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Historia Global vs. Eurocentrismo: revisión historiográfica, análisis de consumo y un caso de estudio comparativo entre China y Europa (1730-1808)

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Pérez García, Manuel
El presente ensayo aborda el impacto que ha ejercido la disciplina de la Historia Global en las últimas décadas, prestando especial atención a los estudios relativos al consumo y circulación de nuevos productos en Europa y en los mercados asiáticos. El objetivo principal de este artículo es, por tanto, presentar un balance historiográfico sobre el impacto de la Historia Global, en el que observamos que, para el caso de los estudios de consumo en particular, ha tenido un marcado tinte eurocentrista. El análisis del mundo británico, y sus colonias, como motor de la primera industrialización, ha sido una de las principales causas en el marcado enfoque eurocentrista de los estudios de Historia Global. Este enfoque comenzó a cambiar con el creciente interés por el estudio de China y su rol en la economía global. Se presenta de este modo un recorrido historiográfico por ambos espacios, para concluir este artículo con un caso de estudio comparativo entre Macao y Marsella como puertos transnacionales. Este proyecto acaba de empezar, por lo que se presentan sus líneas principales.

Iberian World Empires and the Globalization of Europe 1415-1668

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Yun Casalilla, Bartolomé
Offers a leading analysis of the expansion of the Iberian empire expansion and the impact of early globalization on the Peninsula. Offers a comparative perspective on the impact of globalization on institutional development, the political economy, and processes of state-building in Europe. Contests a prevalent, excessively-negative image of the Iberian empire, counterpoising the difficult relationship between empires and globalization and opening the debate for comparisons to other imperial formations.

The Jesuit Global networks of exchange of Asian goods: A "conflictive" musk load around the middle of the seventeenth century

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Svriz-Wucherer, Omar
In 1648, a Portuguese ship that left Macau sank off the coast of the Philippines. The local authorities in Manila confiscated and sold all of its goods. This led to a dispute with the Jesuits, who claimed a certain amount of musk belonging to the Vice Province of China, the sale of which would support their religious mission. This article offers an analysis of this event, focusing on the dispute between the mentioned parties, but also as an example of the complex global networks of goods exchanges and economic interests in these regions of Southeast Asia in the middle of the seventeenth century.


RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Yun Casalilla, Bartolomé
This introduction summarizes the main ideas that this book develops, which are central to understanding American globalization from the perspective of the history of consumption. It points out the relevant role of states and political economies, maybe greater than in Europe, in the distribution and introduction of European, Asian and African products in the New World, which partly explains why this process is characterized by the combination of coercion, commercial transactions and emulation. But this research also emphasizes the agency of the original American peoples in the hybridization of consumption patterns resulting from the conquest and colonization, as well as the relevance of "horizontal" relationships among the subalterns themselves, due especially to the crucial role played by enslaved populations of African origin. However, the interactions among so many populations led not to homogeneous fusion but instead to great social and regional disparities. Given the depth and dramatic character of the transformations underway, these changes in consumption patterns must also be associated with profound alterations in the original ecosystems.

Mercancías Globales y Mercados Locales en Nueva España: La Circulación Interior de "Efectos de China" en Guadalajara, a Fines de la Época Colonial.

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Ibarra, Antonio
El mundo está cubierto de mercancías de origen chino: esto no es
producto de la globalización reciente, es una historia de larga data. El consumo
de porcelanas, sedas y especiería de China fascinó a Europa hace siglos
y ese apetito fue traído a América e hizo de este vínculo el más virtuoso
enlace con el Viejo Mundo. La plata americana abrió las puertas de los
mercados de China, Indochina e India al consumo americano. La regulación
impuesta por Felipe II, consistente en limitar y centralizar las travesías
a Oriente, conforme avanzaron los años no logró constreñir el mercado,
regular los precios ni detener el flujo de plata. La Nao de Filipinas era el
vehículo de la defraudación, el contrabando y la más inequívoca expresión
de que con plata se compraba cualquier mercancía oriental.

Las nuevas periferias americanas en la circulación de cáñamo y jarcia para la construcción naval militar española en el siglo XVIII

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Diaz-Ordoñez, Manuel
Desde hace años los historiadores que han trabajado en comprender mejor el proceso de formación de los estados modernos han coincidido en destacar que un factor muy importante del éxito de estas instituciones pasó siempre por sus mejores o peores capacidades a la hora de movilizar recursos estratégicos. Por esta razón es razonable dedicar este trabajo para analizar la importancia del cáñamo como un producto estratégico por el que el Imperio español estableció un abastecimiento desde España que garantizara el dominio y la defensa de los nuevos espacios ultramarinos. Y, al mismo tiempo, la monarquía realizó un gran esfuerzo en fomentar el cultivo cannabáceo en América provocando con ello el establecimiento de rutas de circulación de esta fibra por los diferentes mercados regionales de consumo en la costa del Pacífico.

