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Methodology for the sizing of a hybrid energy storage system in low voltage distribution grids [Dataset]

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Girbau Llistuella, Francesc|||0000-0002-2206-4019
  • Díaz González, Francisco|||0000-0002-1912-3014
  • Sumper, Andreas|||0000-0002-5628-1660
  • Aragüés Peñalba, Mònica|||0000-0002-1509-376X
  • Candido, Luisa
  • Gallart Fernánez, Ramon
Data include the active (kW) and reactive (kvar) power for the pilot area of H2020 RESOLVD project, each item in one column and with a time step of one hour and one year length.

Analytical dead-band Compensation for ZCS modulation applied to hybrid Si-SiC dual active bridge [Dataset], -

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Capó Lliteras, Macià|||0000-0003-2051-5311
  • Heredero Peris, Daniel|||0000-0002-6118-0928
  • Díaz González, Francisco|||0000-0002-1912-3014
  • Llonch Masachs, Marc|||0000-0003-1003-6720
  • Montesinos Miracle, Daniel|||0000-0003-3983-0514
Data include the voltage and current at the transformer terminals, also the measured current losses from applying various switching strategies. This data serves to reproduce Figure 18 and 19 in the paper.

RESOLVD: ICT services and energy storage for increasing renewable hosting capacity in LV distribution grids

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Sumper, Andreas|||0000-0002-5628-1660
  • Plana Olle, Pau
  • Girbau Llistuella, Francesc|||0000-0002-2206-4019
  • Díaz González, Francisco|||0000-0002-1912-3014
  • Puranik, Sanket
  • Meléndez Frigola, Joaquim
  • Kokos, Isidoros
  • Candido, Luisa
© 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works, This article presents the H2020 project RESOLVD (Renewable Penetration Levered by Efficient Low Voltage Distribution Grids). The purpose of this project is to improve the efficiency of distribution networks at the same time while increasing the hosting capacity of distributed renewable generation by introducing flexibility by storage management and control in the low voltage grid. This paper collects the most significant insights from the RESOLVD project by summarizing the needs and expectations of the involved stakeholders to give a complete understanding of the context of the project. Subsequently, the RESOLVD technology is presented, both the software as well as the hardware solutions. Next, the existing and upcoming regulation initiatives are presented and analyzed. Finally, the conclusions of the project and recommendations to standardizing and regulatory bodies are provided.

Developing novel technologies and services for intelligent low voltage electricity grids: cost–benefit analysis and policy implications

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Belay, Alemu Moges
  • Puranik, Sanket
  • Gallart Fernández, Ramon
  • Tuiskula, Heidi
  • Meléndez Frigola, Joaquim
  • Lamprinos, Ilias
  • Díaz González, Francisco|||0000-0002-1912-3014
  • Smolnikar, Miha
The paper presents a set of prototype smart grid technologies and services and validates the economic viability of the proposed solution using cost–benefit analysis (CBA). The study considered the EU-funded project called RESOLVD and implemented the technologies and services in a real-life pilot. the technologies and services on the EU-funded H2020. The paper focuses on the analysis of technological solutions which enhance the operational efficiency and the hosting capacity of low-voltage electricity distribution grids. The solutions provided better integration of a hybrid battery storage system, with the grid interfacing power electronics, smart gateways for the interconnection of assets at the grid edge, and sensors enhancing infrastructure observability and control. The result from the CBA indicates the economic viability of the project, high scalability, and replicability. The economic benefits were realized with the breakeven value of eight secondary substations (SS) and 16 feeders. The scenario test on the DSO’s willingness to pay for the software as a service (SaaS) revealed that the payback period can further be reduced by almost half with a higher internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV). Both the CBA and scenario tests showed RESOLVD solution can become more economically viable when deployed in largescale. Moreover, the CBA results provide evidence to the energy policy by allowing DSOs to consider both CAPEX and OPEX for better investment decisions. Further, the paper proposes an alternative business approach that shifts from grid reinforcement to service provision. The paper also discusses the research implications on energy policy and business., Peer Reviewed, Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i Infraestructura, Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::11 - Ciutats i Comunitats Sostenibles

