
Resultados totales (Incluyendo duplicados): 31
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The Spanish Turn against Renewable Energy Development

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Gabaldón Estevan, Daniel
  • Peñalvo-López, Elisa|||0000-0002-3143-822X
  • Alfonso-Solar, David|||0000-0003-0141-075X
[EN] In this study, we focus on the case of Spanish energy policy and its implications for sustainable energy development. In recent years, Spanish legislation has changed dramatically in its approach to sustainable energy sources. This change is despite EU and international efforts to increase energy efficiency, and to accelerate the transition to renewable energy sources (RES) in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Based on the socio-technical transitions literature, this paper assesses the role of the new legislation in this altered scenario, and analyzes the evolution of energy production in Spain in the EU context. The results are triangulated with two expert assessments. We find that Spanish energy policy is responding to the energy lobby's demands for protection for both their investment and their dominant position. This has resulted in a reduction in the number of investors combined with a lack of trust in both local and foreign investors in the sustainable energy sector, affecting also social innovations in energy transitions. We conclude that Spain is a particular case of concomitance between the energy sector and political power which raises concern about the viability of a higher level of energy sovereignty and the achievement of international commitments regarding climate change., We thank the editors' board and three anonymous reviewers for their very insightful advice on a previous version of the manuscript. This research was conducted as part of the GROW GREEN Project ID: 730283 Funded under: H2020-EU. We are grateful for funding from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia to cover the costs of open access publishing, and for funding from the University of Valencia to cover the costs of English language editing.

Monitoring and evaluation of thermal comfort in urban areas: application to Valencia city

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Alfonso Solar, David|||0000-0003-0141-075X
  • Bastida Molina, Paula
  • Montuori, Lina|||0000-0001-7574-7916
  • Vargas Salgado, Carlos Afranio|||0000-0002-9259-8374
[EN] In this paper, it is presented preliminary results of a methodology for thermal comfort monitoring and evaluation in urban areas based on local metering of ambient conditions and Rayman model application. In the framework of GROWGREEN European project it was installed six monitoring stations for data acquisition of air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, solar radiation and black globe temperature. Data of first 5 months of monitoring and modelling of one location with Rayman model to calculate PET (physiological equivalent temperature) is presented. Based on PET it was calculated the percentage of hours with thermal comfort per month, and it was made a comparison between PET and black globe temperature (GT) in order to evaluate the suitability of GT as a single, low cost and robust indicator of thermal comfort in urban areas., This work was supported by European Commission through GROW GREEN project (Agreement number: 730283 -GROW GREEN -H2020-SCC-2016-2017/H2020-SCC-NBS-2stage-2016. This work was supported in part by the regional public administration of Valencia under the grant ACIF/2018/106.

Measurement of the black globe temperature to estimate the MRT and WBGT indices using a smaller diameter globe than a standardized one: Experimental analysis

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Vargas Salgado, Carlos Afranio|||0000-0002-9259-8374
  • Chiñas Palacios, Cristian Daniel
  • Águila León, Jesús
  • Alfonso Solar, David|||0000-0003-0141-075X
[EN] Heat stress can affect negatively human performance, behavior and even health, therefore, mean radiant temperature (MRT) and wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT) measurement and monitoring should be obtained for any environment in which people are constantly exposed. The aim of this work is to compare the globe thermometer temperature (tg), used for calculating both MTR and WBGT, using a smaller globe compared to a standardized diameter. For such purpose, a prototype has been designed. The device consists of an Arduino MEGA board, three temperature sensors, two black globes (Copper globe, matt black painted) and an anemometer. As an effort to use a device with a globe easier to handle in a real measuring device, a 9 cm diameter globe has been used which has a smaller diameter than a standardized one (15 cm); the third temperature sensor is used to measure the air temperature. MRT monitoring tests were carried out using the proposed prototype, collected data were compared between the smaller and the standardized diameter globes measurements according to UNE EN ISO 7723 and NTP 322 recommendations. Results of this work show that it is possible to use a smaller diameter globe in a heat stress monitor, with an acceptable margin of error compared to a standardized size globe., This work was supported by the European Commission through GROW GREEN project
(Agreement number: 730283 — GROW GREEN — H2020-SCC-2016-2017/H2020-SCCNBS-2stage-2016.

Arduino-based prototype to estimate heat stress indices in urban environments

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Vargas Salgado, Carlos Afranio|||0000-0002-9259-8374
  • Montuori, Lina|||0000-0001-7574-7916
  • Bastida Molina, Paula
  • Alfonso Solar, David|||0000-0003-0141-075X
[EN] Thermal comfort indices are normally used for assessing and controlling heat stress conditions in both: insides and outsides environment. In this paper, the results of the design and test of an Arduino-base prototype for estimating heat stress index is presented. This prototype allows the accurate detection of wind speed, air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, irradiation and globe temperature. By means of these parameters, it is possible to obtain indices such as mean radiant temperature (MRT) and wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT). As a result, the indices are estimated, storage in a database and analyzed. These values will be used in the future to measure the mitigation of heat stress in urban environments, by means of the construction of green facades and green roof or tree planting., This work was supported by European Commission through GROW GREEN project (Agreement number: 730283-GROW GREEN-H2020-SCC-2016-2017/H2020-SCC-NBS-2stage-2016. This work was supported in part by the regional public administration of Valencia under the grant ACIF/2018/106.

Urban green indicators: a tool to estimate the sustainability of our cities

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Tudorie, Carla María|||0000-0002-3060-6199
  • Gielen, Eric|||0000-0002-4591-2914
  • Vallés-Planells, María|||0000-0002-5932-0485
  • Galiana, Francisco|||0000-0001-7897-6538
[EN] In Europe, more than 70% of the population lives in an urban area. All the challenges related to land use conflicts, demographic changes, climate resilience and human well-being are concentrated inside the cities, since the population is already living in urban areas, which are more and more compact and dependent on grey infrastructure. In this context, urban green infrastructure represents a sustainable solution to maintain the benefits and services provided by urban ecosystems and an efficient urban planning tool to face the urban challenges.

The sustainability of our cities can be reached adopting an innovative vision using the concept of ecosystem services of the urban green infrastructure. Different initiatives to assess the benefits provided by green infrastructure have emerged in the last decade. However, very few take into account the whole range of services provided by urban green infrastructure.

The present article provides a systematic search and synthesis of the most important literature to review indicators of urban green infrastructure. The main goal is to give an insight of how urban green infrastructure is measured in practice. Results show the set of ecosystem services that are being considered when assessing sustainability of green infrastructure and identify the most recurrent indicators at the different scales. This work is expected to contribute to the improvement of the evaluation of green infrastructure effectiveness for providing benefits for urban dwellers., This work was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under the project Green Cities For Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable
Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments with reference 730283.

