
Nombre agencia financiadora Agencia Estatal de Investigación
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Life cycle assessment of power-to-methane systems with CO2 supplied by the chemical looping combustion of biomass

Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Navajas León, Alberto
  • Mendiara, Teresa
  • Gandía Pascual, Luis
  • Abad, Alberto
  • García Labiano, Francisco
  • Diego, Luis F. de
Power-to-methane (PtM) systems may allow fluctuations in the renewable energy supply to be smoothed out by storing surplus energy in the form of methane. These systems work by combining the hydrogen produced by electrolysis with carbon dioxide from different sources to produce methane via the Sabatier reaction. The present work studies PtM systems based on the CO2 supplied by the chemical looping combustion (CLC) of biomass (PtM-bioCLC). Life- cycle- assessment (LCA) was performed on PtM-bioCLC systems to evaluate their environmental impact with respect to a specific reference case. The proposed configurations have the potential to reduce the value of the global warming potential (GWP) climate change indicator to the lowest values reported in the literature to date. Moreover, the possibility of effectively removing CO2 from the atmosphere through the concept of CO2 negative emissions was also assessed. In addition to GWP, as many as 16 LCA indicators were also evaluated and their values for the studied PtM-bioCLC systems were found to be similar to those of the reference case considered or even significantly lower in such categories as resource use-depletion, ozone depletion, human health, acidification potential and eutrophication. The results obtained highlight the potential of these newly proposed PtM schemes., This work was supported by Grant PDC2021-121190-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR and also by Grant PID2020-113131RB-I00 funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. A.N. and L.M.G. gratefully acknowledge Grant RTI2018-096294-B-C31 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and “ERDF A way of making Europe”.

Combustión de carbones y biomasas con transportadores de oxígeno basados en óxido de cobre sobre soporte magnético

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Filsouf, Amirhossein
  • Durmaz, M.
  • Adánez-Rubio, Iñaki
  • Mendiara, Teresa
  • Adánez Elorza, Juan
1 figura, 1 tabla.-- Resumen de la comunicación oral presentada en la XV Reunión del Grupo Español del Carbón, 24-27 abril 2022, Granada (España).-- O68.-- D.L. GR 695-2022, Entre las tecnologías de captura de CO2, la combustión con trasportadores sólidos de oxígeno (Chemical Looping Combustion, CLC) tiene la ventanja de favorecer la captura inherente de CO2, puesto que el oxígeno necesario para la combustión es suministrado por el transportador de oxígeno. Se evita así la mexcla del combustible con aire. El transportador de oxígeno circula entre dos reactores: reator de reducción (RR) y reactor de oxidación (RO). En RR, el transportador se reduce y el combustible se oxida a CO2 y H2O. En RO, el transportador de oxígeno se regenera en aire. Existen transportadores de oxígeno capaces de liberar oxígeno gaseoso en las condiciones de operación del RR (Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling, CLOU). En este caso y considerando la combustión de combustibles sólidos, los volátiles y el char generados en RR reaccionan con O2 gas, de manera similar a como sucede en la combustión convencional con aire. Los autores desarrollaron previamente un transportador de oxígeno basado en óxido de cobre sobre soporte magnético con el que se obtuvieron altas eficacias de captura de CO2 y combustión para varios tipos de biomasa y carbón en una planta en continuo de 1,5 Kwt. El presente trabajo muestra los resultados en condiciones similares correspondientes a un nuevo transportador basado en el anterior y cuyas propiedades mecánicas han sido mejoradas por la adición de caolín., Este trabajo ha sido realizado bajo la ayuda PDC2021-121190-I00 financiada por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por "Unión Europea NextGenerationEU/PRTR". Los autores agradecen también la financiación recibida de Combustión y Gasificación T05_20R. I. Adánez-Rubio agradece al MINECO y al CSIC por el contrato post-doctoral Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación (IJC2019-03987-I). M. Durmaz agradece la ayuda recibida por Erasmus + KA103 EU Traineeship Program., Peer reviewed

Relevance of oxygen carrier properties on the design of a chemical looping combustion unit with gaseous fuels

