
Supplementary Material for Extension and application of an observation-based local climate index aimed to anticipate the impact of ENSO events on Colombia

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Sayol, Juan Manuel
  • Vásquez, Laura M.
  • Valencia, Jorge L.
  • Linero, Jean L.
  • García, David
  • Vigo, Isabel
  • Orfila, Alejandro
17 pages. -- Figure S1: Autocorrelation of original signals and residual components of ENSO NOAA oceanic indexes (a)-(c)-(e)-(g), of TMI study cases shown in Fig. 4 (b)-(d)-(f)-(h) and of ENSO indexes derived by Takahashi et al. (2011) (i)-(j), and Sullivan et al. (2016) (k)-(l)-(m). -- Figure S2: (top panel) Hovmöller diagram depicting the zonal propagation of Kelvin waves along the equatorial Pacific Ocean between years 1993 and 2017 (both included). (bottom panel) Time series of the zonally-averaged Kelvin sea level anomalies over the equatorial Pacific Ocean (between 145°E and the Pacific coast of Colombia between -4°S and 4°N of latitude). -- Figure S3: (top panel) Hovmöller diagram illustrating the zonal propagation of wind-forcing associated to Kelvin waves along equatorial Pacific Ocean between years 1993 and 2017 (both included). (bottom panel) Time series of zonally-averaged Kelvin sea level anomalies over the equatorial Pacific Ocean (between 145°E and the Pacific coast of Colombia between -4°S and 4°N of latitude). -- Figure S4: (a)-(c) Maps of cross-correlation between the TMI and the time series of CHIRPS rain associated with every grid cell between years 1983 and 2017. -- Figure S5: (a)-(c) Maps of cross-correlation between the ENSO 1+2 and the time series of CHIRPS rain associated with every grid cell between years 1983 and 2017. -- Figure S6: (a)-(c) Maps of cross-correlation between the ENSO 3 and the time series of CHIRPS rain associated with every grid cell between years 1983 and 2017. -- Figure S7: (a)-(c) Maps of cross-correlation between the ENSO 3.4 and the time series of CHIRPS rain associated with every grid cell between years 1983 and 2017. -- Figure S8: (a)-(c) Maps of cross-correlation between the ENSO 4 and the time series of CHIRPS rain associated with every grid cell between years 1983 and 2017. -- Figure S9: Map showing the mean SST field (shading), and mean surface wind (black arrows) during years 1988–2017. Data is described in section 3. For the sake of clarity, only 1 of every 7 arrows are shown. -- Figure S10: Mean (panels a-c-e-g) and standard deviation (panels b-d-f-h) composites of rainfall anomalies for different ENSO types. -- Figure S11: (a) Time series of 20◦C isotherm depth (z20◦C ) at 95◦W from Tropical Atmosphere Ocean project (TAO) data; (b) Time series of z20◦C at 110◦W from TAO; (c) Time series of the difference between z20◦C at 110◦W and at 95◦W; (d) Scatter diagram between z20◦C at 95◦W and at 110◦W, where the red line represents a linear fit between both depths; (e) original time series of z20◦C at 110◦W (black points) and the reconstructed time series OF z20◦C at 110◦W (sky blue solid line) after filling gaps with 95◦W data and performing a quadratic interpolation. --Figure S12: Time series of TMI4∗ (a, 20◦C isotherm depth instead of sea level), and TMI5 (b, 20◦C isotherm depth is added to the original TMI4. -- Figure S13: (a)-(b) Maps of cross-correlation between TMI4∗ (which includes the 20◦C isotherm depth instead of sea level) and the time series of CHIRPS rain associated with every grid cell between years 1983 and 2017. -- Figure S14: (a)-(b) Maps of cross-correlation between TMI5 and the time series of CHIRPS rain associated with every grid cell between years 1983 and 2017. -- Table S1: Annual mean (x) and standard deviation (σ) of rainfall from CHIRPS data during the period 1983–2017 (both included). -- Table S2: Number of CHIRPS grid cells (Ng) with time lags within the interval [-6, 0) (time lag = 0 not included) for TMI, TMI4 and ENSO oceanic indices: ENSO 1+2, ENSO 3, ENSO 3.4, ENSO 4. -- Table S3: Number of CHIRPS grid cells (Ng) with time lags within the interval [-6, 0) (time lag = 0 not included) for TMI4 and Takahashi et al. (2011) (C, P) and Sullivan et al. (2016). -- Table S4: Cross-correlation of original TMI4 and the new TMI4 (renamed as TMI4 ∗ ) and tMI5, against selected ENSO indices: ENSO 1+2, ENSO 3, ENSO 3.4 and ENSO 4, and other indices more adapted to regionally identify Central Pacific and Eastern Pacific ENSO events such as those of Takahashi et al. (2011) (C, E) and Sullivan et al. (2016) (CP, EP, Mixed), which are described in Section 3.4. -- Table S5: Same as Table S4 but for the residual components (denoted by the subscript r). -- Table S6: Number of CHIRPS grid cells (Ng) with time lags within the interval [-6, 0) (time lag = 0 not included) for the original TMI4 (without z20◦C ), TMI4∗ (which includes z20◦C instead of sea level) and TMI5., Peer reviewed
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2022


Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Sayol, Juan Manuel
  • Vásquez, Laura M.