Empirical Design, Construction, and Experimental Test of a Small-Scale Bubbling Fluidized Bed Reactor

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Vargas-Salgado, Carlos|||0000-0002-9259-8374
  • Hurtado-Perez, Elias|||0000-0001-8909-0679
  • Alfonso-Solar, David|||0000-0003-0141-075X
  • Malmquist, Anders
[EN] The methods currently used for designing a fluidized bed reactor in gasification plants do not meet an integrated methodology that optimizes all the different parameters for its sizing and operational regime. In the case of small-scale (several tens of kWs biomass gasifiers), this design is especially complex, and, for this reason, they have usually been built in a very heuristic trial and error way. In this paper, an integrated methodology tailoring all the different parameters for the design and sizing of a small-scale fluidized bed gasification plants is presented. Using this methodology, a 40 kWth biomass gasification reactor was designed, including the air distribution system. Based on this design, with several simplified assumptions, a reactor was built and commissioned. Results from the experimental tests using this gasifier are also presented in this paper. As a result, it can be said the prototype works properly, and it produces syngas able to produce thermal energy or even electricity., This work was supported in part by the European Commission through GROW GREEN project (Agreement number: 730283-GROW GREEN-H2020-SCC-2016-2017/H2020-SCC-NBS2stage-2016.

Small-Scale Hybrid Photovoltaic-Biomass Systems Feasibility Analysis for Higher Education Buildings

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Alfonso-Solar, David|||0000-0003-0141-075X
  • Vargas-Salgado Carlos|||0000-0002-9259-8374
  • Sánchez-Diaz, Carlos|||0000-0003-0913-725X
  • Hurtado-Perez, Elias|||0000-0001-8909-0679
[EN] Applications of renewable electricity in cities are mostly limited to photovoltaics, and they need other renewable sources, batteries, and the grid to guarantee reliability. This paper proposes a hybrid system, combining biomass and photovoltaics, to supply electricity to educational buildings. This system is reliable and provides at least 50% of electricity based on renewable sources. Buildings with small (<500 kW) installed power based on renewables, mainly biomass, are usually expensive. Besides, in urban areas, photovoltaic capacity is limited due to roof availability. This paper analyzes different configurations, meeting these constraints to obtain an economically feasible solution based on photovoltaic-biomass modelling of small size hybrid systems. The technology used for biomass energy valorization is a fluidized bed gasification power plant, which has been modelled with real data obtained from experimental tests and previous research projects. Thereby, real costs and electric efficiency are included in the model. The techno-economic feasibility analysis using HOMER software with metered real load curves from an educational building has been modelled. The results of the model show that hybrid renewable systems are very feasible in the scenario of 50% of electricity contribution, however, higher contribution (>70%) implies high electricity costs., This work was supported in part by the European Commission through project "Holistic And Scalable Solution For Research, Innovation And Education In Energy Tran project" (Agreement number: 837854). This work was supported in part by the European Commission through GROW GREEN project (Agreement number: 730283 - GROW GREEN-H2020-SCC-2016-2017/H2020-SCC-NBS-2stage-2016. This work was completed in the framework of the activities of the Renewable Area research group of the IUIIE (Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ingeniería Energética) in regional, national, and international projects. The authors deeply thank the Universitat Politècnica de València, IMPIVA-Generalitat Valenciana, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, and the European Commission for the funded projects coming from this organization.

Study of the Improvement on Energy Efficiency for a Building in the Mediterranean Area by the Installation of a Green Roof System

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Peñalvo-López, Elisa|||0000-0002-3143-822X
  • Cárcel Carrasco, Francisco Javier|||0000-0003-2776-533X
  • Alfonso-Solar, David|||0000-0003-0141-075X
  • Valencia-Salazar, Iván|||0000-0002-5223-4218
  • Hurtado-Perez, Elias|||0000-0001-8909-0679
[EN] Rooftop gardens ona building have proved to be a good way to improve its storm water management, but many other benefits can be obtained from the installation of these systems, such as reduction of energy consumption, decrease of the heat stress, abatement on CO2 emissions, etc. In this paper, the effect from the presence of these rooftop gardens on abuilding's energy consumption has been investigated by experimental campaigns using a green roof ona public building in a Mediterranean location in Spain. The obtained results demonstrate a substantial improvement by the installation of the green roof onthe building's cooling energy demand for a standard summer day, in the order of 30%, and a reduction, about 15%, in the heating energy demand for a winter day. Thus, given the longer duration of the summer conditions along the year, a noticeable reduction on energy demand could be obtained. Simulation analysis, using commercial software TRNSYS code, previously calibrated using experimental data for typical summer and winter days, allows for the extrapolation to the entire year of these results deducing noticeable improvement in energy efficiency, in the order of 19%, but with an increase of 6% in the peak power during the winter period., This work was supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the project Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments with reference 730283.

Towards a Greener University: Perceptions of Landscape Services in Campus Open Space

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Tudorie, Carla Ana-María|||0000-0002-3060-6199
  • Vallés-Planells, María|||0000-0002-5932-0485
  • Gielen, Eric|||0000-0002-4591-2914
  • Arroyo-López, María Rosa|||0000-0003-3852-0709
  • Galiana, Francisco|||0000-0001-7897-6538
[EN] Universities are showing a growing interest in becoming green institutions and improving campus open space management. Well-designed urban landscapes guided by green criteria integrate eco-friendly infrastructure which may be effective in facing urban challenges in the context of climate change. Student preferences and uses of campus outdoor environment should draw the attention of campus landscape planners. This study aims to analyse how the university community perceives landscape services provided by the Spanish Universitat Politecnica de Valencia's campus open space. An online questionnaire was sent to the university community to check its opinions, level of satisfaction, and their demands related to the current situation of the outdoor areas. Campus open spaces with different urban green infrastructure have a high potential to provide cultural, provisioning, and regulation landscape services. Respondents perceive the main benefits provided by campus open spaces to be that they are a place to relax, meet friends, and pass through. Their needs related to the welfare of outdoor areas and their preferences differ according to age, occupation, and time spent at the campus. This paper intends to help the university to meet environmental guidelines and to help other universities in their endeavour to reach sustainability and ensure the university community's well-being., This research was funded by European Commission, European Union's Horizon 2020, Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments; grant number 730283.

Comparative LCA of concrete with recycled aggregates: a circular economy mindset in Europe

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Colangelo, Francesco
  • Gómez-Navarro, Tomás|||0000-0001-6114-2414
  • Farina, Ilenia
  • Petrillo, Antonella
[EN] Purpose Construction and demolition waste (C&DW) is the largest waste stream in the European Union (EU) and all over the
world. Proper management of C&DW and recycled materials¿including the correct handling of hazardous waste¿can have
major benefits in terms of sustainability and the quality of life. The Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC aims to have 70% of
C&DW recycled by 2020. However, except for a few EU countries, only about 50% of C&DW is currently being recycled. In the
present research, the environmental impact of concrete with recycled aggregates and with geopolymer mixtures is analysed. The
aim of the present research is to propose a comparative LCA of concrete with recycled aggregates in the context of European
Methods Life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology is applied using Simapro© software. A cradle to grave analysis is carried
out. The results are analysed based on the database Ecoinvent 3.3 and Impact 2002+.
Results Results show that the concrete with 25% recycled aggregates is the best solution from an environmental point of view.
Furthermore, geopolymer mixtures could be a valid alternative to reduce the phenomenon of ¿global warming¿; however, the
production of sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide has a great environmental impact.
Conclusions A possible future implementation of the present study is certainly to carry out an overall assessment and to
determine the most cost-effective option among the different competing alternatives through the life cycle cost analysis.

