Supplemental Information Back-Contact Perovskite Solar Cell Fabrication via Microsphere Lithography
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Deng, Siqi
- Tan, Boer
- Chesman, Anthony S. R.
- Lu, Jianfeng
- McMeekin, David P.
- Ou, Qingdong
- Scully, Andrew D.
- Raga, Sonia R.
- Rietwyk, Kevin James
- Weissbach, Anton
- Zhao, Boya
- Voelcker, Nicolas H.
- Cheng, Yi-Bing
- Lin, Xiongfeng
- Bach, Udo
22 pages. -- Table S1. Roughness data for samples shown in Figure 3. -- Figure S1. SEM images of a) a PS microsphere-lithography-fabricated honeycomb-shaped quasiinterdigitated back-contact electrode; defects present during the PS microsphere assembly process: b) vacancy (red dotted circle); c) dislocation (red dash line); d) secondary layer (red dotted circles). defects present in HQIDE: e) vacancy (red dotted circle); f) dislocation (red dash line); g) interconnecting circles (red dotted circles). -- Figure S2. Process for fabricating ML-BCE. -- Figure S3. Spectral response (external quantum efficiency – EQE, solid line) and the
corresponding integrated short-circuit current density (J, dashed line) of champion BC-PSC based
on ML-BCE (black) and PL-BCE (red). -- Figure S4. Statistic photovoltaic properties of BC-PSCs based on ML-BCE (black) and PL-BCE (red). -- Figure S5. Transient photovoltage (TPV) decay lifetime τ across a range of VOC for perovskites deposited on ML-BCE (black) and on PL-BCE (red). -- Figure S6. UV-visible spectroscopy of back-contact PSCs based on ML-BCE (black) and PL-BCE (red). -- Figure S7. Photovoltaic performance of p-i-n sandwich-type PSCs based on ITO/PTAA (black) and Ni/NiOx (red). -- Table S2. Photovoltaic parameters of champion p-i-n sandwich-type PSCs based on ITO/PTAA and Ni/NiOx substrates. -- Figure S8. a) J-V curves of PSCs based on ITO/PTAA measured from the glass side (black) and from the Au side (red); b) UV-visible transmittance spectra of glass (black), glass/40 nm Au (orange), glass/PCBM/BCP (blue) and glass/PCBM/BCP/Au (red) from 370 nm to 800 nm. a b. -- Table S3. Photovoltaic parameters of PSC based on ITO/PTAA measured from the glass side. -- Figure S9. a) Dark J-V of champion BC-PSCs based on ML-BCE (black) and PL-BCE (red) in forward scan direction; b) series resistance (Rseries) and c) shunt resistance (RSH) of BC-PSCs based on ML-BCE (black) and PL-BCE (red) fitted from the dark J-V curves
and from the Au side. -- Figure S10. a) Bode (phase-frequency) plot and b) Nyquist plot of BC-PSCs based on ML-BCE and PL-BCE at a low applied bias at 0.6 V, 0.7 V and a high applied bias at 1.0 V, 1.1 V (c, d). e)
Simplified equivalent AC circuit employed for the fitting of IS data. f) Fitted contact resistance at applied biases from 0.5 - 1.1 V. -- Figure S11. a) Resistances at 4 characteristic frequency ranges under various applied biases. b) J-V curves extracted during EIS measurement. c) R2 of devices based on ML-BCE and PL-BCE
normalized by the pitch size (P) and gap size (G) of the corresponding electrode. -- Table S4. Radiative limit of back-contact PSCs. -- Table S5. Comparison of device PV parameters (reverse scan) with the radiative limit (with reflection optical loss). -- Figure S12. a) Photoluminescence decay of Cs0.05(FA0.83MA0.17)0.95Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3 perovskite on a PL-BCE (red) and a ML-BCE (black) at short-circuit condition. b) Photoluminescence emission spectra of perovskite film on glass (blue), a PL-BCE (red) and a ML-BCE (black). -- Table S6. Fitted parameters for photoluminescence decay measurements. -- Supplemental Experimental Procedures, Peer reviewed
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2022
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Deng, Siqi
- Tan, Boer
- Chesman, Anthony S. R.