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Abad Secades, Alberto
  • Gayán Sanz, Pilar
  • García Labiano, Francisco
  • Diego Poza, Luis F. de
  • Izquierdo Pantoja, María Teresa
  • Mendiara, Teresa
  • Adánez Elorza, Juan
12 figures, 6 tables.-- Supplementary information available.-- Special Issue: CCUS contributions from the Spanish CO2 Technology Platform Association (PTECO2), Chemical looping combustion (CLC) is a novel technology for the combustion of fuels with inherent CO2 capture. CLC is based on the transference of oxygen from air to fuel by means of an oxygen carrier which is based on a metal oxide. CuO/Al2O3 (14 wt.% CuO) and Fe2O3/Al2O3 (20 wt.% Fe2O3) particles have been used in several CLC units with different results when methane combustion was evaluated. In order to shed light on the main processes affecting methane conversion in CLC, a mathematical model for a dual circulating fluidized bed (DCFB) system was developed to simulate the behavior of CuO/Al2O3 and Fe2O3/Al2O3 in a CLC unit. The model consists of the coupling of individual fuel and air reactor models to simulate steady state of the CLC unit. Individual models consider both the fluid dynamics of the fluidized beds at the high velocity regime and the corresponding kinetics of oxygen carrier reactions, that is, reduction in the fuel reactor and oxidation in the air reactor. The model was validated using results obtained in a 120 kWth CLC unit with CuO/Al2O3 and Fe2O3/Al2O3 particles. The validated model was used to simulate the performance of these materials in the 10 MWth CLC unit. Desing parameters of the fuel and air reactors as well as the suitable particle size of the oxygen carriers were determined in order to achieve the complete combustion of natural gas in the CLC unit as a function of the oxygen carrier properties., This work was supported by Grant funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR., Peer reviewed

Life cycle assessment of power-to-methane systems with CO2 supplied by the chemical looping combustion of biomass

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Navajas, A.
  • Mendiara, Teresa
  • Gandía, L.M.
  • Abad Secades, Alberto
  • García Labiano, Francisco
  • Diego Poza, Luis F. de
8 figures, 5 tables.-- Supplementary information available., Power-to-methane (PtM) systems may allow fluctuations in the renewable energy supply to be smoothed out by storing surplus energy in the form of methane. These systems work by combining the hydrogen produced by electrolysis with carbon dioxide from different sources to produce methane via the Sabatier reaction. The present work studies PtM systems based on the CO supplied by the chemical looping combustion (CLC) of biomass (PtM-bioCLC). Life- cycle- assessment (LCA) was performed on PtM-bioCLC systems to evaluate their environmental impact with respect to a specific reference case. The proposed configurations have the potential to reduce the value of the global warming potential (GWP) climate change indicator to the lowest values reported in the literature to date. Moreover, the possibility of effectively removing CO from the atmosphere through the concept of CO negative emissions was also assessed. In addition to GWP, as many as 16 LCA indicators were also evaluated and their values for the studied PtM-bioCLC systems were found to be similar to those of the reference case considered or even significantly lower in such categories as resource use-depletion, ozone depletion, human health, acidification potential and eutrophication. The results obtained highlight the potential of these newly proposed PtM schemes., This work was supported by Grant PDC2021-121190-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR and also by Grant PID2020-113131RB-I00 funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. A.N. and L.M.G. gratefully acknowledge Grant RTI2018-096294-B-C31 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and “ERDF A way of making Europe”., Peer reviewed

Combustión de biomasa pino con dos transportadores de oxígeno magnéticos basados en óxido de cobre