A systemic approach to investigate the gaps between distribution system operators need and technology developers’ perception—A case study of an intelligent low-voltage grid management system with storage

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Belay, Alemu Moges
  • Puranik, Sanket
  • Díaz González, Francisco|||0000-0002-1912-3014
  • Tuiskula, Heidi
The purpose of the paper is to introduce a new bi-directional approach to assess the gapbetween the customer needs and technology developers’ perception on the value propositions ofinnovations which includes storages. The paper used two methods; the first comprehensive senseand respond analysis investigated technology developers’ perceptions using the value propositionsdefined under the EU-funded H2020 RESOLVD project. The second method focused on customersand collected a survey which covered challenges, value propositions and preparedness to adopt newtechnology. The H2020 RESOLVD project has developed an intelligent low-voltage grid managementsystem with storage. The results from the sense and respond analysis showed that most of thevalue propositions aligned with the responses from the broader survey which are needed within fiveyears (e.g., improved power quality of grid, fault detection, reduced technical loss). However, thecybersecurity perception differed between developers and distribution system operators (DSOs). Thecustomer survey highlighted that certain value propositions of technological solutions are neededmore urgently than others, and therefore, technology developers should prioritize these in furtherdevelopments. Regarding the use of flexibility to manage the LV grid, unclear regulations wereexpressed as a key barrier, thereby affecting business feasibility around battery storage., Peer Reviewed

Advanced Distribution Measurement Technologies and Data Applications for Smart Grids: A Review

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Saldaña González, Antonio Emmanuel|||0000-0002-5708-2049
  • Sumper, Andreas|||0000-0002-5628-1660
  • Aragüés Peñalba, Mònica|||0000-0002-1509-376X
  • Smolnikar, Miha
The integration of advanced measuring technologies in distribution systems allows distribution system operators to have better observability of dynamic and transient events. In this work, the applications of distribution grid measurement technologies are explored in detail. The main contributions of this review are (a) a comparison of eight advanced measurement devices for distribution networks, based on their technical characteristics, including reporting periods, measuring data, precision, and sample rate; (b) a review of the most recent applications of micro-Phasor Measurement Units, Smart Meters, and Power Quality Monitoring devices used in distribution systems, considering different novel methods applied for data analysis; and (c) an input-output table that relates measured quantities from micro-Phasor Measurement Units and Smart Meters needed for each specific application found in this extensive review. This paper aims to serve as an important guide for researches and engineers studying smart grids., Peer Reviewed

Analytical dead-band compensation for ZCS modulation applied to hybrid Si-SiC dual active bridge

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Capó Lliteras, Macià|||0000-0003-2051-5311
  • Heredero Peris, Daniel|||0000-0002-6118-0928
  • Díaz González, Francisco|||0000-0002-1912-3014
  • Llonch Masachs, Marc|||0000-0003-1003-6720
  • Montesinos Miracle, Daniel|||0000-0003-3983-0514
© 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works, This paper proposes a triangular modulation with zero current switching (ZCS) for a hybrid Si-SiC isolated bidirectional DC-DC converter (IBDC). Three of the four legs in the IBDC operate at ZCS and use Si IGBTs, while the fourth operates at zero voltage switching (ZVS) and uses SiC MOSFET. In that case, the turn-off switching losses are concentrated regardless of the direction of the power. The main contribution of this paper resides in the proposed dead-band compensation mechanism. This dead-band compensation is crucial when addressing ZCS modulation and improves the overall efficiency of the full operating range. As a co-benefit, the proposed mix of semiconductor technologies can result in an effective cost reduction compared with a full SiC IBDC. The paper contains a detailed explanation of the implemented modulation applied to an IBDC. The paper contributes to deploy a theoretical implementation where the effect of parasitic capacitance on semiconductors during the dead-band is analytically considered. The presented method results are validated on a laboratory set-up using a 20 kW - 40 kHz hybrid Si-SiC IBDC.

