Encontrados 12 resultado(s)
Encontradas 1 página(s)

A Branch-and-Cut-and-Price Algorithm for the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Technologies

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Ceselli, Alberto, Felipe Ortega, Ángel, Ortuño, M. Teresa, Righini, Giovanni, Tirado, Gregorio

We provide an exact optimization algorithm for the electric vehicle routing problem with multiple recharge technologies. Our branch-and-cut-and-price algorithm relies upon a path-based formulation, where each column in the master problem represents a sequence of customer visits between two recharge stations instead of a whole route. This allows for massive decomposition, and parallel implementation of the pricing phase, exploiting the large number of independent pricing sub-problems. The...

Sjælden spansk mønt fra Ferdinand af Leon (1157-1188) i Den kongelige Mønt- og Medaillesamling, København

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Mozo Monroy, Manuel, Retuerce Velasco, Manuel

Se estudia un tipo de dinero de Fernando II de León, del que se conocen muy pocos ejemplares, y que se conserva en el Museo Nacional de Copenhague (Dinamarca)

On the polynomial Hardy–Littlewood inequality

Repositorio: Docta Complutense
Araujo, G., Jiménez Rodríguez, P., Muñoz-Fernández, Gustavo A., Núñez Alarcón, D., Pellegrino, D., Seoane-Sepúlveda, Juan B., Serrano Rodríguez, D.M.

We investigate the behavior of the constants of the polynomial Hardy-Littlewood inequality.

nomenclature of "doctoral thesis supervisor" in 47 languages

Repositorio: CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
Guarimata Salinas, Génesis María, Jiménez López, M. Dolores, Carvajal, Joan Josep

The dataset revolves around the nomenclature of thesis supervisors at a global level. It comprises 55 distinct labels originating from 116 countries and spanning across 47 different languages. The data collection process involved extracting information from university websites, official institutions, and doctoral thesis repositories

Centro de entrenamiento y desarrollo del bambu Mbeya - Tanzania

Repositorio: Archivo Digital UPM
Espinosa Benito, Jaime

Informe Final del estudiante sobre su estancia en Mbeya (Tanzania), trabajando con la cooperativa Mbeya Bamboo Women Group, dentro del Programa de Ayudas PFCD-2010 de la UPM. El proyecto pretendía potenciar el uso del bambú en Tanzania, aprovechando la coyuntura que ofrecía el Plan MKUKUTA, de implantación nacional para el crecimiento económico y la reducción de la pobreza, centrándose en el uso del bambú rollizo y especialmente en su empleo para fines constructivos.

A Distributed Sensor Network for the Control of a Bioclimatic House in Spain

Repositorio: Archivo Digital UPM
Gutiérrez Martín, Álvaro, Jiménez Leube, Francisco Javier, Magdalena, Luis

The XXI century home should be a digital habitat, a connected residence, but at the same time it should be involved in sustainability and the environment. The location of new technologies at home, and its acceptance by the user, requires, among other actions, a significant diffusion and activity to be undertaken. This work proposes the development of a Smart House network designed for its integration into a sustainable and bioclimatic solar house. The paper focuses on a specific aspect of the...

Thermal effects and other interesting issues with CPV lenses

Repositorio: Archivo Digital UPM
Herrero Martin, Rebeca, Askins, Stephen Alex, Victoria Pérez, Marta, Domínguez Domínguez, César, Antón Hernández, Ignacio, Sala Pano, Gabriel

The Photovoltaic (PV) Module Reliability Workshop was held in Golden, Colorado, on Feb. 28?March 1, 2012. The objective was to share information to improve PV module reliability because such improvements reduce the cost of solar electricity and give investors confidence in the technology. NREL led the workshop, which was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Program (Solar Program).

GovCloud: the usage of cloud computing in public organizations

Repositorio: Archivo Digital UPM
Insio Bravo, Ricardo

It has been shown that cloud computing brings cost benefits and promotes efficiency in the operations of the organizations, no matter what their type or size. However, few public organizations are benefiting from this new paradigm shift in the way the organizations consume and manage computational resources. The objective of this thesis is to analyze both internal and external factors that may influence the adoption of cloud computing by public organizations and propose possible strategies that...

En scene af den "hellige" Inkuistion.

Repositorio: CEU Repositorio Institucional
Raux, G.

Colección Van der Vekene, Probablemente el grabado proceda de una revista sueca.

Justiça e justiça tradicional as suas fontes e as fontes da justiça tradicional estudo comparado com direito consuetudinario e com as leis da natureza ou divina

Repositorio: RUIdeRA. Repositorio Institucional de la UCLM
Uaca, Alberto

El objetivo de este estúdio es discutir la Justicia, sus fuentes, es también reflexicione sobre la Justicia Tradicional en Angola, como también las causas de los derechos de los Pueblos, el discutir lo mismo sobre el fenómeno tradicional africania que llaman del "feitiço", como camino de la reflexión sobre Derecho Fundamental para que sea observado por varios sistemas de Derecho legislado, y que lo tengan en especial atención por el legislador constituinte o ordinário y obviamente que...

Well ordered crystals of a short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase from Drosophila lebanonensis: re-evaluation of the crystallographic data and rotation-function analysis.

Repositorio: r-FSJD. Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica de la Fundació Sant Joan de Déu
Ladenstein R, Tibbelin G, Karshikoff A, Atrian S, González-Duarte R

Alcohol dehydrogenase prepared from Drosophila lebanonensis yields well ordered plate-like crystals which diffract to better than 2.3 A resolution. The crystals belong to space group P2(1) of the monoclinic system; the unit-cell dimensions are a = 65.25, b = 55.77, c = 70.02 A, alpha = 90, beta = 107.08, gamma = 90 degrees. The asymmetric unit of the crystal cell is most probably occupied by a dimer, corresponding to a packing density of 2.15 A(3) Da-L. The orientation of the non-...