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CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
Dataset. 2017


  • Rankothge, Windhya
  • Le, Franck
  • Russo, Alessandra
  • Lobo, Jorge
##Project Structure: 1. GeneratePolicies. 2. DistributeTrafficOverPolicies. 3. PoliciesToChange. 4. TopologyCreator. 5. ExampleDataSet. ##Guidelines to use the data and programs in the repository. There are two ways that this repository can be useful for anyone that needs data about VNFs and their traffic on the cloud. 1.Directly use the already generated data set. 2.Generate your own data set using the given programs. ##How to use the already generated data set: ExampleDataSet. We have generated data for: 1.Possible policy requests with initial traffic passing through them defined. 2.Scaling requirements for each 15 minutes for 2 days. 3.Topology data (nodes, links, paths) for K-Fat Tree, BCube and VL2 architectures with 64 servers. You can use these data directly as inputs for your experiments. ##How to use the programs and generate the required data sets. If you want to generate your own data sets according to your requirements, you can use the given programs. 1) First step is to generate the policy requests data set using the policy requests generation program: GeneratePolicies. - Inputs to the program: number of large scaled enterprise networks. - Output of the program: a set of policies for each enterprise with 100 NFs. 2) After we have created the policy requets data set, the seconds step is to create the traffic data set for the policies using the initial traffic distribution program: DistributeTrafficOverPolicies. - Inputs to the program: the set of policies, initial traffic load. - Output of the program: distribution of the traffic load over policies. 3) The third step is to create the scaling requirements data set to reflect the traffic changes over the time using the scaling requirements over the time program: PoliciesToChange. 4) The last step is to generate the required topology data for different network architectures (K-Fat tree, BCube, VL2) using the topology generation program: TopologyCreator. - Inputs to the program: network architecture and number of servers. - Output of the program: the topology: nodes, links and paths.

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CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
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CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca

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