Experiences in Transdisciplinary Education for the Sustainable Development of the Built Environment, the ISAlab Workshop

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Orozco-Messana, Javier|||0000-0001-8611-8816
  • De la Poza, Elena|||0000-0003-2303-0811
  • Calabuig-Moreno, Raimon|||0000-0003-0810-881X
[EN] There is a growing recognition and acceptance that society needs to develop new pathways to achieve a more sustainable;future. Our current model of development poses significant challenges when it comes to achieving a more just society based on respect for nature and human rights, and demands a sustainable economy supported by a new circular model supporting the UN sustainable development goals. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) accordingly have developed Master programs that are responsible for providing fundamental services in the joint effort towards sustainability. Meanwhile, leading Universities around the world have developed other very relevant programs. The open and unstructured challenge of sustainability poses an obstacle to existing academic structures. Specifically, the built environment is one of the leading contributors to challenges addressed in the programs such as: Anthropogenic climate change, resource depletion, waste generation and pollution, poverty, and inequity. The Interdisciplinary Sustainable Architecture lab (ISAlab) explores these issues as part of a multidisciplinary approach involving the collaboration of leading Universities from different areas on the world through an innovative initiative. This paper explores the experiences of the ISAlab workshop, which has been taking place yearly in Valencia since 2017. The workshop draws together students from a range of disciplines from across engineering and science, law and the social sciences and from a range of countries and backgrounds, including North and South America, Europe, and Asia. Its purpose is to facilitate a rich co-creative learning environment led by (engineering) academic faculties from across Europe (Spain, the UK, France, Germany, Netherlands and Ireland) as well as North America (the US and Canada), as well as local experts who helped provide participants with appropriate context and guidance. The objective is educating future engineers that are capable of finding robust ways to implement sustainability at a practical level on the built environment, taking account of the multidisciplinary perspective and with the incentive of solving real-life problems., This research has been co-funded by the Erasmus+ KA2 program of the European Union under the "SAUNAC" project.

Analysis of the effect of COVID-19 on air pollution: Perspective of the Spanish case

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Cárcel-Carrasco, Javier|||0000-0003-2776-533X
  • Pascual Guillamón, Manuel|||0000-0003-0216-5119
  • Langa Sanchis, Jaime|||0000-0003-4383-485X
[EN] The pandemic caused by coronavirus COVID-19 is having a worldwide impact that affects health and the economy and indirectly affects air pollution in cities. In Spain, the effect has evolved from being anecdotal in January 2020 to become the second country in Europe with the highest number of cases (614,000 cases by 17/09/2020), which has affected the health system and caused major mobility restrictions. In contrast, COVID-19 has affected air pollution and energy consumption in the country. This article analyzes the indirect effect produced by this pandemic on air pollution, referenced to various stages that occurred in Spain: first stage, without public awareness of COVID-19 impact (mid-January 2020); second is when Spanish Government alerted (late February 2020); and third, after the decree of alarm and mobility restriction of citizens by the government (March 2020) along with the various phases of the de-escalation. The indirect effect produced by this pandemic on air pollution in Spanish cities has been resulted in a decrement of 70% to 80% of average, taking into account dates after the decree of alarm and mobility restriction by the Spanish government (14/03/2020), compared to days prior to that date. Thus, the results of this analysis indicate a significant alteration in air pollutants; these alteration patterns have followed similar paths over different countries worldwide improving the air quality as discussed by Dutheil et al. (Environ Pollut (Barking, Essex: 1987) 263:114466, 2020)., This work was supported by the European Union under the project Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments with reference 730283 and the framework of Condereff project (Ref. PGI05560Condereff) Construction & demolition waste management policies for improved resource efficiency.

Planning Positive Energy Districts in Urban Water Fronts: approach to La Marina de València, Spain

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Aparisi-Cerdá, Isabel
  • Ribó-Pérez, David Gabriel|||0000-0003-1089-5197
  • Cuesta-Fernandez, Ivan|||0000-0002-0555-3339
  • Gómez-Navarro, Tomás|||0000-0001-6114-2414
[EN] Cities consume two-thirds of the energy supply, and 70% of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions come from urban environments. Positive Energy Districts are innovative tools to achieve energy and climate neutrality in cities. Positive Energy Districts are regions or neighbourhoods with a positive annual energy balance, obtained mainly through energy efficiency and energy generation from renewables. Urban Waterfronts are extended areas close to the sea, which makes them suitable for several types of production with renewables, therefore seeming to be a suitable location to develop Positive Energy Districts. This paper proposes a method that combines strategic planning for project management and the procedure for energy audits to design the optimal district configuration. The study presents and analyses the case of La Marina de València, a district in a Mediterranean city. Three strategic scenarios, both technically feasible and with a positive energy balance, are presented. All the alternatives include PV and switching to light-emitting diode in lighting. The different strategies presented together with a sensitivity analysis facilitate the decision-making process in energy planning and establish a common pathway to achieve Positive Energy Districts in Urban Water Fronts. The results suggest that urban waterfronts are uniquely suited to achieve a positive annual energy balance, thus emerging as a crucial springboard to provide traction to the positive energy districts policy agenda, This work was supported in part by the Spanish public administration under grant
FPU2016/00962, and by the Catedra de Transicion Energética Urbana
(Las Naves-Fundació València Clima i Energía-UPV)

Neighbourhood Modelling for Urban Sustainability Assessment

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Orozco-Messana, Javier|||0000-0001-8611-8816
  • Iborra Lucas, Milagro|||0000-0002-0617-6440
  • Calabuig-Moreno, Raimon|||0000-0003-0810-881X
[EN] Climate change is becoming a dominant concern for advanced countries. The Paris Agreement sets out a global framework whose implementation relates to all human activities and is commonly guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), which set the scene for sustainable development performance configuring all climate action related policies. Fast control of CO2 emissions necessarily involves cities since they are responsible for 70 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) is clearly involved in the deployment of SDG 13 (Climate Action). European Sustainability policies are financially guided by the European Green Deal for a climate neutral urban environment. In turn, a common framework for urban policy impact assessment must be based on architectural design tools, such as building certification, and common data repositories for standard digital building models. Many Neighbourhood Sustainability Assessment (NSA) tools have been developed but the growing availability of open data repositories for cities, together with big-data sources (provided through Internet of Things repositories), allow accurate neighbourhood simulations, or in other words, digital twins of neighbourhoods. These digital twins are excellent tools for policy impact assessment. After a careful analysis of current scientific literature, this paper provides a generic approach for a simple neighbourhood model developed from building physical parameters which meets relevant assessment requirements, while simultaneously being updated (and tested) against real open data repositories, and how this assessment is related to building certification tools. The proposal is validated by real data on energy consumption and on its application to the Benicalap neighbourhood in Valencia (Spain)., This research was co-funded by the European Commission through the H2020 project "Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments (GROW GREEN)" Grant Agreement: 730283.

Analysis and behavior of different materials in sustainable construction and their alternatives for the improvement of the environment

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Cárcel-Carrasco, Javier|||0000-0003-2776-533X
  • Martínez-Corral, Aurora-María|||0000-0001-8222-0864
  • Kaur, Jangveer
  • Llinares Millán, Jaime
[EN] The construction sector is widely known for its growing activity and its impact on
the environment. The use of different materials within the world of construction has
evolved over the years. Thus, thanks to technology, it has been possible to achieve
an improvement in the behaviour of certain materials in the world of construction.
In this article, different materials from this sector are analysed in order to achieve
an improvement and awareness towards a more sustainable construction. The focus
has been on the study of the behaviour of these materials and their responses to
the phases of construction. As analysed, it has been possible to demonstrate that
the controlled evolution of certain materials such as the use of clinker or cementite,
significantly improves the context of sustainable construction. On the other hand, by
replacing cement by other materials such as fly ash or slag can improve the durability
by 50% which is a high figure related to the sustainable point of view, thus can reduce
the impact on the environment., This work was supported by the European Union under the project Green Cities for
Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and
Environments with reference 730283 and the framework of Condereff project (Ref.
PGI05560-Condereff) Construction & demolition waste management policies for improved resource efficiency.

