
Nombre agencia financiadora Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Acrónimo agencia financiadora AEI
Programa Programa Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Científico y Tecnológico del Sistema de I+D+i
Subprograma Subprograma Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento
Convocatoria Proyectos I+D
Año convocatoria 2019
Unidad de gestión Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017-2020
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Resultados totales (Incluyendo duplicados): 11
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Impact of process and outcome quality on intention for continued use of voice assistants

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Saavedra Montejo, Álvaro
  • Chocarro Eguaras, Raquel
  • Cortiñas Ugalde, Mónica
  • Rubio, Natalia
Objetivo: Este artículo tiene como objetivo entender cómo la utilidad percibida de los Asistentes de Voz (AV) se ve afectada por la calidad percibida del proceso (interacción) y el resultado (información). Asimismo, busca determinar hasta qué punto la utilidad percibida de los AVs mejora la privacidad percibida asociada con su uso y, consecuentemente, la intención de los usuarios de seguir utilizándolos. La innovación tecnológica se incluye como moderador personal para comparar los resultados entre innovadores tecnológicos y no tecnológicos. Para este propósito, utilizamos la Teoría de Usos y Gratificaciones (U&GT).

Se realizó una encuesta a 467 usuarios de AVs, y se utilizó la modelización de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) para analizar los datos.

La calidad del proceso y la calidad del resultado son antecedentes claros de la utilidad percibida de los AVs, que afecta a la intención de los usuarios de seguir usándolos. La influencia de ambos factores difiere entre usuarios según su nivel de innovación tecnológica. Los resultados muestran que los innovadores tecnológicos valoran más la experiencia interactiva y la calidad del proceso, mientras que los no innovadores tecnológicos se enfocan en obtener respuestas satisfactorias de los AVs. Además, la influencia positiva de la utilidad percibida en la privacidad percibida es más pronunciada en los innovadores tecnológicos.

Este estudio enriquece la literatura sobre la utilidad percibida de los AVs dentro del marco de la U&GT. Identifica dos factores previos (calidad del proceso y calidad del resultado) de la utilidad percibida y observa diferencias significativas basadas en la innovación tecnológica., Purpose: This paper aims to understand how the perceived usefulness of voice assistants (VAs) is affected by the perceived quality of the process (interaction) and the outcome (information). The authors also aim to determine the extent to which the perceived usefulness of VAs improves the perceived privacy associated with their use and increases users’ intention to continue using them. Consumer technology innovativeness is included as a personal trait moderator, to compare the results between tech and nontech innovators. For this purpose, the authors use the framework of the uses and gratifications theory (U&GT).
Design/methodology/approach: A survey of 467 VA users was conducted and structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data.
Findings: The authors identify two main determinants of the perceived usefulness of VAs that influence users’ intention to continue using this technology, process quality and outcome quality. These two factors influence the continued use of VAs in different ways depending on the technology innovativeness of the consumers. The results show that tech innovators are oriented toward the interactive experience, and therefore, mainly value the process quality. In addition, nontech innovators are oriented toward a satisfactory response from VAs, and therefore, primarily value the outcome quality. In addition, the positive effect of perceived usefulness on perceived privacy is higher for tech innovators.
Originality/value: This study enhances the literature on the perceived usefulness of VAs within the framework of U&GT. It identifies two antecedents (process quality and outcome quality) of perceived usefulness and observes significant differences based on technological innovativeness., AI-SERVICES PID2020-113561RB-I00 is funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. Also, this
work is part of the project PID2019-108554RB-I00, funded by AEI 10.13039/501100011033.