A power sharing algorithm for a hybrid energy storage system based on batteries

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Díaz González, Francisco|||0000-0002-1912-3014
  • Aragüés Peñalba, Mònica|||0000-0002-1509-376X
  • Girbau Llistuella, Francesc|||0000-0002-2206-4019
  • Llonch Masachs, Marc|||0000-0003-1003-6720
  • Sumper, Andreas|||0000-0002-5628-1660
© 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works, This paper presents a method to operate a hybrid Energy Storage System (ESS) based on a heterogeneous grouping of battery types. In particular, the system is composed by a lithium-ion battery pack and a lead-acid one. The operational method is based on an optimization Non Linear Problem (NLP), which takes the name of power sharing algorithm. The aim of this algorithm is to fit the output of the hybrid ESS to the profile setpoint while minimizing degradation and taking advantage of main performance of each battery type. An exemplary study case is offered so as to proof the validity of the algorithm.

Methodology for the sizing of a hybrid energy storage system in low voltage distribution grids

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Girbau Llistuella, Francesc|||0000-0002-2206-4019
  • Díaz González, Francisco|||0000-0002-1912-3014
  • Sumper, Andreas|||0000-0002-5628-1660
  • Aragüés Peñalba, Mònica|||0000-0002-1509-376X
  • Candido, Luisa
  • Gallart Fernández, Ramon
© 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works, This paper presents a methodology for the sizing of hybrid storage solutions in low-voltage distribution networks. A hybrid storage solution is defined as that able to integrate and maximize the performance of a heterogeneous grouping of battery types. The methodology relays on a step-by-step analysis of field data collected from the area at which the hybrid solution is intended to be connected to. It also considers diverse restrictions related to available budget, technical constraints related to the different technologies included, and business and future exploitation aspects. A study case based on a real demonstration is presented to validate the proposed methodology.

Detection of Voltage Fluctuations in Low-Voltage Power Distribution Networks with Principal Component Analysis

DUGiDocs – Universitat de Girona
  • Souto, Laiz
  • Torrent-Fontbona, Ferran
  • Herraiz Jaramillo, Sergio
  • Meléndez i Frigola, Joaquim
Comunicació presentada a "Tenth Protection, Automation and Control (PAC) World Conference", celebrada del 17 al 20 de juny de 2019 a la University of Strathclyde a Glasgow, UK, PAC World Conference (10th: 2019: Glasgow,UK), This work presents the development and results of an automated event detection strategy based on principal component analysis (PCA) for low voltage distribution grids with the presence of distributed generation (DG) and phasor measurement units (PMUs). The proposed methodology, relying on measurements provided by PMUs installed at different nodes, is capable of correctly identifying and distinguishing abnormal operating conditions (AOC) from normal operating conditions (NOC) without requiring any information about the network topology or electrical parameters of its components. Moreover, it is tested and validated under voltage sags and swells in a real-based power distribution network simulated in MATLAB with PMUs deployed in distinct settings
Proyecto: EC/H2020/773715

Low Voltage Grid Operation Scheduling Considering Forecast Uncertainty

DUGiDocs – Universitat de Girona
  • Ferrer, Albert
  • Torrent-Fontbona, Ferran
  • Colomer Llinàs, Joan
  • Meléndez i Frigola, Joaquim
Comunicació presentada a: 14th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications (SOCO 2019), A model for day-ahead scheduling of batteries and branch switches in the low voltage grid, considering forecasts uncertainties, is proposed. The objective is to reduce the energy losses of the distribution lines and avoid critical events such as congestions or over and under-voltages in the local network. Simulations of different day-ahead situations are performed with a modified particle swarm optimisation algorithm. The results show that critical events are avoided and energy self-consumption within the local network is increased, This work has been developed under the European project RESOLVD of the
Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (topic LCE-01-2016-2017) and
grant agreement N773715
Proyecto: EC/H2020/773715

Impact of batteries in the hosting capacity of a grid with photovoltaic generation