Historia global, historia transnacional e historia de los imperios. El Atlántico, América y Europa (siglos XVI-XVIII)

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Yun Casalilla, Bartolomé
La historia global y la historia trasnacional (con base en la historia entrelazada) están rompiendo los moldes de la historia nacional consolidada a medida que se afianzaban los estados nacionales. Sin rechazar la necesidad de comprender la formación de estos últimos, sino al contrario, esta perspectiva brinda una visión abierta e integrada de las sociedades actuales y su pasado. Este volumen recoge una serie de reflexiones que sirven para reinterpretar la historia de Europa, España y el imperio español en América. Se trata así de revisar algunos tópicos y de integrar política, economía y cultura para ofrecer una imagen más poliédrica de la articulación del imperio y de la monarquía de los Austrias, las relaciones entre lo global y lo local, la globalización y europeización de modelos de consumo o la formación de un espacio económico y cultural europeo y atlántico durante la época moderna.

Global Commodities in Early Modern Spain

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Fernandez-de-Pinedo, Nadia
In this particular case study, a fiscal source had provide the information to study the effects of income distribution on consumption and demand in mid-eighteenth-century Madrid. As a result of centuries of relations between East and West, Madrid exhibits the dynamics of consumption of an imperial capital served by products from every corner of the world. Many of these overseas products played a central role as social markers, especially in urban populations. However, what we can infer from the data is the evidence of a well-defined stratified purchase where each social class underscores a particular pattern of consumption and a moderate spread of certain commodities among the middle classes.

Blood, Land and Power. The Rise and Fall of the Spanish Nobility and Lineages in the Early Modern Period

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Pérez García, Manuel
The analysis of land management, lineage and family through the case study of early modern Spanish nobility from sixteenth to early nineteenth century is a major issue in recent historiography. It aims to shed light on how upper social classes arranged strategies to maintain their political and economic status. Rivalry and disputes between old factions and families were attached to the control and exercise of power. Blood, land management and honour were the main elements in these disputes. Honour, service to the Crown, participation in the conquest and "pure" blood (Catholic affiliation) were the main features of Spanish nobility. This book analyses the origins of the entailed-estate (mayorazgo) from medieval times to early modern period, as the main element that enables us to understand the socio-economic behaviour of these families over generations. This longue durée chronology within the Braudelian methodology of the research aims to show how strategies and family networks changed over time, demonstrating a micro-history study of daily life.

Global trafficking and local bankruptcies: Anglo-Spanish slave trade in the Rio de la Plata, 1786-1790

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Ibarra, Antonio
This research focuses on the operations of the Royal Company of the Philippines in the global market, in particular on the slave trade between Africa and Spanish America, as a way to examine the local dimensions of global trade. It identifies the causes and consequences of a failed venture that, despite its failure, opened a new cycle in the Río de la Plata slave trade and its place in the global economy of the late eighteenth century.

Resistencia y negociación. Milicias guaraníes, jesuitas y cambios socioeconómicos en la frontera del imperio global hispánico (ss. XVII-XVIII)

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Svriz Wucherer, Omar
¿Cómo las monarquías e instituciones jesuitas y las variables económicas, sociales y culturales se combinaron para defender la frontera del imperio español?
Para alcanzar una respuesta, y comprender el ejercicio de la violencia en el Nordeste Rioplatense durante los siglos XVII y XVIII, este libro analiza las milicias guaraníes de las Reducciones Jesuíticas de Paraguay entre los siglos XVII y XVIII y sus movilizaciones a la frontera chaco-paraguaya, entendiéndolas en un marco global. A través de un análisis bidireccional ¿no sólo el universo de los españoles ¿dominantes¿ sino también el de los nativos¿ este estudio analiza, desde una perspectiva transnacional la agencia local de los guaraníes dentro de las redes globales del imperio español, demostrando que los efectos de la negociación política y social a nivel local fueron más complejos de lo que hasta ahora se ha planteado.

Compelled to import: Cuban consumption at the dawn of the nineteenth century

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Fernandez-de-Pinedo, Nadia
One of the sources that allow us to analyse certain consumption patterns are trade balances. These documents are especially relevant in the case of island colonies, such as Cuba, that depended on the outside world for many kinds of supplies, not just the basic ones. Despite their limitations, data on imported goods from Havana's balance of trade at the dawn of the nineteenth century allow us to examine the consumer goods that were most in demand in Cuba at that time. This essay uses that information to emphasise the relationship between colony and metropole in terms of material culture, with a particular focus on the core items of food, clothing and household goods. Overall, patterns of consumption reflect patterns of production and imports.