Urbanismo sostenible: un análisis introductorio de la relación entre la movilidad de los vehículos de combustión sobre la contaminación del aire en las ciudades

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Cárcel-Carrasco, Javier|||0000-0003-2776-533X
  • Martínez-Corral, Aurora-María|||0000-0001-8222-0864
  • Aparicio Fernandez, Carolina Sabina|||0000-0003-0197-9452
  • Peñalvo-López, Elisa|||0000-0002-3143-822X
[ES] Hoy en día, se busca el diseño y remodelación de entornos urbanos para lograr ciudades verdes, saludables y sosteni- bles. El efecto de la contaminación del aire en las
ciudades debido a los gases de combustión de los vehículos es una parte importante
del problema. Debido al efecto indirecto causado por la pandemia de Covid-19, los
poderes políti- cos en Europa han impuesto medidas de confinamiento para los ciudadanos imponiendo restricciones de movimiento en las grandes ciudades. Esta
medida indirecta nos ha dado un terreno de experimentación para mostrar cómo la
reducción de la circulación de vehículos tiene un efecto a corto plazo en los niveles
de contaminación del aire en las ciudades. Por ello, este artículo analiza el efecto
en Madrid. Esta ciudad ha sido elegida debido a su gran cantidad de tráfico rodado
diario con altos niveles de contaminación; por lo tanto, la caída de la contaminación
del aire se puede ver claramente en el período analizado. Los resultados mostrados
a través de este estudio indican que la reducción de los vehículos de combustión
afecta en gran medida a los niveles de contaminación en las diferentes ciudades.
Du- rante el periodo de confinamiento, se ha experimentado una notable mejora de
la calidad del aire donde los valores contaminantes bajaron hasta el 80% respecto al
año anterior. Esto debería servir para concienciar a los ciudadanos y a los poderes
políticos para adoptar medidas que induzcan el diseño de ciudades sostenibles., This work was supported by the European Union under the project Green Cities for
Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and
Environments with reference 730283 and the framework of Condereff project (Ref.
PGI05560-Condereff) Construction & demolition waste management policies for improved resource efficiency.

Combined Greening Strategies for Improved Results on Carbon-Neutral Urban Policies

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Orozco-Messana, Javier|||0000-0001-8611-8816
  • Iborra Lucas, Milagro|||0000-0002-0617-6440
  • Calabuig-Moreno, Raimon|||0000-0003-0810-881X
[EN] Starting from historical environmental records of the Benicalap neighbourhood in Valencia, this paper presents an energy model contributing to the assessment of carbon-neutral city policies for several nature-based solution (NBS) pilots extended to the neighbourhood level and combined with building facade renovation proposals. Accurate monitoring of several NBS pilot strategies was studied to validate a computational-fluid-dynamic (CFD) microclimate flux (both storage heat flux and latent heat flux) model, allowing a joint understanding of humidity and heat dynamics for the pilots under study. When expanded at a neighbourhood level, the combined effect of NBSs and energy dynamics (from buildings and vegetation) on neighbourhood microclimates is used to assess the optimal combination of urban renovation policies for energy efficiency and consequently carbon footprint reduction., This research was co-funded by the European Commission through the H2020 project "Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments (GROW GREEN)" Grant Agreement: 730283

Grow-Green core KPIs, Grow-Green pilots monitoring

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Orozco Messana, Javier|||0000-0001-8611-8816
  • Calabuig Moreno, Raimon|||0000-0003-0810-881X
  • Vallés Planells, María Concepción|||0000-0002-5932-0485
  • Galiana Galán, Francisco|||0000-0001-7897-6538
  • Tudorie, Carla Ana-Maria|||0000-0002-3060-6199
  • Alfonso Solar, David|||0000-0003-0141-075X
  • Peñalvo López, Elisa|||0000-0002-3143-822X
  • Andrés Doménech, Ignacio|||0000-0003-4237-4863
[EN] The H2020 project “Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments" (GROW GREEN, Grant Agreement: 730283), developed green infrastructure pilots in: Manchester, Valencia and Wroclaw. The monitoring framework supported the pilot analysis and its impact assessment through the development of core Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) through all pilots. The historical evolution of these core KPIs are available on the Grow-Green Open Data platform sharing the software architecture for the smart city platform of Valencia City. It is an implementation of Telefónica’s Thinking Cities platform, which is based on the FIWARE standards and interfaces. All monitoring data are included on this dataset grouped on the core KPIs structure., This research was co-funded by the European Commission through the H2020 project “Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments (GROW GREEN)” Grant Agreement: 730283.

City Regeneration through Modular Phase Change Materials (PCM) Envelopes for Climate Neutral Buildings

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Orozco-Messana, Javier|||0000-0001-8611-8816
  • Lopez-Mateu, Vicente|||0000-0001-6983-8977
  • Pellicer, Teresa M.|||0000-0002-0072-678X
[EN] Climate change is driving urban development policies for nearly all cities, which are responsible for over 40% carbon emissions in the world. UN SDG 11 ("Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable") defines critical indicators focused on carbon footprint reduction through green policies and city heritage preservation. Urban regeneration should ensure climate comfort for citizens while enhancing legacy urban resilience. New solutions for urban regeneration such as Phase Change Materials (PCMs) provide inexpensive energy adaption solutions by reducing peak thermal loads, and their market share is growing yearly by 16% (OECD market trends). However, these materials must be integrated into recyclable flexible building elements to ensure tailored responses to different seasons and climates. Modular PCM elements working together with Passive Haus techniques have demonstrated their flexibility. This paper presents a new, efficient, and sustainable modular solution for PCM-based building envelope regeneration projects implemented jointly with Passive Haus strategies and Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) at street level. The efficiency of the proposed strategy is demonstrated though a simplified Digital Twin of the Benicalap neighbourhood in Valencia, Spain. The model simulates the climate evolution at the neighbourhood level, and can be used in any urban background to obtain a new carbon footprint which is then used as the main criterion for joint impact assessment of the proposed modular PCM-based building envelopes., This research was co-funded by the European Commission through the H2020 project "Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments (GROW GREEN)" Grant Agreement: 730283.

