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DIGNITY digital exclusion dataset - Netherlands

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Goodman-Deane, Joy
  • Waller, Sam
  • Roca Bosch, Elisabet|||0000-0001-9432-0029
  • van Apeldoorn, Nick
  • Hoeke, Lisette
This dataset contains data from a population-representative survey examining various factors relating to digital exclusion (particularly digital mobility exclusion). The survey was conducted with 423 adult participants in the Netherlands in 2020 and 2021. This dataset is part of a series of 5 datasets which used the same questionnaire (translated into different languages) in different countries in Europe.

Framing digital mobility gap: a starting point in the design of inclusive mobility eco-systems

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Nesterova, Nina
  • Hoeke, Lisette
  • Goodman-Deane, Joy
  • Delespaul, Sam
  • Wybraniec, Bartosz Maciej|||0000-0001-5517-3708
  • Lazzarini, Boris|||0000-0003-3164-416X
Digital transport eco-systems worldwide provide great advantages to many but also carry a risk of excluding population groups that struggle with accessing or using digital products and services. The DIGNITY project (DIGital traNsport In and for socieTY) delves into the development of such eco-systems to deepen the understanding of the full range of factors that lead to disparities in the uptake of digital transport solutions in Europe. A starting point for developing digitally inclusive transport systems is to obtain state-of-the-art knowledge and understanding of where local transport eco-systems are in relation to the digital gap and digital mobility gap in terms of their policies, transport products and services, and population digital literacy. This chapter presents the methodology developed in the DIGNITY project to frame this digital gap, incorporating a self-assessment framework that may be used by public authorities to identify potential gaps in the development of local digital transport eco-systems. This framework is informed by results from customer journey mapping exercises that provide insights into the daily activities and trips of users, and larger scale surveys on digital technology access, use, attitudes and competence in the area. In the DIGNITY approach as a whole, the results from the framing phase are then used to inform subsequent work on bridging the digital gap through the co-creation of more inclusive policies, products and services. The chapter provides concrete results from the framing exercise in four DIGNITY pilot areas: Barcelona, Tilburg, Flanders and Ancona. The results clearly show that a digital transport gap exists in these areas, and that this is manifested in different ways in different local situations, requiring tailored approaches to address the gap., Peer Reviewed

User factors affecting the use of digital services in five European regions and countries

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Goodman-Deane, Joy
  • Waller, Sam
  • Bradley, Mike D.
  • Clarkson, P.J.
  • Lazzarini, Boris|||0000-0003-3164-416X
  • Roca Bosch, Elisabet|||0000-0001-9432-0029
  • Gaggi, Silvia
Digitalisation has great potential to reduce costs, improve access and enhance user experience. However, it could also increase inequality, with some people struggling to access and use digital services. It is important to understand who is likely to be excluded in this way and why. This can help to identify groups at particular risk of digital exclusion, inform efforts to overcome the barriers, and develop more inclusive digital services. This paper introduces a set of five linked datasets examining a range of user factors affecting the use of digital services. The datasets focus on the use of digital mobility services, but the data is useful in understanding the use of other digital services as well. The user factors considered include technology access, use and competence and attitudes towards digital technology. The datasets were the results of surveys in five European regions and countries (Germany, Italy, Barcelona Metropolitan Area, Flanders and the Netherlands). Samples were taken of the adult (age 16+) population with a total of 3,454 participants, Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::10 - Reducció de les Desigualtats, Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::5 - Igualtat de Gènere, Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::11 - Ciutats i Comunitats Sostenibles

Bridging the digital gap in mobility across Europe

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Lazzarini, Boris|||0000-0003-3164-416X
  • Roca Bosch, Elisabet|||0000-0001-9432-0029
Bridging the Gap builds on the outcomes of DIGNITY’s Framing the Gap phase (self-assessment framework, surveys, CJM and Focus Groups) to bring into the picture two main bridging methodologies (Inclusive Design Wheel and Scenario building) that will help explore the digital market players’ sphere (meso level) and inform the institutional framework (macro level). The present publication will highlight how DIGNITY’s bridging methodology has been applied in pilot areas while sharing some results from the testing phase in real context.

Fostering co-creation tools for more inclusive digital mobility services: The DIGNITY Toolkit

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Carmona, Natàlia
  • Lazzarini, Boris|||0000-0003-3164-416X
  • Roca Bosch, Elisabet|||0000-0001-9432-0029
This work describes the application of user-centred design (UCD) and co-creation tools in the design and development process of an online toolkit that aims to tackle the digital divide in the mobility sector. UCD and co-creation approaches aim to address and understand users’ needs. This paper details the process of co-creation of the toolkit and reflects on its current results. The design process was based on a first phase of understanding the context and defining the users and their needs, followed by a second phase of co-creating the solution and a final phase of evaluating and testing the toolkit usage and co-creation process. A set of mixed methods employed based on UCD and involving different target groups as end-users has resulted in qualitative data that will feed and strengthen the process of co-creation and the final implementation of the toolkit. Beyond the set of tools presented on the website, the approach followed promotes co-creation, collaboration, and participation as key elements to enhance inclusion and accessibility in mobility ecosystems., Peer Reviewed

