
Nombre agencia financiadora Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Acrónimo agencia financiadora MICINN
Programa Programa Nacional de Investigación Fundamental
Subprograma Investigación fundamental no-orientada
Convocatoria Investigación Fundamental No-Orientada
Año convocatoria 2011
Unidad de gestión Sin informar
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Four genes essential for recombination define GInts, a new type of mobile genomic island widespread in bacteria

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Bardají Goikoetxea, Leire
  • Echeverría Ancín, Myriam
  • Rodríguez Palenzuela, Pablo
  • Martínez García, Pedro M.
  • Murillo Martínez, Jesús
Incluye 9 ficheros de datos, Integrases are a family of tyrosine recombinases that are highly abundant in bacterial genomes, actively disseminating adaptive characters such as pathogenicity determinants and antibiotics resistance. Using comparative genomics and functional assays, we identified a novel type of mobile genetic element, the GInt, in many diverse bacterial groups but not in archaea. Integrated as genomic islands, GInts show a tripartite structure consisting of the ginABCD operon, a cargo DNA region from 2.5 to at least 70 kb, and a short AT-rich 3′ end. The gin operon is characteristic of GInts and codes for three putative integrases and a small putative helix-loop-helix protein, all of which are essential for integration and excision of the element. Genes in the cargo DNA are acquired mostly from phylogenetically related bacteria and often code for traits that might increase fitness, such as resistance to antimicrobials or virulence. GInts also tend to capture clusters of genes involved in complex processes, such as the biosynthesis of phaseolotoxin by Pseudomonas syringae. GInts integrate site-specifically, generating two flanking direct imperfect repeats, and excise forming circular molecules. The excision process generates sequence variants at the element attachment site, which can increase frequency of integration and drive target specificity., This work was funded by the Spanish Plan Nacional I+ D+ i grants AGL2011-30343-C02-02 and AGL2014-
53242-C2-2-R, from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), co-financed by the Fondo
Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER).

Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi: some like it knot

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Ramos, Cayo
  • Matas Casado, Isabel María
  • Bardají Goikoetxea, Leire
  • Aragón, Isabel M.
  • Murillo Martínez, Jesús
Incluye 4 ficheros de datos, Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi is the causal agent of olive (Olea europaea) knot disease and an unorthodox member of the P. syringae complex, causing aerial tumours instead of the foliar necroses and cankers characteristic of most members of this complex. Olive knot is present wherever olive is grown; although losses are difficult to assess, it is assumed that olive knot is one of the most important diseases of the olive crop. The last century has witnessed a good deal of scientific articles describing the biology, epidemiology and control of this pathogen. However, most P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi strains are highly recalcitrant to genetic manipulation, which has effectively left the pathogen out of the scientific progress in molecular biology that has elevated the foliar pathogens of the P. syringae complex to supermodels. A series of studies in the last years have made significant advances in the biology, ecology and genetics of P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi, paving the way for the molecular dissection of its interaction with other non-pathogenic bacteria and their woody hosts. The selection of a genetically pliable model strain was soon followed by the development of rapid methods for virulence assessment with micropropagated olive plants and the analysis of cellular interactions with the plant host. The generation of a draft genome of strain NCPPB 3335 and the closed sequence of its three native plasmids has allowed for functional and comparative genomic analyses for the identification of its pathogenicity gene complement. This includes 34 putative type III effector genes and genomic regions, shared with other pathogens of woody hosts, that encode metabolic pathways associated with the degradation of lignin-derived compounds. Now, the time is right to explore the molecular basis of the P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi-olive interaction and to get insights into why some pathovars like it necrotic and why some like it knot.

Synonyms: Pseudomonas syringae pv. savastanoi
Taxonomy: Kingdom Bacteria; Phylum Proteobacteria; Class Gammaproteobacteria; Family Pseudomonadaceae; Genus Pseudomonas; included in genomospecies 2 together with at least P. amygdali, P. ficuserectae, P. meliae and 16 other pathovars from the P. syringae complex (aesculi, ciccaronei, dendropanacis, eriobotryae, glycinea, hibisci, mellea, mori, myricae, phaseolicola, photiniae, sesami, tabaci, ulmi, and certain strains of lachrymans and morsprunorum); when a formal proposal is made for the unification of these bacteria, the species name P. amygdali would take priority over P. savastanoi.
Microbiological properties: Gram-negative rods, 0.4-0.8 by 1.0-3.0 µm, aerobic. Motile by one to four polar flagella, rather slow growing, optimal temperatures for growth of 25–30 °C, oxidase negative, arginine dihydrolase negative, elicits the hypersensitive response on tobacco, most isolates are fluorescent and levan negative although some isolates are non-fluorescent and levan positive.
Host range: P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi causes tumours in cultivated and wild olive and ash (Fraxinus excelsior). Although strains from olive were reported to infect oleander (Nerium oleander), this is generally not the case; however, strains of P. savastanoi pv. nerii can infect olive. Pathovars fraxini and nerii differentiate from pv. savastanoi mostly in their host range, and were not formally recognized until 1996. Literature previous to about 1996 generally name strains of the three pathovars as P. syringae subsp. savastanoi or P. savastanoi subsp. savastanoi, contributing to confusion about host range and biological properties.
Disease symptoms: Symptoms of infected trees include hyperplastic growths (tumorous galls or knots) on the stems and branches of the host plant and, occasionally, on leaves and fruits.
Epidemiology: The pathogen can survive and multiply on aerial plant surfaces, as well as in knots, from where it can be dispersed by rain, wind, insects and human activities, entering the plant through wounds. Populations are very unevenly distributed in the plant, and suffer drastic fluctuations throughout the year, with maximum numbers of bacteria occurring during rainy and warm months. Populations of P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi are normally associated to non-pathogenic bacteria, both epiphytically and endophytically, and were demonstrated to form mutualistic consortia with Erwinia toletana and Pantoea agglomerans that could result in increased bacterial populations and disease symptoms.
Disease control: Based on preventive measures, mostly sanitary and cultural practices. Integrated control programs benefit from regular applications of copper formulations, which should be maintained at least a few years for maximum benefit. Olive cultivars vary in their susceptibility to olive knot, but there are no known cultivars with full resistance to the pathogen.
Useful websites:;; ASAP access to the P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi NCPPB 3335 genome sequence, This work was supported by the Spanish Plan Nacional I+D+i grants
AGL2008-05311-C02-01, AGL2008-05311-C02-02, AGL2011-30343-
C02-01 and AGL2011-30343-C02-02 (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad),
co-financed by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER),
and by grant P08-CVI-03475 from the Junta de Andalucía, Spain.