GECEM: Newsletter, n. 4 (Spring 2020)

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Vidales Berrnal, Marisol
  • Diaz-Ordoñez, Manuel
  • Milan-Agudo, Maria Jesus
  • Fernandez-de-Pinedo, Nadia
  • Li, Wang
  • Svriz-Wucherer, Pedro Miguel Omar
  • Jin, Lei
  • Hernández Garay, Guimel
  • Pérez García, Manuel
During the academic year 2019-2020, GECEM has undertaken several academic initiatives
and presented preliminary results to further the project¿s goals. These include interdisciplinary studies, Open Science research which is accessible to the world, and expanding knowledge of Sino-European international relations, particularly the economic ties between both regions as well as socio-cultural transfers. The above areas stand out as the main pillars supporting the project¿s objective of comprehending past, present, and forseeable issues in China-Europe relations and finding solutions for current and even future problems, today. For example, the analysis of consumer behaviour, market integration between China and Europe, the so-called ¿early globalization¿ and circulation of global goods in Chinese and European markets during the Qing dynasty, sheds light upon and approaches the great divergence debate and the factors of northwestern Europe¿s take-off and China¿s economic stagnation in the first Industrial Revolution from a totally different perspective.

From Soft Power Policy to Academic Diplomacy: The "Belt and Road Initiative" in EU-China Internationalisation of the Higher Education System

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Pérez García, Manuel
  • Nierga, Oriol
This article analyses the higher education systems in the European Union (EU) and China, and the influence of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI, yidai yilu) on the implementation, development and reforms of an international agenda. It also takes into consideration the development of EU-China cooperation in education and academia through research and scientific programmes launched in recent years, as well as the role of some key institutions such as the Confucius Institutes. To this end, the aim is to analyse China's "soft power" policy and its link with the novel concept of "academic diplomacy" introduced in this article to describe the engagement and academic international cooperation between the EU and China. Such reforms and promotion of collaboration with the EU have ultimately promoted China's influence and visibility in the global arena.

GECEM: Newsletter, n. 1 (Spring 2017)

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Pérez García, Manuel
  • Vidales Bernal, Marisol

"That in the Reducciones Had Been Noise of Weapons...": The Introduction of Firearms in the Seventeenth-Century Jesuit Missions of Paraguay

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Svriz-Wucherer, Omar
This study aims to analyze the introduction of firearms in the Jesuit reductions of Paraguay during the seventeenth century. Examination of monarchy's sources will highlight the establishment of different intermediaries and mechanisms generated by Jesuits in order to furnish firearms to Guaraní natives. Furthermore, this chapter examines the obstacles that arose in this process of distributing firearms: the fathers of the Society of Jesus clashed, in fact, with the Spanish monarchy over the topic of firearm possession, a circumstance that conditioned the training and formation of the Guaraní militias during this period. The objective of this chapter is, therefore, to investigate the effectiveness of the defense of one border in the Spanish empire, developing a model that could be applied to other colonial spaces.

Asian Goods Markets in Early Modern Europe: Chinese silk fabrics in Seville, 1733-1750

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Hernández Garay, Guimel
From the second half of sixteenth century, Chinese silk goods entered into the markets of the Spanish Empire, including its European territories. By the early eighteenth century, the supply of this Asian good increased across Europe because of the rise of trade companies settled in the Far East. This article aims to know the specific silk markets where Chinese silk goods penetrated in Seville in the first half of eighteenth century by analyzing consumption with notarial sources as probate inventories and dowry letters.

Globalizaciones versus imperios. Una perspectiva mundial sobre el nexo panameño en el siglo XVII, Globalizations versus empires. The Panama Connection in a World Perspective in the 17th Century

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Yun Casalilla, Bartolomé
La Carrera de Indias que unió Sevilla con el istmo de Panamá y que vehiculó la expansión atlántica de los pueblos ibéricos, ha sido tradicionalmente entendida como el eje de la llamada ¿primera globalización¿ y como motor del ¿Rise of the West¿. El auge y decadencia de esta arteria del imperio suelen ser analizados respecto a las economías hispanoamericanas, pero independientemente de otros procesos más generales. A partir de la discusión crítica de la bibliografía, este artículo sitúa una ruta tan preciada en un contexto más amplio. Partiendo de la premisa de que la expansión europea en el Atlántico sólo fue parte de un proceso más vasto de raíces múltiples, se señala la existencia de diferentes proyectos de globalización que rivalizaron entre sí. La fecha de 1640 marca un momento álgido en dichas rivalidades y aparece como un parteaguas que permite explicar de una manera más profunda la crisis de la Carrera de Indias y la suerte de los imperios ibéricos. Si la historia de la globalización y de los imperios se han estudiado como dos procesos paralelos e interrelacionados, aquí se enfatiza cómo la globalización también podía detonar crisis imperiales, forzando al imperio español a resituarse.

