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FTIR and Py–GC–MS data of wood from variousliving oak species and Iberian shipwrecks
Minerva. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
- Traoré, Mohamed
- Kaal, Joeri
- Martínez Cortizas, Antonio
Data in this article are related to the chemical characterization ofvarious oak wood samples. Data have been obtained by theapplication of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy andpyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py–GC–MS) toliving tree species and shipwreck wood fragments. Measurementswere performed on individual rings in order to facilitate theunderstanding of the variability in wood chemical compositionalong the radial cores, i.e. the same kind of material traditionallyused for dendrochronological analysis. The data in this article islabelled according to the anatomical sections of the wood (sap-wood, transition wood and heartwood) where the samples weretaken. The experimental background and the results can be foundin the related research article,“Chemometric tools for identifica-tion of wood from different oak species and their potential forprovenancing of Iberian shipwrecks (16th–18th centuries CE)”(Traoré et al., 2018)
Tree-ring chronologies, stable strontium isotopes and biochemical compounds: Towards reference datasets to provenance Iberian shipwreck timbers
Minerva. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
- Domínguez Delmás, Marta
- Rich, Sara
- Traoré, Mohamed
- Hajj, Fadi
- Poszwa, Anne
- Akhmetzyanov, Linar
- García González, Ignacio
- Groenendijk, Peter
Studies on the provenance of wood for shipbuilding contribute widely to the fields of archaeology, anthropology, environmental history, cultural geography, and palaeoclimatology. The development of reference datasets to determine the date and provenance of shipwreck timbers is therefore a paramount undertaking. Here we compile and present recent advances in the development of tree-ring chronologies, stable strontium isotope ratios and chemical biomarkers aimed to determine the date and provenance of Iberian shipwreck timbers. A set of oak and pine tree-ring chronologies have been developed from living trees covering the past 500 and 800 years, respectively, and have served to confirm the provenance of the wood used in an 18th-century Spanish ship of the Royal Navy. Stable strontium isotopic signatures have been obtained from soil and living trees at 26 sites throughout the Iberian Peninsula, providing a climate-independent geochemical network to source the origin of historic timbers. However, retrieving the original isotopic signature from waterlogged samples remains unsuccessful, stressing the need to develop effective protocols to separate the seawater signal from the original strontium isotope ratios in the wood. Analyses of organic compounds in wood of living trees have proven suitable to discriminate species and provenances, but results on shipwreck timbers are inconclusive and should be further explored. Our regional approach has the potential to be expanded to other areas and archaeological timbers from different periods throughout the Anthropocene. We highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the techniques presented when applied to waterlogged wood, propose GIS tools to interpret and visualize combined results, and stress the need to expand these type of reference datasets to allow for multiproxy dendroprovenancing approaches
Multi‐variable approach pinpoints origin of oak wood with higher precision
Minerva. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
- Akhmetzyanov, Linar
- Buras, Allan
- Ouden, Jan den
- Mohren, Frits
- Groenendijk, Peter
- García González, Ignacio
Spatial variations of environmental conditions translate into biogeographical patterns of tree growth. This fact is used to identify the origin of timber by means of dendroprovenancing. Yet, dendroprovenancing attempts are commonly only based on ring‐width measurements, and largely neglect additional tree–ring variables. We explore the potential of using wood anatomy as a dendroprovenancing tool, and investigate whether it increases the precision of identifying the origin of oak wood. Since different tree–ring variables hold different information on environmental conditions prevailing at specific times of the growing season—which vary between source regions—we hypothesize that their inclusion allows more precise dendroprovenancing.
Europe, Spain.
Quercus robur L., Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl., Quercus faginea Lam., Quercus pyrenaica Willd.
We sampled four oak species across Northern Spain, i.e. from the Basque country and Cantabria and—in the Basque country—from low to high elevation (topographic/latitudinal gradient). We measured multiple tree–ring variables to (a) extract complementary variables; (b) present statistical relations among them; (c) analyse region‐specific variation in their patterns based on time–series of individual trees; and (d) determine underlying climate–growth relationships. Leave‐one‐out analysis was used to test whether a combination of selected variables allowed dendroprovenancing of a randomly selected tree within the area.
A combination of latewood width (LW) and earlywood vessel size was used to pinpoint the origin of oak wood with higher precision than ring width or LW only. Variation in LW pinpointed the wood to east and west areas, whereas variation in vessels assigned wood to locations along a latitudinal/topographic gradient. The climatic triggers behind these gradients are respectively an east–west gradient in June–July temperature and a north–south gradient in winter/spring temperatures. The leave‐one‐out analyses supported the robustness of these results.
Main conclusions
Integration of multiple wood–xylem anatomical variables analysed with multivariate techniques leads to higher precision in the dendroprovenancing of ring‐porous oak species.
Spatial variations of environmental conditions translate into biogeographical patterns of tree growth. This fact is used to identify the origin of timber by means of dendroprovenancing. Yet, dendroprovenancing attempts are commonly only based on ring‐width measurements, and largely neglect additional tree–ring variables. We explore the potential of using wood anatomy as a dendroprovenancing tool, and investigate whether it increases the precision of identifying the origin of oak wood. Since different tree–ring variables hold different information on environmental conditions prevailing at specific times of the growing season—which vary between source regions—we hypothesize that their inclusion allows more precise dendroprovenancing.
Europe, Spain.
Quercus robur L., Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl., Quercus faginea Lam., Quercus pyrenaica Willd.
We sampled four oak species across Northern Spain, i.e. from the Basque country and Cantabria and—in the Basque country—from low to high elevation (topographic/latitudinal gradient). We measured multiple tree–ring variables to (a) extract complementary variables; (b) present statistical relations among them; (c) analyse region‐specific variation in their patterns based on time–series of individual trees; and (d) determine underlying climate–growth relationships. Leave‐one‐out analysis was used to test whether a combination of selected variables allowed dendroprovenancing of a randomly selected tree within the area.
A combination of latewood width (LW) and earlywood vessel size was used to pinpoint the origin of oak wood with higher precision than ring width or LW only. Variation in LW pinpointed the wood to east and west areas, whereas variation in vessels assigned wood to locations along a latitudinal/topographic gradient. The climatic triggers behind these gradients are respectively an east–west gradient in June–July temperature and a north–south gradient in winter/spring temperatures. The leave‐one‐out analyses supported the robustness of these results.
