
Nombre agencia financiadora Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Acrónimo agencia financiadora AEI
Programa Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad
Subprograma Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad
Convocatoria Retos Investigación: Proyectos I+D+i
Año convocatoria 2017
Unidad de gestión Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016
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Policy change and partisan politics, understanding family policy differentiation in two similar countries

Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB
  • León, Margarita|||0000-0001-9457-5822
  • Pavolini, Emmanuele
  • Miro Artigas, Joan|||0000-0001-9958-2343
  • Sorrenti, Antonino
This article looks at how different electoral competition dynamics can result in differentiated party positioning on childcare and family policy. Italy and Spain are compared using a most similar case design. The presence of women in politics,the socioeconomic profiles of the voters of the two main left-wing and right-wing Italian and Spanish parties, and opinions on traditional norms of motherhood explain different policy trajectories and higher incentives for the conservative party in Spain to converge toward the social democratic party in more progressive views of family policy.

Tensions between quantity and quality in social investment agendas, working conditions of ECEC teaching staff in Italy and Spain

Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB
  • León, Margarita|||0000-0001-9457-5822
  • Ranci, Costanzo|||0000-0002-1068-4683
  • Sabatinelli, Stefania
  • Ibáñez Garzarán, Zyab|||0000-0001-9390-2107
Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) has become a strategic component of the Social Investment (SI) paradigm. Growth in this field of social policy - quantified as an increase in public spending and coverage rates - is often taken as indicative of a wider attempt to reformulate welfare state intervention through a SI approach. However, SI agendas have produced differentiated impacts in different contexts. In scenarios of budget restraints, some governments have increased coverage and controlled costs at the same time by allowing for higher staff-to-child ratios and group sizes, externalizing management costs, or worsening the working conditions of professionals. These strategies can severely compromise the quality of the provision offered. This is likely to have more effect in those contexts in which provision needs to be developed under more stringent conditions of financial viability. The article analyses two such cases, Italy and Spain, where general conditions of permanent austerity are combined with a comparatively reduced capacity for public spending. Focusing on the qualifications and the working conditions of professionals working in ECEC as a fundamental aspect of the quality of provision, this article compares the two segments of ECEC: early child development (0-2) and pre-primary education (3-5) in both Italy and Spain since the early 1990s. The working conditions of primary school teachers are taken as a frame of reference. We conclude that, despite the fact that there has been an overall expansion of ECEC in both countries, only the (early) policy developments in pre-schooling can be seen as conforming to what have lately been codified as the principles of a Social Investment strategy; at the same time an evident tension exists between the expansion and the quality of provision in the more recent development of childcare services for very young children.

Entre la equidad y la conciliación, similitudes y disparidades en el diseño institucional del primer ciclo de educación infantil en España, Between equal opportunities and work-life balance, Entre l'equitat i la conciliació

Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB
  • León, Margarita|||0000-0001-9457-5822
  • Palomera, David|||0000-0003-1519-3469
  • Ibáñez Garzarán, Zyab|||0000-0001-9390-2107
  • Martínez Virto, Lucía|||0000-0003-3348-6564
  • Gabaldón-Estevan, Daniel|||0000-0003-2086-5012
La provisión del primer ciclo de educación infantil (EI a partir de ahora) ha aumentado de manera sostenida en España desde el año 2000. A pesar de una considerable dispersión territorial, esta expansión ha tenido lugar en todas las comunidades autónomas. En este artículo estudiamos cómo los distintos diseños institucionales a escala autonómica impactan en la equidad tanto en el acceso al servicio como en el coste para las familias. Tratamos de averiguar en qué condiciones puede el primer ciclo de EI ir más allá de una política de conciliación empleo/familia y considerarse una política redistributiva y de igualdad de oportunidades que favorezca acceder a él y sufrague su coste para los colectivos socialmente más desfavorecidos. Analizamos la evolución de la normativa estatal del primer ciclo de EI desde la LOGSE de 1990 hasta la LOMLOE de 2020, y comparamos siete comunidades autónomas que presentan distintos niveles de cobertura y modelos de gestión. Nuestro estudio concluye que, si bien existe disparidad en los criterios tanto de acceso como de precios, todas las comunidades autónomas estudiadas han ido avanzando hacia un servicio más garantista, con un reconocimiento explícito de las circunstancias de especial dificultad originadas por bajos ingresos, discapacidad, monoparentalidad o violencia de género. Aun así, características estructurales del primer ciclo de EI, como una financiación fluctuante, una regulación y control públicos débiles y una importante externalización a proveedores privados, dificultan su universalización como una política redistributiva y de calidad., Since the year 2000, the provision of early years education and care for the under-threes (hereafter 0-3 ECEC) in Spain has undergone a steady increase. This growth has taken place in all of the seventeen Autonomous Communities, albeit not in a uniform way. In this article we study how different institutional designs at the regional level have an impact on equality of opportunities, both in how families access the service and in how much they pay. We try to ascertain under what conditions ECEC can go beyond a policy that helps families juggle work and family responsibilities, and becomes a redistributive and equal opportunities policy that helps the most socially disadvantaged groups access it while defraying its cost. We analyse how state regulations regarding ECEC have evolved from the 1990 LOGSE to the 2020 LOMLOE, and we compare seven Autonomous Communities which each have different levels of coverage and management models. Our study concludes that although there are differences in both access criteria and in the price of services, all the Autonomous Communities studied have been moving towards a service that aims to be more equitable, with an explicit recognition of the particular difficulties caused by low income, disabilities, being a single parent, or gender-based violence. Even so, certain structural characteristics of ECEC -such as the fluctuating nature of its financing, its weak public regulation and monitoring, and significant outsourcing to private providers- make it difficult to universalise the service in order to make it a truly redistributive policy., La provisió del primer cicle d'educació infantil (EI) ha augmentat de manera sostinguda a Espanya des de l'any 2000. Malgrat una considerable dispersió territorial, aquesta expansió ha tingut lloc en totes les comunitats autònomes. En aquest article estudiem com els diferents dissenys institucionals a escala autonòmica impacten en l'equitat tant en l'accés al servei com en el cost per a les famílies. Tractem d'esbrinar en quines condicions pot el primer cicle d'educació infantil anar més enllà d'una política de conciliació ocupació/família i considerar-se una política redistributiva i d'igualtat d'oportunitats que afavoreixi accedir-hi i en sufragui el cost per als col·lectius socialment més desfavorits. Analitzem l'evolució de la normativa estatal del primer cicle d'educació infantil des de la LOGSE de 1990 fins a la LOMLOE de 2020, i comparem set comunitats autònomes que presenten diferents nivells de cobertura i models de gestió. El nostre estudi conclou que, si bé existeix disparitat en els criteris tant d'accés com de preus, totes les comunitats autònomes estudiades han anat avançant cap a un servei més garantista, amb un reconeixement explícit de les circumstàncies d'especial dificultat originades per baixos ingressos, discapacitat, monoparentalitat o violència de gènere. Així i tot, característiques estructurals del primer cicle d'educació infantil, com un finançament fluctuant, una regulació i control públics febles i una important externalització a proveïdors privats, en dificulten la universalització com una política redistributiva i de qualitat.

The Politics of Family and Care Policy Reform

Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB
  • Alvariño, Manuel
  • León, Margarita|||0000-0001-9457-5822
at the interactions between changes in the political landscape of Western democracies and social policy (Beramendi et al. 2015; Häusermann et al. 2012). In this chapter we will firstly show the recent paths of reforms in family policy in three countries: Sweden, Germany and Spain that belong to different welfare regimes. The magnitude of reform in this social policy field in former conservative or familistic coun tries such as Spain and Germany contrasts with the stagnation and 'limited' marketization of early developers such as Sweden. Secondly, we will explore possible causal explanations looking at demand and supply factors. On the one hand, the rise of female employment and work family conflict, together with secularization and cultural change, have been identified as the main factors triggering demand, particularly among women and sociocultural professionals. On the other hand, supply may arise from political parties' need to attract new groups of voters, the presence of women in politics and from the functional necessities of advanced capitalist economies. $a In this chapter we look at the explanatory capacity of different political factors in understanding particular paths of family and c are policy reform in Europe. Over the past decade, a growing body of research has been looking

