Nombre agencia financiadora Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Acrónimo agencia financiadora MICINN
Programa Programa Nacional de Investigación Fundamental
Subprograma Investigación fundamental no-orientada
Convocatoria Investigación fundamental no-orientada
Año convocatoria 2010
Unidad de gestión Subdirección General de Proyectos de Investigación
Identificador persistente
Resultados totales (Incluyendo duplicados): 3
Encontrada(s) 1 página(s)
Encontrada(s) 1 página(s)
A proposal of burst cloning for video quality improvement in optical burst switching networks
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Espina Antolín, Félix
- Morató Osés, Daniel
- Izal Azcárate, Mikel
- Magaña Lizarrondo, Eduardo
Póster presentado a la 17th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM 2013), 16-19 abril de 2013, Brest (Francia), This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the research project INSTINCT (TEC-2010-21178-C02-01)
Proyecto: MICINN//TEC2010-21178-C02-01
Traffic generator using Perlin Noise
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Prieto Suárez, Iria
- Izal Azcárate, Mikel
- Morató Osés, Daniel
- Magaña Lizarrondo, Eduardo
Trabajo presentado a IEEE Global Communications Conference, Globecom 2012; Optical Networks and Systems (ONS) Symposium, 3-7 de diciembre de 2012. Anaheim (Estados Unidos), Study of high speed networks such as optical next
generation burst or packet switched networks require large
amounts of synthetic traffic to feed simulators. Methods to
generate self-similar long range dependent traffic already exist
but they usually work by generating large blocks of traffic of
fixed time duration. This limits simulated time or require very
high amount of data to be stored before simulation. On this
work it is shown how self-similar traffic can be generated using
Perlin Noise, an algorithm commonly used to generate 2D/3D
noise for natural looking graphics. 1-dimension Perlin Noise can
be interpreted as network traffic and used to generate long
range dependent traffic for network simulation. The algorithm
is compared to more classical approach Random Midpoint
Displacement showing at traffic generated is similar but can be
generated continuously with no fixed block size., This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
through the research project INSTINCT (TEC-2010-21178-C02-01). Also, the
authors want to thank Spanish thematic network IPoTN (TEC2010-12250-E)
and Public University of Navarre for funding through PIF grant.
generation burst or packet switched networks require large
amounts of synthetic traffic to feed simulators. Methods to
generate self-similar long range dependent traffic already exist
but they usually work by generating large blocks of traffic of
fixed time duration. This limits simulated time or require very
high amount of data to be stored before simulation. On this
work it is shown how self-similar traffic can be generated using
Perlin Noise, an algorithm commonly used to generate 2D/3D
noise for natural looking graphics. 1-dimension Perlin Noise can
be interpreted as network traffic and used to generate long
range dependent traffic for network simulation. The algorithm
is compared to more classical approach Random Midpoint
Displacement showing at traffic generated is similar but can be
generated continuously with no fixed block size., This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
through the research project INSTINCT (TEC-2010-21178-C02-01). Also, the
authors want to thank Spanish thematic network IPoTN (TEC2010-12250-E)
and Public University of Navarre for funding through PIF grant.
TNS research in progress
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Izal Azcárate, Mikel
- Prieto Suárez, Iria
- Espina Antolín, Félix
- Morató Osés, Daniel
- Magaña Lizarrondo, Eduardo
Trabajo presentado al 2nd Workshop "Future Internet Efficiency in high-speed networks" (W-FIERRO 2012). 19-20 de julio de 2012, Cartagena (España), This paper summarizes latest works of Telematic,
Networks and Services research group (TNS) of Public University
of Navarra in the topics of FIERRO thematic network. Last two
papers sent to major conferences are addressed
First work shows how self-similar traffic can be generated
using Perlin Noise, an algorithm commonly used to generate
2D/3D noise for natural looking graphics. 1-dimension Perlin
Noise can be interpreted as network traffic and used to generate
long range dependent traffic for network simulation. The algorithm
is compared to more classical approach Random Midpoint
Displacement showing at traffic generated is similar but can be
generated continuously with no fixed block size.
Second work presents two novel cloning schemes for video
delivery in OBS networks that dramatically improve user perceived
content quality. These schemes take into account the
special characteristics of compressed video traffic. Analytical and
simulation results show up to 40% QoE improvement without
a substantial increase in the overall network traffic and without
increasing the number of bursts in the network. The results show
the strong dependency of this novel cloning scheme on the video
traffic structure due to the coding mechanisms., This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
through the research project INSTINCT (TEC-2010-21178-C02-01). Also, the
authors want to thank Spanish thematic network IPoTN (TEC2010-12250-E)
and Public University of Navarre for funding through PIF grant.
Networks and Services research group (TNS) of Public University
of Navarra in the topics of FIERRO thematic network. Last two
papers sent to major conferences are addressed
First work shows how self-similar traffic can be generated
using Perlin Noise, an algorithm commonly used to generate
2D/3D noise for natural looking graphics. 1-dimension Perlin
Noise can be interpreted as network traffic and used to generate
long range dependent traffic for network simulation. The algorithm
is compared to more classical approach Random Midpoint
Displacement showing at traffic generated is similar but can be
generated continuously with no fixed block size.
Second work presents two novel cloning schemes for video
delivery in OBS networks that dramatically improve user perceived
content quality. These schemes take into account the
special characteristics of compressed video traffic. Analytical and
simulation results show up to 40% QoE improvement without
a substantial increase in the overall network traffic and without
increasing the number of bursts in the network. The results show
the strong dependency of this novel cloning scheme on the video
traffic structure due to the coding mechanisms., This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
through the research project INSTINCT (TEC-2010-21178-C02-01). Also, the
authors want to thank Spanish thematic network IPoTN (TEC2010-12250-E)
and Public University of Navarre for funding through PIF grant.