A grounded theory approach to understanding in-game goods purchase

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Cai, Xiaowei
  • Cebollada Calvo, Javier
  • Cortiñas Ugalde, Mónica
Video game companies are increasingly diversifying their profit models. Rather than relying
exclusively on the sale of video game titles or the subscription model, video game companies
are maximising the revenues and extending the lifecycle of their games by means of a
strategy based on the sale of in-game goods. This study contributes to the theory on ingame
goods purchases by explaining why and how video game players purchase different
types of in-game goods. We used an inductive approach involving qualitative data analysis
based on grounded theory. Six types of in-game goods are grouped into three categories:
functional-based goods, probability-based goods, and ornamental-based goods. After
acknowledging the heterogeneity of the categories, a conceptual framework is developed
by conducting 21 in-depth interviews, from which it emerges that players purchase functional-
based goods, probability-based goods, and ornamental-based goods for different
motives and through the different behavioural processes. First, the purchase of functionalbased
goods is a strategy for entering the flow experience. Second, the purchase of probability-
based goods is a compromise for purchase restrictions. Third, the purchase of ornamental
goods is driven by the synergism of intrinsic motivations and exposure in the virtual
world. Therefore, video game researchers should not treat in-game goods as a homogeneous
concept. The findings also suggest that it is critically important for video game developers
to strike a balance between the challenges of the gameplay and the skills of players
because excessively raising (or lowering) the level of difficulty could pose a threat to the
company¿s sustainable profit., Spanish Ministry of Education and Science [Project number: ECO2015-65393-R and PID2019-108554RB-I00] and the Public University of Navarre.

Impact of seller- and buyer-created content on product sales in the electronic commerce platform: the role of informativeness, readability, multimedia richness, and extreme valence

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Cai, Xiaowei
  • Cebollada Calvo, Javier
  • Cortiñas Ugalde, Mónica
This research aims to verify:
(1) whether the impacts of the informativeness in seller-created and
buyer-created content (product description informativeness/review informativeness) on product sales are complementary or
(2) the moderating role of the readability of seller-created and buyercreated content (product description readability/review readability) between the corresponding informativeness (product
description informativeness/review informativeness) and product sales.
(3) the moderating role of the multimedia richness in seller-created
and buyer-created content (product multimedia richness/review multimedia richness) between the corresponding informativeness (product description informativeness/review
informativeness) and product sales.
(4) the moderating role of valence in buyer-created content (review
valence) between the informativeness (review informativeness)
in buyer-created content and product sales.
To achieve the mentioned goals, we created a conceptual framework
combining the dual processing theory (Chaiken and Trope, 1999) and
the dual coding theory (Paivio, 1990), through which the hypotheses
were proposed. To test the hypotheses in our conceptual framework, we
collected data of video game products from using a
third-party API service: the Rainforest API. Then, we operationalised the
constructs and measured the variables, including creating the lexicons of
video game attributes. Finally, we estimated the empirical model using
partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM).
This research makes several contributions to the e-commerce literature as well as to practitioners and researchers in this field. On the
theoretical side, our empirical findings suggest that review informativeness fully mediates the influence of product description informativeness on product sales, which complements the previous normative
model of the interactions between seller-created and buyer-created
content (Chen and Xie, 2008). On the practical side, based on the
empirical results, we provide concrete guidance for marketers to
enhance their strategies on e-commerce platforms. Moreover, as an
additional product of the research process, we developed the lexicons of
video game attributes, which can help practitioners and researchers to
understand and study the attributes of video game products., Spanish Ministry of Education and Science [Project number: PID2019-
108554RB-I00] and the Public University of Navarre. The authors also thank the
open access funding provided by the Public University of Navarre.

Is review visibility fostering helpful votes? The role of review rank and review characteristics in the adoption of information

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Alzate Barricarte, Miriam
  • Arce Urriza, Marta
  • Cebollada Calvo, Javier
In online environments, where consumers usually face information overload, information regarding the number of helpful votes received by online reviews serves as a trust sign to aid consumers in their purchasing journeys. As consumers can only vote for a review as helpful if they have viewed it, the position of the review in the sequence of reviews is likely to influence the number of helpful votes that the review receives. We propose a model in which review helpfulness depends not only on the characteristics of the review and reviewer, but also on its visibility. Review visibility is defined in this study as the probability of a review being viewed by a consumer, and is measured by the inverse rank order of the review in the sequence of reviews at the online retailer when consumers sort reviews according to different criteria (most helpful and most recent). Using a database of 59,526 online reviews from a popular cosmetics online store in the US, we estimate a zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB) regression and find evidence that review visibility has a strong impact in explaining the likelihood of a review being read by consumers and subsequently voted as helpful by consumers. This effect is even stronger when sorting is most helpful., This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [grant number: PID2019-108554RB-I00].

