
Nombre agencia financiadora Agencia Estatal de Investigación
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Programa Programa Estatal para Impulsar la Investigación Científico-Técnica y su Transferencia
Subprograma Subprograma Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento
Convocatoria Proyectos de I+D+I (Generación de Conocimiento y Retos Investigación)
Año convocatoria 2021
Unidad de gestión Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2021-2023
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Chromatographic data for the determination of sulfonamides in waters associated to Fig. 7 (in CSV) of the paper "Preparation and further evaluation of L-menthol-based natural deep eutectic solvents as supported liquid membrane for the hollow fiber liquid-phase microextraction of sulfonamides from environmental waters" published in Advances in Sample Preparation, Díaz-Álvarez, Myriam [0000-0002-0243-9848], Martín Esteban, Antonio [0000-0003-0498-5153]

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Díaz-Álvarez, Myriam
  • Martín Esteban, Antonio
Data were automatically generated by the instrument., In this work, the use of a hydrophobic natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES) as supported liquid membrane (SLM) for hollow fiber liquid-phase microextraction (HF-LPME) of sulfonamides is proposed. The combination of formic acid:L-menthol (1:1) was selected as optimum. The optimized HF-LPME procedure was applied to the analysis of an artificial water containing humic acids, tap and river water samples by HPLC with UV detection at 268 nm. The chromatographic data associated to Fig.7 of paper published in Advances of Sample Preparation are provided as csv files as follows:
Fig7Aa: Milli-Q water; Fig7Ab; artificial water; Fig7Ba: Tap water (a); Fig7Bb: Manzanares river; Fig7Bc: Jarama river. All the samples were spiked with selected sulfonamides at 10 µg/L concentration level., "Hacia un analisis medioambiental verde: nuevos disolventes, materiales y dispositivos (GREENNESS)" (Grant PID2021-122327OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”)., Fig7Aa_Díaz-Álvarez and Martín-Esteban_SAMPRE.csv, Fig7Ab_Díaz-Álvarez and Martín-Esteban_SAMPRE.csv, Fig7Ba_Díaz-Álvarez and Martín-Esteban_SAMPRE.csv, Fig7Bb_Díaz-Álvarez and Martín-Esteban_SAMPRE.csv, Fig7Bc_Díaz-Álvarez and Martín-Esteban_SAMPRE.csv, Peer reviewed

Recent advances and future trends in molecularly imprinted polymers-based sample preparation

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Díaz-Álvarez, Myriam
  • Turiel Trujillo, Esther
  • Martín Esteban, Antonio
18 Pág., Molecular imprinting technology is a well-established technique for the obtainment of tailor-made polymers, so-called molecularly imprinted polymers, with a predetermined selectivity towards a target analyte or structurally related compounds. Accordingly, molecularly imprinted polymers are considered excellent materials for sample preparation providing unprecedented selectivity to analytical methods. However, the use of molecularly imprinted polymers in sample preparation still presents some shortcomings derived from the synthesis procedure itself limiting its general applicability. In this regard, molecularly imprinted polymers use to display binding sites heterogeneity and slow diffusion mass transfer of analytes to the imprinted sites affecting their overall performance. Besides, the performance of molecularly imprinted polymers in organic solvents is excellent, but their selective binding ability in aqueous media is considerably reduced. Accordingly, the present review pretends to provide an updated overview of the recent advances and trends of molecularly imprinted polymers-based extraction, focusing on those strategies proposed for the improvement of mass transfer and selective recognition in aqueous media. Besides, with the progressive implementation of Green Chemistry principles, the different steps and strategies for the preparation of molecularly imprinted polymers are reviewed from a green perspective., The Grant PID2021-122327OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe” is gratefully acknowledged. This article is based upon work from the Sample Preparation Study Group and Network, supported by the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the European Chemical Society., Peer reviewed

FT-IR spectra of selected NADES and their components (L-menthol and formic acid) associated to Figures S1 (in CSV) of the paper "Hydrophobic natural deep eutectic solvents based on L-menthol as supported liquid membrane for hollow fiber liquid-phase microextraction of triazines from water and urine samples" to be published in Microchemical Journal

