
Nombre agencia financiadora Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Acrónimo agencia financiadora AEI
Programa Programa Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Científico y Tecnológico del Sistema de I+D+i
Subprograma Subprograma Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento
Convocatoria Proyectos I+D
Año convocatoria 2019
Unidad de gestión Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017-2020
Identificador persistente http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100011033


Resultados totales (Incluyendo duplicados): 8
Encontrada(s) 1 página(s)

Building a Theoretical Framework for Corporate Sustainability

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Sanchez-Planelles, Joaquin|||0000-0001-5318-9378
  • Segarra-Oña, Marival|||0000-0001-9674-9056
  • Peiró Signes, Angel|||0000-0002-1549-6972
[EN] Literature about sustainability and sustainable businesses has become a large field of study during the last years. This field is growing so fast that there are sub-areas or bodies of literature within the sustainability which scopes with clear boundaries between each other. This has caused the apparition of several methodologies and tools for turning traditional companies into sustainable business models. This paper aims to develop the descriptive stage of the theory building process through a careful review of literature to create the first phase of a theory about corporate sustainability. It provides the following classification of concepts retrieved from the observation of the state of art: holistic sustainability, sustainable business models, sustainable methodologies, sustainable operations, and sustainability-oriented innovation. In addition, it seeks to establish relationships between the sustainable concepts and the expected outcomes that their implementation can generate among companies and organizations. Finally, it gives an overview of possibilities for managers that want to embed sustainability in their firms and clear paths of research for keeping the building of the theory about corporate sustainability as a process of constant iteration and improvement., This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, project number: PID2019-105497GB-100.

Measuring the Success of New Business Models with an Environmental Perspective: from the Circular Economy to Servitisation

