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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2018


  • Garrabou, Joaquim
  • Bazairi, Hocein
  • Espinosa, Free
  • Ramdani, Mohamed
  • Grimes, Samir
  • Benabdi, Mouloud
  • Ben Souissi, Jamila
  • Soufi, Emna
  • Khamassi, Faten
  • Ghanem, Raouia
  • Ocaña, Óscar
  • Ramos-Esplá, Alfonso A.
  • Izquierdo, Andrés
  • Antón, Irene
  • Portillo, Esther
  • Barberá, Carmen
  • Marbà, Núria
  • Hendriks, Iris E.
  • Duarte, Carlos M.
  • Cebrian, Emma
  • Deudero, Salud
  • Díaz, David
  • Vázquez-Luis, Maite
  • Álvarez, Elvira
  • Linares, Cristina
  • Hereu, Bernat
  • Kersting, D. K.
  • Bensoussan, Nathaniel
  • Gómez-Gras, D.
  • Azzurro, Ernesto
  • Ledoux, J. B.
  • Gori, Andrea
  • Viladrich, Nuria
  • Sartoretto, Stéphane
  • Pairaud, Ivane Lilian
  • Ruitton, Sandrine
  • Fraschetti, Simonetta
  • Rivetti, Irene
  • Cerrano, Carlo
  • Ponti, Massimo
  • Bavestrello, G.
  • Cattaneo-Vietti, R.
  • Bo, Marzia
  • Bertolino, Marco
  • Montefalcone, Monica
  • Kipson, Silvija
  • Bakran-Petricioli, Tatjana
  • Gerovasileiou, Vasilis
  • Sini, Maria
  • Tuney Kizilkaya, Inci
  • Zilizkaya, Zafer
  • Eda Topçu, N.
  • Rilov, Gil
The data compiled in the MME-T-MEDNet dataset was gathered from published scientific papers, grey literature and technical reports using different searching strategies in ISI Web of Knowledge and Google Scholar using different sets of keywords (including those used in Rivetti et al. 2014 and Marba et al. 2015) as well as through contacts with researchers across the Mediterranean. The dataset comprises mass mortality events impacts observed at discrete events generally related to warming episodes across the Mediterranean. The dataset provides information about the year, season, geographic coordinates, protection status of the geographic location, species phylum, species name, the degree of mortality impact, depth range of the mortality and reported biotic and abiotic mortality drivers of the event., The MME-T-MEDNet database is subject to a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike International licence 4.0., Contact person for enquiries:, Annual update.., The Mass Mortality Events (MME-T-MEDNet) dataset compiles information reported on mass mortality events of species in the Mediterranean Sea affecting different organism dwelling in coastal ecosystems., We acknowledge the financial support by the Prince Albert II de Monaco Foundation (MIMOSA project nº 1983) and the project MPA-ADAPT funded by Interreg MED program (European Regional Development Fund), Sólo un dataset., Peer reviewed

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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2018


  • Mazarrasa, Inés
  • Marbà, Núria
  • Lovelock, Catherine E.
  • Serrano, Oscar
  • Lavery, Paul S.
  • Fourqurean, James W.
  • Kennedy, Hilary
  • Mateo, Miguel Ángel
  • Krause-Jensen, Dorte
  • Steven, Andy D. L.
  • Duarte, Carlos M.
The database compiles published and unpublished data on carbonate (CaCO3) and/or particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) along with particulate organic carbon (POC) stocks if available, in sediments of seagrass meadows and adjacent un-vegetated patches. We considered the total pool of CaCO3 reported without distinguishing between the different biogenic carbonate mineral forms (calcite, Mg-calcite and aragonite). Fourqurean et al. (2012) provided data for 201 sites, and a literature search using both the Web of Knowledge (using the search terms “seagrass*” AND “inorganic carbon*” AND [“calcific* OR sediment* OR CaCO3 OR dissolut* OR diagenesis”]) and Google Scholar (using the search terms “seagrass carbonate”) yielded data for an additional 82 sites. The database was amended with unpublished values for 154 additional sites sampled by the authors. The database compiles data on sediment carbonate concentration for a total of 437 sites, of which 34 corresponded to sand patches adjacent to seagrass meadows. The final database comprises estimates for 403 seagrass vegetated sites, including 219 estimates for sediment surface samples (ca. 1-30 cm depth) and 184 estimates for sediment cores of variable length (149 cores < 100 cm-long, and 35 cores ≥ 100 cm-long). When only one of the variables, CaCO3 or PIC was reported, the other was estimated assuming that PIC is 12% of the total molar mass of the CaCO3. In most cases, particulate inorganic and organic carbon (PIC and POC) were reported as a percentage of dry weight (%DW), where PIC and POC, in mg cm-3, was calculated as the product of the fraction of sediment dry weight composed by PIC or POC and the dry bulk density (DBD) of a given sediment section (n = 340 sites). When DBD was not reported (n = 113 sites), we used the average DBD (1.03 g cm-3) reported by Fourqurean et al. (2012) for seagrass sediments in the calculations. Enquiries about the dabaset may be sent to Inés Mazarrasa., [Access and reuse conditions] This database and its components are subject to a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike International licence 4.0., [Reason for updating the database] This database is a corrected version of the database by Mazarrasa et al., (2015) (DIGITAL.CSIC, In the previous version of the database, CaCO3 and PIC values for 3 sediment cores from Oyster Harbour, Western Australia (cores # 275-277) and from 13 cores from Greenland and Denmark (cores # 391-403) were wrong. In this new version of the database these errors have been corrected. In addition, we have added data of 35 sediment slices of the cores from Greenland (cores # 391-397) that were missing in the previous version of the database. These changes do not significantly affect the results presented in the paper published in Biogeoscience (Mazarrasa et al., 2015) that was produced using the previous version of the database., The database is a global compilation of published and unpublished data available on carbonate (CaCO3), particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) stocks in sediments of seagrass meadows and adjacent un-vegetated sediments., No