DUGiDocs – Universitat de Girona
  • Cañigueral Maurici, Marc
  • Meléndez i Frigola, Joaquim
  • Torrent-Fontbona, Ferran
Comunicació presentada a: 25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution: Madrid, 3-6 June 2019, This paper analyses the impact of batteries in the hosting capacity of a low voltage grid with prosumers with photovoltaic generation installed under different scenarios. Storage location in the grid has been selected with the criterion of reducing congestion. Two scenarios have been considered: the first with current demand of consumers in the grid and the second by increasing their demand profile proportionally, whilst maintaining the daily load curve shape, until a congestion situation is reached. Simulation of increasing PV generation and storage capacity is performed until a congestion is given, resulting for the first scenario an increase of 140% of PV production is achieved with 100kWh of storage. In the second scenario 230 kWp of maximum hosting capacity can be achieved with 400kWh of storage, This work has been developed in collaboration with the European project RESOLVD of the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (topic LCE-01-2016-2017) and grant agreement N773715
Proyecto: EC/H2020/773715

Resolvd - renewable penetration levered by efficient low voltage distribution grids: specifcations and use case analysis

DUGiDocs – Universitat de Girona
  • Meléndez i Frigola, Joaquim
  • Kokos, Isidoros
  • Tuiskula, Heidi
  • Sumper, Andreas
  • Marksteiner, Stefan
  • Gallart, Ramon
  • Smolnikar, Miha
  • Torrent-Fontbona, Ferran
Comunicació presentada a: 25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution: Madrid, 3-6 June 2019, The paper presents the RESOLVD (Renewable penetration
levered by efficient low voltage distribution grids) project,
which aims to improve the efficiency and the hosting
capacity of distribution networks in a context of highly
distributed renewable generation by introducing flexibility
(storage management) and control in the low voltage (LV)
grid. The analysis methodology - which follows the Smart
Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) framework paradigm- is
presented, along with the identified use cases and actors.
The proposed initial architecture is also presented, as
derived from the use case analysis process together with a
cybersecurity analysis of integration and interoperability
issues. The research is being motivated by business models
and the expected impacts are summarized in the paper, This work has been developed under the European project
RESOLVD of the Horizon 2020 research and innovation
program (topic LCE-01-2016-2017) and grant agreement N773715
Proyecto: EC/H2020/773715

Fault Location in Low Voltage Smart Grids Based on Similarity Criteria in the Principal Component Subspace

DUGiDocs – Universitat de Girona
  • Souto, Laiz
  • Meléndez i Frigola, Joaquim
  • Herraiz Jaramillo, Sergio
Comunicació de congrés presentada a: The Eleventh Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT 2020), sponsored by the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES), will be held February 17-20, 2020 at the Grand Hyatt Washington, Washington D.C., This paper presents a new strategy based on multivariate
statistical analysis for fault location and classification in
power distribution networks with distributed energy resources,
variable loads, and switches enabling grid reconfiguration. The
statistical method relies on impedance measurements acquired
at the substation buses to build a data-driven model of the
network operating conditions with dimensionality reduction,
and considers a few reference scenarios representing standard
operating conditions and short-circuit operation to perform fault
location and classification with use of similarity criteria in the
principal component subspace. Moreover, this paper includes
a case study with a real-based low voltage power distribution
network to test and validate the methodology, This research was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme, call LCE-01-2016-2017, under the auspices of the project Renewable penetration levered by Efficient Low Voltage
Distribution grids, grant agreement number 773715, and University of Girona
Proyecto: EC/H2020/773715

Proyecto RESOLVD: penetración de renovables apalancada por redes de baja tensión eficientes

DUGiDocs – Universitat de Girona
  • Meléndez i Frigola, Joaquim
Comunicació de congrés presentada a: VI Congreso Smart Grids: Madrid, 12 Diciembre 2019, organitzat per GrupoTecmaRed i co-organitzat per FutuRed, RESOLVD (Renewable penetration levered by efficient low volatge distribution grids) es un proyecto de investigación financiado por el programa europeo H2020 (2017/20, LCE-01-2016-2017, Ref. 773715,) que tiene como objetivo construir un piloto de red de baja tensión inteligente y eficiente, con capacidad de operación y gestión energética local, que maximice la capacidad de generación renovable inyectable en dicha red y su consumo local. La operación consiste en posibilitar la conexión de líneas de baja tensión de diferentes centros con el propósito de evitar congestiones y variaciones de tensiones en episodios de alta generación o consumo. La gestión energética se realiza mediante baterías instaladas en el centro de transformación con el propósito de minimizar la importación de energía de la red, RESOLVD (Renewable penetration levered by efficient low volatge distribution grids) es un proyecto de investigación financiado por el programa europeo H2020 (2017/20, LCE-01-2016-2017, Ref. 773715)
Proyecto: EC/H2020/773715

