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Reflecting on the Concept of Local Agroecological Food Systems

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Sanz-Cañada, Javier
  • Sánchez-Hernández, José Luis
  • López-García, Daniel
Este artículo está sujeto a una licencia CC BY 4.0., Despite the extensive literature on <Local Agro-food Systems (LAFS), which involves research on local food identity and organisational proximity, the environmental sustainability of these systems has rarely been addressed. This paper develops a new concept called Local Agroecological Food Systems (LAEFS), which focuses the research not only on local food identity, but also on agroecological principles. We aim to conduct a reflexive review of the literature on the conceptual factors attempting to describe the particular characteristics of LAEFS (distinguishing these from LAFS). We explore five axes of analysis: (a) to establish a compromise at the local level between agro-food sectoral specialisation on the one hand and greater cultivated biodiversity and a more diversified economic structure on the other; (b) to geographically and commercially shorten food channels to the fullest extent; (c) to construct new institutional formulae in the fields of logistics, distribution and public procurement for the scaling up of sustainable food; (d) to develop a participatory, bottom-up, multi-stakeholder and multi-level territorial governance; and (e) to reduce the metabolic profile of food systems by reorganising rural-urban linkages. One of the principal objectives of LAEFS should involve redesigning agricultural and food systems at a scale greater than that of the farm (territory or landscape). This requires both a major public policy push and sustainable territorial governance that incorporate an approach based on territory, food systems and agroecology., This publication is framed within the research grant “Sustainable food networks as chains
of values for agroecological and food transition. Implications for territorial public policies” (PID2020-
112980GB-C21 and PID2020-112980GB-C22; 2021-2025), funded by the Spanish Scientific, Technical
and Innovation Research Plan: MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; and by the project “FOODTRANSITIONS” (TED2021-129660A-I00), funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the
European Union funds from “Next Generation EU”/PRTR., Peer reviewed

Navigating agroecological urbanism: examining linkages and interdependencies within alternative food networks

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Zerbian, Tanya
  • López-García, Daniel
In pursuing agroecological urbanism – a strategic endeavor to dismantle disempowering structures within urban food systems through cultivating mutual interdependencies – alternative food networks (AFNs) emerge as pivotal catalysts for transformative change. Indeed, there are increasing arguments for AFNs working on diverse issues to pool resources and address food system challenges from multiple perspectives under a common frame. However, a pressing need exists for greater clarity on tensions and challenges in establishing a network of AFNs within a shared framework, such as that fostered by agroecological urbanism. This study explores impediments to organizing AFNs into transformative networks, drawing insights from two diverse urban contexts – Preston, England, and Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country – using a case study methodology comprising online semi-structured interviews and participant observation. Our findings underscore three primary barriers to this process: divergent conceptualizations of food questions, education and awareness-raising as a limited convergence point, and constrained resources. Such barriers generate a practical divorce between social and environmental goals in the experiences analyzed. Central to this division is also the pivotal question of the subject of justice – whether AFNs advocate primarily for urban citizens’ interests or prioritize peri-urban and rural farmers’ concerns. The analysis highlights the need to develop inclusive socio-ecological narratives within the overarching framework of agroecological urbanism as a critical step in fostering collaborative coalitions among AFNs that move beyond individualized change. Building these coalitions would depend on funding availability for long-term strategic collaborative efforts, emphasizing the crucial role of public authorities in such processes., The author(s) declare that financial support was received for
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This
research has been funded by the European Commission under
the DTA3/COFUND Marie Skłodowska-Curie PhD Fellowship
(Grant Agreement 801604). The publication is also part of the
project “FOODTRANSITIONS, Ecological Transitions to
Sustainable Food Security: Creating Sustainable and Just Cities,”
code TED2021-129660A-I00, funded by the MCIN/
AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union
“NextGenerationEU”/PRTR., Peer reviewed

Territorialising knowledge-policy interfaces: Lessons from urban food governance spaces

