
Opinión sobre punitivismo en Andalucía (2019)

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Camarero, M.
  • Caro, Jesús
  • López Menchón, Alejandro Esteban
  • Navarro Ardoy, Luis
  • Pozo Cuevas, Federico
[Description of methods used for collection/generation of data] PACIS is a survey panel. The owner of this panel is IESA-CSIC, a public scientific research center belonging to the Spanish National Research Council. The information obtained both at the time of registration and in the successive questionnaires answered by its members is protected by Law 12/89, which regulates statistical secret for public administrations, and can only be processed and disseminated in numerical and aggregate form, in order to guarantee the anonymity of the interviewees. The persons registered in PACIS are included in an automated file comprising contact data and basic classification variables, the purpose of which is to carry out scientific opinion surveys. This file, which is owned by IESA-CSIC, is not shared in any case with third parties, and IESA-CSIC applies appropriate security measures to comply with the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights. Any person registered in PACIS can exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by sending an email to In the surveys carried out, only the personal information necessary to guarantee the quality of the research is collected. Once the data collection has been completed, the results matrix is anonymized and the data of the persons registered in the PACIS file is unlinked to their answers to the questionnaires. The questionnaires comply with the different specific quality standards in survey research such as UNE ISO-20252, ICC/ESOMAR, and specific Accessibility and Usability standards in digital formats such as UNE 139803 and WCAG 1.0. • UNIVERSE: People 18 years or older living in Andalusia. • FRAMEWORK: PACIS citizen panel. • SAMPLE SIZE: 839 interviews. • DATA COLLECTION: The sample has been selected among people belonging to PACIS. They have been contacted by e-mail, SMS and telephone and have filled the questionnaire by Internet (on a website) or by telephone interview. Some members were contacted through several channels. To achieve the sample of 839 interviews, 2.201 PACIS members were selected. • SAMPLE TYPE: Stratified selection by age group and sex of PACIS members, with the strata being proportional to the Andalusian population over 18 years of age. • AVERAGE INTERVIEW TIME: 16 minutes. • MAXIMUM SAMPLING ERROR: ± 3,4%, [Methods for processing the data] The processing of the information collected consisted of debugging the data, correcting errors and detecting anomalous data. Data recording was automatic and coding of open-ended questions was done manually. The evaluation of the fieldwork was continued by reviewing the compliance of the sample, analysis and treatment of non-response. Finally, the sample was calibrated by sex and age groups, level of studies and municipal size, with the latest available data from the Register of Inhabitants and the EPA (Active Population Survey) for the level of studies., The codebook is available in Spanish and in English translation., [EN] The data come from a survey made in November 2019 designed to measure the demand of several sentences or punitivism in the Andalusian population. The questionnaire includes indicators to delve into the multidimensional character to the punishment demand as well as the different factors that may be punitivism predictors. The data collection corresponds to the ninth wave of the Citizen Panel for Social Research in Andalusia (PACIS). The Panel is an iniciative of Advanced Social Studies Institute (IESA-CSIC). A total of 839 people over 18 years of age participated in this study: 528 answered by internet (self-administered web questionnaire) and 311 were interviewed by telephone to cover sociodemographic profiles less inclined to internet use., [ES] Los datos provienen de una encuesta realizada en noviembre de 2019 diseñada para medir la demanda de la población andaluza de penas más severas o punitivismo. El cuestionario incluye indicadores para profundizar en el carácter multidimensional de la demanda de castigo así como los diferentes factores que pueden ser predictores de punitivismo. La recogida de datos corresponde a la novena ola del Panel Ciudadano para la Investigación Social en Andalucía (PACIS). El Panel es una iniciativa del Instituto de Estudios Sociales Avanzados (IESA-CSIC). En este estudio han participado un total de 839 personas mayores de 18 años: 528 la contestaron a través de internet mediante cuestionario web autoadministrado y 311 fueron entrevistadas telefónicamente para cubrir perfiles sociodemográficos menos proclives al uso de Internet., EP-1905 Wave 9ª Citizen panel for social research in Andalusia, self-funded by IESA/CSIC under the INTRAMURALES., Peer reviewed
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