Nombre agencia financiadora Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Acrónimo agencia financiadora AEI
Programa Programa Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Científico y Tecnológico del Sistema de I+D+i
Subprograma Subprograma Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento
Convocatoria Proyectos I+D
Año convocatoria 2020
Unidad de gestión Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017-2020
Centro beneficiario UNIVERSIDAD DE LA RIOJA
Identificador persistente http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100011033
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The constructional dimension of verbal irony: A cognitive-linguistic perspective
RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
- Lozano-Palacio, Ines|||0000-0001-9170-6233
[ES] Este artículo analiza las elecciones lingüísticas mediante las cuales los actores sociales son representados en el discurso político y el papel de estas en la construcción de narrativas nacionales. La investigación se centra en los discursos de investidura de Donald Trump y Joseph Biden como contexto exploratorio crítico. El enfoque analítico se basa en el contraste de sus elecciones lingüísticas para asignar dinamismo mediante roles de transitividad y para identificar participantes mediante estrategias directas, indirectas y pronominales. Los resultados indican que Trump asigna roles de Actor con Objetivo que interpretan a la ciudadanía como agentes que influyen en la realidad, mientras que Biden asigna roles de Actor sin Objetivo que representan a los ciudadanos como participantes de eventos no causados. En la identificación de participantes, Trump destaca por el uso de estrategias indirectas ligadas a la cualificación posesiva y Biden, por el uso frecuente de la
primera persona singular. Los resultados sugieren que las estrategias identificadas resuenan con la construcción de narrativas e identidades nacionales, ambas permeadas por las orientaciones ideológicas de los líderes políticos., The research on which this paper is based has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
(project Proyecto PID2020-118349GB-I00).
primera persona singular. Los resultados sugieren que las estrategias identificadas resuenan con la construcción de narrativas e identidades nacionales, ambas permeadas por las orientaciones ideológicas de los líderes políticos., The research on which this paper is based has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
(project Proyecto PID2020-118349GB-I00).
A multidimensional approach to echoing: categories, uses, and types
RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
- Lozano-Palacio, Ines|||0000-0001-9170-6233
Stemming from the use-mention distinction by the philosophy of language, Relevance Theory introduces the notion of echo in the context of the echoic mention theory of irony (cf. Wilson & Sperber, 2012). Since then, echoing has awakened multidisciplinary interest, mostly in connection to this figure of thought. Studies on echoing have provided a largely one-dimensional approach. Within cognitive modeling studies, echoing is elevated to the status of cognitive operation. Taking cognitive modeling as a starting point, the aim of the present article is to study echoing from a multidimensional perspective, focusing on its features, functions, and usages. Specifically, the present study addresses echoic implicitness, completeness, complexity, accuracy, and non-ironic echoes (i.e., parodic echoes, denotational and non-denotational echoes). All in all, this study introduces a higher degree of systematicity in the study of echoing in general and endows echo-based studies of irony with greater explanatory adequacy., The research on which this article is based has been financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project no. FFI2017-82730-P) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (project PID2020-118349GB-I00).
Stemming from the use-mention distinction by the philosophy of language, Relevance Theory introduces the notion of echo in the context of the echoic mention theory of irony (cf. Wilson & Sperber, 2012). Since then, echoing has awakened multidisciplinary interest, mostly in connection to this figure of thought. Studies on echoing have provided a largely one-dimensional approach. Within cognitive modeling studies, echoing is elevated to the status of cognitive operation. Taking cognitive modeling as a starting point, the aim of the present article is to study echoing from a multidimensional perspective, focusing on its features, functions, and usages. Specifically, the present study addresses echoic implicitness, completeness, complexity, accuracy, and non-ironic echoes (i.e., parodic echoes, denotational and non-denotational echoes). All in all, this study introduces a higher degree of systematicity in the study of echoing in general and endows echo-based studies of irony with greater explanatory adequacy., The research on which this article is based has been financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project no. FFI2017-82730-P) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (project PID2020-118349GB-I00).