Impacto del uso de la APP GROW GREEN, como recurso tecnológico didáctico, en la población educativa del distrito de Benicalap

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Tudorie, Carla Ana-Maria|||0000-0002-3060-6199
  • Vallés-Planells, María
  • Gielen, Eric
  • Galiana Galán, Francisco|||0000-0001-7897-6538
  • Beltrán, Gersón
  • Diaz Maiquez, Jordi
[ES] La motivación y la implicación del alumnado para el aprendizaje son fundamentales en su formación y en el desarrollo de las competencias propuestas por el Espacio Europeo de Educación. La introducción de materiales docentes innovadores en el uso de la infraestructura verde urbana como entorno educativo son estrategias didácticas, descritas con éxito en la literatura, y que pueden ayudar en ese sentido. El objetivo es analizar el impacto del uso de la APP GROW GREEN, como recurso tecnológico didáctico en la población educativa del distrito de Benicalap. En concreto, se presenta una propuesta de estrategia de captación de población con el objetivo de educar al público formal e informalmente usando una herramienta eco-consciente, que es el resultado de una de las acciones de divulgación de los proyectos pilotos del proyecto H2020 Grow Green. Con el fin de difundir el uso de la app, desde febrero de 2020 se han organizado una serie de actividades y talleres con la app, y se ha observado un incremento en la frecuencia general de visitas y en la interacción con los puntos de interés (localización de flora y fauna local), especialmente los que están geolocalizados dentro del parque de Benicalap y en la zona de los proyectos piloto. La app ha sido usada como recurso de educación formal en una actividad en el parque de Benicalap, por los alumnos de primaria y se ha observado una satisfacción y motivación general para el aprendizaje a través de los juegos. La intención es buscar otras vías de difusión para ampliar su uso fuera de las actividades docentes organizadas por centros escolares, porque la app tiene potencial en el fomento de la participación en procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, en el seguimiento de los beneficios de las estrategias verdes y en los estudios de impacto social., [EN] The motivation and involvement of students in learning are fundamental in their training and in the development of the competences proposed by the European Education Area. The introduction of innovative teaching materials in the use of urban green infrastructure as an educational environment are didactic strategies, successfully described in the literature, which can help in this sense. The objective is to analyse the impact of the use of the APP GROW GREEN, as a didactic technological resource in the educational population of the district of Benicalap. Specifically, a proposal is presented for a population recruitment strategy with the aim of educating the public formally and informally using an eco-conscious tool, which is the result of one of the dissemination actions of the pilot projects of the H2020 Grow Green project. In order to disseminate the use of the app, a series of activities and workshops have been organised with the app since February 2020, and an increase in the overall frequency of visits and interaction with the points of interest (location of local flora and fauna) has been observed, especially those geolocated within the Benicalap park and in the area of the pilot projects. The app has been used as a formal education resource in an activity in the Benicalap park by primary school pupils and a general satisfaction and motivation for learning through the games has been observed. The intention is to look for other ways of dissemination to extend its use outside the educational activities organised by schools, because the app has potential in promoting participation in teaching-learning processes, in monitoring the benefits of green strategies and in social impact studies.

Evaluation of Alternatives for Energy Supply from fuel Cells in Compact Cities in the Mediterranean Climate. Case Study: City of Valencia

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Martínez Reverte, Irene
  • Gómez-Navarro, Tomás|||0000-0001-6114-2414
  • Sánchez-Diaz, Carlos|||0000-0003-0913-725X
  • Montagud- Montalvá, Carla|||0000-0002-7118-6119
[EN] A study of energy supply alternatives was carried out based on a cogeneration fuel cell system fed from the natural gas network of compact Mediterranean cities. As a case study it was applied to the residential energy demands of the L'Illa Perduda neighbourhood, located in the east of the city of Valencia and consisting of 4194 residential cells. In total, eight different alternatives were studied according to the load curve, the power of the system, the mode of operation and the distribution of the fuel cells. In this way, the advantages and disadvantages of each configuration were found. This information, together with the previous study of the energy characteristics of the neighbourhood, enabled selection of the most promising configuration and to decide whether or not to recommend investment. The chosen configuration was a centralised system of phosphoric acid fuel cells in cogeneration, with approximately 4 MW of thermal power and an operating mode that varied according to the outside temperature. In this way, when heating is required, the plant adjusts its production to the thermal demand, and when cooling is required, the plant follows the electrical demand. This configuration presented the best energy results, as it achieved good coverage of thermal (62.5%) and electrical (88.1%) demands with good primary energy savings (28.36 GWh/year). However, due to the high power of the system and low maturity (i.e., high costs) of this technology, would be necessary to make a large initial economic investment of 15.2 Meuro., This research was funded by Catedra de Transicion Energetica Urbana (UPV-Las NavesFVCiE). Grant number 20210096.
This work was supported by a grant of the Cátedra de Transición Energética
Urbana UPV-Las Naves-FVCiE, which is chair at Universitat Politència de València (UPV) in collaboration with the city hall of Valencia. (Grant number: 20220027).

Make your home carbon-free. An open access planning tool to calculate energy-related carbon emissions in districts and dwellings

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Ligardo-Herrera, Iván
  • Quintana-Gallardo, Alberto|||0000-0002-8911-595X
  • Stascheit, Christian Wolfgang
  • Gómez-Navarro, Tomás|||0000-0001-6114-2414
[EN] Reducing the carbon emissions of buildings and whole districts is one of the main objectives of sustainable development goals. Both policymakers and end-users need reliable information to take actions that lead to achieving those goals. For this, an innovative open access planning tool has been developed to assess the effect of energy consumption on the overall carbon emissions of districts, buildings, and house units. When it comes to the end-users, it would help them know the actual environmental impact of their homes and make environmentally and financially sound decisions before investing in new equipment. The tool is meant to be an online planning service for dwelling end-users and policymakers alike; thus responding to a still unresolved demand. For this, firstly, the study focuses on the obtention of a complete catalogue of open-source conversion factors, which convert the different energy sources to carbon dioxide emissions per unit of energy. Secondly, it presents two case studies to illustrate the use of the tool. The first case study explains how an end-user could estimate the energy savings that may result from changing his domestic energy habits, equipment, and sources. The second case study uses actual data from a district in Valencia (Spain) to show how renewable sources would affect the carbon footprint of an apartment block. Both study cases show greenhouse gas emissions savings by replacing the existing equipment with more efficient ones such as heat pumps or renewable energy-based power systems like photovoltaic panels. This study concludes that providing smart tools is pivotal to planning nearly Zero-Energy Districts (nZED)., This research was supported by Agencia Estatal de Investigacion de Espana (Grant/Contract number: PID2021-128822OB-I00). And by And by the Catedra de Transicion Energetica Urbana -Las Naves-VCiE-UPV-(Grant/Contract number: CAT 2210096).

Innovative analysis in climate change: Evidence from developed European countries

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Barykin, Sergey
  • Yadykin, Vladimir
  • Badenko, Vladimir
  • Sergeev, Sergey
  • Bezborodov, Andrey
  • Lavskaya, Kristina
  • De la Poza, Elena|||0000-0003-2303-0811
  • Morkovkin, Dmitry
  • Shchukina, Tatyana
  • Veynberg, Roman
  • Rassylnikov, Igor
  • Svechnikova, Vera
  • Muyeen, S. M.
[EN] Since the turn of the 20th century, the whole world entered a period of technological singularity. It is also predicted that the pace of innovation regarding problems associated with climate change, generational change of technologies will constantly increase. This paper aims to bring an innovative product to the market regarding subsequent economical and social strategy. The methodology is based on a dynamic assessment of the development of consumer demand in the context of innovative proposals. In the article, results are obtained and the volume of investments in the development of innovations is determined, which optimizes the balance between curtailing the volume of output using the previous technology in climate change and increasing the production and sale of an innovative product in climate change. The novelty of this study is in the panel framework on the base of Model Based System Engineering (MBSE). The study concludes that MBSE are more sensitive to innovative activity. The volume of investments in the development of innovations is determined. The main result is the total profit from the demand in the consumer market for products based on old and new technologies in climate change, since reformed business processes entail significant financial costs. The above-discussed issues lead to inappropriate misleading policy recommendations. The main recommendation is using disaggregated trade data for each trading partner and industry level to conclude more accurate results and policy recommendations for each trading partner and industry in concern., Funding The research of SB, VB, VY, SS, AB, KL is partially funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation as part of World-class Research Center program: Advanced Digital Technologies (Contract Nos. 075-15-2020-934 dated 17.11.2020).