- Lu, Jianfeng
- McMeekin, David P.
- Ou, Qingdong
- Scully, Andrew D.
- Raga, Sonia R.
- Rietwyk, Kevin James
- Weissbach, Anton
- Zhao, Boya
- Voelcker, Nicolas H.
- Cheng, Yi-Bing
- Lin, Xiongfeng
- Bach, Udo
22 pages. -- Table S1. Roughness data for samples shown in Figure 3. -- Figure S1. SEM images of a) a PS microsphere-lithography-fabricated honeycomb-shaped quasiinterdigitated back-contact electrode; defects present during the PS microsphere assembly process: b) vacancy (red dotted circle); c) dislocation (red dash line); d) secondary layer (red dotted circles). defects present in HQIDE: e) vacancy (red dotted circle); f) dislocation (red dash line); g) interconnecting circles (red dotted circles). -- Figure S2. Process for fabricating ML-BCE. -- Figure S3. Spectral response (external quantum efficiency – EQE, solid line) and the
corresponding integrated short-circuit current density (J, dashed line) of champion BC-PSC based
on ML-BCE (black) and PL-BCE (red). -- Figure S4. Statistic photovoltaic properties of BC-PSCs based on ML-BCE (black) and PL-BCE (red). -- Figure S5. Transient photovoltage (TPV) decay lifetime τ across a range of VOC for perovskites deposited on ML-BCE (black) and on PL-BCE (red). -- Figure S6. UV-visible spectroscopy of back-contact PSCs based on ML-BCE (black) and PL-BCE (red). -- Figure S7. Photovoltaic performance of p-i-n sandwich-type PSCs based on ITO/PTAA (black) and Ni/NiOx (red). -- Table S2. Photovoltaic parameters of champion p-i-n sandwich-type PSCs based on ITO/PTAA and Ni/NiOx substrates. -- Figure S8. a) J-V curves of PSCs based on ITO/PTAA measured from the glass side (black) and from the Au side (red); b) UV-visible transmittance spectra of glass (black), glass/40 nm Au (orange), glass/PCBM/BCP (blue) and glass/PCBM/BCP/Au (red) from 370 nm to 800 nm. a b. -- Table S3. Photovoltaic parameters of PSC based on ITO/PTAA measured from the glass side. -- Figure S9. a) Dark J-V of champion BC-PSCs based on ML-BCE (black) and PL-BCE (red) in forward scan direction; b) series resistance (Rseries) and c) shunt resistance (RSH) of BC-PSCs based on ML-BCE (black) and PL-BCE (red) fitted from the dark J-V curves
and from the Au side. -- Figure S10. a) Bode (phase-frequency) plot and b) Nyquist plot of BC-PSCs based on ML-BCE and PL-BCE at a low applied bias at 0.6 V, 0.7 V and a high applied bias at 1.0 V, 1.1 V (c, d). e)
Simplified equivalent AC circuit employed for the fitting of IS data. f) Fitted contact resistance at applied biases from 0.5 - 1.1 V. -- Figure S11. a) Resistances at 4 characteristic frequency ranges under various applied biases. b) J-V curves extracted during EIS measurement. c) R2 of devices based on ML-BCE and PL-BCE
normalized by the pitch size (P) and gap size (G) of the corresponding electrode. -- Table S4. Radiative limit of back-contact PSCs. -- Table S5. Comparison of device PV parameters (reverse scan) with the radiative limit (with reflection optical loss). -- Figure S12. a) Photoluminescence decay of Cs0.05(FA0.83MA0.17)0.95Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3 perovskite on a PL-BCE (red) and a ML-BCE (black) at short-circuit condition. b) Photoluminescence emission spectra of perovskite film on glass (blue), a PL-BCE (red) and a ML-BCE (black). -- Table S6. Fitted parameters for photoluminescence decay measurements. -- Supplemental Experimental Procedures, Peer reviewed
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