
Nombre agencia financiadora Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Acrónimo agencia financiadora AEI
Programa Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad
Subprograma Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad
Convocatoria Proyectos I+D
Año convocatoria 2020
Unidad de gestión Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017-2020
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Impact of process and outcome quality on intention for continued use of voice assistants

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Saavedra Montejo, Álvaro
  • Chocarro Eguaras, Raquel
  • Cortiñas Ugalde, Mónica
  • Rubio, Natalia
Objetivo: Este artículo tiene como objetivo entender cómo la utilidad percibida de los Asistentes de Voz (AV) se ve afectada por la calidad percibida del proceso (interacción) y el resultado (información). Asimismo, busca determinar hasta qué punto la utilidad percibida de los AVs mejora la privacidad percibida asociada con su uso y, consecuentemente, la intención de los usuarios de seguir utilizándolos. La innovación tecnológica se incluye como moderador personal para comparar los resultados entre innovadores tecnológicos y no tecnológicos. Para este propósito, utilizamos la Teoría de Usos y Gratificaciones (U&GT).

Se realizó una encuesta a 467 usuarios de AVs, y se utilizó la modelización de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) para analizar los datos.

La calidad del proceso y la calidad del resultado son antecedentes claros de la utilidad percibida de los AVs, que afecta a la intención de los usuarios de seguir usándolos. La influencia de ambos factores difiere entre usuarios según su nivel de innovación tecnológica. Los resultados muestran que los innovadores tecnológicos valoran más la experiencia interactiva y la calidad del proceso, mientras que los no innovadores tecnológicos se enfocan en obtener respuestas satisfactorias de los AVs. Además, la influencia positiva de la utilidad percibida en la privacidad percibida es más pronunciada en los innovadores tecnológicos.

Este estudio enriquece la literatura sobre la utilidad percibida de los AVs dentro del marco de la U&GT. Identifica dos factores previos (calidad del proceso y calidad del resultado) de la utilidad percibida y observa diferencias significativas basadas en la innovación tecnológica., Purpose: This paper aims to understand how the perceived usefulness of voice assistants (VAs) is affected by the perceived quality of the process (interaction) and the outcome (information). The authors also aim to determine the extent to which the perceived usefulness of VAs improves the perceived privacy associated with their use and increases users’ intention to continue using them. Consumer technology innovativeness is included as a personal trait moderator, to compare the results between tech and nontech innovators. For this purpose, the authors use the framework of the uses and gratifications theory (U&GT).
Design/methodology/approach: A survey of 467 VA users was conducted and structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data.
Findings: The authors identify two main determinants of the perceived usefulness of VAs that influence users’ intention to continue using this technology, process quality and outcome quality. These two factors influence the continued use of VAs in different ways depending on the technology innovativeness of the consumers. The results show that tech innovators are oriented toward the interactive experience, and therefore, mainly value the process quality. In addition, nontech innovators are oriented toward a satisfactory response from VAs, and therefore, primarily value the outcome quality. In addition, the positive effect of perceived usefulness on perceived privacy is higher for tech innovators.
Originality/value: This study enhances the literature on the perceived usefulness of VAs within the framework of U&GT. It identifies two antecedents (process quality and outcome quality) of perceived usefulness and observes significant differences based on technological innovativeness., AI-SERVICES PID2020-113561RB-I00 is funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. Also, this
work is part of the project PID2019-108554RB-I00, funded by AEI 10.13039/501100011033.

Airbnb y la turistificación de los barrios en las ciudades: un análisis de segmentación por barrios del alojamiento extrahotelero en Madrid, Airbnb and the touristification of neighborhoods in cities: an analysis of neighborhood segmentation of extra-hotel accommodation in Madrid