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Díaz-Álvarez, Myriam
  • Turiel Trujillo, Esther
  • Martín Esteban, Antonio
In this work, the use of a hydrophobic natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES) as supported liquid membrane (SLM) for hollow fiber liquid-phase microextraction (HF-LPME) of triazines is proposed. The combination of formic acid:L-menthol (2:1) was selected as optimum. FT-IR spectra of selected NADES and its components associated to Fig. S1 of paper submitted to Microchemical Journal are provided as csv files as follow: FigS1 (menthol); FigS1 (formic acid); FigS1 /NADES)., "Hacia un analisis medioambiental verde: nuevos disolventes, materiales y dispositivos (GREENNESS)" (Grant PID2021-122327OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”), FigS1 (menthol)_Díaz-Álvarez, Turiel and Martín-Esteban.csv, FigS1 (formic acid)_Díaz-Álvarez, Turiel and Martín-Esteban.csv, FigS1 (NADES)_Díaz-Álvarez, Turiel and Martín-Esteban.csv, Peer reviewed

Chromatographic data for the determination of triazines in water and urine samples associated to Figures 6 and 7 (in CSV) of the paper "Hydrophobic natural deep eutectic solvents based on L-menthol as supported liquid membrane for hollow fiber liquid-phase microextraction of triazines from water and urine samples" to be published in Microchemical Journal

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Díaz-Álvarez, Myriam
  • Turiel Trujillo, Esther
  • Martín Esteban, Antonio
In this work, the use of a hydrophobic natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES) as supported liquid membrane (SLM) for hollow fiber liquid-phase microextraction (HF-LPME) of triazines is proposed. The combination of formic acid:L-menthol (2:1) was selected as optimum.
The optimized HF-LPME procedure was applied to the analysis of an artificial water containing humic acids, tap and river water, and urine samples by HPLC with UV detection at 268 nm. The chromatographic data associated to Fig.6 and 7 of paper submitted to Microchemical Journal are provided as csv files as follows:
Fig6a: Milli-Q water; Fig6b; artificial water; Fig7a: Tap water; Fig7b: River water; Fig7c: Urine river. All the samples were spiked with selected sulfonamides at 5 µg/L concentration level., "Hacia un analisis medioambiental verde: nuevos disolventes, materiales y dispositivos (GREENNESS)" (Grant PID2021-122327OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”)., Fig6a_Díaz-Álvarez_Turiel and Martín-Esteban.csv,
Fig6b_Díaz-Álvarez_Turiel and Martín-Esteban.csv,
Fig7a_Díaz-Álvarez_Turiel and Martín-Esteban.csv,
Fig7b_Díaz-Álvarez_Turiel and Martín-Esteban.csv,
Fig7c_Díaz-Álvarez_Turiel and Martín-Esteban.csv, Peer reviewed

Combined cytotoxicity of ZnO nanoparticles and chlorpyrifos in the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mikyss, gonadal cell line RTG-2

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Sánchez Argüello, Paloma
  • Franco, Daniel
  • Fernández, M. Dolores
9 Pág., The toxicity of ZnO nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) in aquatic organisms has been extensively studied, but little information is available on the effects associated with their interaction with other contaminants. In this context, the in vitro effects of co-exposure of chlorpyrifos (CPF) and ZnO NPs on fish-derived cells were investigated. A selection of concentrations was tested in single and binary exposures: CPF (0.312 - 75 mg/L) and ZnO NPs (10 - 100 mg/L). Cytotoxicity was measured using commonly used cellular endpoints: Alamar Blue/CFDA-AM for viability and plasma membrane integrity, NRU for lysosomal disruption and MTT for mitochondrial function. In addition, specific mechanisms of toxicity for CPF and ZnO NPs were tested: acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity and ROS generation, respectively. AChE was by far the most sensitive assay for single exposure to CPF. There was no concentration-response relationship for ROS after single exposure to ZnO NPs, but 10 mg/L produced significant effects only for this cellular endpoint. Co-exposure of CPF with 10 m/L of ZnO NPs produced significant effects in almost all endpoints tested, which were enhanced by co-exposure with 100 mg/L of ZnO NPs. AChE testing of additional co-exposures with bulk ZnO, together with the application of the Independent Action (IA) prediction model, which allowed us to draw more in-depth conclusions on the toxicological behavior of the mixture. Synergism was observed at 0.625 mg/L CPF concentration and antagonism at 5 mg/L CPF in mixtures containing 100 mg/L of both ZnO NPs and bulk ZnO. However, more cases of synergism between CPF and ZnO NPs occurred at intermediate CPF concentrations, demonstrating that nano-sized particles have a more toxic interaction with CPF than bulk ZnO. Therefore it can be argued that in vitro assays allow the identification of interaction profiles of NP-containing mixtures by achieving multiple endpoints with a large number of concentration combinations., The Grant PID2021–122327OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe” and the funding of the project S2018/BAA-4330 of the Community of Madrid are gratefully acknowledged., Peer reviewed

