Nombre agencia financiadora Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Acrónimo agencia financiadora MICINN
Programa Programa Nacional de Investigación Fundamental
Subprograma Investigación fundamental no-orientada
Convocatoria Investigación fundamental no-orientada
Año convocatoria 2010
Unidad de gestión Subdirección General de Proyectos de Investigación
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Do entrepreneurial role models influence the nascent entrepreneurial activity of immigrants?
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Contín Pilart, Ignacio
- Larraza Kintana, Martín
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Contín-Pilart, I. and Larraza-Kintana, M. (2015), Do Entrepreneurial Role Models Influence the Nascent Entrepreneurial Activity of Immigrants? Journal of Small Business Management, 53: 1146–1163, which has been published in final form at 10.1111/jsbm.12153. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving., This paper examines how the influence of entrepreneurial role models in the individual’s
decision to become a nascent entrepreneur is moderated by their socio-cultural fit. By looking at
the entrepreneurial activity of immigrants, the paper proposes that, because of their lower sociocultural
fit, immigrants are less likely to be influenced in their entrepreneurial activity by past
and present entrepreneurs in the region where they live compared with the native population.
Using a large database of 28,306 individuals in 50 Spanish provinces, the results confirm our
hypothesis. The moderating effect of cultural distance and time of residence is also analyzed., The authors wish to acknowledge financial support from the Government of Navarra through its
Employment Service (Servicio Navarro de Empleo). Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science
and Innovation (projects ECO2010-21242-C03-03 and ECO2010-21393-C04-03) is also acknowledged
decision to become a nascent entrepreneur is moderated by their socio-cultural fit. By looking at
the entrepreneurial activity of immigrants, the paper proposes that, because of their lower sociocultural
fit, immigrants are less likely to be influenced in their entrepreneurial activity by past
and present entrepreneurs in the region where they live compared with the native population.
Using a large database of 28,306 individuals in 50 Spanish provinces, the results confirm our
hypothesis. The moderating effect of cultural distance and time of residence is also analyzed., The authors wish to acknowledge financial support from the Government of Navarra through its
Employment Service (Servicio Navarro de Empleo). Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science
and Innovation (projects ECO2010-21242-C03-03 and ECO2010-21393-C04-03) is also acknowledged
Are family firms really more socially responsible?
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Cruz, Cristina
- Larraza Kintana, Martín
- Garcés Galdeano, Lucía
- Berrone, Pascual
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Cruz, C., Larraza-Kintana, M., Garcés-Galdeano, L. and Berrone, P. (2014), Are Family Firms Really More Socially Responsible? Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38: 1295–1316, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving., This paper conducts an empirical study as to whether family firms are more socially responsible than their non-family counterparts, and explores the conditions in which this difference in social behavior occurs. We argue that family firms, given their socioemotional wealth bias, have a positive effect on social dimensions linked to external stakeholders, yet have a negative impact on internal social dimensions. Thus, family firms can be socially responsible and irresponsible at the same time. We also suggest that institutional and organizational conditions act as catalysts in the relationship between firm type and CSR. General support for our thesis that family firms neglect internal social dimensions came from the study of a sample of 598 listed European firms over a period of 4 years. Moreover, while national standards and industry conditions influence the degree of CSR in non-family firms, these factors do not affect family firms. However, family firms’ social activities are more sensitive to declining organizational performance., The authors want to acknowledge financial support by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the following research projects: ECO 2012-33099 (Cristina Cruz), ECO2010-21393-C04-03 (Martin Larraza-Kintana and Lucia Garcés-Galdeano), and ECO2012-33018 (Pascual Berrone).
HPWS, technology and flexibility in the Spanish manufacturing industry: the moderating role of social capital
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Shijaku, Elio
- Larraza Kintana, Martín
- Urtasun Alonso, Ainhoa
The purpose of this paper is to analyze a specific pattern of social capital and its pivotal role in the HPWS utilization. The paper uses Spanish cross-sectional data from the manufacturing industry to examine the moderating effects of external social capital derived from buyer-supplier relationships on HPWS, technology and flexibility. We propose a model of HPWS in which external social capital not only favours the use of HPWS but also moderates the incidence of other common facilitators such as technology and flexibility. Firms yielding external social capital use HPWS more intensely and that the effect of technology constituents on HPWS utilization is contingent to social capital accumulation. The findings are consistent with existing HR literature on the subject but broaden its perspective by analyzing a specific pattern of social capital and its pivotal role in the HPWS utilization process., Authors wish to acknowledge the financial support provided by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education under projects SEJ2007-67895-C04-01 and ECO2010-21393-C04-03.
