
Nombre agencia financiadora Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Acrónimo agencia financiadora MINECO
Programa Programa Nacional de Investigación Fundamental
Subprograma Investigación fundamental no-orientada
Convocatoria Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental No-Orientada
Año convocatoria 2012
Unidad de gestión Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica
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Reversible privatisation. Conflict, bricolage, and the sale of common lands in the Spanish province of Navarre, 1808-1860

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Lana Berasain, José Miguel
The privatisation of communal assets tends to be presented as an irreversible linear movement that was driven from above. Based on a case study (Navarre, nineteenth century), this article seeks to give greater prominence to local players and their response to changing circumstances. The process thus appears less linear and compact by revealing certain anomalies, such as the reversibility of certain sales or the alienation of partial ownership rights that were compatible with the preservation of rights of use in favour of local councils and households, as an example of institutional bricolage. Against a backdrop of war and municipal bankruptcy, the privatisation of collective lands between 1808 and 1860 followed various paths, each one benefitting different social classes. Borrowers, outside investors and wealthy individuals accumulated large estates, but there was also a chance for peasants and local people to become property owners. The recovery of part of these lands on the back of social conflicts from 1884 onwards confirms that privatisation was not a fait accompli., This article has benefited from the research projects HAR2012-30732 and HAR2015-64076-P, financed by Spain's Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the ERDF.

Commons and the legacy of the past. Regulation and uses of common lands in twentieth century Spain

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Lana Berasain, José Miguel
  • Iriarte Goñi, Iñaki
The authors explore the transformation of common lands in Spain in the second half of the 20th Century, when the nation experienced significant structural and political changes. If the 19th Century was defined by privatisation of common lands, the 20th Century experienced slight growth, but there were differences among the regions. Although the legal definition and classification of common lands is fixed, and was determined by the municipal entity, new formulas (such as the montes vecinales en mano común regulated in 1968) appeared to solve the tension between the state and local control. Ultimately, flexibility was the main characteristic of the regulations which allowed for adapting uses to a diversity of regional circumstances. Along with the productive and environmental regulations, the use of common lands for social purposes through the distribution of plots for cultivation was emphasised. Nevertheless, at the end of the 20th Century Spanish legislation concerning common lands was more focused on
earlier norms than on the future., This paper benefits from the research Project HAR2012-
30732 granted by the Spanish Government (DGICyT).

Esta especie de socialismo campesino... manso y tranquilo'. Un estado de la cuestión desde la historia rural española

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Lana Berasain, José Miguel
Este artículo repasa algunas ideas relativas a la pervivencia de formas comunales de gestión de recursos, con particular atención al caso español. Más allá de las condenas realizadas por las doctrinas ilustrada y liberal y del proceso de desmantelamiento desarrollado durante el siglo XIX, las formas comunitarias de propiedad y gestión de recursos se han mantenido vigentes y, lejos de constituir un obstáculo para el desarrollo, pueden haber contribuido a propiciar el mismo. El texto invita a los historiadores a conocer otras perspectivas analíticas y, en particular, a incorporar en su trabajo el legado intelectual de Elinor Ostrom., This article reviews ideas on the survival of communal forms of resource management, with a special focus on the Spanish case. Beyond the criticisms made by enlightened and liberal doctrines and the dismantling undertaken in the 19th century, communal forms of ownership and resource management have remained in force, and far from being an obstacle to development, may have promoted it. This text invites historians to explore other analytical perspectives, and in particular, to incorporate the intellectual legacy of Elinor Ostrom into their work., Este trabajo se enmarca en los proyectos de investigación har2012-30732 Cooperación, conflictos y equilibrios en el manejo colectivo de recursos comunales, ss. xv-xx (dgicyt) y Common Rules. The regulation of institutions for managing commons in Europe, 1100-1800 (nwo).

Tracing the evolution of agglomeration economies: Spain, 1860-1991

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Beltrán Tapia, Francisco J.
  • Díez Minguela, Alfonso
  • Martínez Galarraga, Julio
Trabajo presentado a Iberometrics VIII: Eight Iberian Cliometrics Workshop. Organizado por el Institute of Advanced Research in Business and Economics (INARBE) de la Universidad Pública de Navarra, en colaboración con Glocred y expertos de instituciones de España y Portugal. Celebrado en la Upna el 20-21 de abril de 2017., This article attempts to quantify how the effect of agglomeration economies on
population growth has evolved over time. Using district population in Spain
between 1860 and 1991, recorded approximately every decade, this article
examines whether initial population affects subsequent population growth. Our
results show that, while the relationship between these two variables hardly
existed during the second half of the 19th century, this link increased
significantly between 1910 and 1970, although this trend was abruptly
interrupted by the Civil War and the
autarkic period that followed. The
intensity of this relationship debilitated in the 1970s, a process that continued
during the 1980s as rural out-migration diminished and de-industrialisation hit
traditional manufacturing sectors. Our findings also stress that agglomeration
economies were stronger in medium-size
districts, especially from 1960
onwards, thus suggesting that congestion costs began to mitigate the benefits
arising from agglomeration economies in the largest locations., This research received financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and
Innovation (projects HAR2012-30732, ECO2012-
33286 and ECO2015-65049-C12-1-P).