Attention to product images in an online retailing store: an eye-tracking study considering consumer goals and type of product

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Chocarro Eguaras, Raquel
  • Cortiñas Ugalde, Mónica
  • Villanueva Larre, Arantxa
The visual content of the product area is crucial in an e-commerce site. This paper studies the differences in
attention to product images in the product area in e-commerce sites considering the effects of purchase stage and
product category. Attention to product images on websites is measured using eye-tracking in two experiments with
58 students and 66 subjects, with four product categories and four purchase tasks in each one. Our results show that
pictures, in general, attract attention first, before the product names and price information. Furthermore, images attract
less total attention than textual information. Images attract less attention when they are not crucial for completing the
task, such as when purchasing a determined product or when locating product tracking information. Younger people
(less than 30) spend much less time viewing the product pictures than older age groups (50 or more). According to
our results, e-retailers could improve their sites’ performance by adapting the products’ presentation to the purchase
tasks and visitor characteristics., This work is part of the R+D+i project PID2019-108554RB-I00 financed by the AEI, DOI 10.13039/501100011033

From traditional gaming to mobile gaming: video game players' switching behaviour

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Cai, Xiaowei
  • Cebollada Calvo, Javier
  • Cortiñas Ugalde, Mónica
This paper intends to uncover whether mobile gaming is complemental or substitutable to traditional gaming. A human migration framework, the Push-Pull-Mooring, is adopted to the context of video game switching. A total of 340 valid samples were collected from Chinese video game forums. We applied K-mean clustering to find different video game player segments. We also applied Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) to estimate linear regression models for the whole sample and the identified segments. Results demonstrate that 7 of the 13 variables included in the conceptual model have a significant impact on the switching intention, which are Perceived expensiveness of traditional gaming(PE), Perceived flexibility of mobile gaming(PF), Perceived cost of lost benefits(PCLB), Perceived high performance of traditional gaming(PGP), Past traditional gaming experience(EXPT), Past mobile gaming experience(EXPM), and Ownership of hybrid consoles(OHC). Moreover, results from the clustering analysis show that there are two segments in our sample, labelled Unshakable stayer and Moderate intentional emigrant. Switching intention from traditional to mobile gaming is low across the whole sample, although there are differences between the segments. We conclude that traditional gaming is not being substituted by mobile gaming. In turn, mobile gaming serves a complementary role for the players of traditional gaming., We acknowledge financial support for this research from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science [Project number: ECO2015-65393-R and PID2019-108554RB-I00] and the Public University of Navarre.

Self-report measure of dispositional flow experience in the video game context: conceptualisation and scale development

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Cai, Xiaowei
  • Cebollada Calvo, Javier
  • Cortiñas Ugalde, Mónica
The flow theory has been widely applied to explain video game players¿ gaming and purchasing behaviour.
However, due to the conceptual and empirical flaws of the current measurement instruments, researchers can
hardly apply them to measure dispositional flow experience of adult video game players. In this research, we
conceptualised flow experience and developed its measurement instrument in the video game context. To achieve
these objectives, we conducted five phases with different participants in each of them: conceptualisation of
the constructs and item generation (n = 13), expert judging (n = 5), pre-test (n = 96), initial development and
validation (n = 289), and advanced development and validation (n = 593). We applied both qualitative and
quantitative analysis to conceptualise and measure flow experience of video game players, including grounded
theory and several statistical tools of latent variable modelling. We obtained a scale of 28-items that performs
well in the first-order model. Moreover, we tested three hierarchical structure of flow experience: unidimensional
model, independent antecedent model, and hierarchical antecedent model. Results show that hierarchical
antecedent model is the best structure to represent flow experience. We named our scale Video Game Dispositional
Flow Scale (VGDFS)., Spanish Ministry of Education and Science [Project number: ECO2015-65393-R and PID2019-108554RB-I00] and the Public University of Navarre.

Mining the text of online consumer reviews to analyze brand image and brand positioning

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Alzate Barricarte, Miriam
  • Arce Urriza, Marta
  • Cebollada Calvo, Javier
The growth of the Internet has led to massive availability of online consumer reviews. So far, papers studying online reviews have mainly analysed how non-textual features, such as ratings and volume, influence different types of consumer behavior, such as information adoption decisions or product choices. However, little attention has been paid to examining the textual aspects of online reviews in order to study brand image and brand positioning. The text analysis of online reviews inevitably raises the concept of 'text mining'; that is, the process of extracting useful and meaningful information from unstructured text. This research proposes an unified, structured and easy-to-implement procedure for the text analysis of online reviews with the ultimate goal of studying brand image and brand positioning. The text mining analysis is based on a lexicon-based approach, the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (Pennebaker et al., 2007), which provides the researcher with insights into emotional and psychological brand associations., This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitivity [grant number: ECO2015-65393-R] and by the Government of Spain Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities Grant numbers: PID2019-108554RB-I00.