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Filsouf, Amirhossein
  • Adánez-Rubio, Iñaki
  • Mendiara, Teresa
  • Izquierdo Pantoja, María Teresa
2 tablas.-- Abstract del póster de Tecnologías para la generación sostenible de energía presentada en la XVI Reunión del Grupo Español del Carbón (Reunión GEC 2023), celebrada en Gijón del 22 al 25 de octubre de 2023., La contribución de las tecnologías de captura de CO2 en la reducción de emisiones es necesaria para cumplir
los objetivos del Acuerdo de Parías. Dichas tecnologías, permiten generar corrientes concentradas de CO2en
instalaciones de generación de energía. Concretamente, la denominada combustión con transportadores de
oxígeno (Chemical Looping Combustion - CLC) destaca como una tecnología prometedora que permite la
separación del CO2 del proceso de combustión con un coste y una penalización en la eficiencia relativamente
bajos [1]. En esta tecnología, el oxígeno necesario para la combustión lo aporta un transportador de oxígeno
(TO) que circula entre dos reactores interconectados.
La combustión con TOs con desacoplamiento de oxígeno (Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling -
CLOU) utiliza TOs como CuO/Cu2O, Mn2O3/Mn3O4 y Co3O4/CoO, que tienen la capacidad de liberar oxígeno gas, promoviendo una oxidación eficiente del combustible. El presente trabajo analiza el comportamiento en la combustión de biomasa de pino de dos TOs de óxido de cobre (sin y con adición de caolín)., Este trabajo ha sido realizado bajo la ayuda PDC2021-121190-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 financiada
por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por “Unión Europea NextGenerationEU/PRTR”. Los autores
agradecen también la financiación recibida de Combustión y Gasificación T05_20R. I. Adánez-Rubio agradece
al MINECO y al CSIC por el contrato post-doctoral Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación (IJC2019-038987-I)., Peer reviewed

Development of manganese-iron mixed oxides reinforced with titanium and prepared from minerals for their use as oxygen carriers

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Zornoza, Beatriz
  • Mendiara, Teresa
  • Abad Secades, Alberto
4 figures, 7 tables., Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) allows CO2 capture at low cost. This technology is based on solid oxygen carriers which supply the oxygen required for combustion of the fuel while they experience successive reduction-oxidation cycles. Oxygen carriers based on minerals or industrial residues present the advantage of their low cost but complete combustion of the fuel is not always achieved. Manganese‑iron mixed oxides doped with titanium can improve combustion efficiency due to its oxygen uncoupling capability. Moreover, they present the advantage of their magnetic properties. The objective of this work was to produce this type of oxygen carriers from minerals/residues instead of from synthetic materials. Four oxygen carriers with a fixed Mn-Fe molar ratio were produced with a 7 wt.% TiO2 addition. Two manganese-based (MnSA and MnGBMPB) and one iron-based (Tierga) minerals were used as source of Mn and Fe, respectively. As source of Ti, the mineral ilmenite was used. After characterization of the materials, their reactivity was analysed in a TGA. The reactivity to the main combustion gasses was lower than that corresponding to similar oxygen carriers obtained from synthetic sources although they maintained their magnetic properties. Thus, its use as magnetic support of oxygen carriers was recommended. In this respect, first tests were conducted using CuO as active phase supported on one of the low-cost support materials produced in this work., This work was supported by Grant PDC2021-121190-I00 MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. [...]. B.Z. acknowledges the “Juan de la Cierva” Program (IJCI-2016–30776)., Peer reviewed

Techno-economic analysis of chemical looping processes with biomass resources for energy production and CO2 utilization. Comparison of CLC and CLOU technologies

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Cabello Flores, Arturo
  • Abad Secades, Alberto
  • Obras-Loscertales, Margarita de las
  • Domingos, Yldeney
  • Mendiara, Teresa
9 figures, 12 tables., Bioenergy coupled with carbon capture utilization and storage (BECCUS) is an attractive greenhouse gas mitigation technology that can produce negative CO2 emissions by combining bioenergy resources with the utilization or geological storage of the captured CO2. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of two BECCUS technologies based on chemical looping concept with two biomass waste as fuels, i.e., swine manure and pine sawdust, for the production of thermal energy and a pure CO2 stream that is subsequently used as raw material in agricultural greenhouses. Direct use of solid biomass resources was considered for the Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling option, whereas biogas production was the starting point for Chemical Looping Combustion. The profitability of the chemical looping scenarios was assessed through the Levelized Cost of CO2. This parameter was estimated at 218.31 €/t CO2 for the Chemical Looping Combustion scenario, a value much higher than those for the Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling scenarios (73.04–87.32 €/t CO2) due to the limited conversion degree of the carbon present in the fuel waste to biogas and the need for an additional experimental plant to the Chemical Looping Combustion unit, i.e., the biogas production plant. Comparing the Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling scenarios, the economic analysis revealed that the profitability of the biomass-fueled chemical looping facility was markedly sensitive to the selling price of the biomass resource. Furthermore, the values of the Levelized Cost of CO2 parameter for the Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling scenarios were lower than those estimated in other research studies that implemented BECCUS technologies and utilized the captured CO2 for identical purposes. In the particular case of swine manure, this result becomes even more noteworthy since it demonstrates that the energy use of this biomass resource through Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling technology is an economically profitable and environmentally sustainable solution to the difficult challenge of managing this livestock waste. Therefore, it can be concluded that Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling processes fed with biomass are a very attractive BECCUS technology for heat generation where, in addition, the pure CO2 stream obtained at the outlet of the fuel reactor can be considered a marketable, high value-added product., This work was supported by Grant PDC2021-121190-I00 MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the SWINELOOP (PID2019-106441RBI00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) project. A. Cabello is also grateful for Grant IJC2019-038908-I funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033., Peer reviewed

