
Northwest Iberian Peninsula Selection (NIPS), a global dataset of bryophyte occurrences

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Ronquillo, Cristina
  • Hurtado, Fernando
  • Hortal, Joaquín
The species included in the dataset are: Antitrichia californica Sullivant, 1865 Brachytheciastrum velutinum (Hedw.) Ignatov & Huttunen Fabronia pusilla Raddi, 1808 Frullania dilatata (L.) Dumort Grimmia lisae De Notaris, 1837 Grimmia pulvinata Smith, 1807 Grimmia trichophylla Greville, 1824 Hedwigia ciliata Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 Homalothecium aureum H.Robinson, 1962 Homalothecium sericeum W.P.Schimper, 1851 Hypnum cupressiforme Hedwig, 1801 Leucodon sciuroides Schwaegrichen, 1816 Orthotrichum acuminatum Philibert, 1881 Orthotrichum affine Schrader ex Bridel, 1801 Orthotrichum diaphanum Schrader ex Bridel, 1801 Orthotrichum lyellii W.J.Hooker & Taylor, 1818 Orthotrichum comosum F.Lara, R.Medina & Garilleti Orthotrichum philibertii Venturi, 1878 Orthotrichum pumilum Swartz, 1801 Orthotrichum rupestre Schleicher ex Schwaegrichen, 1816 Orthotrichum schimperi Hammar Orthotrichum speciosum Nees, 1819 Orthotrichum stramineum Hornschuch, 1827 Orthotrichum striatum Hedwig, 1801 Orthotrichum tenellum Bruch ex Bridel, 1827 Syntrichia papillosa Juratzka, 1882 Syntrichia princeps Mitten, 1859 Syntrichia virescens Ochyra, 1992 Some species have taxonomical disagreements between our dataset and GBIF: Ptychostomum capillare (Hedw.) D.T.Holyoak & N.Pedersen as Bryum capillare Hedw. Syntrichia laevipila Bridel, 1819 as Syntrichia pagorum Amann, 1918 Syntrichia ruralis Weber & D.Mohr, 1803 as Tortula ruralis (Hedw.) Gaertn. et al. Zygodon catarinoi C.Garcia, F.Lara, Sérgio & Sim-Sim as Zygodon bistratus Calabrese & J.Muñoz Zygodon baumgartneri Malta as Zygodon rupestris W.P.Schimper ex Lorentz, 1865, [EN] Dataset of publicly available biodiversity information of global bryophyte records from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF; phylum=Bryophyta) of a selection of 33 bryophytes species. Species were selected by their presence in more of 15 forests of the 107 forests in the Northwest Iberian Peninsula dataset of the publication of Medina et al.(2015, Front. Biogeogr. 7). It contains 527,191 records, result of the compilation, cleaning, enrichment and validation from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility and specialized checklists (Hill et al, 2006. An annotated checklist of the mosses of Europe and Macaronesia. J. Bryol. 28, 198–267.; and Ros et al, 2013. Mosses of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogam. Bryol. 34, 99–283.), The Plant List ( and TROPICOS ( This database was created to build the models of bioclimatic niche hypervolumes of the bryophyte species for the publication of Hurtado et al. 2023 (Hurtado, F., Gonçalves, J., Hespanhol, H., Ronquillo, C., Estébanez, B., Aragón, P., Medina, N.G., Hortal, J., 2023. Bioclimatic niche similarity and species relatedness shift their influence on species co-occurrence in bryophyte forest communities across scales.[submitted for publication] for the Northwest Iberian bryophytes selected. It helps to characterize, in combination with bioclimatic datasets, the bioclimatic niches of the bryophytes selected, assesing the conditions met for the co-occurrences of the bryophyte species at different scales., [ES] Conjunto de datos disponibles públicamente de registros globales de briófitos del portal de datos de biodiversidad 'Global Biodiversity Information Facility'(GBIF; phylum=Bryophyta) de una selección de 33 especies de briófitos presentes en más de 15 bosques de los 107 bosques del sector noroccidental de la península Ibérica de la base de datos de la publicación de Medina et al. (2015 Epiphytic bryophytes of Quercus forests in Central and North inland Iberian Peninsula. Front. Biogeogr. 