Voice-activated personal assistants and privacy concerns: a Twitter analysis

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Alzate Barricarte, Miriam
  • Arce Urriza, Marta
  • Cortiñas Ugalde, Mónica
This study aims to understand the extent of privacy concerns regarding voice-activated personal assistants (VAPAs) on Twitter. It investigates three key areas: (1) the effect of privacy-related press coverage on public sentiment and discussion volume; (2) the comparative negativity of privacy-focused conversations versus general conversations; and (3) the specific privacy-related topics that arise most frequently and their impact on sentiment and discussion volume. Design/methodology/approach – A dataset of 441,427 tweets mentioning Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple Siri from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2021 were collected. Privacy-related press coverage has also been monitored. Sentiment analysis was conducted using the dictionary-based software LIWC and VADER, whereas text mining packages in R were used to identify privacy-related issues. Findings – Negative privacy-related news significantly increases both negativity and volume in Twitter conversations, whereas positive news only boosts volume. Privacy-related tweets were notably more negative than general tweets. Specific keywords were found to either increase or decrease the sentiment and discussion volume. Additionally, a temporal evolution in sentiment, with general attitudes toward VAPAs becoming more positive, but privacy-specific discussions becoming more negative was observed. Originality/value – This research augments the existing online privacy literature by employing text mining methodologies to gauge consumer sentiments regarding privacy concerns linked to VAPAs, a topic currently underexplored. Furthermore, this research uniquely integrates established theories from privacy calculus and social contract theory to deepen our analysis., This work is part of the project PID2019-1,08554RB-I00/ funded by AEI/10.13039/5,0110,0011,033.

The role of active and passive resistance in new technology adoption by final consumers: the case of 3D printing

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Villanueva Orbaiz, María Luisa
  • Arce Urriza, Marta
From a model or digital design, 3D printing is a set of “additive”
manufacturing technologies capable of creating a 3-dimensional object.
The maxim “If you can draw it, you can print it” defines the possibilities
this technology offers. Society was surprised that new digital technologies
allowed the transformation of tangible products into intangible
products. Currently, 3D printing provides the opposite possibility,
allowing for the creation of new and customized products at the time
and place the user needs. This implies a change of mind from a subtractive
to an additive process in the industrial field and a true innovation
from buying to home production in the domestic sphere., We acknowledge financial support for this research from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science [Project number: ECO2015-65393-R and PID2019-108554RB-I00 ] and the Public University of Navarre. The typical disclaimer applies to. Open access funding provided by Universidad Pública de Navarra.

The impact of electronic word-of-mouth management in hotel ecosystem: insights about managers'' decision-making process

Zaguán. Repositorio Digital de la Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Berne Manero, M.C.
  • Moretta Tartaglione, A.
  • Russo, G.
  • Cavacece, Y.
Purpose There is a lack of research proving how electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) is a valuable source of information in the hospitality industry for developing hotels'' intellectual capital. To fill this gap, this study aims to examine hotel managers'' decision-making processes regarding the acceptance and management of eWOM and its impact on the Italian hotel ecosystem. Design/methodology/approach This work takes advantage of the previous contributions to present a hotel''s decision-making process model regarding structural capital. It includes eWOM as a context variable and changes implemented as a dependent variable in a comprehensive model. The structural equation modelling applies to a database obtained through a survey addressed to Italian hotel managers. Findings The results show that eWOM plays an essential role in managers'' motivations to explain hotel changes implementation. The hotel leverages eWOM information and interaction through structural, relational and human capital to enhance products, services and strategies. Research limitations/implications This work contributes to the extant literature by providing a comprehensive framework to explain the consequences of eWOM knowledge management from the intellectual capital view in the Italian hotel ecosystem. Practical implications For practitioners, this research demonstrates how hotel managers should accept and manage eWOM knowledge through intellectual capital to make determinant decisions that improve hotel performance. Originality/value There is a scarcity of research on modelling the acceptability and management of eWOM in the hotel ecosystem from practitioners'' perspectives. This work is the first attempt to determine how eWOM knowledge management boosts hotel intellectual capital and improves service innovation and performance.