  • Valencia, Jorge L.
  • Linero, Jean L.
  • García, David
  • Vigo, Isabel
  • Orfila, Alejandro
17 pages. -- Figure S1: Autocorrelation of original signals and residual components of ENSO NOAA oceanic indexes (a)-(c)-(e)-(g), of TMI study cases shown in Fig. 4 (b)-(d)-(f)-(h) and of ENSO indexes derived by Takahashi et al. (2011) (i)-(j), and Sullivan et al. (2016) (k)-(l)-(m). -- Figure S2: (top panel) Hovmöller diagram depicting the zonal propagation of Kelvin waves along the equatorial Pacific Ocean between years 1993 and 2017 (both included). (bottom panel) Time series of the zonally-averaged Kelvin sea level anomalies over the equatorial Pacific Ocean (between 145°E and the Pacific coast of Colombia between -4°S and 4°N of latitude). -- Figure S3: (top panel) Hovmöller diagram illustrating the zonal propagation of wind-forcing associated to Kelvin waves along equatorial Pacific Ocean between years 1993 and 2017 (both included). (bottom panel) Time series of zonally-averaged Kelvin sea level anomalies over the equatorial Pacific Ocean (between 145°E and the Pacific coast of Colombia between -4°S and 4°N of latitude). -- Figure S4: (a)-(c) Maps of cross-correlation between the TMI and the time series of CHIRPS rain associated with every grid cell between years 1983 and 2017. -- Figure S5: (a)-(c) Maps of cross-correlation between the ENSO 1+2 and the time series of CHIRPS rain associated with every grid cell between years 1983 and 2017. -- Figure S6: (a)-(c) Maps of cross-correlation between the ENSO 3 and the time series of CHIRPS rain associated with every grid cell between years 1983 and 2017. -- Figure S7: (a)-(c) Maps of cross-correlation between the ENSO 3.4 and the time series of CHIRPS rain associated with every grid cell between years 1983 and 2017. -- Figure S8: (a)-(c) Maps of cross-correlation between the ENSO 4 and the time series of CHIRPS rain associated with every grid cell between years 1983 and 2017. -- Figure S9: Map showing the mean SST field (shading), and mean surface wind (black arrows) during years 1988–2017. Data is described in section 3. For the sake of clarity, only 1 of every 7 arrows are shown. -- Figure S10: Mean (panels a-c-e-g) and standard deviation (panels b-d-f-h) composites of rainfall anomalies for different ENSO types. -- Figure S11: (a) Time series of 20◦C isotherm depth (z20◦C ) at 95◦W from Tropical Atmosphere Ocean project (TAO) data; (b) Time series of z20◦C at 110◦W from TAO; (c) Time series of the difference between z20◦C at 110◦W and at 95◦W; (d) Scatter diagram between z20◦C at 95◦W and at 110◦W, where the red line represents a linear fit between both depths; (e) original time series of z20◦C at 110◦W (black points) and the reconstructed time series OF z20◦C at 110◦W (sky blue solid line) after filling gaps with 95◦W data and performing a quadratic interpolation. --Figure S12: Time series of TMI4∗ (a, 20◦C isotherm depth instead of sea level), and TMI5 (b, 20◦C isotherm depth is added to the original TMI4. -- Figure S13: (a)-(b) Maps of cross-correlation between TMI4∗ (which includes the 20◦C isotherm depth instead of sea level) and the time series of CHIRPS rain associated with every grid cell between years 1983 and 2017. -- Figure S14: (a)-(b) Maps of cross-correlation between TMI5 and the time series of CHIRPS rain associated with every grid cell between years 1983 and 2017. -- Table S1: Annual mean (x) and standard deviation (σ) of rainfall from CHIRPS data during the period 1983–2017 (both included). -- Table S2: Number of CHIRPS grid cells (Ng) with time lags within the interval [-6, 0) (time lag = 0 not included) for TMI, TMI4 and ENSO oceanic indices: ENSO 1+2, ENSO 3, ENSO 3.4, ENSO 4. -- Table S3: Number of CHIRPS grid cells (Ng) with time lags within the interval [-6, 0) (time lag = 0 not included) for TMI4 and Takahashi et al. (2011) (C, P) and Sullivan et al. (2016). -- Table S4: Cross-correlation of original TMI4 and the new TMI4 (renamed as TMI4 ∗ ) and tMI5, against selected ENSO indices: ENSO 1+2, ENSO 3, ENSO 3.4 and ENSO 4, and other indices more adapted to regionally identify Central Pacific and Eastern Pacific ENSO events such as those of Takahashi et al. (2011) (C, E) and Sullivan et al. (2016) (CP, EP, Mixed), which are described in Section 3.4. -- Table S5: Same as Table S4 but for the residual components (denoted by the subscript r). -- Table S6: Number of CHIRPS grid cells (Ng) with time lags within the interval [-6, 0) (time lag = 0 not included) for the original TMI4 (without z20◦C ), TMI4∗ (which includes z20◦C instead of sea level) and TMI5., Peer reviewed