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Dendroecology in common gardens: Population differentiation and plasticity in resistance, recovery and resilience to extreme drought events in Pinus pinaster

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Zas Arregui, Rafael
  • Sampedro Pérez, Luis
  • Solla, A.
  • Vivas, María
  • Lombardero, María J.
  • Alía Miranda, Ricardo
  • Rozas Ortiz, Vicente Fernando
11 Pág., Quantifying intraspecific genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity of traits involved in drought tolerance is essential to forecast forest tree vulnerability to climate change. Tree ring analysis was applied to retrospectively assess the resistance, recovery and resilience of a Mediterranean pine in the face of extreme climate episodes. We combined a dendrochronological approach with the analysis of common-garden tests to disentangle genetic, environment and genetic-by-environment effects in growth responses of 10 P. pinaster populations to two extreme climatic events. Trees were 43 years old and had experienced two intense droughts, in 1995 and 2005. Drought events caused drastic reductions in secondary growth, but trees showed high capacity to recover pre-drought growth rates. The differences in the characteristics of the two drought events and the environmental distance between sites strongly modulated maritime pine responses to extreme droughts. However, a common among-population signal across sites and events was detected in the drought response strategy. Among-population variation in response to extreme droughts was evident for the resistance and recovery components, two strategies that appeared to trade-off between each other. Populations from Atlantic climates showed higher resistance but lower recovery capacity, whereas Mediterranean origins prioritised recovery over resistance. Mediterranean populations showed a more conservative strategy that indicated an adaptive advantage under water stress, reflected in greater long-term survival. The abovementioned relationships were clear in the site where the impact of the drought events was strongest, but not in the more favourable site. Differences in relationships between sites reflect that strategies of populations to cope with drought are strongly context dependent. Based on these results, we infer that future extreme droughts will differentially affect P. pinaster populations across the natural range of the species. Immediate effects will be more evident in Mediterranean areas but, in the long term, population persistence in the face of climate change will be more compromised for Atlantic origins. Because local environmental conditions can considerably modulate responses to extreme events, special attention is required to define appropriate management practices to mitigate the impact of future droughts., This research was funded by Spanish Government (MINECO/FEDER) grants FENOPIN (AGL2012-40151-C03-01) and FUTURPIN (AGL2015-68274-C03-02-R) and Xunta de Galicia-GAIN grant (IN607A2016/013). Language edition was funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF, 'A way to achieve Europe') and the Government of Extremadura (Ref. GR18193). M. Vivas was supported by a “Juan de la Cierva program” funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of the Spanish Government. The authors thank José Climent (INIA-CIFOR, Madrid, Spain) for providing basic information and data from the provenance trials, Jane McGrath for English edition of the manuscript, and Carla Vázquez for her help in climate data processing and figure editing. The staff of Cabañeros National Park is acknowledged for their logistic assistance in field work. César Cendán (MBG-CSIC) and David Castañe (USC) also helped in field work., Peer reviewed

Genetic variation in resistance of Norway spruce seedlings to damage by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Zas Arregui, Rafael
  • Björklund, Niklas
  • Sampedro Pérez, Luis
  • Hellqvist, C.
  • Karlsson, B.
  • Jansson, S.
  • Nordlander, G.
Requerimientos de software: Excel, This dataset compiles quantitative information about the resistance of Norway spruce (Picea abies) half-sibs to the pine weevil Hylobius abietis collected in two naturally infested progeny trials established in Southern Sweden. Growth and diverse components of weevil resistance were assessed in each plant., This research was part of the Parasite Resistant Tree Project funded by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, Grant RBb08-0003, to GN and SJ. LS and RZ were supported by the Grant FUTURPIN AGL2015-68274-C03-02R funded by MINECO/FEDER and by the GAIN-Xunta de Galicia Grant IN607A2016/013, No

Geographic variation in growth, survival and susceptibility to the processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) of Pinus halepensis and P. brutia. Results from common gardens in Morocco [Dataset]

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Sbay, Hassan
  • Zas Arregui, Rafael
Methodology: The genetic material comprise 57 populations (8 of Brutia pine and 49 of Aleppo pine) originating from 7 countries of the Mediterranean Basin (Italy, Tunisia, Spain, Turkey, France, Greece and Morocco). Trials were established in 1992 and assessments were carried out 1, 6, 9, 12, 14, 17 and 21 years after planting. Assessed variables are listed within the Excel file (Readme sheet).
Access and reuse: This dataset is subject to a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional License., This dataset compiles phenotypic information of height and diameter growth, survival and defoliation by the processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) assessed at different ages (up to 22 years-old) in two provenance tests (Izarene and Chatba) of Pinus halepensis and Pinus brutia established in Morocco., This research was founded by the National Forest Research Centre budget, Morocco. RZ received support from the Grant FUTURPIN AGL2015-68274-C03-02R founded by MINECO/FEDER., No

