerical simulations for the wave-induced flooding in coral reef islands as a function of their morphology, the Manning friction coefficient, wave characteristics and projected mean sea level that can be used for rapid, broad scale (e.g. entire atoll island nations) flood risk assessments. We apply this new approach to the Maldives to compute the increase in wave hazard due to mean sea-level rise, as well as the change in island elevation or coastal protection required to keep wave-induced flooding constant. While future flooding in the Maldives is projected to increase drastically due to sea-level rise, we show that similar impacts in nearby islands can occur decades apart depending on the exposure to waves and the topobathymetry of each island. Such assessment can be useful to determine on which islands adaptation is most urgently needed., This study was supported by the project RTI2018-093941-B-C31 supported by MCIN/ AEI 10.13039/501100011033 and by FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa and by the INSeaPTION Project that is part of ERA4CS, an ERANET initiated by JPI Climate, and funded by Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad-Agencia Estatal de Investigación (ES) (Grant number PCIN-2017-038), BMBF (DE), NOW (NL) and ANR (FR) with co-funding by the European Union (Grant 690462). Angel Amores was funded by the Conselleria d’Educació, Universitat i Recerca del Govern Balear through the Direcció General de Política Universitària i Recerca and by the Fondo Social Europeo for the period 2014–2020 (Grant no. PD/011/2019). The authors are grateful to Dr. Rodrigo Pedreros for his help in the interpretation of the results, to Benoit Meyssignac for sharing SLR reconstruction data, Aurélie Maspataud for the bathymetry and Rémi Thiéblemont for contributions in the development of the SLR projection codes. The wave setup and wave-induced flooding simulations can be downloaded from, Peer reviewed

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Artículo científico (article). 2022


Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Amores, Ángel
  • Marcos, Marta
  • Le Cozannet, Gonéri
  • Hinkel, Jochen
Amores, Angel; Marcos, Marta; Le Cozannet, Gonéri; Hinkel, Jochen. Coastal flooding and mean sea-level rise allowances in atoll island. Scientific Reports 12: 1281 (2022). ., Atoll islands are among the places most vulnerable to climate change due to their low elevation above mean sea level. Even today, some of these islands suffer from severe flooding generated by wind-waves, that will be exacerbated with mean sea-level rise. Wave-induced flooding is a complex physical process that requires computationally-expensive numerical models to be reliably estimated, thus limiting its application to single island case studies. Here we present a new model-based parameterisation for wave setup and a set of numerical simulations for the wave-induced flooding in coral reef islands as a function of their morphology, the Manning friction coefficient, wave characteristics and projected mean sea level that can be used for rapid, broad scale (e.g. entire atoll island nations) flood risk assessments. We apply this new approach to the Maldives to compute the increase in wave hazard due to mean sea-level rise, as well as the change in island elevation or coastal protection required to keep wave-induced flooding constant. While future flooding in the Maldives is projected to increase drastically due to sea-level rise, we show that similar impacts in nearby islands can occur decades apart depending on the exposure to waves and the topobathymetry of each island. Such assessment can be useful to determine on which islands adaptation is most urgently needed., This study was supported by the project RTI2018-093941-B-C31 supported by MCIN/ AEI 10.13039/501100011033 and by FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa and by the INSeaPTION Project that is part of ERA4CS, an ERANET initiated by JPI Climate, and funded by Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad-Agencia Estatal de Investigación (ES) (Grant number PCIN-2017-038), BMBF (DE), NOW (NL) and ANR (FR) with co-funding by the European Union (Grant 690462). Angel Amores was funded by the Conselleria d’Educació, Universitat i Recerca del Govern Balear through the Direcció General de Política Universitària i Recerca and by the Fondo Social Europeo for the period 2014–2020 (Grant no. PD/011/2019). The authors are grateful to Dr. Rodrigo Pedreros for his help in the interpretation of the results, to Benoit Meyssignac for sharing SLR reconstruction data, Aurélie Maspataud for the bathymetry and Rémi Thiéblemont for contributions in the development of the SLR projection codes. The wave setup and wave-induced flooding simulations can be downloaded from, Peer reviewed

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2022


Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Amores, Ángel
  • Marcos, Marta
  • Le Cozannet, Gonéri
  • Hinkel, Jochen
7 pages. -- The file includes 7 figures. -- Figure S1. Selection of the combination of Hs and Tp values used in the 1D SWASH numerical simulations. The density plot represents the frequency that a combination of Hs and Tp is given in the intertropical areas ( 25 latitude, region where most of the coral reef islands are found) of the CFSR hindcast CAWCR Global wind-wave data set[1]. The black contour represents the area containing the maximum frequency and enclosing 90% of the Hs and Tp combinations. Taking advantage of previous experience, the 60 different combinations used for the simulations (black dots) has been chosen to include the most frequent combination as well as the extremes following lines of constant Hs Tp (dotted contour lines). -- Figure S2. Dependence of the wave setup with: a) significant wave height multiplied by peak period; b) sea level; c) reef length; d) island height; and e) Manning’s roughness coefficient. The central value of each box plot represents the median value, the lower (upper) limit of the box is the 25% (75%) quantile and the whiskers show the range of values between the 5% and 95% quantiles. -- Figure S3. Sensitivity tests for adjusted wave setup parameters in equation 3. Each parameter is randomly changed by up to 5% of its value and the rest are adjusted. Histograms represent the results of the process repeated 10000 times. -- Figure S4. Dependence of the flooding with sea level and island height for incoming waves with Hs = 4m and Tp = 20s, a reef length of 500 m and a Manning friction coefficient of 0.1. The colorplot is a bi-linear interpolation from the 36 values (black dots) obtained from the numerical simulations. The horizontal thick black line indicates the flooding that an island with 1.65 m would suffer with sea-level rise is no action is taken. The dashed black line indicates the evolution of the island height with sea-level rise if present-day flooding is required to remain constant. Thin black line indicate the isoline of a useddefine flooding threshold (in this case 0.1m3/s). The intersection between this line and the horizontal line (that shows the island height) indicates the sea level at which the user defined flooding threshold is over-passed. -- Figure S5. Same as Fig. 4 but with a Manning friction coefficient of 0.05. -- Figure S6. Number of island wave-induced flooded by more than 0.1m3/s with 0.5 m of mean sea level under different return periods and for different Manning friction coefficient. The total number of flooded islands for each return period is highly dependent on the Manning coefficient. -- Figure S7. Comparison between the flooding results from our simulations (Manning friction coefficient fixes to 0.1) with the flooding threshold derived by [2] (black dashed line in each panel). Note that we used different mean sea levels while keeping constant to 1 m the reef depth, whereas [2] changed their reef depth (Dree f ) and kept mean sea level as a constant value. Thus, to perform the comparison we computed the different reef depths as 1 m plus the corresponding mean sea level value. Consequently, our island height is transformed as the original island height minus the sea level to be consistent. Colours (in logarithmic colour scale) indicate the volume of flooding (in m3/s per linear meter of coastline). Our flooding values above the threshold are always below 0.01 m2/s., Peer reviewed