Main conclusions
Integration of multiple wood–xylem anatomical variables analysed with multivariate techniques leads to higher precision in the dendroprovenancing of ring‐porous oak species.
Potential of pyrolysis-GC–MS molecular fingerprint as a proxy of Modern Age Iberian shipwreck wood preservation
Minerva. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
- Traoré, Mohamed
- Kaal, Joeri
- Martínez Cortizas, Antonio
Even though pyrolysis in combination with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (Py-GC–MS) is widely used for molecular characterization of wood, its abilities to determine the taxonomy (species), provenance and the nature and intensity of degradation of archaeological woods are hardly explored. We performed principal component analysis (PCA) on Py-GC–MS data of sound woods and shipwreck woods of Pinus sp. and Quercus sp., to identify the impact of diagenesis on pyrolysis fingerprints. It was found that the proportion of most polysaccharide products decreased significantly upon diagenesis with the exception of 3-hydroxy-2-methyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one, which remains relatively well preserved. Furthermore, the guaiacyl lignin products were generally well preserved with the exception of 4-propylguaiacol, the relative contribution of which decreased considerably. New indices are proposed to establish the preservation state of shipwreck wood (shipwreck wood preservation index; SWPI) on the basis of polysaccharides (SWPIPS) and guaiacyl lignin (SWPILG) and syringyl lignin (SWPILS) fingerprints. Stepwise multiple linear regressions analyses applied on FTIR data of the same samples are indicative of the consistency of both techniques and the potential to identify changes in wood chemistry as a result of degradation. Other factors that influence wood composition, such as the differences between soft- and hardwood lignin and sap- and heartwood were also recognized
Forest Resources for Iberian Empires: Ecology and Globalization in the Age of Discovery (16th-18th centuries). Acronym: ForSEAdiscovery, Informe de resultados del proyecto ForSEAdiscovery
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Crespo Solana, Ana
ForSEAdiscovery es un proyecto fuertemente interdisciplinar que relaciona la Historia Marítima de la Edad Moderna, las Ciencias de la Información Geográfica (SIG), la Arqueología marítima y subacuática con la Dendrocronología y otras técnicas para el estudio de la procedencia de la madera. Esta última disciplina, enmarcada en las Ciencias de la vida (Life Sciences) supone, para la conjugación de nuestra línea de investigación histórico-arqueológica, un auténtico código de barras útil para el entrecruzamiento, experimentación e integración de datos. Con tal propósito se utilizan bases de datos geolocalizadas (ya creadas en anteriores trabajos de investigación por parte de los miembros del Consorcio)1 y SIGs como herramienta de integración de datos, cartografía y visualización. Las Humanidades y las Ciencias de la vida (para el análisis de los anillos de los árboles y técnicas químicas de “Wood provenance”) se relacionan así tanto desde el punto de vista teórico (en el planteamiento de las hipótesis primarias del proyecto y en su epistemología) como en el uso de diversas metodologías complementarias a la hora de dar respuesta a los problemas que se plantean en la propuesta de investigación., “The research leading to these results (or invention) has received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union´s Seventh Framework Programme (FP72007-2013) under REA grant agreement nº PITN-GA 2013-607545”, Peer reviewed
Proyecto: EC/FP7/607545
Archaeo-historical and dendrochronological study of the wrecks of the fleet of Apodaca. ForSEAdiscovery project, Informe técnico de los pecios de Apodaca. Prospección arqueológica subacuática. Proyecto ForSEAdiscovery
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Crespo Solana, Ana
- Nayling, Nigel
Informe histórico-arqueológico de los pecios de la flota del Marqués de Apodaca, Trinidad y Tobago., At a critical moment in the history of Trinidad, Britain took control of the island from Spain in 1797. This historic moment is iconically represented by the loss of most of the Spanish fleet, set on fire by its admiral, Sebastián Ruiz de Apodaca, to prevent its capture by the British.
A shipwreck , located just off Gaspar Grande Island which has been the subject of intermittent salvage over more than a century, is believed to be one of the four ships sunk in 1797, possibly the flagship San Vicente.
The site was recently visited by the Prof. Nigel Nayling, Scientific in charge in Nautical Archaeology in the ForSEAdiscovery project (PITN2013-GA607545), to assess its potential as a site for the collection of wood samples as part of a scientific research project, ForSEAdiscovery (funded by the European Commission) and with the assistance of His Excellency, the Ambassador of Spain., “The research leading to these results (or invention) has received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union´s Seventh Framework Programme (FP72007-2013) under REA grant agreement nº PITN-GA 2013-607545”, No
A shipwreck , located just off Gaspar Grande Island which has been the subject of intermittent salvage over more than a century, is believed to be one of the four ships sunk in 1797, possibly the flagship San Vicente.