Genetic variation in resistance of Norway spruce seedlings to damage by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Zas Arregui, Rafael
  • Björklund, Niklas
  • Sampedro Pérez, Luis
  • Hellqvist, C.
  • Karlsson, B.
  • Jansson, S.
  • Nordlander, G.
Regeneration of northern conifer forests is commonly performed by reforestation with genetically improved materials obtained from long-term breeding programs focused on productivity and timber quality. Sanitary threats can, however, compromise the realization of the expected genetic gain. Including pest resistance traits in the breeding programs may contribute to a sustainable protection. Here we quantified the variation in different components of resistance of Norway spruce to its main pest, the pine weevil Hylobius abietis. We followed insect damage in two large progeny trials (52 open-pollinated families with 100–200 individuals per family and trial) naturally infested by the pine weevil. Pine weevils damaged between 17 and 48% of the planted seedlings depending on the trial and year, and mortality due to weevil damage was up to 11.4%. The results indicate significant genetic variation in resistance to the pine weevil, and importantly, the variation was highly consistent across trials irrespective of contrasting incidence levels. Individual heritability estimates for the different components of seedling resistance were consistently low, but family heritabilities were moderate (0.53 to 0.81). While forward selections and breeding for higher resistance seem not feasible, backwards selections of the best parent trees emerge as a putative alternative to reduce weevil damage. A positive genetic correlation between early growth potential and probability of being attacked by the weevil was also observed, but the relationship was weak and appeared only in one of the trials. Overall, results presented here open the door to a new attractive way for reducing damage caused by this harmful pest., This research was part of the Parasite Resistant Tree Project funded by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research,
Grant RBb08-0003, to GN and SJ. LS and RZ were supported by the Grant FUTURPIN AGL2015-68274-C03-02R funded by MINECO/FEDER and by the GAIN-Xunta de Galicia Grant IN607A2016/013., Peer reviewed, Peer Reviewed

Estrategias defensivas en Pinus pinaster: variación genética dentro y entre poblaciones en su metaboloma defensivo constitutivo e inducido

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • López-Goldar, Xosé
  • Villari, C.
  • Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin
  • Bonello, P. E.
  • Sampedro Pérez, Luis
  • Zas Arregui, Rafael
12 páginas.- Trabajo presentado en el 7º Congreso Forestal Español (Gestión del monte: servicios ambientales y bioeconomía), celebrado en Plasencia del 26 al 30 de junio de 2017., El pino marítimo es capaz de responder a herbívoros y patógenos modificando cualitativa y cuantitativamente su arsenal de defensas químicas. También se sabe que presenta variación genética en compuestos defensivos, como sucede con otros caracteres de historia vital, sin embargo, se conoce poco en qué medida la plasticidad (inducibilidad) de las defensas químicas al estrés biótico es variable a nivel intraespecífico y cómo la posible variación en plasticidad de dichos compuestos químicos está estructurada dentro y entre poblaciones. Con el objetivo de evaluar la variación genética intraespecífica en las defensas constitutivas y su inducibilidad realizamos un experimento en invernadero en el que estudiamos el perfil y concentración de terpenos y fenoles en réplicas clonales de diez poblaciones del rango de distribución natural de la especie con estructura familiar (colección CLONAPIN®). El daño por herbivoría fue simulado mediante metil-jasmonato, un análogo hormonal involucrado en la señalización del daño biótico. Hemos identificado y cuantificado 118 metabolitos secundarios en 260 plantas experimentales. Nuestros resultados muestran la especie presenta una gran variación dentro y entre poblaciones en el metaboloma defensivo constitutivo, mientras que la inducción con metil-jasmonato incrementó la concentración de forma generalizada en el conjunto de defensas químicas y no en compuestos individuales., Esta investigación está financiada por el Gobierno de España a través del proyecto FENOPIN (AGL2012-40151-C03-01 MINECO/FEDER) y FUTURPIN AGL2015-68274-
C03-02-R MINECO/FEDER). Xosé López-Goldar obtuvo financiación a través de una ayuda predoctoral de la Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza (2013-2014) y de una ayuda predoctoral del programa FPI (2014-actualmente)., No

Efecto de la disponibilidad de luz en la interacción entre el curculiónido Hylobius abietis y Pinus pinaster : intensidad del daño, respuestas defensivas de las plantas y variación entre procedencias

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Suárez-Vidal, Estefanía
  • López-Goldar, Xosé
  • Zas Arregui, Rafael
  • Sampedro Pérez, Luis
4 páginas, 5 figuras y 1 tabla.- Trabajo presentado en el Congreso que bajo el lema "Gestión del monte: Servicios ambientales y bioeconomía", se celebró en Plasencia (Cáceres) entre el 26 y el 30 de junio de 2017., La producción de defensas químicas en los pinos es costosa y debe balancearse con la inversión en otras funciones vitales. Cambios ambientales que alteren el proceso fotosintético, como la falta de luz, podrían afectar la capacidad defensiva de las plantas frente a herbívoros. En trabajos previos se observó que el daño por Hylobius abietis, importante herbívoro en la etapa juvenil de Pinus pinaster, es mayor en oscuridad. Nuestro objetivo es conocer por qué la disponibilidad de luz modifica el resultado de la interacción planta-insecto, algo que podría deberse a restricciones fisiológicas en la planta o al hábito nocturno del insecto. Para ello expusimos pinos de tres procedencias sometiendo planta y/o insecto a luz u oscuridad durante 6 días en un diseño factorial completo con muestreos destructivos, estudiando las respuestas de la planta y el consumo del insecto. La privación de luz sobre la planta no afectó a la intensidad de la respuesta defensiva (P=0.616); el daño por el insecto fue mayor cuando éste se encontraba en condiciones de oscuridad (P=0.003) y difirió significativamente entre procedencias (P=0.044). Estos resultados sugieren un efecto directo de la luz el comportamiento del insecto, sin restricciones fisiológicas defensivas de la planta en oscuridad., Este trabajo se ha realizado con fondos de los proyecto de investigación AGL2012-
210 40151-C03-01 (FENOPIN) y AGL2015-68274-C3-2-R (FUTURPIN), ambos financiados por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y cofinanciados con fondos FEADER. XLG disfrutó de una ayuda FPI del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y ESV de una ayuda FPU del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte., Peer reviewed