Sustainability of quality of life investments based on the digital transformation

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Barykin, Sergey
  • Sergeev, Sergey
  • Kapustina, Irina
  • De la Poza, Elena|||0000-0003-2303-0811
  • Borisoglebskaya, Larisa
  • Varlamova, Daria
  • Ovakimyan, Marianna
  • Karmanova, Anna
[EN] : In this paper, the problem of sustainability of
investment activity in the direction of the high yield investment
program is considered. In these financial instruments, large amounts
of money are accumulated, consisting of contributions from the vast
majority of the population. For example, pension funds inherent in
most developed countries, insurance institutions, etc., can be
indicated. Accordingly, the social significance of their activities and the
impact on the quality of life of all segments of the population increase, The research was partially funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Ed-ucation of the Russian Federation under the strategic academic leadership program 'Priority 2030' (Agreement 075-15-2021-1333 dated 30.09.2021).

Market Value and Agents Benefits of Enhanced Short-Term Solar PV Power Generation Forecasting

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Manso-Burgos, Álvaro
  • Ribó-Pérez, David Gabriel|||0000-0003-1089-5197
  • Mateo-Barcos, Sergio
  • Carnero, Pablo
  • Gómez-Navarro, Tomás|||0000-0001-6114-2414
[EN] Renewable energy sources such as PV solar or wind power are intermittent and non-dispatchable. Massive integration of these resources into the electric mix poses some challenges to meeting power generation with demand. Hence, improving power generation forecasting has raised much interest. This work assesses the market value of enhanced PV solar power generation forecasting. Then, we analyse the different agents present in the electricity system. We link the studied agents to the proposed market values based on both analyses. Improving the accuracy of RES forecasting has massive potential as the sector grows and new agents arise. It can have reactive values like reducing imbalances or proactive values such as participating in intraday markets or exercising energy arbitrage. However, accurate forecasting can also lead to opportunistic values that can be exploited by malicious agents if they are not adequately regulated., This research has been funded by the PURPOSED project (ref: PID2021-128822OB-I00), financed by the Spanish State Investigation Agency. This work was supported in part by the "Prognosis" project, part of the SOLAR-ERA.NET, with the support of the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme (Cofund ERA-NET Action, N degrees 691664 y N degrees 786483). At a national level, the Project is financed by the Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad in the framework of the Plan Estatal de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica y de Innovacion 2017-2020, with reference PCI2018-093043, and also by the Instituto Valenciano de la Edificacion (IVE) and by the Catedra de Transicion Energetica Urbana (Las Naves-UPV).

Smart city perspectives in post-pandemic governance: Externalities reduction policy

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • De la Poza, Elena|||0000-0003-2303-0811
  • Kalinina, Olga Vladimirovna
  • Barykin, Sergey Evgenievich
  • Sergeev, Sergey Mikhailovich
  • Semenova, Galina Nikolaevna
  • Fatkullina, Alina
  • Mikhaylov, Alexey
[EN] Background: The ongoing COVID-19 quarantine restrictions have caused multiple sharp decreases in activities associated with the movement of large masses of people. The economies of regions and cities that are critically dependent on tourist flows related to various segments have suffered. This research aims to provide an economic-mathematical model of smart cities externalities¿ impact from the point of view of achieving social and environmental goals
Methods: The objective of this study was to develop an algorithm for supporting decision-makers. Methods of mathematical modeling, statistical processing of data received in real-time, as well as methods for finding solutions by expansion into dynamic series are used, and the theory of mathematical games is applied. The theoretical mathematical model presented considers the statistical processing of data provided in real time referring to the performance indicators of megacities.
Results: The activities of administrations and governments aimed at maintaining stability over the past two years have been aimed at reducing the negative impact of the pandemic. The prospect of returning to normal conditions is complicated by a number of factors. The proposed approach allows the development of the fundamental basis for making administrative decisions within individual megapolises and in environmental policy on a territory of any scale. The developed mathematical model is abstract by definition and is applied by taking into account specific tasks and criteria. Since the tasks of the administration differ depending on the region and country, the choice of criteria is set individually.
Conclusions: During the period of isolation, the volume of services in the Hotel - Restaurant- Catering/Café (HORECA) segment has decreased, and personnel has also been lost. The reduced pressure on public infrastructure and the departure of migrants means that, in the long term, this work cannot be restored within a short period of time., The work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation under the
strategic academic leadership program 'Priority 2030' (Agreement 075-15-2021-1333 dated 30 September 2021).
The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

Measuring Heat Stress for Human Health in Cities: A Low-Cost Prototype Tested in a District of Valencia, Spain

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Aduna-Sánchez, Àlex
  • Correcher Salvador, Antonio|||0000-0002-2443-9857
  • Alfonso-Solar, David|||0000-0003-0141-075X
  • Vargas-Salgado, Carlos|||0000-0002-9259-8374
[EN] Nowadays, the measurement of heat stress indices is of principal importance due to the escalating impact of global warming. As temperatures continue to rise, the well-being and health of individuals are increasingly at risk, which can lead to a detrimental effect on human performance and behavior. Hence, monitoring and assessing heat stress indices have become necessary for ensuring the safety and comfort of individuals. Thermal comfort indices, such as wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT), Tropical Summer Index (TSI), and Predicted Heat Strain (PHS), as well as parameters like mean radiant temperature (MRT), are typically used for assessing and controlling heat stress conditions in working and urban environments. Therefore, measurement and monitoring of these parameters should be obtained for any environment in which people are constantly exposed. Modern cities collect and publish this relevant information following the Smart City concept. To monitor large cities, cost-effective solutions must be developed. This work presents the results of a Heat Stress Monitoring (HSM) system prototype network tested in the Benicalap-Ciutat Fallera district in Valencia, Spain. The scope of this work is to design, commission, and test a low-cost prototype that is able to measure heat stress indices. The Heat Stress Monitoring system comprises a central unit or receiver and several transmitters communicating via radiofrequency. The transmitter accurately measures wind speed, air temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, solar irradiation, and black globe temperature. The receiver has a 4G modem that sends the data to an SQL database in the cloud. The devices were tested over one year, showing that radio data transmission is reliable up to 700 m from the receiver. The system's power supply, composed of a Photovoltaic panel and Lithium-ion batteries, provided off-grid capabilities to the transmitter, with a tested backup autonomy of up to 36 days per charge. Then, indicators such as WBGT, TSI, and MRT were successfully estimated using the data collected by the devices. The material cost of a 12-point network is around EUR 2430 with a competitive price of EUR 190 per device, This research was funded by the European Union¿s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the project Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments (GROWGREEN) with reference 730283.