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Sánchez Planelles, Joaquín|||0000-0001-5318-9378
[ES] La sostenibilidad es un concepto que se está haciendo extensible a cada vez más ámbitos de nuestra sociedad, estando muy presente en la esfera empresarial a través de la denominada sostenibilidad corporativa. Sin embargo, la capacidad de determinar qué prácticas sostenibles aplicar para poder generar el mayor rendimiento para las compañías todavía se antoja complicado. Esto es debido a que intervienen diferentes variables, como, por ejemplo, el tipo de sector en el que operen las organizaciones y el nivel de desarrollo de prácticas sostenibles aplicadas por los competidores.
Es por ello, que, el propósito de esta tesis consiste en el desarrollo de las primeras fases de una teoría que permita a los responsables de las compañías conocer qué tipo de prácticas sostenibles aplicar en función de su organización interna y su posición competitiva.
Para ello, inicialmente de desarrolló un análisis de la literatura para identificar las metodologías creadas para ayudar a las organizaciones a integrar la sostenibilidad en su modelo de negocio. Además, se valoró el nivel de aceptación y de uso de dichas metodologías por parte de consultores y directivos de compañías.
Posteriormente, se llevó a cabo un detallado estudio del estado del arte sobre la sostenibilidad corporativa que identificó cinco líneas de investigación que se están produciendo actualmente. Estas cinco líneas fueron clasificadas en cinco conceptos que han permitido conocer diferentes tipos de prácticas sostenibles aplicadas por las empresas y, además, contribuyó al desarrollo del protocolo de estudio de casos.
El primer concepto es la 'sostenibilidad holística', el cual engloba toda la literatura relativa a cómo la sostenibilidad se debe gestionar desde un punto de vista global incorporándola en la estrategia de la organización. El segundo concepto se denomina 'metodologías sostenibles', concepto que trata de las diferentes metodologías o modelos desarrollados por académicos para ayudar a los responsables de las compañías a determinar qué prácticas ambientales aplicar. El tercer concepto trata de los 'modelos de negocio sostenibles', es decir, las características de aquellas compañías que deciden situar la sostenibilidad en el centro de su negocio y de su propuesta de valor. El cuarto concepto, denominado 'operaciones sostenibles' recoge todas las actividades que se circunscriben a un área concreta de la compañía para reducir el impacto ambiental (p.e. aplicación de tecnología que permita el consumo de energía renovable). Y, finalmente, el quinto concepto, titulado 'innovación orientada a la sostenibilidad', este último concepto abarca el campo de análisis sobre cómo la interacción entre diferentes prácticas en una misma empresa mejoran su rendimiento.
El protocolo de estudio de casos se empleó para analizar a una serie de empresas conocidas por la aplicación de prácticas sostenibles, de manera que, usando dicho protocolo se pudo determinar qué tipo de prácticas sostenibles implantadas por estas empresas han sido capaces de generarles un incremento de su rendimiento.
Los resultados obtenidos permiten clasificar a las compañías en cinco fases en función de nivel de integración de la sostenibilidad que han desarrollado. Estas fases pasan por el aprovechamiento del cumplimiento legal como una oportunidad, pasando por el desarrollo de una cadena de valor eco-innovadora hasta convertirse en modelos de negocio sostenibles.
Para facilitar que la sostenibilidad se convierta en un factor transversal a toda la compañía se requiere de un sistema de gestión ambiental (SGA). De manera que, este tipo de sistemas protocoliza la sostenibilidad incorporándola en los diferentes procesos de toma de decisiones.
Finalmente, esta tesis ofrece una serie de prácticas sostenibles que pueden ser desarrolladas por las compañías en función de la fase de integración de la sostenibilidad en la que se encuentren y en la estrategia que siga la compañía., [CA] La sostenibilitat és un concepte que s'està estenent cada vegada a més àmbits de la nostra societat, estant molt present en l'esfera empresarial mitjançant de la denominada sostenibilitat corporativa. No obstant, la capacitat de determinar quines pràctiques sostenibles s'han d'aplicar per poder generar el major rendiment per a les companyies encara és una qüestió complicada. Això es degut a que intervenen diferents variables, com, per exemple, el tipus de sector en el que operen les organitzacions i el nivell de desenvolupament de pràctiques sostenibles aplicades pels competidors.
Per tant, el propòsit d'esta tesi consisteix en el desenvolupament de les primeres fases d'una teoria que puga permetre als responsables de les companyies conèixer quin tipus de pràctiques sostenibles aplicar en funció de la seua organització interna i la seua posició competitiva.
Per aconseguir-ho, inicialment es va desenvolupar un anàlisi de la literatura per identificar les metodologies creades per ajudar a les organitzacions a integrar la sostenibilitat en el seu model de negoci. A més, es va valorar el nivell d'acceptació i d'ús d'estes metodologies per part de consultors i directius de companyies.
Posteriorment, es va portar a terme un detallat estudi de l'art sobre la sostenibilitat corporativa que va identificar zinc línies de recerca que s'estan produint en l'actualitat. Estes zinc línies van ser classificades en zinc conceptes que han permès conèixer diferents tipus de pràctiques sostenibles aplicades per les empreses i, a més, van contribuir al desenvolupament del protocol d'estudi de casos.
El primer concepte és la 'sostenibilitat holística', el qual engloba tota la literatura relativa a com la sostenibilitat s'ha de gestionar des d'un punt de vista global incorporant-la en la estratègia de la organització. El segon concepte es denomina 'metodologies sostenibles', concepte que tracta de les diferents metodologies o models desenvolupats per acadèmics per ajudar als responsables de les companyies a determinar quines pràctiques ambientals aplicar. El tercer concepte tracta dels 'models de negoci sostenibles', és a dir, les característiques d'aquelles companyies que decideixen situar la sostenibilitat en el centre del seu negoci i de la seua proposta de valor. El quart concepte, denominat, 'operacions sostenibles' recull totes les activitats que es circumscriuen a un àrea concreta de la companyia per reduir l'impacte ambiental (p.e. l'aplicació de tecnologia que permet el consum d'energia renovable). I, finalment, el quint concepte, titulat 'innovació orientada a la sostenibilitat', este últim concepte abasta el camp d'anàlisi sobre com la interacció entre diferents pràctiques en una mateixa empresa milloren el seu rendiment.
El protocol d'estudi de casos es va emprar per analitzar una sèrie d'empreses conegudes per l'aplicació de pràctiques sostenibles, de manera que, usant el protocol es va determinar quin tipus de pràctiques sostenibles implantades per estes empreses han sigut capaces de fer que generen un increment del seu rendiment.
El resultats obtinguts permeten classificar a les companyies en zinc fases en funció del nivell d'integració de la sostenibilitat que han desenvolupat. Estes fases passen per l'aprofitament del compliment legal com una oportunitat, passant pel desenvolupament d'una cadena de valor eco-innovadora fins convertir-se en models de negoci sostenibles.
Per facilitar que la sostenibilitat es converteixi en un factor transversal a tota la companyia, es requereix d'un sistema de gestió ambiental (SGA). De manera que, este tipus de sistemes protocol·litzen la sostenibilitat incorporant-la en els diferents processos de presa de decisions.
Finalment, esta tesi ofereix una sèries de pràctiques sostenibles que poden ser desenvolupades per les companyies en funció de la fase d'integració de la sostenibilitat en la que es troben i en la estratègia que segueix la companyia., [EN] Sustainability is a concept that is being extended to more and more areas of our society, being very present in the business sphere through the so-called corporate sustainability. However, the ability to determine which sustainable practices to apply in order to generate the best returns for companies is still challenging. This is due to the fact that different variables intervene, such as, for example, the type of sector in which organizations operate and the level of development of sustainable practices applied by competitors.
That is why, the purpose of this thesis consists in the development of the first phases of a theory that allows company managers to know what type of sustainable practices to apply based on their internal organization and their competitive position.
To do this, an analysis of the literature was initially developed to identify the methodologies that have been created to help organizations to integrate sustainability into their business model. In addition, the level of acceptance and use of said methodologies by consultants and company executives was analysed.
Subsequently, a detailed study of the state of the art on corporate sustainability was carried out, which identified five lines of research that are currently being deployed. These five lines were classified into five concepts that have allowed us to know different types of sustainable practices applied by companies. In addition, these concepts has contributed to the development of the case study protocol.
The first concept is 'holistic sustainability', which encompasses all the literature on how sustainability should be managed from a global point of view, incorporating it into the organization's strategy. The second concept is called 'sustainable methodologies', a concept that deals with the different methodologies or models developed by academics to help company managers determine which environmental practices to apply. The third concept deals with 'sustainable business models', that is, the characteristics of those companies that decide to place sustainability at the center of their business and their value proposition. The fourth concept, called 'sustainable operations', includes all the activities that are limited to a specific area of the company to reduce the environmental impact (e.g. application of technology that allows the consumption of renewable energy). And, finally, the fifth concept, entitled 'innovation oriented to sustainability', covers the field of analysis on how the interaction between different practices in the same company improves its performance.
The case study protocol was used to analyze a series of companies known for the application of sustainable practices. Using this protocol, it was possible to determine what type of sustainable practices implemented by these companies have been able to generate an increase in their performance.
The results obtained allow companies to be classified into five phases according to the level of integration of sustainability they have developed. These phases go through the use of legal compliance as an opportunity, through the development of an eco-innovative value chain to become sustainable business models.
In order to make sustainability a cross-cutting factor throughout the company, an environmental management system (EMS) is required. Thus, this type of system protocolizes sustainability by incorporating it into the different decision-making processes, from the hiring of suppliers to the recruitment processes.
Finally, this thesis offers a series of sustainable practices that can be developed by companies depending on the phase of integration of sustainability in which they are, and on the strategy followed by the company., The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Science and Innovation for its financial support
through the research Project (PID2019-105497GB-100)