The diffusion of pay for performance across occupations
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Bayo Moriones, José Alberto
- Galdón Sánchez, José Enrique
- Martínez de Morentin, Sara
In this paper the differences in the incidence of pay for performance plans between occupations in a sample of Spanish manufacturing establishments are analysed. Our results show that there are significant differences between occupations in the incidence of individual, group and firm or plant pay for performance plans. The roles of establishment size, multinational ownership and the human resource department in the incidence of pay for performance plans and their variability of use across occupations within the same firm are also studied. These factors are found to correlate to a greater use of pay for performance and, in most cases, this effect is homogenous across occupations., Alberto
Bayo-Moriones acknowledges financial support from Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (Project
ECO2010- 21393- C04- 03). Jose Enrique Galdon-Sanchez and Sara Martinez-de-Morentin also acknowledge
financial support from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (project ECO2011- 24304). Sara
Martinez- de- Morentin also acknowledges financial support from the Universidad Pública de Navarra research
grant 1435/2004.
Bayo-Moriones acknowledges financial support from Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (Project
ECO2010- 21393- C04- 03). Jose Enrique Galdon-Sanchez and Sara Martinez-de-Morentin also acknowledge
financial support from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (project ECO2011- 24304). Sara
Martinez- de- Morentin also acknowledges financial support from the Universidad Pública de Navarra research
grant 1435/2004.
The influence of individual perceptions and the urban/rural environment on nascent entrepreneurship, La influencia de las percepciones individuales y el entorno rural/urbano en la actividad emprendedora naciente
The influence of individual perceptions and the urban/rural environment on nascent entrepreneurship, La influencia de las percepciones individuales y el entorno rural/urbano en la actividad emprendedora naciente-->Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Capelleras Segura, Joan Lluís
- Contín Pilart, Ignacio
- Martín Sánchez, Víctor
- Larraza Kintana, Martín
Las percepciones subjetivas de los emprendedores han servido para
explicar la decisión al emprender una nueva iniciativa empresarial. Sin embargo, esta decisión también está influida por el entorno en el que se toma. En este sentido,
existe poca literatura sobre el impacto conjunto de las percepciones de los
emprendedores y el entorno rural o urbano en el que se crea la empresa. Por ello,
el propósito de este artículo es analizar como el emprendimiento naciente esta
condicionado por las percepciones individuales y el entorno, rural o urbano, en el
que se ubica el emprendedor. Los resultados de una serie de modelos de regresión
logística sobre los datos del proyecto GEM para España, indican que la percepción
de oportunidad y la confianza en las propias habilidades tienen un impacto positivo
en la probabilidad de convertirse en emprendedor naciente. Asimismo destaca que,
en comparación con los individuos que residen en entornos urbanos, los individuos
en áreas rurales que perciben oportunidades tienen una mayor probabilidad de convertirse
en emprendedores nacientes., Individual perceptions have been shown to affect the decision to
start a new firm. This decision is also contingent upon the context in which actions
are taken. However, not much is known about the joint impact of entrepreneurs’
perceptions and the urban/rural environment where the firm is created. The purpose
of this paper is to examine how nascent entrepreneurship is influenced by
individual perceptions and the urban/rural context. Using data from the Spanish
GEM project, the results of a series of logistic regression models indicate that opportunity
perception and self-efficacy have a positive influence on the probability
of becoming a nascent entrepreneur. Interestingly, we also find that individuals
in rural areas who perceive new opportunities are more likely to become nascent
entrepreneurs rather than those who live in urban ones., Support from the Spanish Ministry
of Science and Technology is acknowledged (Projects ECO2010-21242-C03-01, ECO2010-
21242-C03-03 and ECO2010-21393-C04-03).
