Nombre agencia financiadora Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Acrónimo agencia financiadora MINECO
Programa Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia
Subprograma Subprograma Estatal de Generación del Conocimiento
Convocatoria Retos Investigación: Proyectos de I+D+I
Año convocatoria 2013
Unidad de gestión Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica
Identificador persistente http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100003329
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Managerial family ties and employee risk bearing in family firms: evidence from Spanish car dealers
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Gómez Mejía, Luis R.
- Moyano Fuentes, José
- Firfiray, Shainaz
- Larraza Kintana, Martín
This article discusses that family firms in which the top management team (TMT) is dominated bynonfamily managers are more likely to shift risk to employees through incentive pay schemesthan family firms with TMTs dominated by family members. We also argue that this tendencyis aggravated in firms of bigger size, as this condition makes nonfamily managers more vulnerable. We further note that differences between family- and non-family-dominated TMTs maylessen when the sales trend is negative. The analyses conducted on a sample of 219 family-controlled car dealerships in Spain confirm our expectations., Martín Larraza-Kintana acknowledges financial support by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness research project ECO2013-48496-C4-2-R. José Moyano-Fuentes acknowledges financial support by the BBVA Foundation research project obtained in the First Call of BBVA Foundation Grants for Research Projects (Socio Economics Area).
Proyecto: MINECO//ECO2013-48496-C4-2-R
Entrepreneurs’ human capital and growth aspirations: the moderating role of regional entrepreneurial culture
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Capelleras Segura, Joan Lluís
- Martín Sánchez, Víctor
- Contín Pilart, Ignacio
- Larraza Kintana, Martín
This paper investigates the impact of entrepreneurs’ human capital on their growth aspirations and the moderating role of regional entrepreneurial culture in this relationship. Based on human capital theory, we argue that growth aspirations will be higher for individuals with higher educational attainment and lower for those with prior entrepreneurial experience. Drawing on an institutional perspective, we also suggest that regional social acceptance of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial role models will positively moderate these effects. Using data that combines individual and province level information in Spain over the period 2008–2014, we find support for the differential effect of formal education and entrepreneurial experience. The results also show that both social approval of entrepreneurship and role models tend to increase the growth aspirations of experienced entrepreneurs, whereas aspirations of the more educated ones are only affected by the presence of role models. Implications from the findings are discussed., The authors acknowledge financial support from projects ECO2013-46954-C3-1-R, ECO2013-46954-C3-2-R, ECO2013-48496-C4-2-R and ECO2013-48496-C4-4-R (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation).
El tamaño de las empresas y la calidad del recurso empresarial: ¿causa o efecto?
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Huerta Arribas, Emilio
- García Olaverri, Carmen
- Garcés Galdeano, Lucía
Este artículo explora las posibles causas de la heterogeneidad observada en la productividad de las empresas españolas, buscando un vínculo entre la calidad de gestión y el tamaño empresarial en el contexto de las empresas españolas. Los resultados indican que existe una relación positiva entre la calidad y el tamaño empresarial. Esta calidad empresarial, medida a través de diferentes indicadores (nivel educativo, competencias y capacidades profesionales así como el nivel de implantación de prácticas avanzadas de gestión), está relacionada con la gestión de la empresa y con la orientación estratégica de la misma, que juntas influyen también sobre su tamaño. Por lo tanto, la mejora de la gestión empresarial, avanzando hacia el profesionalismo, permitirá a las empresas diseñar las estrategias y estructuras internas necesarias para facilitar su adaptación al entorno empresarial y lograr así mejores resultados., Artikulu honek Espainiako enpresen produktibitatean ikusten den heterogeneotasunaren balizko kausak aztertzen ditu, kudeaketaren kalitatearen eta enpresen tamainaren arteko loturaren bila, Espainiako enpresen testuinguruan. Emaitzen arabera, erlazio positiboa dago kalitatearen eta enpresaren tamainaren artean. Enpresen kalitate hori, zenbait adierazleren bidez neurtuta (hezkuntza maila, lanbide-gaitasunak eta -ahalmenak eta kudeaketako jardunbide aurreratuen ezarpen maila), enpresaren kudeaketari eta haren ikuspegi estrategikoari dago lotuta, eta haiek batera haren tamainari ere eragiten diote. Beraz, enpresen kudeaketa hobetuta, profesionalismorantz eginez, enpresa-inguruneari errazago egokitzeko eta hala emaitza hobeak lortzeko behar diren estrategiak eta barne-egiturak diseinatu ahalko dituzte enpresek., This article explores the possible causes of the heterogeneity observed in the productivity of Spanish companies, looking for a link between management capacity and business size in the context of Spanish companies. The results indicate that there is a positive and direct relationship between quality management and company size. This quality management measured through different indicators (education level, competences and professional skills and the level of implementation of advanced management practices) is also related to the type of management, as well as the strategic direction of the company, which together also affect its size. Therefore, improving the quality management, moving towards professionalism, will enable companies to design strategies and structures to facilitate their adaptation to the business environment, and thus, achieve improvements in results., Los autores quieren agradecer la financiación recibida del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación español (Proyecto de Investigación ECO2013-48496-C4-2-R)
Proyecto: MINECO//ECO2013-48496-C4-2-R
Public funds and internal innovation goals as drivers of formal and informal open innovation practices: a European regional comparison
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Cruz Cázares, Claudio
- Berends, Hans
- Smits, Armand
- Reymen, Isabelle
- Bayona Sáez, Cristina
- García Marco, María Teresa
Objetivo: La innovacion abierta (IA) ha demostrado ser crucial para aumentar la innovacion y el desempeno economico de las empresas. Sin embargo todavia existe una comprension limitada de los factores que impulsan realizar esta IA. El principal objetivo de este articulo es arrojar luz en esta direccion al analizar simultaneamente los determinantes internos y externos que llevan a las empresas a realizar practicas formales e informales de IA. Diseño: Las hipotesis son contratadas con muestras de dos regiones europeas, Navarra (Espana), calificada como region seguidora en innovacion, y Noord Brabant (Paises Bajos), lider innovador. La muestra seleccionada incluye empresas manufactureras y de servicios que completaron la Community Innovation Survey (CIS) 2008. Resultados: Los resultados indican que, para los determinantes internos, los motivos relacionados con la busqueda de innovaciones en producto y la intensidad interna de I + D son fuertes impulsores para todas las practicas de IA, mientras que la importancia de los motivos relacionados con la obtencion de innovaciones en proceso y medioambientales dependen del contexto regional. En cuanto a los factores externos, la politica publica influye en la adopcion de IA tanto formal como informal, pero estos resultados varian entre las regiones dependiendo del origen de los fondos. Originalidad/valor El estudio presenta importantes implicaciones para la literatura en IA. En primer lugar, mientras la mayoria de la literatura analiza un unico tipo de practicas de IA, este estudio distingue practicas formales e informales de IA y estudia sus determinantes internos y externos simultaneamente. Segundo, las hipotesis son contrastadas en dos regiones europeas diferentes. Esto permite observar si los resultados obtenidos son robustos independientemente de la localizacion de las empresas o si varian dependiendo del contexto de ambas regiones., The purpose of this paper is to analyse a firm's internal and external drivers of formal and informal open innovation (OI) practices. To enrich the analysis and to obtain more robust results, the authors checked the study's hypotheses using samples from two European regions, Navarre (Spain), classified an innovator follower, and Noord-Brabant (Netherlands), an innovator leader. Design/methodology/approach: The sample selected includes manufacturing and service firms that completed the Community Innovation Survey for the year 2008 in both regions. The final sample had 1,288 observations from Navarre and 623 observations from Noord-Brabant. The authors consider two OI dimensions, breadth of information sources for informal OI practices and breadth of cooperation agreement for formal OI practices. Finally, the estimates were performed by means of a negative binomial regression. Findings: Results indicate that for the internal drivers, product-related motives to innovate and in-house R&D intensity are strong drivers for both formal and informal OI engagement in general, while the influence of process- and environmental-related motives are context dependence. Originality/value: This study distinguishes between formal (i.e. cooperation activities) and informal (i.e. external sources of information used for new ideas) inbound OI practices, while most of the literature has focussed on one single type of OI practice. The use of two samples coming from two different European regions allows observe whether the adoption motives of the OI practices are robust independently from the firms' location or if they vary across regions owing to context dependence., The authors thank the funding for this research from Spain Economy and Competitiveness Ministry (ECO2013-48496-C4-2-R and ECO2013-46954-C3-1 projects) and Programme INTERREG IV C (EURIS project).
Network centrality and organizational aspirations: a behavioral interaction in the context of international strategic alliances
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Shijaku, Elio
- Larraza Kintana, Martín
- Urtasun Alonso, Ainhoa
Considerando que el análisis de redes sociales ha estado asociado con aspiraciones organizacionales, poco es conocido sobre cómo el posicionamiento estructural de la empresa y particularmente la centralidad de la red afecta las aspiraciones internacionales para participar de alianzas estratégicas internacionales (AEI). Este estudio examina el impacto de la centralidad de la red en el comportamiento de internacionalización de la empresa dentro del dominio de las alianzas estratégicas internacionales como respuesta a la brecha entre desempeño y aspiración. Desarrollamos las perspectivas sociales y comportamentales para predecir que la centralidad de la red y las aspiraciones basadas en desempeño serán asociadas con el número de alianzas estratégicas internacionales en que la empresa participa. Usando una muestra de 7.760 colaboraciones de alianza de las principales 81 empresas farmacéuticas global para el periodo 1991–2012, encontramos evidencia para apoyar la mayoría de nuestros argumentos., Whereas social network analysis has been associated with organizational aspirations, little is known on how firm’s structural positioning, and particularly network centrality, affects organizational aspirations to engage in international strategic alliances (ISA). This study examines the impact of network centrality on firm’s internationalization behavior within the ISA domain in response to the performance–aspiration gap. We build on social and behavioral perspectives to predict that network centrality and performance-based aspirations will be associated with the number of ISA the firm engages in. Using a sample of 7760 alliance collaborations from the top 81 global pharmaceutical firms for the period of 1991–2012, we find supporting evidence for most of our arguments., The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support provided by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education under projects ECO2013-48496-C4-2-R, ECO2013-48496-C4-4-R and ECO2017-48496-C4-4-R.
Generación de objetivos y competencia emocional, Generating objectives and emotional competences
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Cavero Brújula, María Sandra
- Marín, Ainhoa
El objetivo principal de este proyecto es analizar la capacidad de los decisores para generar objetivos relevantes. El estudio de un caso real sobre un proceso de decisión estratégica en una empresa del sector alimenticio, se utiliza como base para realizar un experimento consistente en una serie de entrevistas a altos directivos a quienes se pide que establezcan los objetivos estratégicos de la empresa que dirigen. Los diferentes objetivos propuestos de forma individual se analizan y organizan en torno a varias categorías y se devuelven a cada directivo para que valore su relevancia. Los resultados muestran que los participantes omiten más de la mitad de los objetivos que finalmente consideran importantes. Este resultado es consistente con otros experimentos similares encontrados en la literatura relevante en este campo. En este trabajo se analiza, además, la relación entre el perfil de liderazgo de los directivos y su capacidad para establecer objetivos. Los resultados muestran algunas evidencias del efecto positivo de la capacidad de liderazgo emocional de los individuos y su destreza para generar objetivos relevantes., Analyzing the ability of decision makers to generate relevant objectives is the main concern of this project. A real world case-study of strategic decision making at a firm in the food industry, is used as a base to perform an experiment consisting in a series of interviews in which several top managers are asked to state what they consider strategic objectives to the company managed. The different objectives proposed individually by the managers are analyzed and structured into several categories and sent back to them so that they determine which are considered relevant objectives. The results show that participants omit more tan half of the objectives that they later identify as important. This result is consistent with other similar experiments found in the management literature on this field. The relationship between the managers’ leadership profile and their ability to establish relevant objectives is also analyzed. The results show some evidence on the positive effect of the emotional leadership capability of the individuals and their competence to generate relevant objectives., Las autoras agradecen el apoyo financiero del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad a través del proyecto: ECO2013-48496-C4-2-R
Proyecto: MINECO//ECO2013-48496-C4-2-R
Regional and individual determinants of entrepreneurial growth aspirations
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Capelleras Segura, Joan Lluís
- Martín Sánchez, Víctor
- Contín Pilart, Ignacio
- Larraza Kintana, Martín
This paper investigates the unique and joint effects of population density and early-stage entrepreneurs’ human capital endowments (higher education, entrepreneurship training and owner-manager experience) on entrepreneurial growth aspirations. We test a number of hypotheses using data that combine individual and province level information in Spain over the period 2008-2010. We argue that growth aspirations of early-stage entrepreneurs are higher in more densely populated regions, but that such environmental influence is stronger for individuals with greater human capital. This is because they will be more aware that denser regions offer more favorable conditions for new businesses and also requires greater firm growth to compensate for a higher risk of business failure. Consistent with our view, we find that the growth aspirations of entrepreneurs with higher education are higher in densely populated provinces., The authors acknowledge financial support from projects ECO2013-46954-C3-1-R, ECO2013-46954-C3-2-R, ECO2013-48496-C4-2-R and ECO2013-48496-C4-4-R (Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness).
The influence of entrepreneurs’ social referents on start-up size
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Contín Pilart, Ignacio
- Larraza Kintana, Martín
- Martín Sánchez, Víctor
This paper uses social comparison theory to explore the effect that the average size of established businesses at the regional (provincial) level may have on start-up size. It is argued that established entrepreneurs at the regional level become referents of new entrepreneurs, influencing not only the decision to become entrepreneurs but also the characteristics of the new venture, such as its initial size. Specifically, the greater the average size of established businesses at the provincial level, the bigger the start-up size of new ventures. This paper further considers how this effect is moderated by two key individual level variables: knowing an entrepreneur personally (i.e., close social referent), and being the owner and manager of an existing business (i.e., past entrepreneurial and managerial experience). Predictions are tested using data that combine individual- and provincial-level information in Spain over the period 2008–2014. The results show the positive relationship of the average size of established businesses on new venture start-up size, and that this effect decreases when the entrepreneurs have previous entrepreneurial experience., The authors appreciate the valuable comments from José Ernesto Amorós and David
Urbano at the IAM conference 2015 in Chile and from the two anonymous reviewers. Martin Larraza-Kintana
acknowledges financial support by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness research project
ECO2013-48496-C4-2-R. Ignacio Contín-Pilart acknowledges financial support by the Spanish Ministry of
Economy and Competitiveness research project ECO2013-46954-C3-1-R. Victor Martin Sanchez acknowl-
edges financial support by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness research project ECO2013-
48496-C4-4-R. We also thank the GEM project for its support to this research.
Urbano at the IAM conference 2015 in Chile and from the two anonymous reviewers. Martin Larraza-Kintana
acknowledges financial support by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness research project
ECO2013-48496-C4-2-R. Ignacio Contín-Pilart acknowledges financial support by the Spanish Ministry of
Economy and Competitiveness research project ECO2013-46954-C3-1-R. Victor Martin Sanchez acknowl-
edges financial support by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness research project ECO2013-
48496-C4-4-R. We also thank the GEM project for its support to this research.
Entrepreneurs' planning behavior and new firm performance, El comportamiento planificador de los emprendedores y los resultados de las nuevas empresas
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Contín Pilart, Ignacio
- Larraza Kintana, Martín
- Martín Sánchez, Víctor
Purpose: Drawing on institutional logics theory, this paper aims to examine the determinants of entrepreneurs’ planning behavior in the first years of 212 Spanish new firms. Additionally, this study identifies four different planning profiles: systematic planner, early planner, late planner and non-planner. Design/methodology/approach: This study’s data structure is a (yearly) pooled cross-sectional time series. This paper investigates the determinants of planning behaviors among entrepreneurs, as well as the impact of that activity on new firm performance (i.e. employment growth). Findings: The results confirm the relevance of institutional forces in explaining the involvement of founders of new firms upon planning activities. Institutional factors, in the form of public external support seem to explain early- and systematic-planner behavior while the influence of entrepreneurial family background does so with late-planner behavior. Originality/value: The authors focus their attention on two key moments of a new venture’ life: the first year of operation and once the firm has overcome the four-year hurdle that is often used to distinguish new from established businesses. Four different patterns emerge: systematic planner (those who consistently plan over time), early planner (those who engage in planning activities in the early moments of the firm’s life but not later), late planner (those who do not plan at the beginning but end up conducting planning activities a few years later) and non-planner (those who never get involved in planning activities). This new division is an interesting additional feature of this study., Objetivo: Utilizando la teoría de lógica institucional, el presente artículo analiza los factores determinantes del comportamiento planificador de los emprendedores durante los primeros años de operaciones, por lo que se refiere a sus negocios. A tal efecto, identificamos cuatro perfiles planificadores: sistemático, temprano, demorado y no-planificador. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: A partir de una muestra de 201 emprendedores españoles se examinan los determinantes del comportamiento planificador y el efecto subsecuente en el desempeño de las empresas. Resultados: Los resultados de este artículo ponen de relieve la importancia de las fuerzas institucionales, a la hora de explicar la involucración de éstos en cuanto a la planificación de actividades se refiere. Por un lado, factores institucionales en forma de apoyo público, tienden a explicar el comportamiento del planificador temprano y sistemático, mientras que la influencia del contexto familiar definiría el modo de actuar del planificador-demorado. Asimismo, en este artículo se analiza el impacto de los diferentes perfiles planificadores en el desempeño del crecimiento de empleo de las empresas. Originalidad/valor: El presente artículo intenta examinar de manera inédita el comportamiento planificador de los emprendedores usando la teoría de lógica institucional. Además, los resultados sugieren que planificar aporta un efecto positivo en el desempeño de las iniciativas emprendedoras., This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Projects number ECO2010-21242-C03-01, ECO2010-21242-C03-03, ECO2010-21393-C04-03, ECO2013-48496-C4-2-R, ECO2013-48496-C4-4-R and ECO2013-46954-C3-1-R) and also by the Government of Navarra (Project number PA03018).
Open innovation in the food and beverage industry
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Bayona Sáez, Cristina
- García Marco, María Teresa
- Sánchez García, Mercedes
- Cruz Cázares, Claudio
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to extend the knowledge into the relationship between open innovation (OI) and firm’s innovative performance. Specifically, the authors aim to determine whether the
benefits of OI practices are different for Food and Beverage (FnB) firms as compared to those of other sectors. The FnB industry is relevant in terms of employment GDP generation in the UE, characterised by high
integration and low-tech intensity. Design/methodology/approach – In order to achieve the goal and obtain robust results, the authors consider four OI dimensions and four innovation performance measures using panel data (2004-2011) from 10,771 FnB and non-FnB firms using Tobit and Logit models by random effects. Findings – The authors test and confirm the presence of the classical inverted U-shape relationship between OI and firm innovative performance for FnB and non-FnB companies. However, the optimal number of external sources of knowledge used is lesser for FnB than the rest of the companies.
Originality/value – The paper compares the OI effects in a traditional and low-tech industry vs other industries considering four innovation outputs (product innovations, process innovations, incremental
innovation and radical innovation)., Claudio Cruz-Cázares and Teresa García-Marco thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology for its financial support granted through the project ECO2013-48496-C4-2-R. Cristina Bayona-Sáez thanks to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology for its financial support obtained through the project ECO2013-46954-C3-1-R. Finally Mercedes Sánchez is grateful for the support received from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (AGL2015-65897-C3-1-R).
benefits of OI practices are different for Food and Beverage (FnB) firms as compared to those of other sectors. The FnB industry is relevant in terms of employment GDP generation in the UE, characterised by high
integration and low-tech intensity. Design/methodology/approach – In order to achieve the goal and obtain robust results, the authors consider four OI dimensions and four innovation performance measures using panel data (2004-2011) from 10,771 FnB and non-FnB firms using Tobit and Logit models by random effects. Findings – The authors test and confirm the presence of the classical inverted U-shape relationship between OI and firm innovative performance for FnB and non-FnB companies. However, the optimal number of external sources of knowledge used is lesser for FnB than the rest of the companies.
Originality/value – The paper compares the OI effects in a traditional and low-tech industry vs other industries considering four innovation outputs (product innovations, process innovations, incremental
innovation and radical innovation)., Claudio Cruz-Cázares and Teresa García-Marco thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology for its financial support granted through the project ECO2013-48496-C4-2-R. Cristina Bayona-Sáez thanks to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology for its financial support obtained through the project ECO2013-46954-C3-1-R. Finally Mercedes Sánchez is grateful for the support received from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (AGL2015-65897-C3-1-R).
The extensive margin and US aggregate fluctuations: a quantitative assessment
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Casares Polo, Miguel
- Khan, Hashmat
- Poutineau, Jean-Christophe
We report empirical evidence indicating that US net business formation has recently turned more volatile, procyclical and persistent. To study these stylized facts, we estimate a DSGE model with endogenous entry and exit. Business units feature heterogeneous productivity and they shut down if the present value of expected future dividends falls below the current liquidation value. The model provides a better fit than a constant exit rate model with the fluctuations of US business formation. The introduction of the extensive margin amplifies the effects of technology and risk-premium shocks, and reduces the procyclicality of firm-level production. The main sources of variability of the US aggregate fluctuations during the Great Recession are countercyclical technology shocks, persistent adverse risk-premium shocks, and expansionary monetary policy shocks., Miguel Casares would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish government (research project PGC2018-093542-B-I00).
Workforce education diversity, work organization and innovation propensity
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Bello Pintado, Alejandro
- Bianchi, Carlos
Purpose: Diversity of people, knowledge and resources has been identified as a determinant of firms' growth. This paper focusses on innovation propensity as a critical dimension of firm's growth path, aiming to analyse the effects of the firm's horizontal educational diversity (HED) on the propensity to conduct different technological innovation activities (TIAs). In addition, considering the evidence showing that these effects are neither direct nor linear, the authors analyse the moderating role of the firm's organizational practices oriented to knowledge sharing (KS) on the association between HED and the adoption of TIAs. Design/methodology/approach: Following the theoretical arguments of the resource-based view (RBV), the evolutionary economics and the dynamic capabilities approach and related empirical evidences, the authors proposed four hypotheses regarding the effect of HED on TIAs and the moderating role of work organization practices oriented to promote KS. Empirically, the authors calculated different HED diversity indexes capturing two basic dimensions: variety and balance. Hence, using instrumental variables and panel data techniques to control endogeneity biases, the authors tested the proposed hypotheses using a data set of Uruguayan manufacturing firms between 2004 and 2015. Findings: In line with previous evidence, results showed idiosyncratic context effects. The authors found a robust, linear, positive and significant relationship between HED and TIAs, but the effect can only be consistently associated with the adoption of internal or external research and development (R&D) activities. Moreover, the moderating role of work organization practices oriented to promote KS is positive and significant when firms engage in TIAs. For technological innovations that only involve the acquisiton of technology (AT), a positive effect is also observed but always associated to organizational practices oriented to promote KS. Originality/value: This paper revisits the analysis of workforce diversity for a relatively less explored context. This research contributes to the field by linking HED and work organization practices to understand firm's innovation propensity in a developing context. Moreover, while other studies have focussed only on top management or R&D team diversity, the authors have analysed the whole professional's workforce. It allows the authors to discuss the effects of diversity on innovation propensity in the light of the ongoing debate on the effects of innovation in employment., The authors acknowledge the collaboration of the Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación, Uruguay, which provided access to UIIS microdata. They also acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (ECO2013-48496-C04-12-R).
Proyecto: MINECO//ECO2013-48496-C4-2-R
Educational diversity, organizational structure and innovation performance: evidence from Uruguayan industry, Diversidad educativa, estructura organizacional y desempeño innovador: evidencia de la industria uruguaya
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Bello Pintado, Alejandro
- Bianchi, Carlos
Se analiza la relación entre la diversidad educativa horizontal (DEH) y el desempeño innovador de las empresas, considerando el efecto de la DEH tanto en la propensión a innovar como en la intensidad innovadora de la empresa. Asimismo, se contrasta la hipótesis de que la estructura organizativa de la empresa modera dicha relación. Se usan datos de panel de la Encuesta de Actividades de Innovación de Uruguay entre 2006 y 2012. La DEH tiene escasa asociación con el desempeño innovador de la empresa. Las formas avanzadas de organización de la empresa tienen un efecto moderador positivo en dicha relación solo cuando se trata de empresas que alcanzan innovaciones radicales., This paper analyses the relationship between horizontal educational diversity (HED) and firm innovation performance, both in the propensity to innovate and the intensity of innovation in firm performance. Moreover, we hypothesise that the organizational structure of the firm moderates this relationship. Using panel data from the Uruguayan Innovation Survey 2006-2012, econometric estimates show that HED is barely associated with innovation performance in products and processes. We found that advanced organisational structures of the firm positively moderate the former relationship, but only for firms achieving radical innovations., Financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (ECO2013-48496-C04-12-R).
Proyecto: MINECO//ECO2013-48496-C4-2-R