7.). Cuenta con 527,191 registros, resultado de la compilación, limpieza, validación y enriquecimiento de datos presentes en el portal de datos de biodiversidad 'Global Biodiversity Information Facility' y listas taxonómicas especializadas (Hill, 2006. An annotated checklist of the mosses of Europe and Macaronesia. J. Bryol. 28, 198–267.; and Ros et al. 2013. Mosses of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogam. Bryol. 34, 99–283.), 'The Plant List' ( y 'TROPICOS' ( Esta base de datos fue creada para construir los modelos de hipervolúmenes de nichos bioclimáticos de las especies de briófitos para la publicación de Hurtado et al.2023(Hurtado, F., Gonçalves, J., Hespanhol, H., Ronquillo, C., Estébanez, B., Aragón, P., Medina, N.G., Hortal, J., 2023. Bioclimatic niche similarity and species relatedness shift their influence on species co-occurrence in bryophyte forest communities across scales.[manuscrito enviado para publicación]) para los briófitos seleccionados del sector noroccidental de la Peninsula Ibérica. Su utilidad es la de caracterizar, en combinación con conjuntos de datos bioclimáticos, los nichos bioclimáticos de las especies de briófitos seleccionadas, evaluando las condiciones reunidas para sus co-ocurrencias a diferentes escalas., This work was part of the project UNITED Unifying niches, interactions and distributions: A common theoretical framework for geographic range dynamics and local coexistence (CGL2016-78070-P, funded by AEI/FEDER, UE) and SCENIC - Escalando los efectos de las dinámicas de nicho e interacciones en las consecuencias ecológicas y evolutivas de la coexistencia / Scaling the effects of niche and interaction dynamics on the ecological and evolutionary outcomes of coexistence [PID2019-106840GB-C21] (Proyecto coordinado) Project SCENIC, grant PID2019-106840GB-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033, Peer reviewed

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
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Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Dataset. 2023


Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Ronquillo, Cristina
  • Hurtado, Fernando
  • Hortal, Joaquín
The species included in the dataset are: Antitrichia californica Sullivant, 1865 Brachytheciastrum velutinum (Hedw.) Ignatov & Huttunen Fabronia pusilla Raddi, 1808 Frullania dilatata (L.) Dumort Grimmia lisae De Notaris, 1837 Grimmia pulvinata Smith, 1807 Grimmia trichophylla Greville, 1824 Hedwigia ciliata Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 Homalothecium aureum H.Robinson, 1962 Homalothecium sericeum W.P.Schimper, 1851 Hypnum cupressiforme Hedwig, 1801 Leucodon sciuroides Schwaegrichen, 1816 Orthotrichum acuminatum Philibert, 1881 Orthotrichum affine Schrader ex Bridel, 1801 Orthotrichum diaphanum Schrader ex Bridel, 1801 Orthotrichum lyellii W.J.Hooker & Taylor, 1818 Orthotrichum comosum F.Lara, R.Medina & Garilleti Orthotrichum philibertii Venturi, 1878 Orthotrichum pumilum Swartz, 1801 Orthotrichum rupestre Schleicher ex Schwaegrichen, 1816 Orthotrichum schimperi Hammar Orthotrichum speciosum Nees, 1819 Orthotrichum stramineum Hornschuch, 1827 Orthotrichum striatum Hedwig, 1801 Orthotrichum tenellum Bruch ex Bridel, 1827 Syntrichia papillosa Juratzka, 1882 Syntrichia princeps Mitten, 1859 Syntrichia virescens Ochyra, 1992 Some species have taxonomical disagreements between our dataset and GBIF: Ptychostomum capillare (Hedw.) D.T.Holyoak & N.Pedersen as Bryum capillare Hedw. Syntrichia laevipila Bridel, 1819 as Syntrichia pagorum Amann, 1918 Syntrichia ruralis Weber & D.Mohr, 1803 as Tortula ruralis (Hedw.) Gaertn. et al. Zygodon catarinoi C.Garcia, F.Lara, Sérgio & Sim-Sim as Zygodon bistratus Calabrese & J.Muñoz Zygodon baumgartneri Malta as Zygodon rupestris W.P.Schimper ex Lorentz, 1865, [EN] Dataset of publicly available biodiversity information of global bryophyte records from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF; phylum=Bryophyta) of a selection of 33 bryophytes species. Species were selected by their presence in more of 15 forests of the 107 forests in the Northwest Iberian Peninsula dataset of the publication of Medina et al.