A cognitive-pragmatic account of the structural elements of the ironic event: A typology of ironist, target, and interpreter roles
RiuNet. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia
- Lozano-Palacio, Ines|||0000-0001-9170-6233
This article discusses the ironist, the interpreter, and the target as structural
elements of irony from a cognitive-linguistic standpoint. It builds on the
scenario-based approach to irony, where ironic meaning is taken as a
contextually adjustable inference that results from a clash between epistemic
and attested conceptual scenarios. The article provides a classification of
ironist, interpreter, and target types, and then it discusses the functions of
irony (i.e., attacking, mocking, being playful, showing off, and persuading)
and the solidarity component involved in ironic production and
interpretation. It further explains the factors involved in the identification of
the epistemic and the attested scenarios, and those involved in the
interpretation of irony. The resulting analysis of the structural elements of
irony endows the study of irony with greater descriptive delicacy and
explanatory adequacy.
elements of irony from a cognitive-linguistic standpoint. It builds on the
scenario-based approach to irony, where ironic meaning is taken as a
contextually adjustable inference that results from a clash between epistemic
and attested conceptual scenarios. The article provides a classification of
ironist, interpreter, and target types, and then it discusses the functions of
irony (i.e., attacking, mocking, being playful, showing off, and persuading)
and the solidarity component involved in ironic production and
interpretation. It further explains the factors involved in the identification of
the epistemic and the attested scenarios, and those involved in the
interpretation of irony. The resulting analysis of the structural elements of
irony endows the study of irony with greater descriptive delicacy and
explanatory adequacy.
X never mind Y: a cognitive approach within the context of complementary alternation constructions
Academica-e. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Iza Erviti, Aneider
Las construcciones de alternancia complementaria son emparejamientos de forma y significado que se utilizan para vincular dos estados de cosas diferentes de manera que el segundo elemento se suma al primero basándose en el juicio subjetivo del hablante, como en No puedo permitirme un coche de lujo, y mucho menos un jet privado. Otras construcciones de esta familia incluyen conectores como much less, never mind y to say nothing of (Iza Erviti, 2015). Cada una de estas configuraciones exhibe una variedad de propiedades de significado distintivas dentro del espectro de la alternancia complementaria. Este estudio sostiene que los diversos significados atribuidos a estas construcciones son el resultado de la activación de diferentes operaciones cognitivas. Para respaldar esta afirmación, este artículo presenta un estudio exhaustivo de la construcción X Never Mind Y, revelando cómo las diferentes operaciones cognitivas subyacentes afectan la naturaleza de las conexiones intratextuales que crea y los efectos de significado que transmite. Además, este artículo aclara por qué esta construcción es aplicable en una amplia variedad de contextos. Estos hallazgos respaldan una clasificación novedosa de las construcciones de alternancia complementaria basada en las operaciones cognitivas involucradas en las construcciones., Complementary alternation constructions are meaning and form pairings that are used to link two different states of affairs such that the second adds to the first based on a subjective speaker’s judgment, as in I can’t afford a luxury car, let alone a private jet. Other constructions in the family include connectors such as much less, never mind, and to say nothing of (Iza Erviti, 2015). Each of these configurations exhibits a variety of distinctive meaning properties while operating within the spectrum of complementary alternation. This study contends that the various meanings attributed to these constructions result from the activation of different cognitive operations. To support this assertion, this article presents an in-depth study of the X Never Mind Y construction, revealing how the different cognitive operations underlying it affect the nature of the intratextual connections it creates and the meaning effects it conveys. Furthermore, this article elucidates why this construction is applicable in a wide array of contexts. These findings support a novel classification of complementary alternation constructions based on the cognitive operations involved in the constructions., R&D&i project PID2020-118349GB-I00 funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (Spain)
Primary metaphors in advertising: An analysis of tangible vs. intangible products printed advertisements, Metáforas primarias en publicidad: un análisis de anuncios impresos de productos tangibles e intangibles, Métaphores primaires dans la publicité: une analyse des publicités imprimées de produits tangibles et intangibles
RODIN. Repositorio de Objetos de Docencia e Investigación de la Universidad de Cádiz
- Pérez Hernández, Lorena
- Huget Varea, David