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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2018


  • Marbà, Núria
  • Krause-Jensen, Dorte
  • Masqué, Pere
  • Duarte, Carlos M.
The dataset contains data on profiles of bulk density, concentrations of organic matter, carbonate, organic carbon and inorganic carbon, density of organic and inorganic carbon, δ13C and abundance of 210Pb along sediment cores. The sediment cores were collected inside three Zostera marina meadows growing in Western Greenland: Ameralik (64°15’N, 51°35’W), Kapisillit (64°28’N, 50°13’W) and Kobbefjord (64°09’N, 51°33’W) (Marbà et al 2018). The sediment cores were sliced every 1 or 2 cm depending on the core. Dry bulk density was measured by dividing the weight after oven-drying them at 60 oC for 48 h by the wet volume of the sediment sample. Concentration of total 210Pb was determined by alpha spectrometry following Sanchez-Cabeza et al. (1998) . The concentration of excess 210Pb was calculated as total 210Pb minus supported 210Pb, estimated as the average of total 210Pb concentration at the base of each sediment core profile. Supported 210Pb values were comparable to the 226Ra concentrations obtained at selected depths in each core. The depth of the sediment horizon accreted since year 1900 was identified by applying constant flux: constant sedimentation (CF:CS) model (Krishnaswamy et al 1971) and the year of sediment accretion at the top of each slice by applying the constant rate of supply (CRS) model (Appleby and Oldfield 1978) . Organic matter concentration (OM, % DW) was measured using the loss of ignition technique. Sediment organic carbon concentrations (Corg, % DW) were estimated from measured organic matter concentrations (OM, % DW) using the relationship described by Fourqurean et al. (2012). Concentration of inorganic carbon (Cinorg, %DW) was measured by conducting a second combustion of the sediment samples at 1000 oC for 2 h and multiplying the amount of CO2 released from the carbonate by 0.27 (i.e. the ratio of the atomic weight of carbon (12 g) to the molecular weight of CO2 (44 g)). Densities of Corg (g Corg cm-3) and Cinorg (g Cinorg cm-3) were calculated by multiplying, respectively, Corg and Cinorg concentrations by the sediment dry bulk density of each sediment sample. We analyzed the 13C of the sediment organic carbon in acidified samples by an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Thermo fisher scientific) and report it in the δ notation as the ratio of the 13C to the 12C isotope in the sample (Rsample) relative to that of a standard (Standard) i.e., δ sample = 1000 [(Rsample/ Rstandard) − 1]. The primary standard is Vienna Pee Dee Bellemnite (VPDB) and secondary standards are Acetanilide (Schimmelmann) and sucrose. The seagrass contribution in the sediment organic carbon pool after year 1900 was estimated by applying a two source-mixing model, δ13Csed after 1900 = δ13Cseagr * f + [δ13Csed before 1900 * (1-f)], that considered Z. marina (δ13Cseagr Ameralik = -7.31 ± 0.02 ‰, δ13Cseagr Kapisillit = -6.58 ± 0.33 ‰, δ13Cseagr Kobbefjord = -7.83 ± 0.15 ‰) and a business as usual carbon source scenario, represented by the average δ13Csed observed in sediments accreted before year 1900 (δ13Csed after 1900 = -30.44 ± 0.38 ‰), as end members. We corrected for the historical change in the δ13C source signatures due to 13C depletion in the atmospheric CO2 and oceanic DIC δ13C signature towards present derived from the burning of fossil fuels (i.e. Suess effect, Keeling 1979). This was done by applying the model described by Schelske and Hodell (1995) and modified by Verburg (2007): δ13Catm = 4577.8 – 7.343 *Y + 3.9213 * 10-3 * Y2 – 6.9812 * 10-7 * Y3 to estimate the δ13C of atmospheric CO2 (δ13Catm) over time (years, Y) since year 1840. These values were subsequently normalized to δ13Catm in year 1840, and the resulting time-dependent depletion in δ13C since1840 was subtracted from the measured δ13Csed for each dated sediment section., The dataset provides data on organic matter (OM), carbonate (CaCO3), organic carbon (Corg), inorganic carbon (Cinorg), 13C in organic carbon and 210Pb in sediment cores collected at three Zostera marina meadows from Western Greenland., EU FP7 (project Opera’s, contract number 308393) and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). DKJ received support from the COCOA project under the BONUS program funded by the EU 7th framework program and the Danish Research Council and from the NOVAGRASS (0603-00003DSF) project funded by the Danish Council for Strategic Research. P.M. was supported by the Generalitat de Catalunya through its grant 2017 SGR-1588., Peer reviewed