Care and the analysis of welfare states

Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB
  • Daly, Mary
  • León, Margarita|||0000-0001-9457-5822
In this chapter we cut through the voluminous scholarship on care to focus on the role of the state. With this lens, the overall aim of the chapter is to outline the main trajectory of the concept and its potential as an analytic framework for future research. While care is now a widely-used term and concept, it is important to clarify its meaning and core references. For the purposes of this chapter, care refers to the labour, resources and relations involved in meeting the needs of those requiring assistance and help because of age illness or frailty of some kind. This understanding encompasses care for both children and adults, and it covers both the persons receiving care and those providing it. Care has arguably been one of the most original concepts in gender, welfare state and social policy studies, especially in the sense of a concept emerging from practices and relations in real life. The associated scholarship is vibrant and diverse as well as being solidly comparative and increasingly global.

Social Investment and Childcare Expansion. A Perfect Match?

Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB
  • León, Margarita|||0000-0001-9457-5822
The chapter first examines at a conceptual level the links between theories of social investment and childcare expansion. Although 'the perfect match' between the two is often taken for granted in the specialized literature as well as in policy papers, it is here argued that a more nuance approach that 'unpacks' this relationship is needed. The chapter will then look for elements of variation in early childhood education and care (ECEC) expansion. Despite an increase in spending over the last two decades in many European and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, wide variation still exists in the way in which ECEC develops. A trade-off is often observed between coverage and quality of provision. A crucial dividing line that determines, to a large extent, the quality of provision in ECEC is the increasing differentiation between preschool education for children aged 3 and above and childcare for younger children.

Social Investment or back to Familialism? The impact of the economic crisis on family policies in Southern Europe

Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB
  • León, Margarita|||0000-0001-9457-5822
  • Pavolini, Emmanuele
Family policies have traditionally been weak in Southern Europe. In the last two decades, however, and following a 'catching up' course, Spain has created new family programmes and expanded existing ones. Meanwhile, the picture for Italy during the years preceding the crisis is more of a 'frozen landscape'. However, the diverging paths of the two countries in terms of policy reform in the years preceding the crisis do not place them in substantially different positions. The economic crisis and the austerity measures that followed have aggravated the weaknesses of family and care policies in both countries.

Entre la equidad y la conciliación: similitudes y disparidades en el diseño institucional del primer ciclo de educación infantil en España, Between equal opportunities and work-life balance: balancing institutional design in early years education in Spain

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • León, Margarita
  • Palomera, David
  • Ibáñez, Zyab
  • Martínez Virto, Lucía
  • Gabaldón-Estevan, Daniel
Versión en castellano e inglés, La provisión del primer ciclo de educación infantil (EI a partir de ahora) ha aumentado
de manera sostenida en España desde el año 2000. A pesar de una considerable dispersión
territorial, esta expansión ha tenido lugar en todas las comunidades autónomas (CC. AA.).
En este artículo estudiamos cómo los distintos diseños institucionales a escala autonómica
impactan en la equidad tanto en el acceso al servicio como en el coste para las familias.
Tratamos de averiguar en qué condiciones puede el primer ciclo de EI ir más allá de
una política de conciliación empleo/familia y considerarse una política redistributiva y
de igualdad de oportunidades que favorezca acceder a él y sufrague su coste para los colectivos socialmente más desfavorecidos. Analizamos la evolución de la normativa estatal del primer ciclo de EI desde la LOGSE de 1990 hasta la LOMLOE de 2020, y comparamos siete comunidades autónomas que presentan distintos niveles de cobertura y modelos de gestión. Nuestro estudio concluye que, si bien existe disparidad tanto en los criterios de acceso como de precios, todas las CC. AA. estudiadas han ido avanzando hacia un servicio más garantista, con un reconocimiento explícito de las circunstancias de especial dificultad originadas por bajos ingresos, discapacidad, monoparentalidad o violencia de género. Aun así, características estructurales del primer ciclo de EI, como una financiación fluctuante, una débil regulación y control públicos y una importante externalización a proveedores privados, dificultan su universalización como una política redistributiva y de calidad., Since the year 2000, the provision of early years education and care for the under-threes
(hereafter 0-3 ECEC) in Spain has undergone a steady increase. This growth has taken
place in all of the seventeen Autonomous Communities, albeit not in a uniform way. In
this article we study how different institutional designs at the regional level have an impact
on equality of opportunities, both in how families access the service and in how much
they pay. We try to ascertain under what conditions ECEC can go beyond a policy that
helps families juggle work and family responsibilities, and becomes a redistributive and
equal opportunities policy that helps the most socially disadvantaged groups access it while defraying its cost. We analyse how state regulations regarding ECEC have evolved from the
1990 LOGSE to the 2020 LOMLOE, and we compare seven Autonomous Communities
which each have different levels of coverage and management models. Our study concludes
that although there are differences in both access criteria and in the price of services, all
the Autonomous Communities studied have been moving towards a service that aims
to be more equitable, with an explicit recognition of the particular difficulties caused by
low income, disabilities, being a single parent, or gender-based violence. Even so, certain
structural characteristics of ECEC –such as the fluctuating nature of its financing, its weak
public regulation and monitoring, and significant outsourcing to private providers– make
it difficult to universalise the service in order to make it a truly redistributive policy., El presente trabajo forma parte del proyecto «Inversión en la temprana infancia,
política, políticas y resultados», financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia,
Innovación y Universidades CSO2017-88906-R.

Las escuelas infantiles 0-3 en Navarra: características, estrategias y retos para promover la equidad, Nursery schools for 0 to 3-year-olds in Navarra: characteristics, strategies and challenges to promote equity

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Martínez Virto, Lucía
  • Canals Botas, Leonor
La extensión del 0-3 en España es ya un reto presente en las agendas políticas estatales,
autonómicas y locales. Contemplado en las normativas estatales desde hace décadas, su
desarrollo por parte de ayuntamientos y gobiernos regionales ha sido especialmente intenso
en los últimos años. Sin embargo, analizar este aspecto no es tarea sencilla. La diversidad
de modelos y la ausencia de datos comparables entre territorios no hacen fácil avanzar
en la generación de conocimiento. Tan solo los estudios de caso, con sus especificidades,
permiten profundizar en los modelos de gestión y su impacto. El objetivo de este artículo
es presentar cómo el paradigma de atención 0-3 de Navarra ha respondido al reto de promover
un modelo más equitativo y universal. Desde un análisis específico de su evolución
y sus distintas medidas de extensión, se pretende identificar las estrategias orientadas a la
extensión universal y la equidad en el acceso a la infancia más vulnerable al sistema 0-3.
Para ello, se realiza un análisis normativo y estadístico de fuentes secundarias, así como
distintas entrevistas en profundidad a personal técnico y de gestión. Los resultados aspiran
a presentar las medidas desarrolladas y a compartir sus avances y retos con otros territorios,
de tal forma que contribuyan a generar conocimiento sobre el desarrollo de esta política de
promoción de la infancia., The provision of early childhood education for 0 to 3-year-olds in Spain is a challenge for
state, regional and local policy agendas. Regulated by state legislation for many decades, the
evolution of educational policy for 0 to 3-year-olds by city councils and regional governments
has been especially intense in recent years. However, analysing this evolution is not an easy
task. The diversity of models and the absence of comparable data between regions makes
analysis difficult. Only case studies, which are necessarily specific, enable us to look into models
of delivery and impact in more depth. The aim of this paper is to show how the provision
of early childhood education in Navarra has responded to the challenge of promoting a more
equitable and universal model. Through a specific analysis of the development and various
models of educational provision, the paper aims to identify strategies aimed at providing
universal and equitable access to early childhood education for the most vulnerable children.
A review of secondary regulatory and statistical sources is carried out, as well as in-depth
interviews with technical and management personnel. The results aim to show the measures
taken, and to share progress and challenges with other regions, to ultimately contribute to the
understanding of the evolution of this policy for early childhood development., Este trabajo se ha desarrollado en el marco del proyecto «ECECWEL, Inversión en la temprana infancia: política, políticas y resultados» (CSO2017-88906-R), financiado por el ministerio en la convocatoria de proyectos I+D+I 2017.