Repatriando capital sin plata. Redes de paisanaje, comercio de frutos y giro de letras entre Venezuela y España, 1785-1796, Cashless capital flows. Countrymen networks, commodity trade and bills of exchange between Venezuela and Spain, 1785-1796

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Lana Berasain, José Miguel
El texto examina el movimiento de capitales a gran y pequeña escala entre Venezuela y España a partir de un estudio de caso apoyado sobre fondos documentales privados: un libro de caja y fragmentos de la correspondencia (335 cartas) del indiano montañés Esteban González de Linares (1751–1802). Éste se convirtió durante su estancia en Caracas (1785-1791) en agente para la remesa de capitales a la península. La escasez de numerario de alta denominación en la provincia de Caracas implicó que la repatriación de capitales pudo dar un impulso definitivo tanto a la exportación de frutos coloniales (cacao, añil) como al desarrollo del mercado financiero (letras y libranzas)., This paper offers some evidences about the circulation of capital between Venezuela and Spain at the end of the eighteenth century through the case study of the Spanish merchant Esteban González de Linares (1751-1802). Our sources are private nature: an accounting book and 335 letters. These documents show a wide variety of channels to the transfer of capitals from Venezuela to Spain, both at large operations and small deliveries. González de Linares became, during his stay in Caracas (1785-1791), an important agent in the transfer of savings from the colony. The scarcity of silver and gold in Venezuela during this period justifies that the transfer of capital did promote the export of groceries (cocoa, indigo) and the development of financial markets (orders and bills of exchange)., La realización de este trabajo se ha beneficiado de los proyectos de investigación HAR2012-30732, HAR2015-64076-P (MINECO) y AICO/2019/183 (GVA).

Añil, cacao y reses. Los negocios del indiano Esteban González de Linares en tiempos de mudanza, 1784-1796, Indigo, cocoa and cattle. The businesses of Esteban González de Linares in a time of change, 1784-1796

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Lana Berasain, José Miguel
El objetivo del trabajo es ordenar y presentar una parte de la información contenida en una fuente aislada pero muy densa: el libro de caja nº 1 del comerciante cántabro Esteban González de Linares. Desplazado a Caracas entre 1785 y 1791 para gestionar la liquidación de la testamentaría de Sebastián de Mier y Terán, un rico terrateniente de Los Llanos, Linares participó activamente en el auge exportador de esos años, marcados por el fin del monopolio de la Compañía Guipuzcoana y los decretos de libre comercio. El texto traza las coordenadas concretas del caso analizado, reconstruyendo su red de negocios y cuantificando sus compraventas, y proporciona algunos datos de interés general referidos a la evolución de precios. También se propone una metodología para la explotación de este tipo de fuentes contables., The aim of this work is to exploit the information contained in an isolated but dense source: the cash book of the Spanish merchant Esteban Gonzalez de Linares. Moved to Caracas between 1785 and 1791 to manage the liquidation of the estate of Sebastian de Mier y Terán, a wealthy landowner in Los Llanos, Linares was actively involved in the export boom of those years, marked by the end of the monopoly of the Guipúzcoa Company and the decrees of free trade. The text reconstructs his network of business relations and quantifies the amount of cocoa, indigo, and cattle moved by this subject, and their prices. It also proposes a methodology for the exploitation of this kind of accounting sources., Este trabajo se beneficia de los proyectos de investigación HAR2009-09700 y HAR2012-30732, financiados por DGICyT.

El anidamiento institucional y su dinámica histórica en comunidades rurales complejas. Dos estudios de caso (Navarra, siglos XIV-XX)

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Lana Berasain, José Miguel
  • Laborda Pemán, Miguel
Una versión previa de este trabajo se dio a conocer en noviembre de 2013 en la colección DT-SEHA,
tras su discusión ese mismo año en el XIV Congreso de la SEHA, celebrado en Badajoz., En las páginas que siguen ofreceremos, en primer lugar, una aproximación
al tratamiento de la propiedad comunal en las ciencias sociales; en segundo lugar, presentaremos algunas evidencias históricas del funcionamiento de instituciones de acción colectiva operativas a diferentes niveles; y, en tercer lugar, ilustraremos esta lógica con dos estudios de caso ubicados en la Navarra rural., El trabajo
se inscribe en los proyectos de investigación del Plan Nacional de I+D HAR 2012-30732 y PID 2019-
109336GB -I00 (AEI) y en el proyecto de internacionalización NWO-236-50-005 Common Rules. The regulation of institutions for managing commons in Europe, 1100-1800 (Utrecht University).