Hydrophobic natural deep eutectic solvents based on L-menthol as supported liquid membrane for hollow fiber liquid-phase microextraction of triazines from water and urine samples

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Díaz-Álvarez, Myriam
  • Turiel Trujillo, Esther
  • Martín Esteban, Antonio
This work proposes the use of a hydrophobic natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES) as a supported liquid membrane (SLM) for hollow fiber liquid phase microextraction (HF-LPME) of triazines. NADES were prepared using L-menthol as hydrogen bond acceptor combined with different hydrogen bond donors of natural origin: carboxlylic acids, alcohols and amines. Studies were carried out to determine whether the prepared NADES met the necessary requirements to be used as a SLM, such as stability in the HF and compatibility with HPLC. Then, the ability of each prepared NADES to extract 6 triazine herbicides by HF-LPME from aqueous samples was evaluated. Among them, the mixture L-menthol: formic acid (molar ratio 1:2) provided better extraction results and was selected as SLM. The influence the different parameters on extraction efficiency such as pH of both sample and acceptor solution, salting-out effect, extraction time and stirring rate on the extraction efficiency was carefully studied and optimized. The optimized HF-LPME procedure was applied to the analysis of aqueous samples such as artificial water containing humic acids, tap water, river water and urine, with excellent clean-up ability for all samples analyzed. Relative recoveries ranged from 68 to 128 %, and the LODs and LOQs obtained for the 6 triazines were 0.75–3.1 µg/L and 2.5–10.3 µg/L, respectively, depending on the analyte and the kind of sample. Additionally, according to the AGREEprep tool assessment, the proposed method appears as a greener approach compared to other microextraction methods reported in the literature for the analysis of triazines in water samples., The Grant PID2021-122327OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe” is gratefully acknowledged. This article is based upon work from the National Thematic Network on Sustainable Sample Treatment (RED2022-134079-T) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and the Sample Preparation Study Group and Network, supported by the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the European Chemical Society., Peer reviewed

Natural deep eutectic solvents as sustainable alternative for the Ultrasound-Assisted extraction of triazines from agricultural soils

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Turiel Trujillo, Esther
  • Díaz-Álvarez, Myriam
  • Martín Esteban, Antonio
9 Pág., Natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) have gained much attention as a viable and sustainable alternative to traditional organic solvents in multiple areas of analytical chemistry, including extraction of contaminants from samples of environmental concern. In this work, a total of 68 potential NADES have been assayed and further evaluated as sustainable solvents in the development of an ultrasound (US)-assisted extraction method for triazinic herbicides from agricultural soil samples and final determination by HPLC-UV. Choline chloride (ChCl) was used as hydrogen bond acceptor (HBA), and different carboxylic acids, alcohols and amines were tested as hydrogen bond donors (HBDs) in different molar ratios in order to find the optimum combination able to form appropriated NADES for the extraction of triazines. Among the different ChCl:carboxylic acids mixtures tested, those consisting of ChCl:formic acid and ChCl:acetic acid, both in a molar ratio 1:2, presented the better physico-chemical properties (pH, stability at room temperature, water miscibility, etc.). Concerning amines, NADES could not be obtained at any of the combination assayed whereas, among the alcohols tested, 2,3-butanediol was found to be the most appropriated for NADES formation. A three-level factorial design was then used to further evaluate the effect of time and temperature on the ability of these selected optimum NADES for the US-assisted extraction of triazines from agricultural soil samples. Under optimal conditions, the developed US-assisted extraction method provided quantitative recoveries (from 87 to 104 %) with good reproducibility (RSDs lower than 12 %) and limits of detection (LODs) lower than 0.05 μg g−1 for all target triazines., The Grant PID2021-122327OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe” is gratefully acknowledged. This article is based upon work from the National Thematic Network on Sustainable Sample Treatment (RED2022-134079-T) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and the Sample Preparation Study Group and Network, supported by the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the European Chemical Society. Authors wish thank Mar Albarrán for supplying soil samples., Peer reviewed

Evaluation of deep eutectic solvents in the synthesis of molecularly imprinted fibers for the solid-phase microextraction of triazines in soil samples