Aproximación metodológica al análisis integrado de la sostenibilidad urbana partiendo de las tipologías constructivas

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Iborra Lucas, Milagro|||0000-0002-0617-6440
[ES] Las ciudades representan un papel muy importante en el desarrollo sostenible. En general, es conocido, que el sector residencial representa unos porcentajes elevados en cuanto a consumos totales de energía y emisiones de CO2. El avance en el conocimiento ha demostrado que todo el parque edificado tiene un comportamiento energético poco efectivo y que puede ser mejorable, avanzando así en las nuevas directrices de mejora que se están imponiendo desde las administraciones. Así pues, ante un parque construido abundante y obsoleto, la rehabilitación es el gran potencial que puede contribuir a la mejora del cambio climático, a través de la propuesta de estrategias y escenarios de actuación sostenibles y adecuados a los entornos sociales, económicos y medioambientales correspondientes. La construcción sostenible se fundamenta en optimizar el impacto conjunto en el medio natural de las tres dimensiones fundamentales en cualquier actividad humana: medioambiente, economía y sociedad. Así pues, surge la necesidad de establecer un patrón de medida que permita evaluar y cuantificar la sostenibilidad de un edificio, de forma que sea objetivo y comparable, que reduzcan la complejidad de otros estándares ya existentes.
La presente tesis desarrolla una sistemática de análisis del medio urbano en todas sus dimensiones, a partir de una parametrización de las distintas tipologías constructivas y de su evolución. De esta forma, se está en condiciones de conocer la evolución de los sistemas urbanos partiendo de la evolución de las variables constructivas., [CA] Les ciutats representen un paper molt important en el desenvolupament sostenible. En general, és conegut que el sector residencial representa uns percentatges elevats quant a consums totals d'energia i emissions de CO2. L'avenç en el coneixement ha demostrat que tot el parc edificat té un comportament energètic poc efectiu i que pot ser millorable, avançant així a les noves directrius de millora que s'estan imposant des de les administracions. Així doncs, davant d'un parc construït abundant i obsolet, la rehabilitació és el gran potencial que pot contribuir a millorar el canvi climàtic, a través de la proposta d'estratègies i escenaris d'actuació sostenibles i adequats als entorns socials, econòmics i mediambientals corresponents . La construcció sostenible es fonamenta en optimitzar limpacte conjunt en el medi natural de les tres dimensions fonamentals en qualsevol activitat humana: medi ambient, economia i societat. Sorgeix, doncs, la necessitat d'establir un patró de mesura que permeti avaluar i quantificar la sostenibilitat d'un edifici, de manera que sigui objectiu i comparable, que redueixin la complexitat d'altres estàndards ja existents.
Aquesta tesi desenvolupa una sistemàtica danàlisi del medi urbà en totes les seves dimensions, a partir duna parametrització de les diferents tipologies constructives i de la seva evolució. D'aquesta manera s'està en condicions de conèixer l'evolució dels sistemes urbans partint de l'evolució de les variables constructives., [EN] Cities play a very important role in sustainable development. In general, it is well known that the residential sector represents a high percentage of total energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Advances in knowledge have shown that the entire building stock has an inefficient energy performance and that it can be improved, thus advancing in the new guidelines for improvement that are being imposed by the administrations. Thus, faced with an abundant and obsolete building stock, refurbishment is the great potential that can contribute to the improvement of climate change, through the proposal of sustainable strategies and action scenarios that are appropriate to the corresponding social, economic and environmental settings. Sustainable construction is based on optimising the joint impact on the natural environment of the three fundamental dimensions of any human activity: environment, economy and society. Thus, the need arises to establish a standard of measurement to evaluate and quantify the sustainability of a building, in a way that is objective and comparable, reducing the complexity of other existing standards.
This thesis develops a systematic analysis of the urban environment in all its dimensions, based on a parameterisation of the different building typologies and their evolution. In this way, we are in a position to know the evolution of urban systems in the urban environment in all its dimensions, based on a parameterisation of the different building typologies and their evolution., La realización de esta tesis ha derivado en la participación en un proyecto de investigación de las Comunidades Europeas: Proyecto: “Grow Green”, Contract Number 730283-2 Proyecto H2020-SCC-2016-2017 titulado GREEN CITIES FOR CLIMATE AND WATER RESILIENCE, SUSTAINABLE

Diagnosis of the Economic Potential within the Building and Construction Field and Its Waste in Spain

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Colmenero-Fonseca, Fabiola|||0000-0003-1901-2725
  • Cárcel-Carrasco, Javier|||0000-0003-2776-533X
  • Martínez-Corral, Aurora-María|||0000-0001-8222-0864
  • Kaur, Jangveer
  • Llinares Millán, Jaime
[EN] The construction and demolition sectors are among the world's most critical activities, generating large amounts of waste. Thus, these sectors' waste accumulation problem is related to the environmental protection system and proper waste management. On the other hand, it is well known that proper waste disposal can increase its value. In this way, the economic potential of the trash can be raised again. Therefore, this article will examine the economic potential of construction and demolition (C & D) waste. Different waste management processes will be analyzed to better understand the topic from a financial perspective in this area underway in Spain. Therefore, data from other regions of Spain were collected. This data led to results where the most expensive rooms were Pais Vasco and the Balearic Islands, where disposal of C & D waste had the highest prices, exceeding EUR 30 per ton. Conversely, the lowest prices are found in regions such as Navarre and Andalusia, where prices per ton are EUR 8 and EUR 6, respectively. The values show a direct relationship between the treatment price and the amount of C & D waste disposed of. Therefore, this article will look at different factors influencing sustainable waste management. Such activities have a positive impact, as waste needs to be recycled and reevaluated by waste management operators. The cost of construction waste is an integral part of the budget because it represents the monetary value of the cost of collecting and recycling construction waste. Construction waste is an essential resource for economic and social development, as it contributes to job creation, education and culture, and the protection and preservation of the environment., This work was supported by the European Union under the project Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments with reference 730283 and the framework of Condereff project (Ref. PGI05560-Condereff) Construction & demolition waste management policies for improved resource efficiency.

Comparative analysis of the European Regulatory Framework for C&D Waste Management

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Colmenero-Fonseca, Fabiola|||0000-0003-1901-2725
  • Cárcel-Carrasco, Javier|||0000-0003-2776-533X
  • Preciado, Adolfo
  • Martínez-Corral, Aurora-María|||0000-0001-8222-0864
  • Salas Montoya, Andrés
María Zambrano (UPV, Ministry of Universities, Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan funded by the European Union Next Generation EU) and the authors would like to acknowledge the assistance provided by the Institute of Materials Technology of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain). The authors would like to thank the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia and the collaborating organizations for their valuable support, with special thanks to the European Commission for its financial support of this
project. This research was supported by the European Union through the green cities for climate and water resilience project, with reference number 730283. It was also carried out within the CONDEREFF project (ref. PGI05560-Condereff ), focusing on the construction and demolition waste management policies to improve resource efficiency. In addition, the work benefited from the postdoctoral support provided to María Zambrano at the Universitat Politècnica de València.