Las metáforas primarias son puntos focales de la industria publicitaria global actual (Ortiz, 2010, 2011; Pérez-Hernández, 2013a, 2013b, 2014, 2019; Pérez -Sobrino, 2017). Sin embargo, existen escasos estudios sobre cómo operan en relación con la naturaleza de los diferentes productos/servicios. Este artículo tiene como objetivo proporcionar (1) información sobre la ubicuidad y el funcionamiento de las metáforas primarias en los anuncios impresos; y (2) un análisis exhaustivo de su productividad en relación con la naturaleza (material vs. inmaterial) del producto/servicio. El análisis de corpus (300 anuncios) revela que las metáforas primarias superan ampliamente en número a las de semejanza en los anuncios analizados. También proporciona un inventario de los dominios fuente y meta implicados, y describe los patrones de interacción entre las metáforas primarias y el producto/servicio. El análisis revela una mayor frecuencia de aparición de metáforas primarias en relación con productos tangibles y proporciona una explicación para esta tendencia., Primary metaphors are focal points for the present-day global advertising industry (Ortiz, 2010, 2011; Pérez-Hernández, 2013b, 2014, 2019; Pérez-Sobrino, 2017). Nevertheless, there is little research on how they operate in relation to the nature of different products/services. This paper aims to provide (1) insights into the pervasiveness and functioning of multimodal primary metaphors in printed advertisements; and (2) a thorough analysis on their productivity in relation to the nature (material vs. immaterial) of the target product. The analysis of a corpus of 300 printed ads reveals that primary metaphors largely outnumber resemblance metaphors in the advertisements under scrutiny. It provides a detailed inventory of the source and target domains involved, and a description of the interaction patterns between primary metaphors and the product/service. The analysis of the data unveils a higher frequency of occurrence of primary metaphor mappings in relation to tangible products and elucidates reasons for this attested trend., Les métaphores primaires sont les points focaux de l’industrie publicitaire mondiale actuelle (Ortiz, 2010, 2011; Pérez-Hernández, 2013b, 2014, 2019 ; Pérez-Sobrino, 2017). Cependant, il existe peu d’études sur leur fonctionnement par rapport à la nature des différents produits/services. Cet article vise à fournir (1) des informations sur l’omniprésence et le fonctionnement des métaphores primaires multimodales dans les publicités imprimées; et (2) une analyse approfondie de son productivité par rapport à la nature (tangible vs immatériel) du produit/service. L’analyse du corpus (300 publicités) révèle que les métaphores primaires sont bien plus nombreuses que celles de similitude dans les publicités analysées. Il fournit également un inventaire des domaines source et cible impliqués, et décrit les modèles d’interaction entre les métaphores primaires et le produit/service. L’analyse révèle une fréquence d’occurrence plus élevée des métaphores primaires en relation avec des produits tangibles et fournit une explication de cette tendance.
The Lexicogrammatical Profile of Non-agentive Deverbal -er Nominals: A Usage-based Approach
RUA. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Alicante
- Guerrero Medina, Pilar
- Palma Gutiérrez, Macarena
In this paper we analyse the lexicogrammatical profile of 30 non-agentive deverbal -er nominalisations, showing that the different semantic types that middle structures instantiate in Heyvaert’s (2003) usage-based classification (i.e., facility-, quality-, feasibility-, destinyand result-oriented) can be systematically found among the non-agentive -er nominals in our corpus. Following Lemmens (1998) and Heyvaert (2001, 2003), we believe that a detailed analysis of the type of base verbs used in deverbal -er formations is necessary to provide a more accurate classification on a lexicogrammatical basis. A basic distinction is thus made between -er nominals that profile patientive participants and -er nominals that designate circumstantial participants. Patientive nominalisations include Goal-profiling derivations based on transitive verbs, such as Freerider or scratcher, as well as Medium-profiling formations derived from ergative verbs, such as best-seller, top-seller and broiler, where the profiled entities can be said to co-participate in the process. Circumstantial nominalisations (mostly derived from intransitive verbs) include Location-profiling formations, like two-seater or bed-sitter, and Instrumental-profiling formations, such as baby jumper or tourer. We have conducted a qualitative corpus-based analysis in order to examine the lexico-semantic and lexico-paradigmatic profile of 30 deverbal -er nominalisations in present-day English. Using the Concordance section of Sketch Engine in the enTenTen20 corpus, we have been able to retrieve a total of 2,847 contextualised examples, including agentive and non-agentive instantiations., This article is associated with project PID2020-118349GB-I00, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, and Innovation, State Research Agency. We wish to thank two anonymous reviewers for constructive comments and stimulating suggestions for improvement.