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Zerbian, Tanya
  • Maragues Faus, Ana
  • López-García, Daniel
  • García García, Lidia
There has been increased academic attention on enhancing the effectiveness of knowledge-policy interfaces at the international level for urgent food systems transformation. However, previous literature signals that actions to improve science, policy, and society relations occur at multiple scales and often through informal avenues. This paper examines the potential role of multi-actor urban food governance spaces in developing more inclusive and territorialised knowledge-policy interfaces; a subject rarely investigated in the literature. To do so, the study proposes a three-dimensional analytical framework that acknowledges their place-based and networked nature. This framework is applied in València and Barcelona, focusing on the knowledge practices within multi-actor urban food governance spaces and their interrelations with the politics of evidence-informed policymaking. The results illustrate that such spaces function as a form of informal knowledge-policy interfaces that promote local and multi-scalar collective learning and knowledge co-production. However, whether knowledge from such spaces becomes a key part of policymaking grapples with issues of limited administrative capacities, scarce data, and lack of political prioritisation of food in the municipal agenda. As such, there is a need for increased efforts to link global, national, and local processes to build on existing infrastructures at different scales, such as by developing translocal knowledge-policy interfaces. This study not only contributes to progress in the field of food. It also offers insights to enhance science-policy-society relations more broadly, illustrating the need to acknowledge the effectiveness of knowledge-policy interfaces as a function of the broader actings of contested place-based and governance dynamics., Peer reviewed

A review of indicators for the characterization of urban food systems using a socio-ecological and urban indicator framework [DATASET]

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Zerbian, Tanya
  • Berti, Lorenzo
  • Flomesta, José
  • Marques Faus, Ana
  • López-García, Daniel
[EN] This dataset compiles the results of a literature review and analysis that enabled the development of an indicator framework for the characterization of urban systems from a socio-ecological and urban perspective. It is part of the project FOODTRANSITIONS - Transitions towards Global Sustainability and Food Security: Assembling Sustainable and Just Cities TED2021-129660A-I00, funded by the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y and the European Union under “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR. It contains 38 documents analyzed, identified through Boolean searches on Scopus and grey literature complemented by the professional experience of the authors. The selected indicators were organised and prioritised based on their frequency and relevance, allowing their subsequent validation through a Delphi process. The files include the list of reviewed documents, the analysis results in Atlas.ti, and the first iteration of the indicator framework., [ES] Este conjunto de datos recopila los resultados de una revisión bibliográfica y análisis que permitieron desarrollar un marco de indicadores para la caracterización de sistemas urbanos desde una perspectiva socio-ecológica y urbana. Es parte del proyecto de investigación "FOODTRANSITIONS - Transiciones hacia la Sostenibilidad y Seguridad alimentarias Globales: Ensamblando ciudades sostenibles y justas" con código TED2021-129660A-I00, financiado por la Agencia Estatal de Investigación con número de referencia MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por la Unión Europea bajo el programa “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR. Contiene 38 documentos analizados, identificados a través de búsquedas Booleanas en Scopus y literatura gris complementada con la experiencia profesional de lxs autorxs. Los indicadores seleccionados fueron organizados y priorizados en base a su frecuencia y relevancia, permitiendo su validación posterior mediante un proceso Delphi. Los archivos incluyen la lista de documentos revisados, los resultados del análisis en Atlas.ti y la primera iteración del marco de indicadores., "NextGenerationEU"/PRTR, Peer reviewed

Literature for developing the development of the Socio-ecological Urban Food Systems (SUFOS) framework [DATASET]

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Zerbian, Tanya
  • López-García, Daniel
  • Moragues-Faus, Ana
[EN] This dataset compiles the literature used to develop the Socio-ecological Urban Food Systems (SUFOS) framework, designed to evaluate and analyse urban systems from a socio-ecological and urban perspective. It is part of the project FOODTRANSITIONS - Transitions towards Global Sustainability and Food Security: Assembling Sustainable and Just Cities TED2021-129660A-I00, funded by the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y and the European Union under “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR. The available file includes a RIS-format document titled "20241111_Theoretical_Framework_FT.ris," which contains the selected bibliography for the theoretical framework., [ES] Este conjunto de datos reúne la literatura utilizada para desarrollar el marco Socio-ecológico de Sistemas Alimentarios Urbanos (SUFOS), diseñado para evaluar y analizar sistemas urbanos desde una perspectiva socio-ecológica y urbana. Es parte del proyecto de investigación "FOODTRANSITIONS - Transiciones hacia la Sostenibilidad y Seguridad alimentarias Globales: Ensamblando ciudades sostenibles y justas" con código TED2021-129660A-I00, financiado por la Agencia Estatal de Investigación con número de referencia MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por la Unión Europea bajo el programa “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR. El archivo disponible incluye un documento en formato RIS titulado "20241111_Theoretical_Framework_FT.ris", que contiene la bibliografía seleccionada para el marco teórico., This research is part of the project "FOODTRANSITIONS, Ecological Transitions to Sustainable Food Security: Creating Sustainable and Just Cities", code TED2021-129660A-I00, funded by the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union "NextGenerationEU"/PRTR, Peer reviewed