explicar la decisión al emprender una nueva iniciativa empresarial. Sin embargo, esta decisión también está influida por el entorno en el que se toma. En este sentido,
existe poca literatura sobre el impacto conjunto de las percepciones de los
emprendedores y el entorno rural o urbano en el que se crea la empresa. Por ello,
el propósito de este artículo es analizar como el emprendimiento naciente esta
condicionado por las percepciones individuales y el entorno, rural o urbano, en el
que se ubica el emprendedor. Los resultados de una serie de modelos de regresión
logística sobre los datos del proyecto GEM para España, indican que la percepción
de oportunidad y la confianza en las propias habilidades tienen un impacto positivo
en la probabilidad de convertirse en emprendedor naciente. Asimismo destaca que,
en comparación con los individuos que residen en entornos urbanos, los individuos
en áreas rurales que perciben oportunidades tienen una mayor probabilidad de convertirse
en emprendedores nacientes., Individual perceptions have been shown to affect the decision to
start a new firm. This decision is also contingent upon the context in which actions
are taken. However, not much is known about the joint impact of entrepreneurs’
perceptions and the urban/rural environment where the firm is created. The purpose
of this paper is to examine how nascent entrepreneurship is influenced by
individual perceptions and the urban/rural context. Using data from the Spanish
GEM project, the results of a series of logistic regression models indicate that opportunity
perception and self-efficacy have a positive influence on the probability
of becoming a nascent entrepreneur. Interestingly, we also find that individuals
in rural areas who perceive new opportunities are more likely to become nascent
entrepreneurs rather than those who live in urban ones., Support from the Spanish Ministry
of Science and Technology is acknowledged (Projects ECO2010-21242-C03-01, ECO2010-
21242-C03-03 and ECO2010-21393-C04-03).
La investigación en recursos humanos en España de 2001 a 2010: ¿la década prodigiosa?, Research in human resources in Spain between 2011 and 2010: The wonder decade?
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Bayo Moriones, José Alberto
- Larraza Kintana, Martín
El presente artículo estudia las publicaciones españolas en 67 revistas de referencia que incluyen la Dirección de Recursos Humanos en su objeto, con el fin de analizar la evolución de la investigación realizada en España dentro de esta disciplina en el decenio que va desde el año 2001 hasta el 2010. Los resultados muestran un fuerte incremento en el número de artículos españoles publicados en el ámbito de la Dirección de Empresas en general y en el de la Dirección de Recursos Humanos en particular. Este crecimiento es superior al hallado para los cuatro grandes países de la Unión Europea para el mismo periodo temporal. El incremento en la cantidad de la investigación se ha visto también reflejado en un ligero aumento en su calidad. El trabajo también ha identificado otras características de la investigación en Dirección de Recursos Humanos en España, entre ellas su carácter cuantitativo, así como la escasa colaboración entre universidades., The article studies Spanish articles on 67 covering human resource management topics in order to analyze
the evolution of the research in human resource management conducted in Spain between 2001 and 2010.
Our results show a strong increase in the number of Spanish articles published in the management area,
and in particular in human resource management. This growth is larger than thatfound for the four larger
European countries during the same period. This larger presence of Spanish research in human resource
management journals has come together with a slight improvement in the quality of the outlets where
articles have seen the light. The paper has also identified other characteristics of the research conducted
by human resource management Spanish scholars during this decade, such as the predominance of
quantitative analysis and the scant collaboration between researchers from different universities., Los autores agradecen la financiación recibida del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (ECO2010-21393-C04-03).
the evolution of the research in human resource management conducted in Spain between 2001 and 2010.
Our results show a strong increase in the number of Spanish articles published in the management area,
and in particular in human resource management. This growth is larger than thatfound for the four larger
European countries during the same period. This larger presence of Spanish research in human resource
management journals has come together with a slight improvement in the quality of the outlets where
articles have seen the light. The paper has also identified other characteristics of the research conducted
by human resource management Spanish scholars during this decade, such as the predominance of
quantitative analysis and the scant collaboration between researchers from different universities., Los autores agradecen la financiación recibida del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (ECO2010-21393-C04-03).
Proyecto: MICINN//ECO2010-21393-C04-03