Chemical looping combustion of biomass with CO2 capture: experimental results at the 20 kWth scale

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Abad Secades, Alberto
  • Pérez-Vega, Raúl
  • Condori, Óscar
  • Diego Poza, Luis F. de
  • García-Labiano, Francisco
  • Izquierdo Pantoja, María Teresa
  • Adánez Elorza, Juan
5 figures, 2 tables.-- Work presented at the 2nd International Conference on Negative CO2 Emissions, June 14-17, 2022, Göteborg, Sweden., Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) technology is an interesting option to produce bioenergy with CO2 Capture and Storage (BECCS) at low economic and energetic costs. The benefits of CLC are based on avoiding the costly separation steps by using an oxygen carrier, usually a metal oxide, to transfer oxygen from air to fuel avoiding the contact between them. Thus, CO2 capture is inherent to the CLC process.
In this work, the combustion of a biomass residue –olive stone, with high availability in Spain– is performed in a CLC unit at the 20 kWth scale using a highly reactive iron ore as oxygen carrier. Oxygen transference for the combustion is achieved by continuously circulating the oxygen carrier between two interconnected fluidized bed reactors: the fuel and air reactors. Biomass is fed at the bottom of the fuel reactor to maximize the contact between the volatile matter and the oxygen carrier particles. The oxygen carrier was regenerated in the air reactor by air. In addition, a carbon stripper was also implemented as a key element in order to increase CO2 capture efficiency by recovering char particles escaping the fuel reactor. A total of 100 h of continuous hot fluidization were carried out, 40 of them corresponded to biomass combustion. The tests were designed to rationally analyse the effect on the combustion efficiency and the CO2 capture of the main operating conditions: oxygen carrier to fuel ratio (=1-3), temperature of the fuel reactor (850-970 ºC), and specific solids inventory (160-500 kg/MWth).
CO2 capture efficiency increases with the fuel reactor temperature because the increase in the char gasification rate. In addition, it also increases up to 98 % by increasing the solids inventory or decreasing the solids circulation, i.e. varying the mean residence time of solids in the fuel reactor. Full combustion was not achieved due to the high volatile content of the biomass and the uncompleted oxidation of char gasification products. Oxygen demand values in the range of 3-20 % were obtained, being the behaviour of gasification products (H2+CO) different to hydrocarbons from volatile matter (e.g. CH4). The presence of unburnt H2 and CO was mainly affected by the char conversion; but the increase in the solids circulation rate also has a remarkable effect on the decrease of unconverted hydrocarbons., This work was performed in the UPCLOU, supported by the Grant PDC2021-121190-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and by European Union Next GenerationEU/ PRTR., Peer reviewed

Techno-economic analysis of chemical looping processes with biomass resources for energy production and CO2 utilization