Monitoring of low voltage grids with multilayer principal component analysis

DUGiDocs – Universitat de Girona
  • Souto, Laiz
  • Meléndez i Frigola, Joaquim
  • Herraiz Jaramillo, Sergio
This article presents a monitoring strategy based on multilayer principal component analysis (PCA) to detect and diagnose power system disturbances in large amounts of data collected by intelligent electronic devices in low voltage smart grids. The PCA models are built on multiple sliding windows, sized (in terms of length and sampling time) according to the type of phenomena to detect. Abnormalities are detected with use of two complementary statistical indexes, then diagnosed by computing the individual contributions of each monitored variable to the constraint violation of those statistics. As a result, its implementation enables an automatic analysis of multiple phenomena of interest in parallel over time using distinct electrical quantities. Furthermore, the method is demonstrated within the RESOLVD project with data from the OpenLV project containing measurements of active and reactive power gathered at different low voltage distribution substations, This work has been supported by the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation framework under the auspices of the project Renewable penetration levered by Efficient Low Voltage
Distribution grids, grant agreement number 773715, and University of
Girona scholarship
Proyecto: EC/H2020/773715

Comparison of Principal Component Analysis Techniques for PMU Data Event Detection

DUGiDocs – Universitat de Girona
  • Souto, Laiz
  • Meléndez i Frigola, Joaquim
  • Herraiz Jaramillo, Sergio
Comunicació de congrés presentada a: 2020 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2020, 3-6 August., Principal component analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality
reduction technique often applied to process and detect
events in large amounts of data collected by phasor measurement
units (PMU) at transmission and distribution level. This article
considers five different approaches to select an appropriate
number of principal components, builds the statistical model
of the PMU data online over a sliding window of 10 seconds
and 1 minute, and evaluates the computation times and the
accuracy of correct event detections with use of two statistical
tests in a 1−hour data file from the UT-Austin Independent
Texas Synchrophasor Network with phasor quantities collected
at different PMU substations, This research was supported by the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, call LCE-
01-2016-2017, under the auspices of the project “Renewable
penetration levered by Efficient Low Voltage Distribution
grids”, grant agreement number 773715, and University of
Girona scholarship.
Proyecto: EC/H2020/773715

Performance Comparison of Quantitative Methods for PMU Data Event Detection with Noisy Data

DUGiDocs – Universitat de Girona
  • Souto, Laiz
  • Meléndez i Frigola, Joaquim
  • Herraiz Jaramillo, Sergio
Comunicació de congrés presentada a: 2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), organitzat per l'IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) i la Delft University of Technology (Països Baixos), del 26 a 28 d'octubre de 2020., This article compares distinct signal-based and
knowledge-based approaches often applied to process and detect
events in vast amounts of data collected by phasor measurement
units (PMU). The computation times and the accuracy of correct
event detections are tested and evaluated in a 1-hour data file
from the UT-Austin Independent Texas Synchrophasor Network
with phasor quantities plus an additive noise gathered at different
PMU substations. A sliding time window is considered to build
a representative model of the system operating conditions on the
fly and search for power system phenomena as soon as new data
are available, This research was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, call LCE-01-2016-2017, under the auspices of the project “Renewable penetration levered by Efficient Low Voltage Distribution grids”, grant agreement number 773715, and University of Girona scholarship
Proyecto: EC/H2020/773715