Proyecto: EC/FP7/308393
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2018


  • Savva, Ioannis
  • Bennett, Scott
  • Roca, Guillem
  • Jordá, Gabriel
  • Marbà, Núria
The dataset contains data on relative growth rate per day , survival %, and maximum quantum yield of six marine macrophyte species (Cymodocea nodosa, Posidonia oceanica, Cystoseira compressa, Caulerpa prolifera, Padina pavonica and Halimeda tuna), whereby were cultivated in 10 seawater temperature treatments. The species were collected from three enclosed bays in southwest Mallorca: Illetes sampling site 1 (39°31'59.7"N, 2°35'19.7"E), Illetes sampling site 2 (39°32'02.1"N 2°35'22.9"E), Son Caliu (39°31'34.3"N 2°32'53.0"E) and Portals Nous (39°31'50.2"N 2°34'19.8"E). Once the macrophytes were collected and transported to lab conditions, they experienced a short acclimation period at the same temperature as in situ. The macrophytes were then allocated randomly to the experimental baths after which the temperature of each bath was subsequently increased or decreased by 3 °C every 24 hours until the desired experimental temperature was achieved. The experiment begun when all baths acquired their temperature. The relative growth rate was determined after measuring the wet weight (g WW) of each macrophyte fragment at the beginning and end of the experiment. The wet weights were converted to dry weights (g DW) using a conversion factor from the experimental fragments after being oven dried at 60 °C for 24h at the end of the experiment. The relative growth rate was then calculated following Hunt (1990). Survival was assessed at the end of the experiment as the percentage of treatment replicated specimens presenting photosynthetic tissue necrosis for seaweed species (e.g. transparency in C. prolifera and whitening in H. tuna) and C. nodosa or meristem mortality for P. oceanica. The maximum quantum yield was acquired at the end of the experiment from all fragments across all temperature treatments using a pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometer, after young parts of seagrass leaves and macroalgal laminae/thalli underwent 15 minutes of dark-acclimation (sufficient to allow plant relaxation and opening of all PSII). Both relative growth rate and maximum quantum yield response curves were characterised by fitting the Temperature Cardinal Model with Inflexion (CTMI) described by (Ras et al., 2013), through which provided the model predicts, upper and lower confidence intervals for each of the parameters. The survival % was also fitted with a logistic growth equation, which provided the model predicts and the lethal temperature at 50 % survival (LT50)., The dataset provides data on relative growth rate per day (RGR d-1), survival %, and maximum quantum yield (MQY) of six marine macrophyte species (Cymodocea nodosa, Posidonia oceanica, Cystoseira compressa, Caulerpa prolifera, Padina pavonica and Halimeda tuna) collected from southwest Mallorca and cultivated in 10 different seawater temperature treatments., Título Impactos del calentamiento global sobre los ecosistemas costeros dominados por macrofitos en el mar Mediterráneo; evaluación de su capacidad de adaptación (MedShift), Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, referencia CGL2015-71809-P. Título: Rethinking climate change vulnerability: Drivers patterns of thermal tolerance adaptation in the ocean (DPaTh-To-Adapt), Entidad financiadora: European Commission (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF-EF), contract number 659246., Peer reviewed

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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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