Nombre agencia financiadora Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Acrónimo agencia financiadora AEI
Programa Programa Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Científico y Tecnológico del Sistema de I+D+i
Subprograma Subprograma Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento
Convocatoria Proyectos de I+D de Generación de Conocimiento
Año convocatoria 2018
Unidad de gestión Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017-2020
Identificador persistente http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100011033
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The two faces of animacy
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Santazilia Salvador, Ekaitz
As pointed out by Corbett (2006, 2012), animacy manifests itself in the grammar of languages in two ways: as a feature and as a condition for the realization of other features. In this work I explore this dual behavior by adding further crosslinguistic evidence. I provide examples affecting number, person, case, and gender, and show that, regarding this distinction, they cannot be analyzed in the same way. Moreover, I examine more closely the relation between these manifestations of animacy and show that they can operate simultaneously not only within the same language but also in the same phenomenon. For these cases, I establish a hierarchy between them that can be crossed with the equally hierarchical relation between the animate/inanimate and the human/nonhuman distinction., The research for this article has been made possible by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (PGC2018-098995-B-I00).
Lapurtera klasikoaren oinarriez: E. Materraren 'Doctrina christianaren' iturriak, On the foundations of classical Labourdin: the sources of E. Materra's Doctrina christiana
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Zuloaga San Roman, Eneko
- Krajewska, Dorota
- Santazilia Salvador, Ekaitz
Lan honetan Esteve Materraren Doctrina christiana lanaren lehenengo bi edizioen (1617, 1623) iturriak ditugu aztergai. Kontrarreforma-sasoian Lapurdiko irakurleentzat argitaratutako lehenengo dotrina izan zen Materrarena, eta oraintsu arte galdutzat jotzen zen lehenengo edizioaren ale bat aurkitzeak ikuspegi berria ekarri du egileaz eta obraz. Bada, XVI. eta XVII. mendeetan Europan argitaratutako hainbat katixima aztertu eta Materra-renarekin erkatu ondoren, argudioak bildu ditugu proposatzeko azken horren iturri direla Roberto Bellarmino italiarraren lanak. Hemen aurkezten den obren arteko konparazio sistematikoak bidea ematen du baieztatzeko Materrak Bellarminoren lanak baliatu eta egokitu zituela, eta argia dakar, beraz, lapur-tera klasikoaren obra aitzindariaren sortze-prozesuaz., In this paper we analyze the sources of the first two editions of Esteve Materra’s Doctrina christiana. Materra’s doctrine was the first catechism published in Labourd during the Counter-Reformation, and the recent discovery of a copy of the first edition has brought new information on the author and his work. After having analyzed and compared several catechisms published in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries, we have arguments to propose that the main source were the works of the Italian Roberto Bellarmino. The comparisons presented here show that Materra used and adapted Bellarmino’s books, which shed light on the creation process of the precursor of Labourdin literature., Lan honek honako ikerketa-proiektu eta talde hauen babesa izan du: 'Monumenta Linguae Vasconum (V): cronología y periodización' (FFI2016-76032-P), 'Historia de la lengua vasca y lingüística histórico-comparada' (IT1344-19) eta 'Diacronía de la animacidad: aproximación tipológica al origen de las marcas animadas' (PGC2018-098995-B-I00).
Animacy and inflectional morphology across languages
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Santazilia Salvador, Ekaitz
Acceso cerrado a este documento. No se encuentra disponible para la consulta pública. Depositado en Academica-e para cumplir con los requisitos de evaluación y acreditación académica del autor/a (sexenios, acreditaciones, etc.)., Animacy influences the grammar of languages in different ways, although it often goes unnoticed. Did you know that in English there is a strong tendency towards using the Saxon genitive's with humans instead of the preposition of? Have you ever hear that some Chinantecan languages encode the animate/inanimate distinction in almost every word, and that in Hatam only human nouns distinguish plural number? This book offers for the first time a comprehensive cross-linguistic study of its effects on morphological systems. How do real data fit the theorethical definition of animacy? Do we observe different types of animacy? Which techniques are employed to encode it? Which categories and features are affected, and how? Data from more than 300 languages provide answers to these (and other) questions., This work has been carried out with the assistance of the research projects La categorización de la animacidad desde una perspectiva tipológica (MEC, FFI2014-57260-P); Diacronía de la animacidad: aproximación tipológica al origen de las marcas animadas (MICIU, PGC2018-098995-B-I00); and Monumenta Linguae Vasconum (VI): avances en cronología de la historia y la prehistoria de la lengua vasca (MEC, PID2020-118445GB-I00).
A cross-linguistic study of emphatic negative coordination
Addi. Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación
- Salaberri Izko, Iker
The purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed cross-linguistic analysis of so-called emphatic negative coordination (enc). This kind of clause linkage is illustrated by neither and nor in She neither could nor would speak lightly of the accident. On the basis of a 250-language sample, the paper lays out a new typology of enc meant to gain novel insights. It is shown that languages can combine enc types, and that contact and borrowing are relevant triggers for the emergence of this sort of clause linkage. The article also reveals that there is considerable variety in the etymological sources and grammaticalization paths of enc markers., This project received financial support from the research group Diacronía de la animacidad:
aproximación tipológica al origen de las marcas animadas headed by Professor Dr. Iván Igartua
(University of the Basque Country) and funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation
and Universities through grant PGC2018-098995-B-I00. This support is gratefully acknowledged.
aproximación tipológica al origen de las marcas animadas headed by Professor Dr. Iván Igartua
(University of the Basque Country) and funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation
and Universities through grant PGC2018-098995-B-I00. This support is gratefully acknowledged.
Proyecto: /MCIU/PGC2018-098995-B-I00