Esfuerzo y constancia en la participación, pero el cambio sigue pendiente

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Zerbian, Tanya
  • Jiménez, África
  • Cuéllar Padilla, Mamen
  • López-García, Daniel
  • Moragues-Faus, Ana
  • Sánchez, José Luis
  • Pascual Ruiz-Valdepeñas, Henar
  • Guerra Velasco, Juan Carlos
En los últimos años se han dedicado numerosos esfuerzos
a la creación de políticas alimentarias urbanas
participativas y a la implementación de instrumentos
de gobernanza multiactor asociados. Sin embargo, su
efectividad está en duda. Este informe presenta los
resultados de un análisis de redes en los municipios de
Córdoba y Valladolid, aportando evidencias sobre los
factores que influyen en la resiliencia de las colaboraciones
intersectoriales y capital social generados a raíz de
estos mecanismos., El proyecto “FOODTRANSITIONS, Transiciones Ecológicas
hacia la Seguridad Alimentaria Sostenible: Creando ciudades
sostenibles y justas”, de código TED2021-129660A-I00, ha sido
financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por la
Unión Europea “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR, Peer reviewed

Los sistemas alimentarios urbanos, cada vez más insostenibles, dependientes y desvinculados del territorio

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • López-García, Daniel
  • Saralegui-Díaz, Pablo
  • Galiana-Carballo, Cristina
  • Zerbian, Tanya
  • González de Molina, Manuel
  • Moragues-Faus, Ana
Los sistemas agroalimentarios de nuestras ciudades generan, por un lado, un importante sector económico, y a
su vez permiten alimentar a la población. Cada uno de estos dos resultados requieren actividades, infraestructuras,
instituciones y actores distintos, si bien los recursos e infraestructuras públicas orientados a la alimentación
como sector económico cobran más relevancia. La lógica de economías de escala genera reducción de algunos
costes monetarios, y también separación entre los sistemas agroalimentarios y el territorio, lo que tiene importantes
costes económicos, ecológicos, ambientales y de salud para toda la sociedad. Este informe presenta los
resultados de un estudio centrado en las provincias Madrid y València, así como un análisis específico del área
metropolitana de València (AMV), que muestra la necesidad de hacer coherentes y compatibles ambos beneficios
de los sistemas agroalimentarios urbanos, por medio de la relocalización., El proyecto “FOODTRANSITIONS, Transiciones Ecológicas
hacia la Seguridad Alimentaria Sostenible: Creando ciudades
sostenibles y justas”, de código TED2021-129660A-I00, ha sido
financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por la
Unión Europea “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR, Peer reviewed

¿Ciudades que alimentan? Transformemos entornos de comida basura en lugares saludables

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Garcia-Sierra, Marta
  • Andreu, Marta
  • Domene, Elena
  • Zerbian, Tanya
  • López-García, Daniel
  • Moragues-Faus, Ana
Las ciudades se han convertido en entornos alimentarios obesogénicos, que favorecen el consumo de alimentos
hipercalóricos, altos en grasas y azúcares, y con escaso valor nutricional. A pesar de las políticas alimentarias
urbanas puestas en marcha, la realidad evidencia que los alimentos menos saludables e insostenibles son la
opción más accesible geográfica y económicamente. Este problema afecta especialmente a los grupos sociales
más vulnerables y con mayor carga de enfermedades no transmisibles relacionadas con la alimentación; acentuando
las desigualdades en salud., Este informe presenta un análisis socioespacial sobre el acceso desigual a puntos de venta de alimentos saludables
(desiertos alimentarios), alimentos poco saludables (pantanos alimentarios), y alimentos de producción
ecológica (oasis ecológicos) en las ciudades de Madrid y Barcelona. Todo ello en relación con la población en
riesgo de pobreza., El proyecto “FOODTRANSITIONS, Transiciones Ecológicas
hacia la Seguridad Alimentaria Sostenible: Creando ciudades
sostenibles y justas”, de código TED2021-129660A-I00, ha sido
financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por la
Unión Europea “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR, Peer reviewed