Effectiveness of the inclusive design wheel in practice: Lessons from five pilot projects

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Goodman-Deane, Joy
  • Bradley, Mike D.
  • Lazzarini, Boris|||0000-0003-3164-416X
  • Roca Bosch, Elisabet|||0000-0001-9432-0029
  • Waller, Sam
  • Clarkson, P.J.
The Inclusive Design Wheel (IDW) is an established inclusive con-cept design process, emphasizing iteration and early-stage evaluation. However, a structured evaluation of its effectiveness in practice has not been previously conducted. This paper describes how the IDW process was adapted for use in the design of digital mobility services. It was then trialled on five pilot projects in Italy, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands. Questionnaires were completed by participants (both pilot partners and end-users) and interviews were held with pilot partners at the end of the project. Initial insights from the pilot experiences and the evaluation are described. The pilot teams found the IDW helpful and particularly valued its help in structuring the design process and offering clear steps and tools. Insights for improving the IDW focus on the importance and role of co-creation, issues with recording iteration and the balance between structure and flexibility. Implications are highlighted for improving the Inclusive Design Wheel and for inclusive design processes more generally., Peer Reviewed

The DIGNITY project: toward a system of inclusive digital mobility in the Barcelona metropolitan area

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Roca Bosch, Elisabet|||0000-0001-9432-0029
  • Wybraniec, Bartosz Maciej|||0000-0001-5517-3708
  • Lazzarini, Boris|||0000-0003-3164-416X
  • Villares Junyent, Míriam|||0000-0001-6910-931X
  • Garola Crespo, Àlvar|||0000-0002-1135-9401
Recent developments in the transport and mobility sectors are radically altering mobility patterns; these include digitization, smart mobility applications, and local digital services, which offer a wide range of innovations that are adaptable to rapidly-evolving lifestyles. However, many services currently are offered as an "online" mode or incorporate digital elements, and the lack of adequate digital literacy or of specific competencies / skills can be expected to generate situations of exclusion. The DIGNITY project (, a European initiative in the European Union's H2020 framework, aims to promote an ecosystem of digital mobility services that is sustainable, integrated, and user-friendly, and which improves accessibility, social inclusion, daily mobility experiences, and everyday life of all residents. The project selected four pilot studies in five EU countries (Spain, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany) for their innovative proposals in sustainable inclusive mobility. The case studies apply the DIGNITY approach, which is based on conducting workshops, interviews, and surveys. Here, we specifically address the study based in Barcelona, which is at the forefront in smart urban transformation. The digital divide in mobility in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area was evaluated using a mixed approach of combining literature review with a quantitative survey. The results reveal the needs and perceptions of people about local mobility, as well as the gaps in the use of technology products and services., Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::10 - Reducció de les Desigualtats, Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i Infraestructura

Developing personas to improve understanding of users’ needs in digital mobility: An experience of the DIGNITY project in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Wybraniec, Bartosz Maciej|||0000-0001-5517-3708
  • Ortego Martínez, María Isabel|||0000-0001-9437-9354
  • Roca Bosch, Elisabet|||0000-0001-9432-0029
  • Goodman-Deane, Joy
  • Nesterova, Nina
This paper contributes to the understanding of the end users’ needs and capabilities in digital mobility by presenting a set of personas developed using data from a population-representative survey conducted among 601 Barcelona Metropolitan Area (BMA) residents. The questionnaires were carried out within the framework of the DIGNITY project. The results show that large parts of the population cannot access digital technologies or lack the skills required to use them effectively. As a result, they are not able to take advantage of many digital mobility solutions. The personas in this paper thus present important information on the diversity of potential users, in a way that designers and other stakeholders can find inspiring. This can help them to create inclusive mobility ecosystem, that fit the users’ needs better, resulting in more people being able to use the solutions., This research was done as part of the DIGNITY project, which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Grant Agreement number 875542 and was also partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, project RTI2018-095518-B-C22 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER)., Peer Reviewed

Bretxa digital en la mobilitat de Barcelona : criteris de planificació i gestió per a responsables polítics

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Lazzarini, Boris|||0000-0003-3164-416X
  • Roca Bosch, Elisabet|||0000-0001-9432-0029
  • Vidal, Mercedes
  • Jiménez, Cristina

Promoting digital inclusion in modern transport systems: the management and use of data in the H2020 DIGNITY project

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Roca Bosch, Elisabet|||0000-0001-9432-0029
  • Lazzarini, Boris|||0000-0003-3164-416X
Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::11 - Ciutats i Comunitats Sostenibles::11.2 - Per a 2030, proporcionar accés a sistemes de transport segurs, assequibles, accessi­bles i sostenibles per a totes les persones, i millorar la seguretat viària, en particular mitjan­çant l’ampliació del transport públic, amb especial atenció a les necessitats de les persones en situació vulnerable, dones, nenes, nens, persones amb discapacitat i persones grans

DIGNITY digital exclusion dataset - Flanders

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Goodman-Deane, Joy
  • Waller, Sam
  • Roca Bosch, Elisabet|||0000-0001-9432-0029
  • Delespaul, Sam
This dataset contains data from a population-representative survey examining various factors relating to digital exclusion (particularly digital mobility exclusion). The survey was conducted with 418 adult participants in Flanders region in Belgium in 2021. This dataset is part of a series of 5 datasets which used the same questionnaire (translated into different languages) in different countries in Europe.