Perceptions of Landscape Services Provided by Urban Green Infraestructure. The Case Study of a Campus Open Space

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Tudorie, Carla Ana-Maria|||0000-0002-3060-6199
[ES] La infraestructura verde urbana ha surgido como un instrumento de excelencia del campus, que puede mejorar la calidad de las funciones y servicios suministrados, y fortalecer las relaciones entre el campus y la comunidad universitaria, y entre el campus y la ciudad. Los miembros de la comunidad universitaria interactúan a menudo con el paisaje del campus y experimentan un cierto nivel de satisfacción con los beneficios derivados de la gestión de los espacios abiertos. En la literatura, estos beneficios se conocen como servicios del paisaje. El perfil del usuario y los parámetros físicos del espacio juegan un papel crucial en la determinación de las funciones y servicios percibidos, lo que se refleja en la preferencia y en el uso del espacio por parte del público.
Esta tesis contribuye al conocimiento de las relaciones entre las personas y su entorno exterior cercano en el contexto del paisaje del campus universitario de la Universitat Politècnica de València. El objetivo del estudio es evaluar la funcionalidad de la infraestructura verde urbana en el entorno del campus. Además, la tesis tiene como objetivo comprender cómo la percepción y la satisfacción están mediadas por el perfil de los miembros de la comunidad universitaria, y cómo se relacionan los servicios con la satisfacción. Esta investigación examina si las tipologías actuales de los espacios abiertos del campus satisfacen las preferencias de los miembros de la comunidad universitaria.
Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, se ha diseñado una encuesta online. Se ha construido un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para identificar las relaciones entre la oferta percibida de servicios del paisaje, el perfil de los encuestados y la satisfacción. Se han realizado regresiones lineales y análisis de rutas para analizar las preferencias de los encuestados por los espacios abiertos y explorar las relaciones entre los servicios del paisaje.
Los resultados revelan que los encuestados perciben los espacios abiertos del campus principalmente por sus beneficios como proporcionar un espacio para relajarse, socializar con amigos y transitar. La edad, el género, la rama de conocimiento, la frecuencia de uso y la preferencia por el espacio abierto son factores que influyen en la calidad percibida de los servicios de paisaje. Los miembros de la comunidad universitaria prefieren usar espacios abiertos más grandes que se encuentren cerca de las áreas comunes y que brindan fácil acceso a los servicios e instalaciones del campus. Las características que principalmente condicionan la preferencia del espacio son la topografía variada del espacio, la diversidad de árboles y el mobiliario urbano bien equipado.
Este trabajo contribuye al conocimiento sobre cómo las variables psicosociales, como la preferencia, la percepción y el uso, se pueden aplicar de manera efectiva en la planificación y el diseño de espacios abiertos. Además, los resultados son útiles no solo para las universidades, sino también para todos los elementos de la infraestructura verde urbana que aún no tienen un diseño de paisaje multifuncional y se están adaptando a las necesidades de sus usuarios., [CA] La infraestructura verda urbana ha sorgit com un instrument d'excel·lència del campus, que desitja millorar la qualitat de les funcions i serveis subministrats, i enfortir les relacions entre el campus i la comunitat universitària, i entre el campus i la ciutat. Els membres de la comunitat universitària interactuen sovint amb el paisatge del campus i experimenten un cert nivell de satisfacció amb els beneficis que brinda la gestió dels espais oberts. En la literatura, aquests beneficis es coneixen com a serveis del paisatge. El perfil del públic i els paràmetres físics de l'espai juguen un paper crucial en la determinació de les funcions i serveis subministrats percebuts, la qual cosa es reflecteix en la preferència i en l'ús de l'espai per part del públic.
Aquesta tesi contribueix al coneixement de les relacions entre les persones i el seu entorn exterior pròxim en el context del paisatge del campus universitari de la Universitat Politècnica de València. L'objectiu de l'estudi és avaluar la funcionalitat de la infraestructura verda urbana a l'entorn del campus. A més, la tesi té com a objectiu comprendre com la percepció i la satisfacció estan mediades pel perfil dels membres de la comunitat universitària, i com es relacionen els serveis amb la satisfacció. Aquesta investigació examina si les tipologies actuals dels espais oberts del campus satisfan les preferències dels membres de la comunitat universitària.
Per a dur a terme aquesta investigació, s'ha dissenyat una enquesta en línia. S'ha construït un model d'equacions estructurals per a identificar les relacions entre l'oferta percebuda de serveis del paisatge, el perfil dels enquestats i la satisfacció. S'han realitzat regressions lineals i anàlisis de rutes per a analitzar les preferències dels enquestats pels espais oberts i explorar les relacions entre els serveis del paisatge.
Els resultats revelen que els enquestats perceben els espais oberts del campus principalment pels seus beneficis com proporcionar un espai per a relaxar-se, socialitzar amb amics i passar. L'edat, el gènere, la branca de coneixement, la freqüència d'ús i la preferència per l'espai obert són factors que influeixen en la qualitat percebuda dels serveis de paisatge. Els membres de la comunitat universitària prefereixen usar espais oberts més grans que es troben prop de les àrees comunes i que brinden fàcil accés als serveis i instal·lacions del campus. Les característiques rellevants per a la preferència de l'espai són la topografia variada de l'espai, la diversitat d'arbres i el mobiliari urbà ben equipat.
Aquesta investigació contribueix al coneixement sobre com les variables psicosocials, com la preferència, la percepció i l'ús, es poden aplicar de manera efectiva en la planificació i el disseny d'espais oberts. A més, els resultats són útils no sols per a les universitats, sinó també per a tots els elements de la infraestructura verda urbana que encara no tenen un disseny de paisatge multifuncional i s'estan adaptant a les necessitats dels seus usuaris., [EN] Urban green infrastructure has emerged as a campus excellency instrument, which is desired to improve the quality of provided functions and services, and strengthen the relationships between campus and university community, and between campus and city. The university community members often interact with the campus landscape and experience a certain level of satisfaction with the benefits provided by the management of open space. In the literature, these benefits are known as landscape services. The public¿s profile and space physical parameters play a crucial role in determining the functions and perceived supplied services, which echoes in the public¿s preference and use of space.
This thesis contributes to the knowledge of the relationships between people and their close outdoor environment in the context of the university campus landscape of Universitat Politècnica de València. The aim of the study is to assess the functionality of urban green infrastructure within the campus setting. Furthermore, the thesis aims to understand how perceptions and satisfaction are mediated by the university community profile, and how services and satisfaction are related. This research examines whether the current typologies of campus open spaces meet the preferences of university community members.
To conduct this research, an online survey has been designed. A structural equation model has been built to identify the relationships between the perceived supply of landscape services, respondents¿ profile and satisfaction. Linear regression and path analysis have been conducted to analyse respondents' preferences for open space and explore the relationships among landscape services.
Results highlight that respondents perceive campus open spaces mainly for its benefits such as providing a space for relaxation, socialising with friends and passing through. Age, gender, branch of knowledge, frequency of use and preference for open space are factors influencing the perceived quality of landscape services. University community members prefer using larger open spaces that are placed close to common areas and provide easy access to campus services and facilities. When it comes to preference, varied space topography, diversity of trees and well-equipped urban furniture, are relevant features.
This research contributes to the knowledge on how psychosocial variables such as preference, perceptions and use, can be effectively applied in open space planning and design. Moreover, the results are helpful not only for universities, but also for all elements of urban green infrastructure that have yet to have a multifunctional landscape design and are adapting to the needs of their users., I am grateful for the support of the Universitat Politècnica de València and the
European Commission through the funding provided for the H2020 GrowGreen Project