Evaluation of Power System Resilience Improvements in Low-Income Neighborhoods

DUGiDocs – Universitat de Girona
  • Souto, Laiz
  • Santoso, Surya
Comunicació de congrés presentada a: 2020 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition Latin America (28 setembre - 2 octubre 2020: Montevideo, Uruguay)., This article provides an evaluation of power system
resilience enhancements in low-income neighborhoods. Lowincome
households and communities may be subject to risks
of different nature, such as natural hazards and human-made
attacks, hereby considered as particular cases of high-impact,
low-probability events that are highly likely to damage power grid
infrastructures. Such events may result in long interruption times
and lead to permanent disconnection from the grid in extreme
cases, and consequently, the value of load lost may be much
higher than the investment cost associated with prevention and
mitigation alternatives. In this scenario, this article analyzes the
value of load lost and the costs associated with installation, operation,
and repair of grid components affected by extreme events
to determine the benefits of different strategies for power system
resilience improvements targeted at low-income neighborhoods, This research was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme, call LCE-01-2016-2017, under the auspices
of the project “Renewable penetration levered by Efficient Low Voltage
Distribution grids”, grant agreement number 773715, and University of Girona scholarship
Proyecto: EC/H2020/773715

Fault Behavior of Power Distribution Networks with Distributed Generation and Uncertainties

DUGiDocs – Universitat de Girona
  • Souto, Laiz
Comunicació de congrés presentada a: 2020 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition Latin America (28 setembre - 2 octubre 2020: Montevideo, Uruguay)., This paper assesses the fault behavior of power
distribution networks with distributed energy resources and
uncertainties related with the representation of different grid
components and parameters. The algorithm is based upon an
impedance representation of the grid, relying on information
about the network topology and electrical parameters of the
feeders. In addition, distinct types of loads and distributed energy
resources are represented as non-deterministic parameters, as
well as the fault impedance and fault distance parameters and
errors in the phasor quantities. As an outcome, the implementation
of the proposed method shall provide a comprehensive, but
accurate estimation of the points of fault by considering a range
of possible fault scenarios. Furthermore, the methodology is
demonstrated in a small overhead distribution network simulated
under different operating conditions. For a given short-circuit
current, the results indicate a range of possible fault distances –
and vice versa, This research was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme, call LCE-01-2016-2017, under the auspices
of the project “Renewable penetration levered by Efficient Low Voltage
Distribution grids”, grant agreement number 773715, and University of Girona
Proyecto: EC/H2020/773715

Fault Location in Power Distribution Networks using Arbitrary Similarity Criteria in the Principal Component Subspace

DUGiDocs – Universitat de Girona
  • Souto, Laiz
  • Meléndez i Frigola, Joaquim
  • Herraiz Jaramillo, Sergio
Comunicació de congrés presentada a: IEEE 8th International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE) (12-14 agost 2020: Oshawa, ON, Canada), This paper presents a new strategy to support fault
location in power distribution networks based on arbitrary similarity
criteria in the principal component subspace. Input data
consist of impedance measurements at the secondary transformer
of one or more substation buses, which are used to build datadriven
models of the grid operating conditions. The statistical
models of actual operating conditions are further compared with
a few reference scenarios to determine the network configuration
and the type and location of the fault based on arbitrary features
which minimize the variability of the data. Furthermore, this
paper includes a case study with a real-based low voltage power
distribution network to test the method under different faults, This research was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme, call LCE-01-2016-2017, under the auspices
of the project Renewable penetration levered by Efficient Low Voltage
Distribution grids, grant agreement number 773715, and University of Girona
Proyecto: EC/H2020/773715

Overhead versus Underground: Designing Power Lines for Resilient, Cost-Effective Distribution Networks under Windstorms

DUGiDocs – Universitat de Girona
  • Souto, Laiz
  • Santoso, Surya
Comunicació de congrés presentada a: Resilience Week 2020 (19 - 23 octubre 2020: Salt Lake City, Utah)., Windstorms represent a particular class of highimpact,
low-probability events that is highly likely to damage
distribution poles and pull down overhead lines in vulnerable
areas. As a result, when a windstorm occurs, the costs associated
with damaged overhead corridors and energy not supplied may
be too high. Conversely, the costs associated with the installation
of underground distribution lines are expensive in comparison
to overhead distribution lines and may not compensate for the
penalties avoided for the loads lost. In this scenario, this article
assesses the costs and risks associated with underground and
overhead power lines for a resilient, cost-effective planning and
operation of power distribution networks under windstorms.
Thus, it calculates the accumulated costs associated with installation,
operation, and repair of power distribution lines, as
well as the penalties for the energy not supplied, subject to
the probability of failure of individual components over time,
to determine which power line setting is the most appropriate in
terms of resilience and costs, This research was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme, call LCE-01-2016-2017, under the auspices
of the project “Renewable penetration levered by Efficient Low Voltage
Distribution grids”, grant agreement number 773715, and University of Girona
scholarship. We acknowledge that this work benefits from discussion and
collaboration with the project “Defending the Electricity Infrastructure against
Extreme Weather Events, Now and in the Future”, funded by The University
of Texas at Austin Energy Institute
Proyecto: EC/H2020/773715