Plasmid replicons from Pseudomonas are natural chimeras of functional, exchangeable modules

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Bardají Goikoetxea, Leire
  • Añorga García, Maite
  • Ruiz Masó, José A.
  • Solar, Gloria del
  • Murillo Martínez, Jesús
Incluye ficheros de datos, Plasmids are a main factor for the evolution of bacteria through horizontal gene exchange, including the dissemination of pathogenicity genes, resistance to antibiotics and degradation of pollutants. Their capacity to duplicate is dependent on their replication determinants (replicon), which also define their bacterial host range and the inability to coexist with related replicons. We characterize a second replicon from the virulence plasmid pPsv48C, from Pseudomonas syringae pv. savastanoi, which appears to be a natural chimera between the gene encoding a newly described replication protein and a putative replication control region present in the widespread family of PFP virulence plasmids. We present extensive evidence of this type of chimerism in structurally similar replicons from species of Pseudomonas, including environmental bacteria as well as plant, animal and human pathogens. We establish that these replicons consist of two functional modules corresponding to putative control (REx-C module) and replication (REx-R module) regions. These modules are functionally separable, do not show specificity for each other, and are dynamically exchanged among replicons of four distinct plasmid families. Only the REx-C module displays strong incompatibility, which is overcome by a few nucleotide changes clustered in a stem-and-loop structure of a putative antisense RNA. Additionally, a REx-C module from pPsv48C conferred replication ability to a non-replicative chromosomal DNA region containing features associated to replicons. Thus, the organization of plasmid replicons as independent and exchangeable functional modules is likely facilitating rapid replicon evolution, fostering their diversification and survival, besides allowing the potential co-option of appropriate genes into novel replicons and the artificial construction of new replicon specificities., This work was funded by the Spanish Plan Nacional I+D+i
grant AGL2014-53242-C2-2-R, from the Ministerio de Economía
y Competitividad (MINECO), co-financed by the Fondo Europeo
de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). M.A. was supported by an FPI
fellowship (reference BES-2012-054016, Ministerio de Ciencia e
Innovación/Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain).

Contribution of the non-effector members of the HrpL regulon, iaaL and matE, to the virulence of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 in tomato plants

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Castillo Lizardo, Melissa G.
  • Aragón, Isabel M.
  • Carvajal, Vivian
  • Matas Casado, Isabel María
  • Pérez Bueno, María Luisa
  • Gallegos, María Trinidad
  • Barón, Matilde
  • Ramos, Cayo
Incluye 4 ficheros de datos, Background: The phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is widely distributed among plant-associated bacteria. Certain strains of the Pseudomonas syringae complex can further metabolize IAA into a less biologically active amino acid conjugate, 3-indole-acetyl-ε-L-lysine, through the action of the iaaL gene. In P. syringae and Pseudomonas savastanoi strains, the iaaL gene is found in synteny with an upstream gene, here called matE, encoding a putative MATE family transporter. In P. syringae pv. tomato (Pto) DC3000, a pathogen of tomato and Arabidopsis plants, the HrpL sigma factor controls the expression of a suite of virulence-associated genes via binding to hrp box promoters, including that of the iaaL gene. However, the significance of HrpL activation of the iaaL gene in the virulence of Pto DC3000 is still unclear.
Results: A conserved hrp box motif is found upstream of the iaaL gene in the genomes of P. syringae strains. However, although the promoter region of matE is only conserved in genomospecies 3 of this bacterial group, we showed that this gene also belongs to the Pto DC3000 HrpL regulon. We also demonstrated that the iaaL gene is transcribed both independently and as part of an operon with matE in this pathogen. Deletion of either the iaaL or the matE gene resulted in reduced fitness and virulence of Pto DC3000 in tomato plants. In addition, we used multicolor fluorescence imaging to visualize the responses of tomato plants to wild-type Pto DC3000 and to its ΔmatE and ΔiaaL mutants. Activation of secondary metabolism prior to the development of visual symptoms was observed in tomato leaves after bacterial challenges with all strains. However, the observed changes were strongest in plants challenged by the wild-type strain, indicating lower activation of secondary metabolism in plants infected with the ΔmatE or ΔiaaL mutants.
Conclusions: Our results provide new evidence for the roles of non-type III effector genes belonging to the Pto DC3000 HrpL regulon in virulence., This research was supported by the Spanish Plan Nacional I+D+i grants AGL2011-30343-CO2-01, AGL2014-53242-C2-1-R and BIO2007-67874-C02-02 as well as by grants ref. P08-CVI-03475 and P12-AGR-0370 from the Junta de Andalucía (Spain).