(2015, Front. Biogeogr. 7). It contains 527,191 records, result of the compilation, cleaning, enrichment and validation from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility and specialized checklists (Hill et al, 2006. An annotated checklist of the mosses of Europe and Macaronesia. J. Bryol. 28, 198–267.; and Ros et al, 2013. Mosses of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogam. Bryol. 34, 99–283.), The Plant List ( and TROPICOS ( This database was created to build the models of bioclimatic niche hypervolumes of the bryophyte species for the publication of Hurtado et al. 2023 (Hurtado, F., Gonçalves, J., Hespanhol, H., Ronquillo, C., Estébanez, B., Aragón, P., Medina, N.G., Hortal, J., 2023. Bioclimatic niche similarity and species relatedness shift their influence on species co-occurrence in bryophyte forest communities across scales.[submitted for publication] for the Northwest Iberian bryophytes selected. It helps to characterize, in combination with bioclimatic datasets, the bioclimatic niches of the bryophytes selected, assesing the conditions met for the co-occurrences of the bryophyte species at different scales., [ES] Conjunto de datos disponibles públicamente de registros globales de briófitos del portal de datos de biodiversidad 'Global Biodiversity Information Facility'(GBIF; phylum=Bryophyta) de una selección de 33 especies de briófitos presentes en más de 15 bosques de los 107 bosques del sector noroccidental de la península Ibérica de la base de datos de la publicación de Medina et al. (2015 Epiphytic bryophytes of Quercus forests in Central and North inland Iberian Peninsula. Front. Biogeogr. 7.). Cuenta con 527,191 registros, resultado de la compilación, limpieza, validación y enriquecimiento de datos presentes en el portal de datos de biodiversidad 'Global Biodiversity Information Facility' y listas taxonómicas especializadas (Hill, 2006. An annotated checklist of the mosses of Europe and Macaronesia. J. Bryol. 28, 198–267.; and Ros et al. 2013. Mosses of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogam. Bryol. 34, 99–283.), 'The Plant List' ( y 'TROPICOS' ( Esta base de datos fue creada para construir los modelos de hipervolúmenes de nichos bioclimáticos de las especies de briófitos para la publicación de Hurtado et al.2023(Hurtado, F., Gonçalves, J., Hespanhol, H., Ronquillo, C., Estébanez, B., Aragón, P., Medina, N.G., Hortal, J., 2023. Bioclimatic niche similarity and species relatedness shift their influence on species co-occurrence in bryophyte forest communities across scales.[manuscrito enviado para publicación]) para los briófitos seleccionados del sector noroccidental de la Peninsula Ibérica. Su utilidad es la de caracterizar, en combinación con conjuntos de datos bioclimáticos, los nichos bioclimáticos de las especies de briófitos seleccionadas, evaluando las condiciones reunidas para sus co-ocurrencias a diferentes escalas., This work was part of the project UNITED Unifying niches, interactions and distributions: A common theoretical framework for geographic range dynamics and local coexistence (CGL2016-78070-P, funded by AEI/FEDER, UE) and SCENIC - Escalando los efectos de las dinámicas de nicho e interacciones en las consecuencias ecológicas y evolutivas de la coexistencia / Scaling the effects of niche and interaction dynamics on the ecological and evolutionary outcomes of coexistence [PID2019-106840GB-C21] (Proyecto coordinado) Project SCENIC, grant PID2019-106840GB-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033, Peer reviewed