Aristocracy and the army in the mid-17th century: the intermediary role of the nobility in recruitment during the crisis of 1658-59, Aristocracia y ejército a mediados del siglo XVII el papel intermediario de la nobleza en el reclutamiento durante la crisis de 1658-59

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Diaz-Ordoñez, Manuel
  • Rodríguez Hernández, Antonio José
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role of the aristocracy within the recruitment crisis suffered by
the Hispanic Monarchy during the second half of the 17th century. In order to do so, we have resorted to the
important archive sources that are conserved, both at a national and local level. With them we have been
able to reconstruct the role of the nobility in a specific levy. At a time of crisis, the monarchy used a new
formula, resorting to aristocracy to manage the enlistment of volunteers in charge of the Royal Treasury in
different districts, turning the nobles into occasional managers of recruitment, a formula very different from
the traditional one.

Consumption of Chinese goods in southwestern Europe: a multi-relational database and the vicarious consumption theory as alternative model to the industrious revolution (eighteenth century)

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Pérez García, Manuel
This article discusses the application of new technologies, software coding and computer analysis in the social sciences and humanities, mainly in the field of economic history. In the last two decades, the use of new computer technologies among historians to develop theories and solve questions has fostered a vibrant historiographical debate. However, these new digital tools have largely been used as an end in themselves, rather than as a means to develop hypotheses and answer questions. This has prevented researchers from fully exploiting such technologies in their field. In this article, I discuss how I designed a new multi-relational database using the ¿Access¿ package and SQL language to test the ¿industrious revolution¿ hypothesis and present the ¿vicarious consumption¿ theory as an alternative model for analyzing the eighteenth-century circulation of Chinese goods in the Western Mediterranean region. It presents the cross-referencing method I used to analyze the historical information I collected, mainly from probate inventories and trade records. This method makes it possible to navigate through the data in a way that goes beyond the traditional use of ¿excel¿ tables.

Introduction: Current Challenges of Global History in East Asian Historiographies

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Pérez García, Manuel
Global history is in some instances a very sensitive field, challenging
both traditional and sometimes obsolete national narratives. It is crucial
for this project, through concrete case studies, to rethink the ways
in which global history is envisioned and conceptualized in China and
Japan, as well as European and American countries. When a historian
constructs a meta narratives, this will always contain a subjective element
borne out of ideological and national constraints. Therefore, we should
formulate the following pertinent question: how do global events connect
to our local and national communities, and, by extension, to our
academic environment?

Challenging National Narratives: On the Origins of Sweet Potato in China as Global Commodity During the Early Modern Period

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Pérez García, Manuel
The introduction of American cereal crops is probably one of the most
important events in China¿s agricultural history, having a great effect on
the agriculture production, national life, the transformation
of consumer behaviour and, to some extent, the nationalization
of consumption. The sweet potato (Ipomoea Batatas L.), in Chinese
g¿nsh¿ ¿¿, is a staple food crop for ancient Chinese society. Today it
still plays an important role in Chinese daily life, as well as guaranteeing
national food security.

Global Quantification and Inventory Demand for Silver in China

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Jin, Cao
  • Flynn, Dennis O.
This article provides an initial (partial) estimate of silver quantities held within China around mid-18th century, utilising archival evidence related to wealth confiscations. Better future estimates for overall Chinese silver holdings could also facilitate more accurate estimation of Chinese silver (legal plus illegal) imports. Similar analyses for other world regions could eventually yield estimates for global silver stock holdings, useful in turn for improving global silver mining and trade flow estimates. Extensive contraband silver mining and silver trade are known to have escaped official recordation, by definition. If methodologies suggested herein prove successful, then parallel non-silver-trade-good estimates could follow. Current exclusive focus upon production and trade flows should be reevaluated in the context of linkages with accumulations of goods (wealth components). Economic history could someday provide a prominent stage for the historical study of wealth holdings, thereby furnishing context for increasing wealth concentrations observable worldwide today.

