
Graphene Oxide Nanosheets Reduce Astrocyte Reactivity to Inflammation and Ameliorate Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis [Dataset]

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Di Mauro, Giuseppe
  • Amoriello, Roberta
  • Lozano, Neus
  • Carnasciali, Alberto
  • Guasti, Daniele
  • Becucci, Maurizio
  • Cellot, Giada
  • Kostarelos, Kostas
  • Ballerini, Clara
  • Ballerini, Laura
10 pages. -- Figure S1 | Cytokines and chemokines measurements by Luminex assay in organotypic culture supernatants in CKs or CK+s-GO treatments. -- Figure S2 | LY uptake in spinal culture GFAP positive cells in the presence of CBX. -- Figure S3 | LY uptake in spinal culture GFAP positive cells exposed to QN. -- Figure S4 | s-GO do not affect the peripheral immune system: cytological analysis of lymph node and spleen cells. -- Figure S5 | Genotoxicity evaluation of s-GO impact on DNA double-strand breaks by measuring Histone H2AX phosphorylation at Ser 139 (γ-H2AX) reveals the lack of astrocytic nuclear DNA damage. -- Supplementary methods: UV-Vis spectroscopy. -- X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. -- TEM analysis on mice spinal cord. -- Raman spectroscopy analysis. -- Lymph node cells and splenocytes proliferation., In neuroinflammation, astrocytes play multifaceted roles that regulate the neuronal environment. Astrocytes sense and respond to pro-inflammatory cytokines (CKs) and, by a repertoire of intracellular Ca2+ signaling, contribute to disease progression. Therapeutic approaches wish to reduce the overactivation in Ca2+ signaling in inflammatory-reactive astrocytes to restore dysregulated cellular changes. Cell-targeting therapeutics might take advantage by the use of nanomaterial-multifunctional platforms such as graphene oxide (GO). GO biomedical applications in the nervous system involve therapeutic delivery and sensing, and GO flakes were shown to enable interfacing of neuronal and glial membrane dynamics. We exploit organotypic spinal cord cultures and optical imaging to explore Ca2+ changes in astrocytes, and we report, when spinal tissue is exposed to CKs, neuroinflammatory-associated modulation of resident glia. We show the efficacy of GO to revert these dynamic changes in astrocytic reactivity to CKs, and we translate this potential in an animal model of immune-mediated neuroinflammatory disease., Peer reviewed
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Artículo científico (article). 2023


Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Di Mauro, Giuseppe
  • Amoriello, Roberta
  • Lozano, Neus
  • Carnasciali, Alberto
  • Guasti, Daniele
  • Becucci, Maurizio
  • Cellot, Giada
  • Kostarelos, Kostas
  • Ballerini, Clara
  • Ballerini, Laura
In neuroinflammation, astrocytes play multifaceted roles that regulate the neuronal environment. Astrocytes sense and respond to pro-inflammatory cytokines (CKs) and, by a repertoire of intracellular Ca2+ signaling, contribute to disease progression. Therapeutic approaches wish to reduce the overactivation in Ca2+ signaling in inflammatory-reactive astrocytes to restore dysregulated cellular changes. Cell-targeting therapeutics might take advantage by the use of nanomaterial-multifunctional platforms such as graphene oxide (GO). GO biomedical applications in the nervous system involve therapeutic delivery and sensing, and GO flakes were shown to enable interfacing of neuronal and glial membrane dynamics. We exploit organotypic spinal cord cultures and optical imaging to explore Ca2+ changes in astrocytes, and we report, when spinal tissue is exposed to CKs, neuroinflammatory-associated modulation of resident glia. We show the efficacy of GO to revert these dynamic changes in astrocytic reactivity to CKs, and we translate this potential in an animal model of immune-mediated neuroinflammatory disease., This work received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. GrapheneCore3 (881603). The ICN2 is funded by the CERCA program, Generalitat de Catalunya, and is supported by the Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence program by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI, Grant No. SEV-2017–0706)., Peer reviewed