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Cabello Flores, Arturo
  • Abad Secades, Alberto
  • Obras-Loscertales, Margarita de las
  • Domingos, Yldeney
  • Mendiara, Teresa
4 figures, 7 tables.-- Work presented at 37th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, held on 30th June - 4th July, 2024, in Rhodes (Greece)., Bioenergy coupled with carbon capture utilization and storage (BECCUS) is an attractive greenhouse gas mitigation technology that can produce negative CO2 emissions by combining bioenergy resources with the utilization or geological storage of the captured CO2.
The main objective of this work was to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of two BECCUS technologies based on chemical looping concept with two biomass waste as fuels, i.e., swine manure and pine sawdust, for the production of thermal energy and a pure CO2 stream that is subsequently used as raw material in agricultural greenhouses. Direct use of solid biomass resources was considered for the Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU) option, whereas biogas production was the starting point for Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC).
The profitability of the chemical looping scenarios was assessed through the Levelized Cost of CO2 (LCOCO2). This parameter was estimated at 218.31 €/t CO2 for the CLC scenario, a value much higher than those for the CLOU scenarios (73.04 - 87.32 €/t CO2) due to the limited conversion degree of the carbon present in the fuel waste to biogas and the need for an additional experimental plant to the CLC unit, i.e., the biogas production plant. Comparing the CLOU scenarios, the economic analysis revealed that the profitability of the biomass-fueled chemical looping facility was markedly sensitive to the selling price of the biomass resource. Furthermore, the values of the LCOCO2 parameter for the CLOU scenarios were lower than those estimated in other research studies that implemented BECCUS technologies and utilized the captured CO2 for identical purposes. Therefore, it can be concluded that CLOU processes fed with biomass are a very attractive BECCUS technology for heat generation where, in addition, the pure CO2 stream obtained at the outlet of the fuel reactor can be considered a marketable, high value-added product., This work was supported by the UPCLOU project (Grant PDC2021-121190-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and by European Union Next GenerationEU/PRTR) and the CO2SPLIT project (Grant PID2020-113131RB-I00/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033). A. Cabello is also grateful for Grant IJC2019-038908-I funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033., Peer reviewed

Ash interaction with two Cu-based magnetic oxygen carriers during biomass combustion by the chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling process

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Filsouf, Amirhossein
  • Adánez-Rubio, Iñaki
  • Mendiara, Teresa
  • Abad Secades, Alberto
  • Adánez Elorza, Juan
10 figures, 4 tables., Chemical-looping combustion (CLC) stands out as a promising method for carbon capture and storage for the purpose of mitigating climate change. The process involves the conversion of fuel facilitated by an oxygen carrier, with the resulting CO2 inherently separated from other air components. Notably, when applied to biomass combustion this process offers a pathway to achieving negative CO2 emissions. However, a significant challenge for CLC, particularly in its application to biomass, is the management of interactions between ash and oxygen carriers. Biomass-derived ashes typically contain substantial quantities of reactive ash-forming substances, such as alkaline and alkali earth elements. These interactions can impact the performance and longevity of the oxygen carrier, necessitating careful consideration and mitigation strategies in CLC systems utilizing biomass feedstocks. This study examined the interaction between biomass ash components and two recently developed oxygen carriers, Cu30MnFekao7.5 and Cu30MnFe, during combustion in a 1.5 kWth continuous unit. Both oxygen carriers achieved 100% combustion efficiency and a CO2 capture efficiency of 95% at 900 °C. Although the copper in both oxygen carriers did not exhibit any noticeable interaction with ash components, the accumulative presence of potassium and magnesium in Cu30MnFekao7.5 was identified by inductively coupled plasma and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis, indicating an increase in the amount of both elements in the particles after combustion operation. No problems of agglomeration or fluidization were observed in any of the experiments., This work was supported by PDC2021-121190-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. I.A.-R. acknowledges the Juan de la Cierva Programme (Grant IJC2019-038987-I funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and the Ramón y Cajal Programme (Grant RYC2022-035841-I funded by MCIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FSE+)., Peer reviewed

Reviewing the operational experience on chemical looping combustion of biomass at CSIC: iG-CLC vs CLOU