Big Data and "New" Global History: Global Goods and Trade Networks in Early Modern China and Europe

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Pérez García, Manuel
  • Wang, Li
  • Svriz-Wucherer, Omar
  • Fernandez-de-Pinedo, Nadia
  • Diaz-Ordoñez, Manuel
This paper introduces an innovative method applied to global (economic) history using the tools of digital humanities through the design and development of the GECEM Project Database (; This novel database goes beyond the static Excel files frequently used by conventional scholarship in early modern history studies to mine new historical data through a bottom-up process and analyse the global circulation of goods, consumer behaviour, and trade networks in early modern China and Europe. Macau and Marseille, as strategic entrepôts for the redistribution of goods, serve as the main case study. This research is framed within a polycentric approach to analyse the connectivity of south Chinese and European markets with trade zones of Spain, France, South America, and the Pacific.

Judaeo-Converso Merchants in the Private trade between Macao and Manila in the Early Modern Period

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • de Sousa, Lucio
The present paper intends to contribute with new information to a reconstruction of the Sephardic presence in the Macao-Manila commercial network. For this purpose, in the first place, we intend to trace the profile of the Judaeo-converso merchants arriving in China and the Philippines and to reconstruct the commercial networks to which they belonged during the 16th and early 17th centuries.

From Goods to Commodities in Spanish America: Structural Changes and Ecological Globalization From the Perspective of the European History of Consumption

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Yun Casalilla, Bartolomé
This chapter shows that the introduction of Eurasian and African products in Latin America should be understood as one more phase in a longer wave of globalization across Eurasia, which had one of its pillars in the so-called medieval Islamic green revolution, of which Iberia was a cross-roads. Contrary to the model of ecological imperialism established by Crosby, the idea is defended that American globalization also meant the rise of very dynamic and hybrid ecosystems that would produce a new equilibrium and economic growth. The result is a more nuanced and constructive conception of ecological imperialism, which implied, on the other hand, a qualitative leap in the history of humanity that made America the main stage and the laboratory for the long-run development of unsustainable forms of exploitation. The complex mechanisms of diffusion and rejection of those products are also studied to underline how violence is inseparable from commerce or persuasion, as well as to what extent they are linked to deep social structural changes. The outcome is a path to consumerism that differs from the models normally used to understand what happened in Europe and a proposal to understand the history of consumption as inextricably associated with ecological history.

The Changing Significance of Latin American Silver in the Chinese Economy, 16th-19th Centuries

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • von Glahn, Richard
The important role of Chinese demand for silver in stimulating worldwide silver-mining and shaping the first truly global trading system has become commonly recognised in the world history scholarship. The commercial dynamism of China during the 16th-19th centuries was integrally related to the importation of foreign silver, initially from Japan but principally from Latin America. Yet the significance of imports of Latin American silver for the Chinese economy changed substantially over these three centuries in tandem with the rhythms of China's domestic economy as well as the global trading system. This article traces these changes, including the adoption of a new standard money of account¿the yuan¿derived from the Spanish silver peso coin.

The economic "micro-cosmos" of Canton as a global entrepôt: Overseas trade, consumption and the Canton System from the Kangxi to Qianlong eras (1683-1795)

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Jin, Lei
  • Pérez García, Manuel
Due to China's ongoing economic rise, recent studies in global (economic) history have moved away from the traditional Eurocentric view to a Sinocentric one. There is extensive literature focused on the introduction of Chinese goods to Europe, as well as on China's economic development within the framework of the great divergence debate. However, less research has centred on the introduction of European goods to Chinese markets, specifically the markets in Guangdong or other coastal regions (such as Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangsu), before the First Opium War. This paper aims to side-step the Sinocentric approach, eschewing the current wave of national history in China, by analysing the international trade in Qing China from the Kangxi era until the Qianlong period. It provides new empirical evidence from the First Historical Archives of China (FHAC) by examining the impact on global trade of China's imperial edicts and interventionist policies.

A Study on Consumption of European Red Wine in China (1680-1840): state of the art, questions, hypothesis, sources and methodology

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Jin, Lei
The global history perspective and comparison research between Eurocentric and
Sinocentric methods on economic history give us new perspective on the topic of
European-Chinese trade during early modern period. Compared with the large number
of researches on the consumption society of Western Europe around the 18th century
about the goods from Eastern world like tea, silk, and porcelain, very few researches
have been done about the European commodities in Eastern countries. Especially, the
studies on consumption of European wine in China market during the 17th and 18th
centuries is completely void. Therefore, based on the economic conditions of southern
and eastern China, considered the geographical, political and cultural aspects, several
questions and hypothesis are designed, including consumption groups of the European
wine, the consumer volumes, consumption habits, wine market shares, the merchant
groups¿ role, etc. The research will be down upon the cross-referencing of primary data
and the materials, along with the application of database.