Consumer Demand for Environmental, Social, and Ethical Information in Fishery and Aquaculture Product Labels

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Peiró Signes, Angel|||0000-0002-1549-6972
  • Miret Pastor, Luis Gaspar|||0000-0002-9644-0021
  • Antonino Galati
  • Segarra-Oña, Marival|||0000-0001-9674-9056
[EN] Customers' attention to sustainability labels in fishery and aquaculture products (FAPs) has been increasing in the last decades, and the industry has adapted to this growing interest by adopting fish ecolabels. However, there is a growing interest to widen the sustainability concept to include the social and ethical information of the fishery and aquaculture industry and to go further from the voluntary approach on the labeling of these aspects in FAPs. For this reason, using data from 2021 Eurobarometer and using machine learning techniques, we disentangle the characteristics of the FAP buyers that consider the importance of environmental impact, ethical, and social information appearing on FAP labeling. The results confirmed that most of the consumers who consider environmental, social, and ethical aspects when buying FAPs also think that this information should be labeled. In line with other works, young, educated, and environmentally aware consumers in high-income countries are more likely to request this information in the FAP label. One interesting finding of the study relates with the asymmetric impact of the variables and the important group of respondents who do not consider these aspects but also advocate to include them in the FAP label. The study outcomes can be beneficial for policymakers to design future public policies regarding FAP labeling, as well as to be taken into consideration in the marketing policies of fishery and aquaculture producers and retailers., This work was supported by the National Plan for Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation (Spanish Economy and Competitiveness Ministry), the Research Project PID2019105497 GB-I00, the European Fisheries Funds, opportunities for the fisheries sector through diversification, and the FLAGs management (DivPesc).