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Abad Secades, Alberto
  • García Labiano, Francisco
  • Izquierdo Pantoja, María Teresa
  • Mendiara, Teresa
  • Gayán Sanz, Pilar
  • Adánez-Rubio, Iñaki
  • Adánez Elorza, Juan
21 figures, 5 tables., The unmixed combustion of biomass by chemical looping (Bio-CLC) has outstanding properties to produce energy by thermochemical conversion with CO2 capture at low economic and energetic costs as well as minimizing NOx emissions to the atmosphere. A detailed analysis of the experimental results during the biomass combustion in chemical looping combustion (CLC) units is useful to evaluate the Bio-CLC potential for future industrial up-scaling. This work compiles the results obtained during more than 500 h of combustion in the previous years at the Instituto de Carboquímica (ICB-CSIC). Different biomasses were burnt with several oxygen carriers in two singular CLC units. Critical key performance indicators, such as the CO2 capture rate and combustion efficiency, have been evaluated considering the combustion mode and the fluidization regime in the fuel reactor. Regarding the combustion mode, results by in situ gasification (iG-CLC) vs chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU) are compared. As for the fluidization regime, it was bubbling in a 0.5 kWth CLC unit and circulating in a 50 kWth CLC unit. A methodical comparison of the results allows us to understand the fundamentals of the processes and to evaluate the different behaviors observed in each case. The operating conditions having major effects on the Bio-CLC performance were identified, as well as the operating conditions necessary to optimize the CO2 capture and the combustion efficiency. In addition, other issues are evaluated, such as the fate of fuel-N in a CLC process, the presence of tar compounds in the CO2 stream, or the interaction of ash compounds with the oxygen carrier particles. Finally, possible future actions are discussed to improve the performance of the Bio-CLC process as well as the possible development paths of new oxygen carriers., This work was supported by Grant PDC2021-121190-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR and the Grant T05_23R founded by the Government of Aragon. I.A.-R. acknowledges the “Ramón y Cajal” Program (Grant RYC2022-035841-I funded by MCIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FSE+)., Peer reviewed

Chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling of biomass and coal: scaling-up to 50 kWth using a copper-based oxygen carrier

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Abad Secades, Alberto
  • Filsouf, Amirhossein
  • Adánez-Rubio, Iñaki
  • Mendiara, Teresa
  • Diego Poza, Luis F. de
  • Izquierdo Pantoja, María Teresa
  • Gayán Sanz, Pilar
  • Adánez Elorza, Juan
15 figures, 5 tables., Chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU) is an advanced CO2 capture technology where an oxygen carrier supplies the gaseous oxygen required for combustion. The technology has experienced a significant development degree in the most recent decades, up to TRL 4. This study presents results that further prove the viability of this technology to TRL 5 in a continuous CLC unit with two interconnected circulating fluidized beds acting as fuel and air reactors. The oxygen carrier used in the experiments was a magnetic copper-based oxygen carrier denoted as Cu30MnFe. It was used in the combustion of three types of biomass and a bituminous coal (Taldinsky coal). The effects on char conversion, CO2 capture efficiency, and total oxygen demand of different parameters such as excess air ratio, fuel reactor temperature, residence time in fuel reactor, gas velocity in the carbon stripper, solid circulation rate, and solid inventory in fuel reactor were investigated. CO2 capture efficiency of 93% was achieved at 886 °C with pine sawdust combustion, while the total oxygen demand was 4.6%. In the experiments with bituminous coal, the effectiveness of the carbon stripper in improving the CO2 capture efficiency was demonstrated. During the highest load of coal, low total oxygen demands were achieved even at temperatures below 900 °C., This work was supported by Grant PDC2021-121190-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. I.A.-R. acknowledges the “Ramón y Cajal” Program (Grant RYC2022-035841-I funded by MCIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FSE+)., Peer reviewed

Supplementary Material of Ash interaction with two Cu-based magnetic oxygen carriers during biomass combustion by the CLOU process [Dataset]