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Monnier, Alexia
  • Díaz-Álvarez, Myriam
  • Turiel Trujillo, Esther
  • Martín Esteban, Antonio
11 Pág., Nowadays, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are well established and are considered excellent materials for performing selective extractions. However, with the progressive implementation of the principles of green chemistry, it is necessary to find greener alternatives for both the synthesis and further use of MIPs in sample preparation. Accordingly, in the present work, different deep eutectic solvents (DES, both hydrophilic and hydrophobic), as an alternative to conventional organic solvents (i.e., toluene), were evaluated as porogens for the synthesis of imprinted fibers (monoliths), using fused silica capillaries as molds, for solid-phase microextraction (SPME). From this study, the polymer prepared with propazine (dummy template), methacrylic acid (monomer), ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (cross-linker), and a formic acid:L-menthol (1:1) DES (porogen) showed the best performance for selective rebinding of triazines. After optimization of the different variables involved in SPME, the new imprinted fibers were successfully applied to the extraction of target analytes (desisopropylatrazine, desethylatrazine, simazine, and atrazine) from soil sample extracts, providing relative recoveries ranging from 75.7 to 120.1%, reaching limits of detection within the range of 6.2-15.7 ng g-1, depending upon the analyte., The Grant PID2021-122327OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe” is gratefully acknowledged. This article is based upon work from the National Thematic Network on Sustainable Sample Treatment (RED2022-134079-T) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and the Sample Preparation Study Group and Network, supported by the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the European Chemical Society., Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature., Peer reviewed

Ultrasound-assisted extraction of sulfonamides from soil samples using natural deep eutectic solvents and their determination by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • García Valcárcel, Ana Isabel
  • Martín Esteban, Antonio
8 Pág., In this work, several potential natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) were evaluated as sustainable solvents in the development of an ultrasound (US)-assisted extraction method for sulfonamides from soil samples and final determination by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Choline chloride (ChCl) was used as hydrogen bond acceptor (HBA), and different carboxylic acids and alcohols were tested as hydrogen bond donors (HBDs) in different molar ratios in order to find the optimum combination able to form appropriated NADES for the extraction of sulfonamides. Among the different mixtures tested, the one consisting of ChCl:1,3-propanediol in a molar ratio of 1:4 showed the better physico-chemical properties and was selected for the US-assisted extraction of sulfonamides. Under optimum conditions, no matrix effect was observed and quantitative recoveries, ranging from 81.9 % to 103.9 % with relative standard deviations (RSDs) lower than 8 % were obtained, reaching limits of quantification within the range 8.5–31 µg Kg−1, depending upon the analyte. In addition, after evaluation by AGREEprep, Sample Preparation Metric of Sustainability (SPMS) and Blue Applicability Grade Index (BAGI) metrics tools, the proposed method was found to be superior to other published methods in terms of safety and environmental impact with good applicability potential., The Grant PID2021-122327OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe” is gratefully acknowledged. This article is based upon work from the National Thematic Network on Sustainable Sample Treatment (RED2022-134079-T) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and the Sample Preparation Study Group and Network, supported by the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the European Chemical Society. Authors wish to thanks Jennifer Ayala and Esther Turiel for their collaboration in the experimental work and for fruitful comments and discussions during the development of the present work., Peer reviewed

AGREEMIP: The Analytical Greenness Assessment Tool for Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Synthesis

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Marć, Mariusz
  • Wojnowski, Wojciech
  • Pena-Pereira, Francisco
  • Tobiszewski, Marek
  • Martín Esteban, Antonio
9 Pág., Molecular imprinting technology is well established in areas where a high selectivity is required, such as catalysis, sensing, and separations/sample preparation. However, according to the Principles of Green Chemistry, it is evident that the various steps required to obtain molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are far from ideal. In this regard, greener alternatives to the synthesis of MIPs have been proposed in recent years. However, although it is intuitively possible to design new green MIPs, it would be desirable to have a quantitative measure of the environmental impact of the changes introduced for their synthesis. In this regard, this work proposes, for the first time, a metric tool and software (termed AGREEMIP) to assess and compare the greenness of MIP synthesis procedures. AGREEMIP is based on 12 assessment criteria that correspond to the greenness of different reaction mixture constituents, energy requirements, and the details of MIP synthesis procedures. The input data of the 12 criteria are transformed into individual scores on a 0-1 scale that in turn produce an overall score through the calculation of the weighted average. The assessment can be performed using user-friendly open-source software, freely downloadable from The assessment result is an easily interpretable pictogram and visually appealing, showing the performance in each of the criteria, the criteria weights, and overall performance in terms of greenness. The application of AGREEMIP is presented with selected case studies that show good discrimination power in the greenness assessment of MIP synthesis pathways., Grant PID2021-122327OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe” is gratefully acknowledged. This article is based upon work from the Sample Preparation Study Group and Network, supported by the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the European Chemical Society., Peer reviewed