Datos museos marítimos España

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Márquez Escamilla, Andrea
  • Cervelló Royo, Roberto Elías|||0000-0002-8304-4177
  • Herrera Racionero, Paloma|||0000-0002-3750-622X
  • Miret Pastor, Luis Gaspar|||0000-0002-9644-0021
Base de datos de los museos marítimos españoles con datos sobre fondos recibidos, This research was funded by SPANISH ECONOMY AND COMPETITIVENESS MINISTRY, grant number PID2019-105497 GB-I00, European Fisheries Funds, opportunities for the fisheries sector through diversification, and the FLAGs management (DivPesc).

The Artisanal Fishing Sector in the Spanish Mediterranean: A Sector with a Long History and an Uncertain Future

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Marquez Escamilla, Andrea
  • HERRERA-RACIONERO, PALOMA|||0000-0002-3750-622X
  • Pastor Gimeno, José Ismael|||0000-0002-7184-4871
  • Miret Pastor, Luis Gaspar|||0000-0002-9644-0021
[EN] The fishing sector is facing major economic and environmental challenges worldwide. However, at least in developed countries, it is also undergoing a major social crisis. This research has tried to quantify and validate this subjective feeling of deep crisis, based on objective and quantitative data referring to the Spanish Mediterranean. Indeed, the results show alarming data. Different scattered databases have been analyzed and it has been exposed that in only 15 years the number of vessels, power and tonnage has decreased by about 40%; as for fishermen, their number has decreased by about 30%, also revealing a serious problem of generational replacement, since in only 10 years, the average age of fishermen has increased by 3 years. A simple linear regression model shows that this downward trend in the number of boats and fishermen will continue at least in the short term. The data obtained invite a deep reflection on the future or even the very survival of fishing in the Spanish Mediterranean in the medium term. This reflection is not limited to this specific area but can be extrapolated to many other fishing areas., This research was funded by SPANISH ECONOMY AND COMPETITIVENESS MINISTRY, grant number PID2019-105497 GB-I00, European Fisheries Funds, opportunities for the fisheries sector through diversification, and the FLAGs management (DivPesc)

Proyectos ambientales de los GALP españoles en el FEMP según REGP

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Miret Pastor, Luis Gaspar|||0000-0002-9644-0021
  • Herrera Racionero, Paloma|||0000-0002-3750-622X
Recopilación de datos sobre proyectos medioambientales financiados por el Fondo Europeo Marítimo y de Pesca (FEMP) y recogidos de la Red Española de Grupos de Pesca (REGP)., This work was supported by the National Plan for Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation (Spanish Economy and Competitiveness Ministry), the Research Project PID2019-105497 GB-I00, the European Fisheries Funds, opportunities for the fisheries sector through diversification, and the FLAGs management (DivPesc).

Encuesta Cofradías y GALPs

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • Herrera Racionero, Paloma|||0000-0002-3750-622X
  • Miret Pastor, Luis Gaspar|||0000-0002-9644-0021
Encuesta realizada a los pescadores en los puertos del Mediterráneo español., This work was supported by the National Plan for Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation (Spanish Economy and Competitiveness Ministry), the Research Project PID2019-105497 GB-I00, the European Fisheries Funds, opportunities for the fisheries sector through diversification, and the FLAGs management (DivPesc).

The role of the Spanish Mediterranean Fisher's Guilds in Maritime Sustainability

RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
  • HERRERA-RACIONERO, PALOMA|||0000-0002-3750-622X
  • Miret Pastor, Luis Gaspar|||0000-0002-9644-0021
  • Cervelló Royo, Roberto Elías|||0000-0002-8304-4177
  • Rodilla, M|||0000-0001-6767-5676
[EN] The fisheries sector is making significant changes by specifically addressing coastal management and tackling the socio-environmental crisis it is currently facing. Notably, a fundamental change in the attitude and behavior of fishers and their institutions is observed, where sustainability of the environment and marine resources is becoming a priority issue.

Focusing on the Fisher's Guilds of the Spanish Mediterranean, this work analyses the scope of these changes in the management of natural resources through their concrete actions, the factors that enhance or limit such actions, as well as any lingering resistance. For this, we have combined quantitative techniques, through a closed questionnaire, and qualitative techniques, through semi-structured interviews.

We can confirm that the guilds play a growing and active role in the environmental management of their territory of influence. However, it is necessary to equip them with greater human and material resources, to support a strong, determined leadership committed to the environment and, above all, to build a framework of joint collaboration in decision-making that goes beyond mere appearances., This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Research Project CSO2016-76135-P and PID2019-105497GB-100.