
Nombre agencia financiadora Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Acrónimo agencia financiadora MICINN
Programa Programa Nacional de Investigación Fundamental
Subprograma Investigación fundamental no-orientada
Convocatoria Investigación Fundamental No-Orientada
Año convocatoria 2011
Unidad de gestión Sin informar
Identificador persistente http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100004837


Found(s) 4 result(s)
Found(s) 1 page(s)

Radio characterization for ISM 2.4 GHz wireless sensor networks for judo monitoring applications

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • López Iturri, Peio
  • Aguirre Gallego, Erik
  • Azpilicueta Fernández de las Heras, Leyre
  • Astrain Escola, José Javier
  • Villadangos Alonso, Jesús
  • Falcone Lanas, Francisco Javier
In this work, the characterization of the radio channel for ISM 2.4GHz Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) for judo applications is presented. The environments where judo activity is held are usually complex indoor scenarios in terms of radiopropagation due to their morphology, the presence of humans and the electromagnetic interference generated by personal portable devices, wireless microphones and other wireless systems used by the media. For the assessment of the impact that the topology and the morphology of these environments have on electromagnetic propagation, an in-house developed 3D ray-launching software has been used in this study. Time domain results as well as estimations of received power level have been obtained for the complete volume of a training venue of a local judo club’s facilities with a contest area with the dimensions specified by the International Judo Federation (IJF) for international competitions. The obtained simulation results have been compared with measurements, which have been carried out deploying ZigBee-compliant XBee Pro modules at presented scenario, using approved Judogis (jacket, trousers and belt). The analysis is completed with the inclusion of an in-house human body computational model. Such analysis has allowed the design and development of an in house application devoted to monitor the practice of judo, in order to aid referee activities, training routines and to enhance spectator experience., This work has been supported by the Spanish Government: TEC2013-45585-C2-1-R and TIN2011-28347-CO1-02.

Characterization of wireless channel impact on wireless sensor network performance in public transportation buses

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Azpilicueta Fernández de las Heras, Leyre
  • López Iturri, Peio
  • Aguirre Gallego, Erik
  • Astrain Escola, José Javier
  • Villadangos Alonso, Jesús
  • Falcone Lanas, Francisco Javier
  • Zubiri Segura, Cristóbal
Wireless communications systems are growing rapidly during the last two decades and they are gaining a significant role for multiple communication tasks within public transportation buses. In this work, the impact of topology and morphology of different types of urban buses is analyzed with the aid of an in-house developed 3D Ray Launching code and compared with on-board measurements of a deployed Wireless Sensor Network. The presence of human beings has been taken into account, showing a significant influence in the signal attenuation in the case of considering persons. In addition, the statistical analysis of simulation results considering both large and small-scale fading has been performed, providing good agreement with statistics for typical indoor environments. In addition, a Wireless Sensor Network has been programmed and deployed within the buses in order to analyze topological impact with overall system performance, with the aim of minimizing the energy consumption as well as non-desired interference levels. The use of deterministic techniques destined to consider the inherent complexity of the buses can aid in wireless system planning in order to minimize power consumption and increase overall system capacity., This work was supported by
Projects TEC2013-45585-C2-1-R and TIN2011-28347-CO1-02.

Ubiquitous connected train based on train-to-ground and intra-wagon communications capable of providing on trip customized digital services for passengers

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Salaberria, Itziar
  • Perallos Ruiz, Asier
  • Carballedo, Roberto
  • Angulo Martínez, Ignacio
  • Elejoste Larrucea, Pilar
  • Bahillo, Alfonso
  • Azpilicueta Fernández de las Heras, Leyre
  • Falcone Lanas, Francisco Javier
  • Astrain Escola, José Javier
  • Villadangos Alonso, Jesús
Trabajo presentado al UCAmI & IWAAL 2013 - the 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence & the 5th International Workshop on Ambient Assisted Living (UCAmI & IWAAL 2013: Pervasive Sensing Solutions)., During the last years, the application of different wireless technologies has been explored in order to enable Internet connectivity from vehicles. In addition, the widespread adoption of smartphones by citizens represents a great opportunity to integrate such nomadic devices inside vehicles in order to provide new and personalized on trip services for passengers. In this paper, a proposal of communication architecture to provide the ubiquitous connectivity needed to enhance the smart train concept is presented and preliminarily tested. It combines an intra-wagon communication system based on nomadic devices connected through a Bluetooth Piconet Network with a highly innovative train-to-ground communication system. In order to validate this communication solution, several tests and simulations have been performed and their results are described in this paper., This work has been funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain under INNPACTO funding program (RailTrace project, IPT-370000-2010-036) and to project TIN2011-28347-CO2-02. Special thanks to Eusko Trenbideak - Ferrocarriles Vascos S.A. for their support.

Analysis of radio wave propagation for ISM 2.4 GHz wireless sensor networks in inhomogeneous vegetation environments

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Azpilicueta Fernández de las Heras, Leyre
  • López Iturri, Peio
  • Aguirre Gallego, Erik
  • Astrain Escola, José Javier
  • Villadangos Alonso, Jesús
  • Falcone Lanas, Francisco Javier
  • Mateo Zozaya, Ignacio
The use of wireless networks has experienced exponential growth due to the improvements in terms of battery life and low consumption of the devices. However, it is compulsory to conduct previous radio propagation analysis when deploying a wireless sensor network. These studies are necessary to perform an estimation of the range coverage, in order to optimize the distance between devices in an actual network deployment. In this work, the radio channel characterization for ISM 2.4 GHz Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) in an inhomogeneous vegetation environment has been analyzed. This analysis allows designing environment monitoring tools based on ZigBee and WiFi where WSN and smartphones cooperate, providing rich and customized monitoring information to users in a friendly manner. The impact of topology as well as morphology of the environment is assessed by means of an in-house developed 3D Ray Launching code, to emulate the realistic operation in the framework of the scenario. Experimental results gathered from a measurement campaign conducted by deploying a ZigBee Wireless Sensor Network, are analyzed and compared with simulations in this paper. The scenario where this network is intended to operate is a combination of buildings and diverse vegetation species. To gain insight in the effects of radio propagation, a simplified vegetation model has been developed, considering the material parameters and simplified geometry embedded in the simulation scenario. An initial location-based application has been implemented in a real scenario, to test the functionality within a context aware scenario. The use of deterministic tools can aid to know the impact of the topological influence in the deployment of the optimal Wireless Sensor Network in terms of capacity, coverage and energy consumption, making the use of these systems attractive for multiple applications in inhomogeneous vegetation environments., The authors wish to acknowledge the support of the Spanish Government: TIN2010-17170 UbiTrust, TIN2011-28347 and TEC2013-45585-C2-1-R.