The Jewish Presence in China and Japan in the Early Modern Period: A Social Representation

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • De Sousa, Lucio
Judeo-conversos played a very important role in the Atlantic trade carried
out by Portugal and Spain in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries;
yet, their presence in China and Japan, barring some specific cases,
has remained unknown. The first reason for this absence is due to the
fact that the inquisitorial records collected in Goa and covering the
Portuguese communities established in these regions have not survived.
The second reason is related to the very morphology of this group commonly
known as Nação Portuguesa (Portuguese nation: this is how the
Portuguese Jews would refer to themselves). Spread over several continents
and empires, managing to stay socially connected, the Judeoconversos
who participated and created commercial networks as their
diaspora extended from the Iberian Peninsula to Macau and Nagasaki
also developed various strategies to remain hidden.

From collection resources to intelligent data: Construction of intelligent digital humanities platform for local historical documents of Shanghai Jiao Tong University

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Shi, Xiaohua
  • Xing, Zhuoyuan
  • Qian, Yin
Local historical documents originated from daily life of people belong to special collection resources that were not published publicly. They are valuable assets of universities and libraries. At present, most documents had only finished digitalization or partial datalization work. However, the requirements of deep knowledge mining in documents data, providing visual analysis, and effectively supporting the research of historic humanities scholars had not been fully met. Taking the local historical documents project of Shanghai Jiao Tong University as an example, using relevant techniques of digital humanities (DH), the in-depth analysis and utilization research of documents data were carried out. On the one hand, the core database of the documents was established based on standardizing metadata cataloguing and establishing metadata association. On the other hand, based on the core database, an intelligent DH system platform was constructed. The platform is to realize full-field retrieval and display of the documents, text analysis, association analysis, statistics, and visual presentation of knowledge. In addition, in the process of using the platform for research, humanities scholars can continuously expand the data dimensions and the relationships between data, achieve intelligent supplementation of documents data and platform self-learning. The concept of DH has led to a new direction of database construction and platform development. In the exploration and practice of DH, libraries should continue to widen thinking, improve service and innovation capabilities, and provide better research perspectives, research environments, research support, and research experience for humanities scholars.

Postal networks and global letters in Cartagena de Indias: the overseas mail in the Spanish empire in the eighteenth century

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Moreno Cabanillas, Rocío
In the eighteenth century, all European colonial empires undertook the task of institutionalising their postal systems. Within the framework of the Bourbon reforms, the Spanish monarchy embarked upon reforming the postal system within the Spanish America with the aim of making transatlantic communications more reliable and regular. These plans, however, were hampered by an ongoing power struggle between all agents with a stake in the circulation of information. This is clearly reflected in the postal office in Cartagena de Indias, which was a key node for the Crown and a point of confluence for the strategies and interests of different local and global powers; the office, therefore, represented the polyhedric reality of postal communication. This paper shows that the institution had its own agency by constituting one of the main power tools, which is a reflection of the close relationship that exists between empire and communication.

Research and Application of Digital Humanities with Social Network Analysis

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Shi, Xiaohua
Social network analysis is one of the methods of digital humanistic analysis. In this paper, we
take the digital resources of contract documents of Shanghai Jiao Tong University as research data, and
MATLAB as research tool, to carry out social network analysis and visualization. Through data processing,
we can effectively acquire network nodes and network degree data, fit the power-law distribution based
on the number of participants, detect and categorize legit community, and reveal the characteristics and
structure of digital humanities and social network in digital resources.

The Imperial Silk Factories of Kangxi in China, 1661-1722 A mirror for Louis XIV's Royal Factories?

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Wang, Li
This thesis explores the silk trade in China and Europe at the turn of the seventeenth and eighteenth century through a transnational point of view, taking an example of France, by comparing the imperial silk factories of the Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty (1661-1722) and the Grande Fabrique of Luis XVIII of France (1643-1715), analyzes the variation of business organization system, the manufacturing equipment scale, finance, personnel management, income and social status of the craftsmen, product types and sales, etc., which reflected the differences of the economic development strategies of the two monarchs; Like a butterfly effect, it could be inferred from the details of the official silk production and consumption in the studied geographical and time range, the causes and effects of diverse economic and political roads each monarch took subsequently.