Proyecto: EC/H2020/881603

Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB
Artículo científico (article). 2023


Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB
  • Di Mauro, Giuseppe
  • Amoriello, Roberta
  • Lozano, Neus|||0000-0002-9026-1743
  • Carnasciali, Alberto
  • Guasti, Daniele
  • Becucci, Maurizio
  • Cellot, Giada|||0000-0001-9198-8402
  • Kostarelos, Kostas|||0000-0002-2224-6672
  • Ballerini, Clara
  • Ballerini, Laura|||0000-0001-8420-0787
In neuroinflammation, astrocytes play multifaceted roles that regulate the neuronal environment. Astrocytes sense and respond to pro-inflammatory cytokines (CKs) and, by a repertoire of intracellular Ca signaling, contribute to disease progression. Therapeutic approaches wish to reduce the overactivation in Ca signaling in inflammatory-reactive astrocytes to restore dysregulated cellular changes. Cell-targeting therapeutics might take advantage by the use of nanomaterial-multifunctional platforms such as graphene oxide (GO). GO biomedical applications in the nervous system involve therapeutic delivery and sensing, and GO flakes were shown to enable interfacing of neuronal and glial membrane dynamics. We exploit organotypic spinal cord cultures and optical imaging to explore Ca changes in astrocytes, and we report, when spinal tissue is exposed to CKs, neuroinflammatory-associated modulation of resident glia. We show the efficacy of GO to revert these dynamic changes in astrocytic reactivity to CKs, and we translate this potential in an animal model of immune-mediated neuroinflammatory disease.

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2023


Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Di Mauro, Giuseppe
  • Amoriello, Roberta
  • Lozano, Neus
  • Carnasciali, Alberto
  • Guasti, Daniele
  • Becucci, Maurizio
  • Cellot, Giada
  • Kostarelos, Kostas
  • Ballerini, Clara
  • Ballerini, Laura
10 pages. -- Figure S1 | Cytokines and chemokines measurements by Luminex assay in organotypic culture supernatants in CKs or CK+s-GO treatments. -- Figure S2 | LY uptake in spinal culture GFAP positive cells in the presence of CBX. -- Figure S3 | LY uptake in spinal culture GFAP positive cells exposed to QN. -- Figure S4 | s-GO do not affect the peripheral immune system: cytological analysis of lymph node and spleen cells. -- Figure S5 | Genotoxicity evaluation of s-GO impact on DNA double-strand breaks by measuring Histone H2AX phosphorylation at Ser 139 (γ-H2AX) reveals the lack of astrocytic nuclear DNA damage. -- Supplementary methods: UV-Vis spectroscopy. -- X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. -- TEM analysis on mice spinal cord. -- Raman spectroscopy analysis. -- Lymph node cells and splenocytes proliferation., In neuroinflammation, astrocytes play multifaceted roles that regulate the neuronal environment. Astrocytes sense and respond to pro-inflammatory cytokines (CKs) and, by a repertoire of intracellular Ca2+ signaling, contribute to disease progression. Therapeutic approaches wish to reduce the overactivation in Ca2+ signaling in inflammatory-reactive astrocytes to restore dysregulated cellular changes. Cell-targeting therapeutics might take advantage by the use of nanomaterial-multifunctional platforms such as graphene oxide (GO). GO biomedical applications in the nervous system involve therapeutic delivery and sensing, and GO flakes were shown to enable interfacing of neuronal and glial membrane dynamics. We exploit organotypic spinal cord cultures and optical imaging to explore Ca2+ changes in astrocytes, and we report, when spinal tissue is exposed to CKs, neuroinflammatory-associated modulation of resident glia. We show the efficacy of GO to revert these dynamic changes in astrocytic reactivity to CKs, and we translate this potential in an animal model of immune-mediated neuroinflammatory disease., Peer reviewed