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Filsouf, Amirhossein
  • Adánez-Rubio, Iñaki
  • Mendiara, Teresa
  • Abad Secades, Alberto
  • Adánez Elorza, Juan
Under a Creative Commons BY license 4.0,, After 15 h of pine sawdust combustion, in the case of the Cu30MnFe oxygen carrier
shows unstable operation in the continuous unit and attributed to the high generation of
fines as it can be seen in Figure S1b, where fines particles can be seen together with
oxygen carrier particles partially broken. However, it was not detected physical
deposition of ashes over the particle surface in both cases of used oxygen carriers
Cu30MnFe and Cu30MnFekao7.5, see Figures S1b and S1d, respectively.--
In Figure S2 a uniform distribution of three metal oxides of the oxygen carrier in the fresh
Cu30MnFe sample is observed.-- Figure S3 depict the distribution of Cu oxide, Mn oxide, and Fe oxide, which remained
unchanged during combustion in the plant. Therefore, there was no interaction between
the oxygen carrier Cu30MnFe and biomass ash.-- Figure S3. SEM-EDX mapping of used Cu30MnFe.-- Figure S4 presents SEM-EDX elemental mapping of the fresh Cu30MnFekao7.5. It
reveals that Cu oxide, Mn oxide, and Fe oxide are homogeneously distributed within the
particle, along with kaolin, which includes Al and Si. K, Mg, and Ca are also present
throughout the particle, but are not concentrated in any specific areas.-- Figure S5 presents the SEM-EDX elemental mapping of the used Cu30MnFekao7.5. It
shows that K is accumulated in regions containing Al and Si, identified as kaolin. In these
areas, the concentration of Cu, Mn, and Fe oxides is low.-- Figure S6 presents BSE images of the two particles of Cu30MnFekao7.5 oxygen carrier
after 56 hours of combustion. The EDX results reveal that accumulative K can be
observed in the darker areas, particularly where there is a high concentration of kaolin.
Specifically, at points 13, 15, 16, and 17, where Si and Al are present in the used oxygen
carrier Cu30MnFekao7.5, K is also detected. Conversely, at points 14 and 18, where the
concentration of Si and Al, indicative of kaolin, are low and the levels of Cu, Mn, and Fe
are high, no K is detected. Additionally, surface-section images in Figs. S6b and S6c
show that the amount of K on the surface is significantly lower compared to the interior
of the particle.-- Figure S7 presents the SEM line scan image of the cross-section of the used oxygen
carrier Cu30MnFekao7.5. The image reveals that K accumulates in regions where Al and
Si are present, which corresponds to kaolin within the particle. In these areas, the
concentrations of Cu, Mn, and Fe oxides are low, while the concentrations of Si and Al
are high.-- Figure S8 presents the SEM-EDX elemental mapping of the surface of the used oxygen
carrier, Cu30MnFekao7.5. The analysis indicates the presence of minor amounts of Al
and Si on the particle surface, with no significant accumulation of K detected.-- Although in SEM-EDX photos for oxygen carrier Cu30MnFe be observed that metal
oxides are distributed homogeneously but in Figure S9, free CuO could be found by XRD.
It means this free Cu oxide can improve oxygen transport capacity as active phase
compared to the fresh oxygen carrier which data in Table 1 confirm this additional
potential to release oxygen., This work was supported by PDC2021-121190-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. I.A.-R. acknowledges the Juan de la Cierva Programme (Grant IJC2019-038987-I funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and the Ramón y Cajal Programme (Grant RYC2022-035841-I funded by MCIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FSE+)., Peer reviewed

Chemical looping combustion and gasification of swine manure with a Cu-Based oxygen carrier

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Domingos, Yldeney
  • Abad Secades, Alberto
  • Obras-Loscertales, Margarita de las
  • Izquierdo Pantoja, María Teresa
  • Cabello Flores, Arturo
12 figures, 6 tables., The thermochemical conversion of swine manure by using Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) and Chemical Looping Gasification (CLG) is an interesting option to obtain bioenergy and solve some environmental issues related to this waste. In this work, experimental tests using swine manure as fuel and a Cu-based oxygen carrier (14 wt% CuO) in a 0.5kWth continuous unit have been performed. For CLC conditions, the effects of the temperature (800–900 °C) and the fluidization agent (CO2 or steam) on the combustion and CO2 capture efficiencies were evaluated. In general, high combustion (97–99 %) and CO2 capture (87–99 %) efficiencies were achieved, which improved by increasing the operating temperature. For CLG conditions, the effect of the oxygen-to-fuel ratio (λ = 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4) on the gas product distribution, CO2 capture efficiency and tar composition was studied using steam and CO2 as fluidizing agents at 900 °C. The CO2 capture potential improved by increasing the oxygen-to-fuel ratio. Regarding the tar distribution, naphthalene was the main product followed by benzene, acenaphthylene, indene and phenanthrene. Additionally, for both processes, CLC and CLG, the distribution of nitrogenous compound emissions (N2, NH3, N2O, NO2 and NO) was analyzed. It was observed that the N-swine manure was mainly converted into inert N2., This work was supported by project SWINELOOP, grant PID2019-106441RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. This work was supported by Grant PDC2021-121190-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR“. Y. Domingos thanks for the grant PRE-092769 Pre-Doctoral fellowship, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ESF Investing in your future”., Peer reviewed