DIGNITY digital exclusion dataset - Barcelona

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Goodman-Deane, Joy
  • Waller, Sam
  • Roca Bosch, Elisabet|||0000-0001-9432-0029
  • Lazzarini, Boris|||0000-0003-3164-416X
  • Wybraniec, Bartosz Maciej|||0000-0001-5517-3708
  • Villares Junyent, Míriam|||0000-0001-6910-931X
This dataset contains data from a population-representative survey examining various factors relating to digital exclusion (particularly digital mobility exclusion). The survey was conducted with 601 adult participants in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area of Spain in 2020. This dataset is part of a series of 5 datasets which used the same questionnaire (translated into different languages) in different countries in Europe.

Creating a future that overcomes the digital divide through Scenario Building: strategies for inclusive public transport in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Lazzarini, Boris|||0000-0003-3164-416X
  • Kollosche, Ingo
  • Roca Bosch, Elisabet|||0000-0001-9432-0029
  • Wybraniec, Bartosz Maciej|||0000-0001-5517-3708
  • Garola Crespo, Àlvar|||0000-0002-1135-9401
  • Ortiz, Adrià
  • Vidal, Mercedes
Recent technological developments characterizing the mobility sector such as digitalization, smart applications, location-based digital services etc., have been radically altering mobility patterns, with a great potential to improve users' transportation options and experiences. In spite of this fact, some groups - such as people with low levels of education or with low income, elderly people, rural inhabitants, migrants, disabled people etc. - may be vulnerable to exclusion. This paper analyses a foresight activity aimed at co-creating potential inclusive transport scenarios in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, involving key mobility actors. The results include three co-created future scenarios based on the metropolitan context, as well as a set of specific policy recommendation and strategies that can support political planning in the promotion of inclusive public transport models., Peer Reviewed

DIGNITY digital exclusion dataset - Italy

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Goodman-Deane, Joy
  • Waller, Sam
  • Roca Bosch, Elisabet|||0000-0001-9432-0029
This dataset contains data from a population-representative survey examining various factors relating to digital exclusion (particularly digital mobility exclusion). The survey was conducted with 1002 adult participants in Italy in 2020. This dataset is part of a series of 5 datasets which used the same questionnaire (translated into different languages) in different countries in Europe.

DIGNITY digital exclusion dataset - Germany

UPCommons. Portal del coneixement obert de la UPC
  • Goodman-Deane, Joy
  • Kluge, Jakob
  • Waller, Sam
  • Roca Bosch, Elisabet|||0000-0001-9432-0029
This dataset contains data from a population-representative survey examining various factors relating to digital exclusion (particularly digital mobility exclusion). The survey was conducted with 1010 adult participants in Germany in 2020. This dataset is part of a series of 5 datasets which used the same questionnaire (translated into different languages) in different countries in Europe.

The DIGNITY Project-Toward a System of Inclusive Digital Mobility in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area

Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos (RIUBU)
  • Roca Bosch, Elisabet
  • Wybraniec, Bartosz
  • Lazzarini, Boris
  • Villares Junyent, Míriam
  • Garola Crespo, Alvar
Trabajo presentado en: R-Evolucionando el transporte, XIV Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte (CIT 2021), realizado en modalidad online los días 6, 7 y 8 de julio de 2021, organizado por la Universidad de Burgos, Recent developments in the transport and mobility sectors are radically altering mobility
patterns; these include digitization, smart mobility applications, and local digital services,
which offer a wide range of innovations that are adaptable to rapidly-evolving lifestyles.
However, many services currently are offered as an "online" mode or incorporate digital
elements, and the lack of adequate digital literacy or of specific competencies / skills can
be expected to generate situations of exclusion.
The DIGNITY project (, a European initiative in the
European Union's H2020 framework, aims to promote an ecosystem of digital mobility
services that is sustainable, integrated, and user-friendly, and which improves accessibility,
social inclusion, daily mobility experiences, and everyday life of all residents. The project
selected four pilot studies in five EU countries (Spain, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and
Germany) for their innovative proposals in sustainable and inclusive mobility. The case
studies apply the DIGNITY approach, which is based on conducting workshops,
interviews, and surveys.
Here, we specifically address the study based in Barcelona, which is at the forefront in
smart urban transformation. The digital divide in mobility in the Barcelona Metropolitan
Area was evaluated using a mixed approach of combining literature review with a
quantitative survey. The results reveal the needs and perceptions of people about local
mobility, as well as the gaps in the use of technology products and services., This research was done as part of the Dignity project which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 875542.
Proyecto: EC/H2020/875542