El mundo en una nuez: de Calculta y Canton a Buenos Aires en una época de guerra. La introducción de efectos asiáticos en los mercados suramericanos, 1805-1807

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Ibarra, Antonio
Se explora el impacto de las mercancías asiáticas en el Rio de la Plata a partir de la navegación de dos fragatas de la Real Compañía de Filipinas, que forzadas por el conflicto marítimo angloespañol recalan en el estuario rioplatense. A partir del examen de valores y características de la carga del ¿comercio de pacotilla¿, se analiza la distribución de los efectos de China, Filipinas y particularmente de la India, en la cuenca portuaria, el Interior del virreinato y sus conexiones con el espacio altoperuano, transandino y del Litoral. El episodio permite advertir la distribución de la oferta de mercancías, a los actores de este tráfico y evaluar el papel de la compañía en el mercado global de efectos asiáticos.

Beyond the Silk Road: Manila Galleons, trade networks, global goods, and the integration of Atlantic and Pacific markets (1680-1840)

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Pérez García, Manuel
This project offers a comparative and polycentric approach to the connection of trade nodes in the Asian, American, African, and European markets in the early modern period. These analyses reevaluate the great divergence debate by presenting new case studies at the local scale and observing the impact of global goods and changes in consumer behaviour connecting local markets of the Pacific and Atlantic area. In this manner, we explore the circulation and consumption of Chinese goods in the Americas and in Europe, as well as in the African slave market through the Royal Company of the Philippines. Conversely, we also analyse the impact of the introduction of Western goods (of American and European origin) into China.

Memoirs of the Fruits of Globalization: The Markets for Chinese Textiles in New Spain by Jean de Monségur

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Fernandez-de-Pinedo, Nadia
A revealing report produced by the French intelligence services of the beginning of eighteenth-century explores the production of luxury and fashion commodities and their distribution on a global scale. According to Jean de Monségur the main competitors in New Spain arrived through China commercial routes. On one hand, we intend to explore if the trade market in Mexico was reflecting or not European fashions, in particular French fashion so in vogue among European elites. On the other hand, some cultural aspects must be taking into account to discern how entangled Europe, Asia and the Americas were in 1700s underlying economic prestige and social status as in Europe. How cultural and symbolic message matters? Was New Spain contributing to develop an emerging hybrid consumer society?

American Globalization, 1492-1850. Trans-Cultural Consumption in Spanish Latin America

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Yun Casalilla, Bartolomé
  • Berti, Ilaria
  • Svriz-Wucherer, Omar
Following a study on the world flows of American products during early globalization, here the authors examine the reverse process. By analyzing the imperial political economy, the introduction, adaptation and rejection of new food products in America, as well as of other European, Asian and African goods, American Globalization, 1492¿1850, addresses the history of consumerism and material culture in the New World, while also considering the perspective of the history of ecological globalization.

This book shows how these changes triggered the formation of mixed imagined communities as well as of local and regional markets that gradually became part of a global economy. But it also highlights how these forces produced a multifaceted landscape full of contrasts and recognizes the plurality of the actors involved in cultural transfers, in which trade, persuasion and violence were entwined. The result is a model of the rise of consumerism that is very different from the ones normally used to understand the European cases, as well as a more nuanced vision of the effects of ecological imperialism, which was, moreover, the base for the development of unsustainable capitalism still present today in Latin America.

Consumption of Chinese silk fabrics in Marseille and Seville, 1680-1840

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Hernández Garay, Guimel
Historiography about Asian goods consumption in Early Modern Europe has advanced in the understanding of how these commodities changed consumption patterns and production in Europe. Global History indisputably has contributed with a theoretical perspective in this achievement. However, in this literature lacks more studies in the long term and in more specific geographical units. This research intends to contribute with a case study in two specific European ports: Marseille and Seville. The study is about the consumption of Chinese silk fabrics in 1680 ¿ 1840 period and has as aim find the way like these commodities change the taste and pattern of consumption in local population preparing the receipt of Silk fabrics with Chinese taste made in Europe in an import substitution process. An innovation in the research is the use of Chinese sources and the database of GECEM project.

Creating Global Demand: Polycentric Approaches, Crossroads of Silk and Silver in China and Iberian Empires during the Early Modern Era

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Pérez García, Manuel
This monographic issue of the RHE-JILAEH presents new case studies in order to compare regions of Asia, Europe and the Americas through analysis of global demand for western goods in China (goods of European and American origin) as well as demand eastern goods (of Chinese and Indian origin) in Europe and the Americas. The global circulation of goods included accumulation of American silver in the hands of Chinese merchants and private institutions. Thus, this issue re-evaluates origins of the first globalisation during the 16th century, as opposed to the 1820s. Global trade networks and long-distance alliances in Asia, the Americas and Europe date back to the 16th century when Manila galleon routes were established.