Life cycle assessment of power-to-methane systems with CO2 supplied by the chemical looping combustion of biomass

Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
  • Navajas, A.
  • Mendiara, Teresa
  • Gandía, L. M.
  • Abad Secades, Alberto
  • García Labiano, Francisco
  • Diego Poza, Luis F. de
6 figures, 2 tables.-- Work presented at the 6th International Conference on Chemical Looping, 19-22 September 2022, Zaragoza, Spain., Power-to-methane (PtM) systems may allow mitigating the fluctuations in
renewable energy supply by storing the energy in the form of methane. In these
systems, hydrogen produced by electrolysis is combined with carbon dioxide from
different sources to produce methane through Sabatier reaction. The present work
analyzes PtM systems based on CO2 supply from Chemical Looping Combustion
(CLC) units running on biomass (PtM-bioCLC). Life-cycle-assessment of PtM-
bioCLC systems was done to evaluate their environmental impact respect a specific
reference case. It was concluded that the configurations proposed have the potential to
decrease the value of the climate change indicator, the global warming potential
(GWP), to the lowest values reported to date in literature. Moreover, the possibility to
effectively remove CO2 from the atmosphere realizing the concept of CO2 negative
emissions was also demonstrated. Besides GWP, up to 16 LCA indicators were also
evaluated and their values for the PtM-bioCLC systems analyzed were similar to those
found in the reference case or even significantly lower in some of the categories such
as resource use/depletion (RUE), ozone depletion (POF), human health (RI),
acidification (AC) and eutrophication (EUT and EUM). Results obtained highlight the
potential of these newly proposed PtM schemes., This work was supported by Grant PDC2021-121190-I00 funded by
MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR
and also by Grant PID2020-113131RB-I00 funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.
A.N. and L.M.G. gratefully acknowledge Grant RTI2018-096294-B-C31 funded by
MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and “ERDF A way of making Europe”, Peer reviewed

Development of manganese-iron mixed oxides reinforced with titanium and prepared from minerals for their use as oxygen carriers

Zaguán. Repositorio Digital de la Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Zornoza, Beatriz
  • Mendiara, Teresa
  • Abad, Alberto
Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) allows CO2 capture at low cost. This technology is based on solid oxygen carriers which supply the oxygen required for combustion of the fuel while they experience successive reduction-oxidation cycles. Oxygen carriers based on minerals or industrial residues present the advantage of their low cost but complete combustion of the fuel is not always achieved. Manganese‑iron mixed oxides doped with titanium can improve combustion efficiency due to its oxygen uncoupling capability. Moreover, they present the advantage of their magnetic properties. The objective of this work was to produce this type of oxygen carriers from minerals/residues instead of from synthetic materials. Four oxygen carriers with a fixed Mn-Fe molar ratio were produced with a 7 wt.% TiO2 addition. Two manganese-based (MnSA and MnGBMPB) and one iron-based (Tierga) minerals were used as source of Mn and Fe, respectively. As source of Ti, the mineral ilmenite was used. After characterization of the materials, their reactivity was analysed in a TGA. The reactivity to the main combustion gasses was lower than that corresponding to similar oxygen carriers obtained from synthetic sources although they maintained their magnetic properties. Thus, its use as magnetic support of oxygen carriers was recommended. In this respect, first tests were conducted using CuO as active phase supported on one of the low-cost support materials produced in this work.