The site was recently visited by the Prof. Nigel Nayling, Scientific in charge in Nautical Archaeology in the ForSEAdiscovery project (PITN2013-GA607545), to assess its potential as a site for the collection of wood samples as part of a scientific research project, ForSEAdiscovery (funded by the European Commission) and with the assistance of His Excellency, the Ambassador of Spain., “The research leading to these results (or invention) has received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union´s Seventh Framework Programme (FP72007-2013) under REA grant agreement nº PITN-GA 2013-607545”, No
Proyecto: EC/FP7/607545
ForSEADiscovery: Forest Resources for Iberian Empires: Ecology and Globalization in the Age of Discovery, 16th-18th centuries (PITN-2013-GA607545) Marie Curie Programme
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Crespo Solana, Ana
- Nayling, Nigel
- García González, Ignacio
[EN] In the Early Modern Age (16th-17th centuries) the construction of ocean-going ships was paramount in the development of cultural encounters in what became known as the Age of Discovery and European expansion. In the case of the Iberian Empires, the establishment of new trade routes brought with it an increased need for armed merchantmen, galleons and other smaller vessels, placing unprecedented demands on Iberian forests for the supply of construction timber. Forestry and sea power became inextricably linked, creating new geopolitical tensions, alliances and forest regulations. This project addresses questions related to Iberian forest resources and the history of shipbuilding through a multidisciplinary and innovative training research program to improve the understanding and conservation of our historical past and cultural heritage. The project research combines knowledge and methodology from the humanities (history and archaeology) and the life sciences (wood anatomy, dendrochronology, isotopes and geochemistry). The main objective of this project is to increase the research background and experience of the fellows through a combination of dedicated training in both transferable and research specific skills, and their participation in a truly multidisciplinary research project which combines historical, archaeological and dendrochronological methodologies., [ES] En la Edad Moderna (siglos XVI-XVII), la construcción de barcos para la navegación oceánica fue un objetivo primordial en el desarrollo de los encuentros culturales durante la era conocida como de los Descubrimientos y la expansión europea. En el caso de los imperios ibéricos, el establecimiento de nuevas rutas comerciales trajo consigo una mayor necesidad de barcos mercantes armados, galeones y otros buques más pequeños, que supuso una demanda y una presión sin precedentes sobre los bosques de la Península Ibérica para el suministro de madera para la construcción naval. La silvicultura y el poder marítimo se vincularon de manera inextricable, creando nuevas tensiones geopolíticas, alianzas y regulaciones forestales. Este proyecto aborda cuestiones relacionadas con los recursos forestales ibéricos y la historia de la construcción naval a través de un programa de investigación multidisciplinar e innovador para mejorar la comprensión y la conservación de nuestro pasado histórico y el patrimonio cultural sumergido. La investigación del proyecto combina el conocimiento y la metodología de las humanidades (historia y arqueología) y las ciencias de la vida (anatomía de la madera, dendrocronología, isótopos y geoquímica). Su objetivo principal es aumentar conocimientos en el estado actual de la investigación así como ampliar la experiencia de los becarios contratados en el proyecto a través de una combinación de habilidades transferibles y específicas de investigación en Historia, Arqueología y dendrocronología., People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union´s Seventh Framework Programme (FP72007-2013) under REA grant agreement nº PITN-GA 2013-607545, Peer reviewed
Proyecto: EC/FP7/607545
ForSEAdiscovery: la construcción naval y el comercio de la madera del siglo XVI al XVIII
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Crespo Solana, Ana
Este artículo está sujeto a una licencia CC BY-NC-ND 3.0, ForSEAdiscovery es un proyecto fuertemente interdisciplinar que relaciona la historia marítima de la Edad Moderna y la arqueología subacuática con las Ciencias de la Información Geográfica (SIG), con la Dendrocronología, así como con diversas técnicas analíticas sobre la procedencia de la madera,
especialmente la datación por radiocarbono. Es el primer proyecto financiado por el programa Marie Curie de la Unión Europea (Programa PEOPLE) orientado a la investigación histórica-arqueológica de pecios ibéricos. Durante sus cuatro años de desarrollo primigenio el proyecto ha logrado situar el estudio histórico-arqueológico de la historia marítima en el centro de un discurso teórico-técnico que abre nuevas líneas de investigación interdisciplinar y sobre todo en la generación de new data. Es así un proyecto holístico que se espera sea continuado por una amplia red de discípulos, científicos y colaboradores de diversas disciplinas., La investigación llevada a cabo y resultante de este proyecto ha sido financiada con fondos del People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union´s Seventh Framework Programme (FP72007-2013) under REA grant agreement nº PITN-GA 2013-607545. Forest Resources for Iberian Empires: Ecology and
Globalization in the Age of Discovery (16th- 18th centuries). Acronym: ForSEAdiscovery.
Más información en <>, Unión Europea, Programa Marie Curie, ITN ForSEAdiscovery PITN-2013-607545, Peer reviewed
especialmente la datación por radiocarbono. Es el primer proyecto financiado por el programa Marie Curie de la Unión Europea (Programa PEOPLE) orientado a la investigación histórica-arqueológica de pecios ibéricos. Durante sus cuatro años de desarrollo primigenio el proyecto ha logrado situar el estudio histórico-arqueológico de la historia marítima en el centro de un discurso teórico-técnico que abre nuevas líneas de investigación interdisciplinar y sobre todo en la generación de new data. Es así un proyecto holístico que se espera sea continuado por una amplia red de discípulos, científicos y colaboradores de diversas disciplinas., La investigación llevada a cabo y resultante de este proyecto ha sido financiada con fondos del People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union´s Seventh Framework Programme (FP72007-2013) under REA grant agreement nº PITN-GA 2013-607545. Forest Resources for Iberian Empires: Ecology and
Globalization in the Age of Discovery (16th- 18th centuries). Acronym: ForSEAdiscovery.
Más información en <>, Unión Europea, Programa Marie Curie, ITN ForSEAdiscovery PITN-2013-607545, Peer reviewed
Proyecto: EC/FP7/607545
Forest Resources for Iberian Empires: Ecology and Globalization in the Age of Discovery
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Crespo Solana, Ana
- Varela Gomes, Rosa
- García González, Ignacio
- Martínez Cortizas, Antonio
- Nayling, Nigel
- Momber, Garry
- Sass-Klaassen, Ute
- Antunes, Catia
- Willem Veluwenkamp, Jan
- Poszwa, Anne
- Vieira de Castro, Filipe
- Daly, Aoife
- San Claudio Santa Cruz, Miguel
- Wazny, Tomasz
- Dixelius,Malcolm
Forest Resources for Iberian Empires: Ecology and Globalization in the Age of Discovery. Es el sitio web del proyecto de investigación homónimo. Consultada el 21/05/2019., In the Early Modern Age (XVI-XVII centuries), the construction of oceanic ships was essential for the development of cultural encounters in what became the Era of Discovery and European expansion. This is the case of the Iberian empires. They impose unprecedented demands on Iberian forests for the supply of lumber. Forestry and maritime power were inextricably linked. This project will address this issue. The prerequisite for such an approach is to combine the knowledge derived from Humanities and Life Sciences., Peer reviewed
Proyecto: EC/H2020/607545
Cooperación y competencia político-económica en la larga duración: Holanda en la ruta del Mediterráneo(1621-1702)
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Crespo Solana, Ana
[EN] From the 1610s onwards the economic and political evolution of the Mediterranean strongly depended on the activity of transporters from northern Europe, who vied with others in a space characterized by competition and une Cooperación y competencia político-económica en la larga duración Pedralbes, 38 (2018), 19-49, issn: 0211-9587, doi: 10.344/pedralbes2018.38.1 qual exchange between native towns of diverse socio-religious characteristics.
That space was disturbed on many occasions by war, epidemics and privateering, resulting in a historiographical perception of decadence and continuous crisis. The political events that marked the relations of the Hispanic Monarchy and the new Republic of the United Provinces influenced, however, the development of a maritime and commercial relationship that linked important market areas and economic spaces. This article presents a general outline of Dutch participation in this space through what they called the Straatvaart route (navigation of the Strait of Gibraltar). I will focus on the characteristics of this long-lasting phenomenon, dwelling on the political-military events that marked its destiny and the relationship of the Republic of the United Provinces with the Hispanic Monarchy., [ES] Desde la década de 1610, la evolución económica y política mediterránea dependió de la intervención de los transportistas del norte de Europa, que rivalizaban en un espacio marcado por la competencia y el intercambio desigual entre pueblos autóctonos de diversas características socio-religiosas. Ese espacio se vio perturbado en muchas ocasiones por la guerra, las epidemias y el corso, lo que provocó que fuera percibido por parte de la Historiografía como una época de decadencia y crisis continua. Los eventos políticos que marcaron las relaciones de la Monarquía Hispánica y la nueva República de las Provincias Unidas influyeron, sin embargo, en el devenir de una relación marítima y comercial que vinculaba importantes áreas de mercado y espacios económicos. Este artículo es un esbozo general sobre la participación holandesa en este espacio a través de la denominada Straatvaart, o ruta de navegación del estrecho de Gibraltar. Me centraré en las características de este fenómeno de larga duración y me detendré en los eventos político-militares que marcaron su destino y la relación de la República de las Provincias Unidas con la Monarquía Hispánica., Este artículo es una ampliación de mi ponencia en el Cicle de Conferències Aula Mediterrània, Programa Interuniversitari de l’IEMed (28 de noviembre de 2017). Agradezco a los profesores Jaume Dantí, María Ángeles Pérez Samper y Xavier Gil todos los valiosos comentarios que me regalaron. La investigación fue financiada con los proyectos: GlobalNET (HAHR2011-27694); DynCoopNet (EUROCORES, TECT de la European Science Foundation y el MICINN); y ForSEAdiscovery (Programa PEOPLE, Marie Curie ITN de la Unión Europea: PITN-2013-GA607545)., Peer reviewed, Peer Reviewed
That space was disturbed on many occasions by war, epidemics and privateering, resulting in a historiographical perception of decadence and continuous crisis. The political events that marked the relations of the Hispanic Monarchy and the new Republic of the United Provinces influenced, however, the development of a maritime and commercial relationship that linked important market areas and economic spaces. This article presents a general outline of Dutch participation in this space through what they called the Straatvaart route (navigation of the Strait of Gibraltar). I will focus on the characteristics of this long-lasting phenomenon, dwelling on the political-military events that marked its destiny and the relationship of the Republic of the United Provinces with the Hispanic Monarchy., [ES] Desde la década de 1610, la evolución económica y política mediterránea dependió de la intervención de los transportistas del norte de Europa, que rivalizaban en un espacio marcado por la competencia y el intercambio desigual entre pueblos autóctonos de diversas características socio-religiosas. Ese espacio se vio perturbado en muchas ocasiones por la guerra, las epidemias y el corso, lo que provocó que fuera percibido por parte de la Historiografía como una época de decadencia y crisis continua. Los eventos políticos que marcaron las relaciones de la Monarquía Hispánica y la nueva República de las Provincias Unidas influyeron, sin embargo, en el devenir de una relación marítima y comercial que vinculaba importantes áreas de mercado y espacios económicos. Este artículo es un esbozo general sobre la participación holandesa en este espacio a través de la denominada Straatvaart, o ruta de navegación del estrecho de Gibraltar. Me centraré en las características de este fenómeno de larga duración y me detendré en los eventos político-militares que marcaron su destino y la relación de la República de las Provincias Unidas con la Monarquía Hispánica., Este artículo es una ampliación de mi ponencia en el Cicle de Conferències Aula Mediterrània, Programa Interuniversitari de l’IEMed (28 de noviembre de 2017). Agradezco a los profesores Jaume Dantí, María Ángeles Pérez Samper y Xavier Gil todos los valiosos comentarios que me regalaron. La investigación fue financiada con los proyectos: GlobalNET (HAHR2011-27694); DynCoopNet (EUROCORES, TECT de la European Science Foundation y el MICINN); y ForSEAdiscovery (Programa PEOPLE, Marie Curie ITN de la Unión Europea: PITN-2013-GA607545)., Peer reviewed, Peer Reviewed
Proyecto: EC/FP7/607545
La Historia y la Arqueología marítima desde la consiliencia interdisciplinar y transnacional
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Crespo Solana, Ana
Este artículo está sujeto a una licencia CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, [EN] This essay provides an interdisciplinary theoretical and methodological framework for the study of ships considered as artefacts and objects of the Global history. Aspects related to the research carried out with the ForSEAdiscovery project in relation to the elaboration of a historical-archaeological GIS of the submerged landscape of relations between Spain and America in the 16th to 18th centuries are described and underlined, but highlighting the importance to develop new tools for the correct use of historical data. The essay also focusses into the idea of consilience, understood as the capacity and willingness to join knowledge of different methodologies in order to create a unified framework in studies on maritime landscape and underwater cultural heritage., [ES] Este ensayo aporta un marco teórico y metodológico interdisciplinar para el estudio de los barcos considerados como artefactos y objetos indiscutibles de la Historia global. Se describen y comentan aspectos relacionados con la investigación llevada a cabo con el proyecto ForSEAdiscovery en relación a la elaboración de un SIG histórico-arqueológico del paisaje sumergido de las relaciones entre España y América en los
siglos XVI al XVIII, pero subrayando la necesidad de desarrollar herramientas de análisis para la correcta utilización de los datos históricos. Profundiza en la idea de consiliencia, contemplada ésta desde la capacidad y voluntad para unir conocimientos de diferentes metodologías con el fin de crear un marco unificado de entendimiento en los estudios sobre paisaje marítimo y patrimonio sumergido., La investigación que se está desarrollando en torno a las teorías e hipótesis expuestas en este ensayo son deudoras del proyecto ITN Marie Curie ForSEAdiscovery (Ref. PITN2013-GA607545) financiado por la
Unión Europea y por el proyecto “Ship Ex Machina Revisited”, Convocatoria Europa Investigación del
Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Referencia: EIN2019-103133)., Peer reviewed
siglos XVI al XVIII, pero subrayando la necesidad de desarrollar herramientas de análisis para la correcta utilización de los datos históricos. Profundiza en la idea de consiliencia, contemplada ésta desde la capacidad y voluntad para unir conocimientos de diferentes metodologías con el fin de crear un marco unificado de entendimiento en los estudios sobre paisaje marítimo y patrimonio sumergido., La investigación que se está desarrollando en torno a las teorías e hipótesis expuestas en este ensayo son deudoras del proyecto ITN Marie Curie ForSEAdiscovery (Ref. PITN2013-GA607545) financiado por la
Unión Europea y por el proyecto “Ship Ex Machina Revisited”, Convocatoria Europa Investigación del
Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Referencia: EIN2019-103133)., Peer reviewed
Proyecto: EC/FP7/607545
Un imperio de Redes: El comercio neerlandés con el Atlántico español y los mercaderes de Cádiz (1680-1740), A Network Empire: Dutch Trade in the Hispanic Atlantic and the merchant of Cadiz (1680-1740)
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Crespo Solana, Ana
[EN] Studies on Spanish Colonial Trade stresses the essential role played by non-Hispanic mercantile networks in the economic expansion in the Atlantic. Dutch shipping and trade constituted an important part of the Hispanic Atlantic Community in America and in Spain, especially throughout the Flemish and Dutch merchant community in Cadiz. From the last decades of the 17th century and throughout the 18th century, the old enemies of the Hispanic Monarchy had developed certain sophisticated operations within the framework of trade between Spain and America, from within the very heart of the state monopoly. That was possible due to three main reasons: the implementation of social and economic mechanisms to operate in networks, local cooperation in trading and shipping, and a favorable political economy to maintain business connections, [ES] Los estudios sobre el comercio colonial español señala el importante papel desempeñado por las redes mercantiles no hispánicas en la expansión económica en el Atlántico. El comercio y la navegación holandesa constituyeron una importante parte de la comunidad hispánica atlántica tanto en América como en España, especialmente a través de la colonia flamenca y holandesa de Cádiz. Desde las últimas décadas del siglo XVII y a lo largo del siglo XVIII, los antiguos enemigos de la Monarquía Hispánica habían desarrollado ciertas sofisticadas operaciones dentro del esquema comercial entre España y América. Ello fue posible debido a tres razones principalmente: la implementación de mecanismos sociales y económicos que favorecía las operaciones en redes, la cooperación local en el comercio y la navegación, y una política favorable al mantenimiento de las conexiones de negocios., Esta investigación sobre la provisión de madera para la construcción naval en los imperios ibéricos es ahora el objetivo del proyecto que dirijo dentro del programa Marie Curie financiado por la Unión Europea (ITN, programa PEOPLE): “ForSEAdiscovery: Forest resources for Iberian Empires. Ecology and Globalization in the age of Discovery, 16th-18th centuries”, Ref. PITN-2013-GA607545, Peer reviewed
Proyecto: EC/FP7/607545
Informe técnico “Naufragios históricos” Proyecto PIE-CSIC 201910E065
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Bas Pardo, María Luisa
- Crespo Solana, Ana
El origen de la base de datos de la que aquí tratamos y, el ulterior desarrollo del visor web, tienen su origen en las bases de datos desarrolladas en paralelo a los trabajos científicos y de investigación de la Dra. Ana Crespo Solana, Investigadora Principal de este Proyecto PIE: “Integración de información sobre naufragios históricos y datos dendrocronológicos en un SIG de Historia Marítima”. Desde los inicios de estos proyectos que, se remontan a la segunda mitad de la primera década del siglo actual, hay rasgos que se repiten y pueden, por tanto, ser considerados señas identitarias. El más obvio el marco cronológico, que abarca de los siglos XVI al XVIII, Primera Era Global, en la que Europa y el este de Asia incrementaron notablemente sus vínculos comerciales a través del Nuevo Mundo recién descubierto; la implementación de la base de datos con la incorporación de un modelo SIG, herramienta y motor de integración de datos que aportan un valor añadido a su calidad y, muy en relación con esta característica, el carácter interdisciplinar de los proyectos en los que la suma de ciencias, supone la multiplicación exponencial de resultados. A todo ello se suma el interés por la difusión científica, expresada en primer lugar en la colaboración entre investigadores y en la proyección del conocimiento mediante la utilización de recursos tecnológicos avanzados, con el objeto de ponerla a disposición de la comunidad científica., Consejo Superior de Investigadores Científicas /Proyecto Intramural Especial (PIE) 2019-2022 Ref.: 201910E065
European Commision, Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSC) Programme, ITN Project ForSEAdiscovery, Ref. PITN2013-GA607545, Peer reviewed
European Commision, Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSC) Programme, ITN Project ForSEAdiscovery, Ref. PITN2013-GA607545, Peer reviewed
Proyecto: EC/FP7/PITN-GA 2013-607545
ForSEAdiscovery [dataset]
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Nayling, Nigel
- Momber, Garry
- San Claudio Santa Cruz, Miguel
- Crespo Solana, Ana
This DataSet is hosted by the Archaeology Data Service of the University of York. The data collection work was carried out by the authors at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David in the framework of the ForSEAdiscovery Project. This work is licensed under the ADS Terms of Use and Access., ForSEAdiscovery is a European funded (Grant agreement no. 607545) project that combines dendrochronology, archaeology, and history in a multi-disciplinary approach to understand timber supplies for the construction of early modern vessels in the Iberian Peninsula.
The overarching objective for the ForSEAdiscovery project is to consolidate a research line combining history, maritime archaeology, geographical information systems (GIS), dendrochronology, wood anatomy, and geo/dendro chemistry. The project aims to train and improve the proficiency of the Initial Training Networks (ITN) fellows and students in different research areas. It provides work experience and engages the fellows in workshops designed to improve their communication, research, and management techniques to promote transferable skills for future research in academia and the private sector. The project is organised into three working packages (WP) for the different disciplines represented. Work package one is focused on history (WP 1), the second work package deals with maritime archaeology (WP 2), and the third work package revolves around the wood sciences (WP 3).
The research leading to these results has received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP72007-2013) under REA grant agreement no. PITN-GA 2013-607545.
This collection represents the data collected by ForSEAdiscovery during the fieldwork operations in 2015 and 2016. It is archaeological and diver data collected on five different shipwreck sites, four in the north of Spain, and one off the south coast of England. The collection consists of diver video, underwater photos, topsides photos, site reports, dive administration, and underwater photogrammetry., Peer reviewed
The overarching objective for the ForSEAdiscovery project is to consolidate a research line combining history, maritime archaeology, geographical information systems (GIS), dendrochronology, wood anatomy, and geo/dendro chemistry. The project aims to train and improve the proficiency of the Initial Training Networks (ITN) fellows and students in different research areas. It provides work experience and engages the fellows in workshops designed to improve their communication, research, and management techniques to promote transferable skills for future research in academia and the private sector. The project is organised into three working packages (WP) for the different disciplines represented. Work package one is focused on history (WP 1), the second work package deals with maritime archaeology (WP 2), and the third work package revolves around the wood sciences (WP 3).
The research leading to these results has received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP72007-2013) under REA grant agreement no. PITN-GA 2013-607545.
This collection represents the data collected by ForSEAdiscovery during the fieldwork operations in 2015 and 2016. It is archaeological and diver data collected on five different shipwreck sites, four in the north of Spain, and one off the south coast of England. The collection consists of diver video, underwater photos, topsides photos, site reports, dive administration, and underwater photogrammetry., Peer reviewed
Proyecto: EC/FP7/607545
ForSEAdiscovery. Forest resources for Iberian Empires: Ecology and Globalization in the Age of Discovery (16th-18th centuries), ForSEAdiscovery. Los recursos forestales para los Imperios ibéricos: ecología y globalización en la era de los descubrimientos (siglos XVI al XVIII)
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Crespo Solana, Ana
- Nayling, Nigel
Con autorización de la editorial para autores CSIC, [EN] In the Early Modern Age (16th-18th centuries) the construction of ocean-going ships
was paramount to the development of cultural encounters during European expansion. In the
case of the Iberian Empires, the establishment of new trade routes brought the need for armed
merchantmen, galleons and smaller vessels, placing unprecedented demands on Iberian forests
for the supply of construction timber. Forestry and sea power became inextricably linked, creat ing new geopolitical tensions, alliances and forest regulations. This paper outlines the method ologies and objectives of a major multidisciplinary project funded through a Marie Curie Actions
grant (2014-18) which will see collaboration between universities, state research centres, and
maritime archaeology companies., [ES] Durante la Edad Moderna (siglos XVI al XVIII) la construcción naval fue la base principal para el desarrollo de la expansión europea. Para los Imperios ibéricos el establecimiento de
nuevas rutas marítimas implicó la necesidad de construir y armar barcos mercantes, galeones y pequeños navíos imponiendo una demanda sin precedentes sobre los recursos forestales en la
península ibérica con el objeto de surtir de madera a las necesidades navales. Bosques y poder
naval se convirtieron así en dos caras cuestiones relacionadas que crearon nuevas tensiones
geopolíticas, alianzas y regulaciones sobre los recursos forestales. Este artículo describe metodologías y objetivos del más importante proyecto multidisciplinar financiado por el Programa Marie
Curie Actions (2014-1018) que cuenta con una amplia colaboración entre universidades, centros
de investigación y empresas de arqueología marítima., ForSEAdiscovery (Marie Curie Programme, FP7-People, 2013, ITN, Multipartner). This project has received funding from the
European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under
grant agreement n.º PITN-GA-2013-607545., Peer reviewed
was paramount to the development of cultural encounters during European expansion. In the
case of the Iberian Empires, the establishment of new trade routes brought the need for armed
merchantmen, galleons and smaller vessels, placing unprecedented demands on Iberian forests
for the supply of construction timber. Forestry and sea power became inextricably linked, creat ing new geopolitical tensions, alliances and forest regulations. This paper outlines the method ologies and objectives of a major multidisciplinary project funded through a Marie Curie Actions
grant (2014-18) which will see collaboration between universities, state research centres, and
maritime archaeology companies., [ES] Durante la Edad Moderna (siglos XVI al XVIII) la construcción naval fue la base principal para el desarrollo de la expansión europea. Para los Imperios ibéricos el establecimiento de
nuevas rutas marítimas implicó la necesidad de construir y armar barcos mercantes, galeones y pequeños navíos imponiendo una demanda sin precedentes sobre los recursos forestales en la
península ibérica con el objeto de surtir de madera a las necesidades navales. Bosques y poder
naval se convirtieron así en dos caras cuestiones relacionadas que crearon nuevas tensiones
geopolíticas, alianzas y regulaciones sobre los recursos forestales. Este artículo describe metodologías y objetivos del más importante proyecto multidisciplinar financiado por el Programa Marie
Curie Actions (2014-1018) que cuenta con una amplia colaboración entre universidades, centros
de investigación y empresas de arqueología marítima., ForSEAdiscovery (Marie Curie Programme, FP7-People, 2013, ITN, Multipartner). This project has received funding from the
European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under
grant agreement n.º PITN-GA-2013-607545., Peer reviewed
Proyecto: EC/FP7/607545
The “San Giacomo di Galizia” Warship Galleon (1597)—Building Narratives through an Archaeological and Historical Reading of the Ribadeo I Shipwreck
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Casimiro, Tânia
- Martínez-Ramírez, S.
- Crespo Solana, Ana
- San Claudio Santa Cruz, Miguel
- Almendra Castro, Inês
Este artículo está sujeto a una licencia CC BY 4.0, Early November 1597. After an intense combat with four enemy ships, San Giacomo di Galizia (also known as Santiago), a just over 1000-ton galleon, enters the Ribadeo harbour in a terrible state, where it wrecks. This war vessel had been built in Naples in 1590 and sailed the Mediterranean and the Atlantic until it sank. In late November 2011, during an archaeological survey of the dredge area to improve the navigation of the ports in Galicia, a large ship was found and identified as the San Giacomo, which wrecked 414 years prior to its discovery. Several archaeological campaigns permitted a thorough record of the wreck and the recovery of hundreds of objects which this ship carried on its final journey. These artefacts included ceramics, metalwork, and wood, objects which reflected the activities that occurred on board during its short life. Combining an interdisciplinary approach based on artefacts, documents, and chemical analysis, the aim of this paper is to, on the one hand, attempt to reconstruct the sailing itinerary of the ship over its period of use and, on the other, to discuss how these commodities can help to write new narratives about the activities which occurred on board., Archaeological excavation of the Ribadeo I shipwreck took place under the ForSEAdiscovery project (PITN-GA2013-607545). This research received funding of the PIE-CSIC research project “Naufragios Históricos” Ref.: 201910E065; I-LINK “UnderHERITAGE”, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Ref.: LINKB20042; Xunta de Galicia, Dirección Xeral do Patrimonio, and
the Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA); and project TOP Heritage cm (S2018/NMT-4372) from
Community of Madrid. Authors acknowledge support from CSIC Interdisciplinary Platform “Open
Heritage: Research and Society” (PTI-PAIS), Peer reviewed
the Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA); and project TOP Heritage cm (S2018/NMT-4372) from
Community of Madrid. Authors acknowledge support from CSIC Interdisciplinary Platform “Open
Heritage: Research and Society” (PTI-PAIS), Peer reviewed
Proyecto: EC/FP7/607545
Forest and shipbuilding in historiography: state of the art and some research questions
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Crespo Solana, Ana
La presente comunicación forma parte del los resultados del proyecto ForSEAdiscovery. Este documento está sujeto a una licencia CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, My presentation intends to raise some research problems that I still consider as open line of research in the study of the relationship between human societies and forests resources.
I focus on the historical relationship between shipbuilding and timber trade and supply during the early modern centuries. Although I refer here to the Spanish case, I am going to highlight some issues that must be considered from a comparative perspective between different regions around the world, particularly since the fifteenth century, when the process of creating a global timber market began., Peer reviewed
I focus on the historical relationship between shipbuilding and timber trade and supply during the early modern centuries. Although I refer here to the Spanish case, I am going to highlight some issues that must be considered from a comparative perspective between different regions around the world, particularly since the fifteenth century, when the process of creating a global timber market began., Peer reviewed
Proyecto: EC/FP7/607545
Ship Archaeology and Material Culture: Artifacts, Representations, Structures, Narratives, and Materialities (16th–19th Centuries)
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Crespo Solana, Ana
- Casimiro, Tânia
Este artículo está sujeto a una licencia CC BY 4.0, This Special Issue is a compilation of studies on underwater and maritime sites related to Early Modern ships and shipwrecks. [...], ForSEAdiscovery ITN Research project PITN2013-GA607545; “Naufragios Históricos” PIE-CSIC 201910E065; I-LINK UnderHERITAGE, LINKB20042., Peer reviewed
Proyecto: EC/FP7/607545
The “San Giacomo di Galizia” Warship Galleon (1597)—Building Narratives through an Archaeological and Historical Reading of the Ribadeo I Shipwreck
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Manuel Casimiro, Tánia
- Martínez-Ramírez, S.
- Crespo Solana, Ana
- San Claudio Santa Cruz, Miguel
- Almendra Castro, Inés
Este artículo está sujeto a una licencia CC BY 4.0, Early November 1597. After an intense combat with four enemy ships, San Giacomo di Galizia (also known as Santiago), a just over 1000-ton galleon, enters the Ribadeo harbour in a terrible state, where it wrecks. This war vessel had been built in Naples in 1590 and sailed the Mediterranean and the Atlantic until it sank. In late November 2011, during an archaeological survey of the dredge area to improve the navigation of the ports in Galicia, a large ship was found and identified as the San Giacomo, which wrecked 414 years prior to its discovery. Several archaeological campaigns permitted a thorough record of the wreck and the recovery of hundreds of objects which this ship carried on its final journey. These artefacts included ceramics, metalwork, and wood, objects which reflected the activities that occurred on board during its short life. Combining an interdisciplinary approach based on artefacts, documents, and chemical analysis, the aim of this paper is to, on the one hand, attempt to reconstruct the sailing itinerary of the ship over its period of use and, on the other, to discuss how these commodities can help to write new narratives about the activities which occurred on board., Archaeological excavation of the Ribadeo I shipwreck took place under the ForSEAdiscovery project (PITN-GA2013-607545). This research received funding of the PIE-CSIC research project “Naufragios Históricos” Ref.: 201910E065; I-LINK “UnderHERITAGE”, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Ref.: LINKB20042; Xunta de Galicia, Dirección Xeral do Patrimonio, and the Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA); and project TOP Heritage cm (S2018/NMT-4372) from Community of Madrid. Authors acknowledge support from CSIC Interdisciplinary Platform “Open Heritage: Research and Society” (PTI-PAIS), Peer reviewed
Proyecto: EC/FP7/607545
DynCoopForSEA. Modelo Entidad-Relación, DynCoopForSEA. Entity-Relationship Data model
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Fernández Freire, Carlos
- Crespo Solana, Ana
- Hermida-Jiménez, Nuria
- Bosque González, Isabel del
- Bas Pardo, María Luisa
- García Rodríguez, María José
- Salas Tovar, Ernesto
- Capdevila, Enrique
Este informe está sujeto a una licencia CC BY SA 4.0, [EN] The DynCoopForSEA data model integrates processed information from two European research projects: DynCoopNet (Ref. ESF-TECT-EUROCORES 0004) and ForSEAdiscovery (PITN-2013- GA607545). It is the result of the collaborative research work of the Principal Investigator and director of the Projects, Prof. Dr. Ana Crespo Solana (GI GECCMA. Department of American Studies, IH-CSIC) with an international team of researchers and in collaboration with the GIS and Digital Humanities Unit of the Centre for Human and Social Sciences of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)., [ES] El modelo de Datos DynCoopForSEA integra la información procesada de dos proyectos de investigación europeos: DynCoopNet (Ref. ESF-TECT-EUROCORES 0004) y ForSEAdiscovery (PITN-2013- GA607545). Es resultado de los trabajos de investigación colaborativos de la Investigadora Principal y directora de los Proyectos, la prof. Dra. Ana Crespo Solana (GI GECCMA. Departamento de Estudios Americanos, IH-CSIC) con un equipo internacional de investigadores y con la Unidad de SIG y Humanidades Digitales del Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)., DynCoopNet (ESF, TEC-EUROCRES 0004); Naufragios Históricos (PIE-CSIC: 201910E065), No
Proyecto: EC/FP7/607545
The global timber trade and shipbuilding in the 16th-18th centuries: interdisciplinarity, research problems and the ForSEAdiscovery project
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Crespo Solana, Ana
This is an Accepted Manuscript of a book chapter published by Routledge in Roots of Sustainability in the Iberian Empires Shipbuilding and Forestry, 14th - 19th Centuries on 2023, available online:, ForSEAdiscovery is the first project funded by the EU Marie Curie People programme aimed at archaeological and historical research into Iberian shipwrecks. During its first four years, the research carried out has helped us to understand timber provenance and supply for shipbuilding, its trade (based on naval routes and merchant networks), and naval policy. It has also given us an insight into the politicisation and channelling of timber sources and its impact on the development of ship design. In addition to its interdisciplinary and empirical nature, which makes it a decidedly unique and innovative project in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences, the project's interdisciplinary approach allows us to situate the historical and archaeological study of maritime history in its true international scientific context. This essay briefly summarises some of the research problems covered during the past years and sets the tone for the future., The research conducted and presented as part of this project was financed by
the “People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP72007–2013) under REA grant agreement nº
PITN-GA 2013-607545”. Forest Resources for Iberian Empires: Ecology and
Globalization in the Age of Discovery (16th–18th centuries). Acronym: ForSEAdiscovery. Also the research have been benefited from the I-LINK Project
“UnderHERITAGE”, funded by the CSIC (LINKB20042)., Peer reviewed
the “People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP72007–2013) under REA grant agreement nº
PITN-GA 2013-607545”. Forest Resources for Iberian Empires: Ecology and
Globalization in the Age of Discovery (16th–18th centuries). Acronym: ForSEAdiscovery. Also the research have been benefited from the I-LINK Project
“UnderHERITAGE”, funded by the CSIC (LINKB20042)., Peer reviewed
Proyecto: EC/FP7/607545
DARIAH-DAY: jornadas sobre humanidades digitales en CLARIAH-ES, Presentaciones de los investigadores del CSIC en la jornada.
