
Synthetic data sets for the testing of the anisotropic version of TOMO3D [Dataset]

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Meléndez, Adrià
  • Jiménez-Tejero, C.E.
  • Sallarès, Valentí
  • Ranero, César R.
These data sets are associated with an article that is currently under review.-- Estos conjuntos de datos están asociados a un artículo que está actualmente en proceso de revisión, A new code for anisotropic traveltime tomography is presented. We describe the equations governing the anisotropic ray propagation algorithm and the modified inversion solver. This code can provide better understanding of the Earth's subsurface in the rather common geological contexts in which seismic velocity displays a weak dependency on the polar angle of ray propagation. We study the sensitivity of two medium parametrizations and compare four inversion strategies on a canonical model. The synthetic data sets for all these tests can be found in this repository directory, Project FRAME (Formation of geological domains in the Western Iberian Margin and tectonic reactivation of their limits), reference # CTM2015-71766-R, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity, Project SOUND (Seismic Modelling Using Natural Source Data) funded by Repsol, Table of contents • Inputs – All necessary input files. ◦ ani ◦ picks ◦ vel • Synthetic_Data – All synthetic data sets ◦ For_Sensitivity_and_Accuracy ▪ delta ▪ parallel_velocity ▪ epsilon ▪ parallel_velocity_finer ◦ For_Inversion_Tests • 3.1_Sensitivity – Sensitivity results ◦ 0.25pi_rad ◦ 0_rad • 3.2_Accuracy – Accuracy results ◦ 0.25pi_rad ◦ 0_rad ◦ overall_average • 3.3_Inversion_results – Inversion tests results ◦ Figure_5 ◦ Figure_6 ◦ Figure_7 ◦ Figure 8 • 3.4_Modeling_delta – Results for delta modeling tests ◦ Figure_9 ◦ Table_8-epsilon ◦ Table_9-epsilon ◦ Figure_10 ◦ Table_8-perpendicular_velocity ◦ Table_9-perpendicular_velocity • Supplementary – Files for supplementary figures ◦ FigS1 ◦ FigS2, Peer reviewed

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC