Nombre agencia financiadora Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Acrónimo agencia financiadora MINECO
Programa Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia
Subprograma Subprograma Estatal de Generación del Conocimiento
Convocatoria Proyectos de I+D dentro del Subprograma Estatal de Generación del Conocimiento (2015)
Año convocatoria 2015
Unidad de gestión Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica
Centro realización DPTO. ECONOMIA
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Reversible privatisation. Conflict, bricolage, and the sale of common lands in the Spanish province of Navarre, 1808-1860
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Lana Berasain, José Miguel
The privatisation of communal assets tends to be presented as an irreversible linear movement that was driven from above. Based on a case study (Navarre, nineteenth century), this article seeks to give greater prominence to local players and their response to changing circumstances. The process thus appears less linear and compact by revealing certain anomalies, such as the reversibility of certain sales or the alienation of partial ownership rights that were compatible with the preservation of rights of use in favour of local councils and households, as an example of institutional bricolage. Against a backdrop of war and municipal bankruptcy, the privatisation of collective lands between 1808 and 1860 followed various paths, each one benefitting different social classes. Borrowers, outside investors and wealthy individuals accumulated large estates, but there was also a chance for peasants and local people to become property owners. The recovery of part of these lands on the back of social conflicts from 1884 onwards confirms that privatisation was not a fait accompli., This article has benefited from the research projects HAR2012-30732 and HAR2015-64076-P, financed by Spain's Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the ERDF.
Old wine in new wineskins? Understanding the cooperative movement: Catalonia, 1860-1939
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Medina Albaladejo, Francisco J.
- Añón Higón, María Dolores
- Díez Minguela, Alfonso
- Lana Berasain, José Miguel
Different factors have been proposed to explain why in some regions there is a greater tendency to form cooperatives. The debate remains open. In this study, we look at the spread of cooperativism within Catalonia from 1860 to 1939. Catalonia was not just the leading industrial region in Spain but also where cooperatives first emerged and had a greater presence. In line with the existing evidence, we find that cooperativism spread from coastal municipalities to the hinterland. In particular, it seems that local conditions (literacy and social capital) facilitated this process, while accessibility to the transport network and neighbouring effects also played a significant role., This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e innovacion (Spain) under grants HAR2015-64076-P, ECO2017-86793-R, ECO2015-65049-C12-1-P, HAR2016-76814-C2-1P (AEI/FEDER, EU) and by Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) (grant PROMETEO/2019/095).
La historia agraria contemporánea española en claroscuro
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Lana Berasain, José Miguel
- Soto Fernández, David
Se traza en este capítulo un recorrido global por el recorrido seguido por la historia agraria española desde sus inicios en la década de 1980 hasta la actualidad. Se presta atención al contexto institucional e historiográfico y se propone el año 2001, fecha de publicación del libro El pozo de todos los males (Barcelona, Crítica, 2001) y el debate subsiguiente, como parteaguas de dos modos de enfrentar la investigación. Se identifican los retos que afronta este campo de investigación y se proponen algunas vías y enfoques de investigación., Este trabajo se ha beneficiado de los proyectos de investigación MINECO/FEDER HAR2015-64076-P y HAR2015-69620-C2-2-P.
Local constraints and knowledge transfer in the formation and development of cooperatives. Catalonia, 1860-1939, Restricciones locales y transferencia de conocimiento en la formación y el desarrollo de las cooperativas en Cataluña, 1860‐1939
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Medina Albaladejo, Francisco J.
- Añón Higón, María Dolores
- Díez Minguela, Alfonso
- Lana Berasain, José Miguel
Se han propuesto diferentes factores para explicar por qué en algunas regiones hay una mayor propensión a formar cooperativas que en otras. Aunque el debate sigue abierto, la literatura ofrece varias interpretaciones. Por un lado, algunos estudios han enfatizado el papel desempeñado por el capital humano, el acceso al mercado y las instituciones, entre otros factores, mientras que otros estudios han señalado la path dependence, es decir, el desarrollo del capital social y la confianza dentro de una sociedad en el pasado ha podido incentivar la cooperación. Diferenciar ambos efectos está lejos de ser trivial y requiere un análisis cuidadoso. En este estudio observamos la propagación del cooperativismo en Cataluña desde 1860 hasta 1939. Cataluña no era solo la región industrial líder en España, sino también donde las cooperativas surgieron por primera vez y tuvieron una mayor presencia. De acuerdo con la evidencia existente, encontramos que el cooperativismo se extendió desde los municipios costeros hacia el interior. En este sentido, parece que la alfabetización y la accesibilidad facilitaron este proceso. Además, el capital social no se puede descartar como un factor relevante, especialmente en contextos rurales., Different factors have been proposed to explain why in some regions there is a greater tendency to form cooperatives. Although the debate remains open, the literatura offers several interpretations. On the one hand, some studies have stressed the role played by human capital, market Access and institutions, among other factors, while other studies have pointed to path dependence, that is to say, the development of social capital and trust within a society in the past encourages cooperation. Disentangling both effects is far from trivial and requires a careful analysis. In this study, we look at the spread of cooperativism within Catalonia from 1860 to 1939. Catalonia was not just the leading industrial región in Spain, but also where cooperatives first emerged and had agreater presence. In line with the existing evidence, we find that cooperativism spread from coastal municipalities to the hinterland. In this regard, it appears that literacy and accessibility facilitated this process. Besides, social capital can not be discarded as a relevant factor, especially in rural contexts., This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under Grants HAR2015-64076-P, ECO2017-86793-R; ECO2015-65049-C12-1-P and HAR2016-76814-C2-1-P (AEI/FEDER, EU).
Repatriando capital sin plata. Redes de paisanaje, comercio de frutos y giro de letras entre Venezuela y España, 1785-1796, Cashless capital flows. Countrymen networks, commodity trade and bills of exchange between Venezuela and Spain, 1785-1796
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Lana Berasain, José Miguel
El texto examina el movimiento de capitales a gran y pequeña escala entre Venezuela y España a partir de un estudio de caso apoyado sobre fondos documentales privados: un libro de caja y fragmentos de la correspondencia (335 cartas) del indiano montañés Esteban González de Linares (1751–1802). Éste se convirtió durante su estancia en Caracas (1785-1791) en agente para la remesa de capitales a la península. La escasez de numerario de alta denominación en la provincia de Caracas implicó que la repatriación de capitales pudo dar un impulso definitivo tanto a la exportación de frutos coloniales (cacao, añil) como al desarrollo del mercado financiero (letras y libranzas)., This paper offers some evidences about the circulation of capital between Venezuela and Spain at the end of the eighteenth century through the case study of the Spanish merchant Esteban González de Linares (1751-1802). Our sources are private nature: an accounting book and 335 letters. These documents show a wide variety of channels to the transfer of capitals from Venezuela to Spain, both at large operations and small deliveries. González de Linares became, during his stay in Caracas (1785-1791), an important agent in the transfer of savings from the colony. The scarcity of silver and gold in Venezuela during this period justifies that the transfer of capital did promote the export of groceries (cocoa, indigo) and the development of financial markets (orders and bills of exchange)., La realización de este trabajo se ha beneficiado de los proyectos de investigación HAR2012-30732, HAR2015-64076-P (MINECO) y AICO/2019/183 (GVA).
Mejorar la suerte del proletariado. Cuestión social y repartos comunales (Navarra, 1868)
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Lana Berasain, José Miguel
Este trabajo examina los acontecimientos de 1868 en la Navarra rural entendiéndolos como un hito importante en el giro hacia la atribución de una expresa funcionalidad social a los aprovechamientos comunales. El impulso a la roturación y reparto de parcelas en los sotos bajo un condicionado explícito que compatibilizaba el usufructo individual con el aprovechamiento común permitió reducir la desigualdad y mejorar las condiciones de vida del proletariado rural. La realidad, no obstante, no se sujetó a los reglamentos y en pocos años la desigualdad creció de nuevo, estimulando nuevas peticiones de reparto hasta la Segunda República., The Spanish September Revolution constituted a milestone with respect to the use of common lands as a way to develop land policies aimed to alleviate poverty. This article offers a detailed analysis of the
distribution of allotments among rural workers in the province of Navarre from 1868 onwards. It concludes that allotments contributed to
reduce inequality and improved living conditions for the rural working class. However, inequality rose again within a few years as the plots
were illegally sold with the consent of local authorities. As a result, petitions for new allotments continued to grow until the proclamation of the Spanish Second Republic., Esta investigación se enmarca en el proyecto HAR2015-64076-P MINECO/FEDER.
distribution of allotments among rural workers in the province of Navarre from 1868 onwards. It concludes that allotments contributed to
reduce inequality and improved living conditions for the rural working class. However, inequality rose again within a few years as the plots
were illegally sold with the consent of local authorities. As a result, petitions for new allotments continued to grow until the proclamation of the Spanish Second Republic., Esta investigación se enmarca en el proyecto HAR2015-64076-P MINECO/FEDER.
Proyecto: MINECO//HAR2015-64076-P
Reglas, actores, potestades y equilibrios. ¿De qué hablamos cuando abordamos la propiedad como institución?, Rules, players, powers, and equilibria. What are we talking about when studying property as an institution?
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Lana Berasain, José Miguel
El objetivo de este texto es clarificar conceptualmente el contenido y alcance de la noción de propiedad como institución con el fin de disponerlo para su empleo en el análisis histórico. A tal fin, se repasa inicialmente el significado del concepto de instituciones desde las perspectivas que las entienden como reglas regulativas (North), como reglas constitutivas (Searle) o como equilibrios (Greif). A continuación, se examinan las tradiciones que entienden la propiedad ya sea como un vínculo binario entre un sujeto y un objeto, ya como una relación social entre sujetos en torno a un objeto en contextos específicos.Tras una caracterización de los modos de entender la dinámica de cambio institucional en términos de elección racional o de economía evolutiva, se concluye presentando una propuesta tentativa para articular el análisis bajo la forma de 'reglas en equilibrios anidados'., The aim of this text is to clarify the content and scope of the concept of property as an institution, in order to facilitate its precise use in historical analysis. To do this, first, the meaning of the concept of institution is examined, confronting its definition as regulative-rules (North), as constitutive-rules (Searle), and as equilibria (Greif). Then, two approaches to the concept of property are presented: the one that understands it as a binary link between a subject and an object, and the other one that interprets it as a relation between subjects in relation to an object in specific contexts. After a characterization of the different ways to approach the dynamics of institutional change, from the points of view of rational choice and evolutionary economics, a tentative analytical proposal is offered, centered on the formula 'rules in nested equilibria'., Este trabajo se beneficia de los proyectos de investigación Mineco/Feder HAR2015-64076-P y PID2019-109336GB-I00.
Death, sex, and fertility: female infanticide in rural Spain, 1750-1950
Zaguán. Repositorio Digital de la Universidad de Zaragoza
- Beltrán Tapia, Francisco J.
- Marco-Gracia, Francisco J.
Relying on longitudinal micro data from rural Spain between 1750 and 1950, this article evidences that families mortally neglected a significant fraction of their female babies. Firstly, baptism records exhibited exceptionally high sex ratios at birth until the late nineteenth century. Secondly, having no previous male siblings increased the probability of male baptisms. Likewise, this same feature, together with the number of siblings alive, also increased female mortality during the first day of life. These findings are concentrated at higher parities and among landless and semi-landless families. Lastly, under-registration cannot explain these patterns affecting female mortality shortly after birth.