Social Networks and the Circulation of Technology and Knowledge in the Global Spanish Empire

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Yun Casalilla, Bartolomé
This chapter aims at drawing attention to the role of the Spanish
Empire in the circulation of technology and technological knowledge
during this epoch. It focuses on the role of informal institutions and
social networks regulating such circulation and examines the relationship
between political power and the control of technological knowledge, as
well as the often-simplified interplay between globalization and empire.

Internacionalización y reformas del sistema de educación superior en China

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Pérez García, Manuel
El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una visión general de los aspectos que articulan
la relación estratégica existente entre Europa y China, centrándose en la cooperación
y movilidad científica promovida por la Comisión Europea y el Ministerio de Educación
de China, durante los últimos años. La visión comparada entre China y los
Estados Unidos de América en lo referente a movilidad e intercambios científicos resulta
necesaria, ya que el flujo migratorio de origen chino ha tenido siempre como destino
principal suelo estadounidense. El objetivo de la cooperación sino-europea se basa en
la introducción de reformas en el sistema de educación superior con el fin de erradicar
la 'fuga de cerebros' que ha afectado dramáticamente a la nación asiática y a los
países miembros de la Unión Europea.

GECEM Project Database

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Pérez García, Manuel
  • Diaz-Ordoñez, Manuel

European Imperialism, War, Strategic Commodities and Ecological Limits: The Diffusion of Hemp in Spanish South America and Its Ghost Fibers 1

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Diaz-Ordoñez, Manuel
  • Pérez García, Manuel
Early globalization travelled in cordages and ships' sails made with thousands of tons of European hemp. The new American geographies could have served to increment its cultivation, increasing what Pomeranz defines as ghost acreage, to supply the huge demand for European cannabis. The sources for Spanish America show, in fact, a firm will to increase the cultivation of hemp to be used in naval vessels. However, a wide historical record of failures and frustrations seems incompatible with classical explanations such as European mercantilist resistance to the crop¿s transfer to the Americas. Therefore, it seems reasonable to turn to other scientific disciplines, including botany and agronomy, in order to reinterpret the scarce introduction of hemp cultivation in South America.

Global History and New Polycentric Approaches. Europe, Asia and the Americas in a World Network System

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Pérez García, Manuel
  • De Sousa, Lucio
Rethinking the ways global history is envisioned and conceptualized in diverse countries such as China, Japan, Mexico or Spain, this collections considers how global issues are connected with our local and national communities. It examines how the discipline had evolved in various historiographies, from Anglo Saxon to southern European, and its emergence in Asia with the rapid development of the Chinese economy motivation to legitimate the current uniqueness of the history and economy of the nation. It contributes to the revitalization of the field of global history in Chinese historiography, which have been dominated by national narratives and promotes a debate to open new venues in which important features such as scholarly mobility, diversity and internationalization are firmly rooted, putting aside national specificities. Dealing with new approaches on the use of empirical data by framing the proper questions and hypotheses and connecting western and eastern sources, this text opens a new forum of discussion on how global history has penetrated in western and eastern historiographies, moving the pivotal axis of analysis from national perspectives to open new venues of global history.

Redes locales y espacios globales: Macao y Marsella en una perspectiva comparada para el análisis de la divergencia económica entre China y Europa (s. XVIII)

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Pérez García, Manuel
En el presente ensayo se estudian las percepciones y diálogos entre China y Europa mediante el análisis de áreas geopolíticas estratégicas que fomentaron el comercio, las relaciones internacionales y redes socio-económicas entre China y Europa. Nos centramos en un particular caso de estudio comparativo: Macao, como puerto que conecta con el sur de China y las rutas del galeón Manila-Acapulco, siendo eje vertebrador de una temprana globalización que integraba los mercados de Occidente y Oriente; y Marsella, como enclave portuario en el Mediterráneo que enlaza con las rutas de comercio oriental. Tal comparación puede ayudar a enriquecer el debate sobre la gran divergencia mediante un caso de estudio concreto con el fin de observar los asimétricos modelos de crecimiento económico de China y Europa a través del análisis de redes de comercio y cambios en el consumo.

GECEM Newsletter, n. 2 (Spring 2018)

RIO. Repositorio Institucional Olavide
  • Pérez García, Manuel
  • Vidales Berrnal, Marisol
The present newsletter constitutes a detailed report of the activities conducted by the research group from summer 2017 to spring 2018. The GECEM (Global Encounters between China and Europe: Trade Networks, Consumption and Cultural Exchanges in Macau and Marseille, 1680-1840) project, ref. 679371, is funded by the ERC (European Research Council)-Starting Grant, Horizon 2020 (European Union funding for Research & Innovation of the European Commission) being the Universidad Pablo de Olavide in Seville (Spain) the European host institution (see