Buildings energy demand

DUGiDocs – Universitat de Girona
  • Cañigueral Maurici, Marc
  • Meléndez i Frigola, Joaquim
  • Torrent-Fontbona, Ferran
Dades primàries associades a una comunicació a congrés presentada a CIRED 2019. 25th International Conference on Electricity Distribution: Madrid, 3-6 June 2019, The files are in CSV, no special software required to interpret the data, The dataset includes two files: one called 'demand', with the active power demand from 10 different households, in Watts units and hourly resolution, and another called 'generation', with the solar generation considering the current installed photovoltaic power in each household, in Watts units and hourly resolution. The total peak power installed is 30.5 kWp. The demand dataset was provided by the DSO (Distribution System Operator). No collection/generation work done by the researchers.
The solar generation profile was download from PVGIS portal, considering the location and the installed peak power of each household. The study multiplies the data profiles (demand and generation) from the Dataset by different factors according to the scenario. Not other preprocessing than scaling the data. Energy consumption profiles from file 'demand.csv' correspond to the same households than the energy production profiles from file 'generation.csv'.
For example, 'C1' column in 'demand.csv' and 'G1' column in 'generation.csv' correspond to consumption and generation profiles from Household 1, respectively. In the study the authors talk about two scenarios. The Scenario 1 considers the current demand profiles, from file 'demand.csv'. The Scenario 2, considers a future high electrification of households final demand, so the demand profiles in file 'demand.csv' are scaled by a factor of 14.
In both scenarios, all generation profiles in 'generation.csv' are scaled by a factor depending on the total installed photovoltaic power, considering than the original generation profiles correspond to a total peak power of 30.5 kWp. The dataset contains the data collected from 0:00 am to 11:00 pm on July 1, 2018
Proyecto: EC/H2020/773715

Developing Novel Technologies and Services for Intelligent Low Voltage Electricity Grids: Cost–Benefit Analysis and Policy Implications

DUGiDocs – Universitat de Girona
  • Belay, Alemu Moges
  • Puranik, Sanket
  • Gallart Fernández, Ramon
  • Tuiskula, Heidi
  • Meléndez i Frigola, Joaquim
  • Lamprinos, Ilias
  • Díaz González, Francisco
  • Smolnikar, Miha
The paper presents a set of prototype smart grid technologies and services and validates the economic viability of the proposed solution using cost–benefit analysis (CBA). The study considered the EU-funded project called RESOLVD and implemented the technologies and services in a real-life pilot. The paper focuses on the analysis of technological solutions which enhance the operational efficiency and the hosting capacity of low-voltage electricity distribution grids. The solutions provided better integration of a hybrid battery storage system, with the grid interfacing power electronics, smart gateways for the interconnection of assets at the grid edge, and sensors enhancing infrastructure observability and control. The result from the CBA indicates the economic viability of the project, high scalability, and replicability. The economic benefits were realized with the breakeven value of eight secondary substations (SS) and 16 feeders. The scenario test on the DSO’s willingness to pay for the software as a service (SaaS) revealed that the payback period can further be reduced by almost half with a higher internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV). Both the CBA and scenario tests showed RESOLVD solution can become more economically viable when deployed in largescale. Moreover, the CBA results provide evidence to the energy policy by allowing DSOs to consider both CAPEX and OPEX for better investment decisions. Further, the paper proposes an alternative business approach that shifts from grid reinforcement to service provision. The paper also discusses the research implications on energy policy and business, The RESOLVD project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 773715
Proyecto: EC/H2020/773715