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Jular Pérez-Alfaro, Cristina
- Sanz Cañada, Javier
- Riaño Rufilanchas, Daniel
- García Moreno, Aitor
- García Bueno, Carmen
- González-Pérez, César
- Guerrero Enterría, Arturo
- Castaño, Javier
- Farré Vidal, Judith
- Crespo Solana, Ana
- Baratech Soriano, Covadonga
- Rincón Narros, Irene
- Calahorra Bartolomé, Alfredo
- Martín Contreras, Elvira
- Vidal Liy, José Ignacio
Jornada de DARIAH en la Biblioteca Nacional de España desarrollada el martes, 7 de noviembre de 2023 de 16:00h -19:30h. De los pósters presentados, los siguientes 14 pertenecen a de proyectos del CSIC: 1) Veinte años de Humanidades Digitales; 2) Proyecto Alisos. Las redes alimentarias sostenibles como cadenas de valores para la transición agroecológica y alimentaria: implicaciones para las políticas públicas territoriales; 3) Argos. Un buscador sintáctico en treebanks grecolatinos; 4) CORHIJE- DHJE APP. Herramienta digital para la creación del Corpus y Diccionario Histórico del Judeoespañol; 5) Diccionario Digital del Griego Antiguo; 6) DIGITESC. Digitalización, descripción y puesta en línea de la colección de manuscritos griegos de El Escorial; 7) IAT/ML y LogosLink. Discursos polarizados; 8) EuQu - The European Qur'an. Islamic Scripture in European culture and religion 1150-1850; 9) Guinzé Sefarad: Archivo documental de la Sefarad medieval; 10) Marcadores afectivos en las cartas transatlánticas de mujeres en la época moderna; 11) Maritime History Map: Proyecto SIC sobre Patrimonio sumergido; 12) La movilidad geográfica y profesional de los sabios musulmanes en la Edad Media: un análisis desde las Humanidades Digitales; 13) PARAHeB - Paratexts Hebrew Bible: understanding the paratexts of the Hebrew Bible; 14) Fuentes gráficas para la reconstrucción virtual en arquitectura: el Gran Palacio de Constantinopla y las miniaturas del Skylitzes Matritensis VITR / 26 / 2., No
Los depósitos de madera de La Carraca (Cádiz, España) y la construcción naval en la Edad Moderna., PROYECTO DE INVESTIGACIÓN HISTÓRICA y DENDROARQUEOLÓGICA
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
- Crespo Solana, Ana
El marco general de esta investigación se ha llevado a cabo en colaboración entre el Instituto de Historia del
CSIC, el CAS-IAPH y la Universidad de Cádiz (UCA). La intervención arqueológica puntual y la actividad
del Seminario de Investigación XXX se han llevado a cabo en el marco del proyecto “Naufragios Históricos”,
PIE-CSIC (Ref.: 201910E065) financiado por la Agencia Estatal del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Científicas ( CSIC). El proyecto se llevó a cabo entre 2019 y 2022, extendido hasta
diciembre de 2023.
Uno de los objetivos principales del proyecto “Integración de información sobre naufragios históricos y datos
dendroarqueológicos en un SIG de Historia marítima” (Naufragios Históricos) era la continuación de una línea
de investigación cuya metodología fue implementada y desarrollada durante el proyecto ForSEAdiscovery
(PITN-GA-2013-607545) orientada al análisis de maderas procedentes de yacimientos subacuáticos, costeros
e intermareales. La recogida de muestras de madera en pecios y en la zona intermareal de La Carraca,
importante área que servía de almacén, laboratorio y fábrica de barcos históricos, actualmente bajo el control
y protección de la Armada española, está permitiendo la elaboración de una metodología experimental para el
estudio de las especies arbóreas que fueron empleadas en astilleros y arsenales históricos, Instituto de Historia (CCHS-CSIC); Centro de Arqueología Subacuática de Cádiz (CAS); Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico Junta de Andalucía. "Naufragios Históricos (PIE-201910E065), Peer reviewed
CSIC, el CAS-IAPH y la Universidad de Cádiz (UCA). La intervención arqueológica puntual y la actividad
del Seminario de Investigación XXX se han llevado a cabo en el marco del proyecto “Naufragios Históricos”,
PIE-CSIC (Ref.: 201910E065) financiado por la Agencia Estatal del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Científicas ( CSIC). El proyecto se llevó a cabo entre 2019 y 2022, extendido hasta
diciembre de 2023.
Uno de los objetivos principales del proyecto “Integración de información sobre naufragios históricos y datos
dendroarqueológicos en un SIG de Historia marítima” (Naufragios Históricos) era la continuación de una línea
de investigación cuya metodología fue implementada y desarrollada durante el proyecto ForSEAdiscovery
(PITN-GA-2013-607545) orientada al análisis de maderas procedentes de yacimientos subacuáticos, costeros
e intermareales. La recogida de muestras de madera en pecios y en la zona intermareal de La Carraca,
importante área que servía de almacén, laboratorio y fábrica de barcos históricos, actualmente bajo el control
y protección de la Armada española, está permitiendo la elaboración de una metodología experimental para el
estudio de las especies arbóreas que fueron empleadas en astilleros y arsenales históricos, Instituto de Historia (CCHS-CSIC); Centro de Arqueología Subacuática de Cádiz (CAS); Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico Junta de Andalucía. "Naufragios Históricos (PIE-201910E065), Peer reviewed
Proyecto: EC/FP7/607545