RUA. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Alicante
  • Cerdá-Mansilla, Elena
  • Rubio, Natalia
  • García Henche, Blanca
  • Campo, Sara
La proliferación de plataformas peer to peer (P2P) de alojamiento turístico extrahotelero (Airbnb, Vrbo, HouseTrip, etc.) ha promovido la turistificación de muchos barrios en gran un número de ciudades, que se han visto afectados por un considerable incremento de la oferta de estos alojamientos. En este artículo se analizan los alojamientos turísticos extrahoteleros de Airbnb en el territorio de Madrid. Para medir el impacto de Airbnb en Madrid se realizan diversas agrupaciones de los distritos de la ciudad mediante análisis clúster en base a tres indicadores cuantitativos referidos a los alojamientos de la plataforma (nº de alojamientos, nº de alojamientos/𝑘𝑚2 y precio medio de los alojamientos). Se complementa el análisis de los alquileres turísticos, agrupando los distritos en función del precio medio de los alquileres destinados a uso permanente (Fotocasa), a fin de tener una imagen más fidedigna de la vivienda de alquiler en la capital española. Por último, se sugieren distintas soluciones para la descongestión de determinados distritos, resaltando la posibilidad del uso de inteligencia artificial mediante algoritmos para una gestión eficaz de los destinos; así como se acentúa la importancia de guiar las actuaciones gubernamentales hacia la sostenibilidad del destino., The proliferation of peer to peer (P2P) platforms for non-hotel tourist accommodation (Airbnb, HomeAway, HouseTrip, etc.) has promoted the touristification of many neighborhoods in a large number of cities, which have been affected by a considerable increase in the supply of this kind of accommodation. This article analyses Airbnb's non-hotel tourist accommodation in Madrid. Various groupings of the city's districts are made through cluster analysis to measure the impact of Airbnb in Madrid, based on three quantitative indicators related to the platform's accommodations (number of accommodations, number of accommodations / km^2 and average rental price). The analysis of tourist rentals is complemented with a grouping the districts according to the average rental price for permanent use (Fotocasa), in order to gain a more accurate picture of rented housing in the Spanish capital. Finally, different solutions are suggested for the decongestion of certain districts, highlighting the possibility of using artificial intelligence through algorithms for an effective management of destinations. Furthermore, the importance of guiding government actions towards the sustainability of the destination is emphasized., Este trabajo fue apoyado por el Ministerio de Universidades mediante el contrato [FPU2018 / 05131] y por las Ayudas a la Investigación del 2020-2021 de la Fundación Banco Sabadell. Paralelamente recibió apoyo de dos proyectos del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España: PID2020-113561RB-I00 y PID2020-114788RB-I00.

Human-robot interactions in the restaurant setting

e-cienciaDatos, Repositorio de Datos del Consorcio Madroño
  • Romero de la Fuente, Jaime
  • Ruiz-Equihua, Daniel
<p>This project analyzes the impact of customer journey automation through Artificial intelligence on customer engagement, mediated by brand experience, social cognition and psichological ownership.</p>

<p>The dataset includes 3 files employed in the publication "Human–robot interactions in the restaurant setting: the role of social cognition, psychological ownership and anthropomorphism".</p>

Smart speakers and customer experience in service contexts

e-cienciaDatos, Repositorio de Datos del Consorcio Madroño
  • Romero de la Fuente, Jaime
  • Ruiz-Equihua, Daniel
<p>This project analyzes the impact of customer journey automation through Artificial intelligence on customer engagement, mediated by brand experience, social cognition and psichological ownership.</p>

<p>The dataset includes 3 files employed in the publication "Smart speakers and customer experience in service contexts", corresponding to Studies 1, 2 and 3.</p>
<p>Study 1: Data were collected from a review platform, Tripadvisor.</p>
<p>Study 2: Data were collected through a questionnaire implemented in Qualtrics. The sample consisted of 322 Spanish participants.</p>
<p>Study 3: Data were collected from a sample consisted of 33 Portuguese participants, recruited through convenience sampling.</p>
<li>Study 1: web scrapping + sentiment analysis.</li>
<li>Study 2: experiment + partial least squares modelling.</li>
<li>Study 3: survey + text analysis.</li>

Company size, online reviews and customer responses: implications for SMEs in the hospitality field

Zaguán. Repositorio Digital de la Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Ruiz-Equihua, Daniel
  • Casaló, Luis V.
  • Romero, Jaime
Purpose: Previous research into online reviews in the hospitality industry has focused mainly on big companies; thus, it is not yet known whether its findings apply also to small and medium enterprises (SMEs), the most abundant in the sector. Focusing on online reviews in the hospitality sector, this study aims to analyse whether firm size moderates the relationship between online review valence and customer responses.
Design/methodology/approach: This study uses a 2 (positive vs negative online review) × 2 (SME vs big company) experimental research design conducted in two hospitality settings, hotels and restaurants.
Findings: The impact of online reviews on customer responses is less intense for smaller hospitality companies.
Originality/value: This study incorporates firm size as a moderator of the relationship between online review valence and customer responses in two hospitality settings, restaurants and hotels.

Smart speakers and customer experience in service contexts

Zaguán. Repositorio Digital de la Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Ruiz-Equihua, Daniel
  • Romero, Jaime
  • Casaló, Luis V.
  • Loureiro, Sandra María Correia
The use of artificial intelligence‐based devices, such as smart speakers, is rising in frontline services, as such devices can perform several tasks for customers. However, little is known about customer responses to interactions with smart speakers that occur during service encounters. This research encompasses three studies intended to enhance our currently scarce knowledge of how customers respond to interactions with smart speakers during service encounters. Focusing on the hospitality industry, the first study shows that smart speakers improve evaluations of the hotels that use them in terms of customer ratings and positive affects. The second study demonstrates that automated social presence and psychological ownership feelings are key mechanisms that explain the development of valuable customer responses. The third study, which uses virtual reality, suggests that better actual behaviors are exhibited by people who appreciate the incorporation of smart speakers into services. Thus, the findings indicate that smart speakers improve service experiences, especially if used to carry out hedonic tasks usually performed by employees.